The Domestic Workers Convention, 2011(No. 189) and Recommendation (No. 201)


The Domestic Workers

Convention, 2011(No. 189) and

Recommendation (No. 201)

P r e s e n t a t i o n b y R u d i D e l a r u e , D i r e c t o r I L O O f f i c e t o E U a n d B e n e l u x c o u n t r i e s

P e r s o n a l a n d h o u s e h o l d s e r v i c e s , b r e a k f a s t d e b a t e ,

2 8 . 0 3 . 2 0 1 3 , B r u s s e l s o r g a n i s e d b y E d e n r e d a n d T o u t e l ’ E u r o p e . E U

What is the ILO ?

 International Labour Organisation (ILO):

Established in 1919

Tripartite (employers, workers and governments)

First specialised UN agency

ILO Office is the secretariat (HQ Geneva; 50 field offices)

Social Justice for a fair globalisation: the decent work agenda

(employment and sustainable enterprises, social protection, fundamental rights and principles at work, social dialogue)

Backed-up by 80 up to date international labour conventions and 80 up to date recommendations

Standard setting, supervisory system, technical cooperation, research and analysis, training

Public Private Partnerships

EU active within ILO and EU-ILO partnership: see

Why new International Labour Standards on Domestic Workers

• Large segment of the global workforce: 53.6 million workers worldwide in 2010 (83% women)

• Between 1995 and 2010: increase by 19 million

• 3.6% of global wage employment and 7.5% of total female wage employment

• Key for the functioning of households and labour markets

• Decent work deficits: low wages, excessively long hours, safety and health issues, risk of abuse and harassment, discrimination, in worst cases forced labour...


• Domestic work broadly defined as

work performed in or for a household or households

• A domestic worker defined as

any person engaged in domestic work within an

employment relationship

C.189 & R.201 include employees both of households and organizations/service providers

Key standards and approaches

• Measures for ensuring fair terms of employment and

decent working conditions for domestic workers, on an equal footing with other workers

• Promoting formalization of the employment relationship

(contracts, pay slips, time records, …)

• Developing of measures for ensuring compliance with laws and regulations protecting domestic workers

Working conditions

Working time:

• Normal hours, weekly & daily rest, paid leave: towards equal treatment

• Minimum 24 consecutive hours of weekly rest

• Stand-by: to be defined in national law


• Inclusion in minimum wage coverage

• In kind payments - only limited and under strict conditions

Working conditions

Social security, maternity protection

• Conditions not less favorable than those applicable to workers generally (progressive implementation)

• Simplified payment of social security contributions (including in case of multiple employers)

Health and safety at work

• Measures to ensure occupational safety and health (progressive implementation)

• Protection from harassment, abuse and violence

ILO Strategy and actions on decent work for domestic workers

 Awareness-raising on domestic workers’ issues & rights

 Strengthening of national institutions

 Assisting in preparing policy and legislative reforms and/or programmes

 Strengthening of organizations of domestic workers and their employers

 Support in respect of ratification and implementation of

C189, & implementation of R201

ILO Strategy and actions on decent work for domestic workers

Ratifications of convention 189 in March 2013:

Italy, Mauritius, Philippines, Uruguay

A lot of preparatory work on-going in many countries:

Analyses and revision of legislation and practices

Consultations on the ratification and ratification procedures under way

EU support:

Within ILO (adoption by June 2011 ILC)

European Commission adopted a proposal for a Council decision authorising EU MS to ratify

EC recommended 27 MS to ratify

Stong EP support (Resolution of May 2011) and EESC support

Wider debate on employment potential of personal and household services

ILO Strategy and actions on decent work for domestic workers

Wide outreach to interested partners

For more information on domestic work see:

For more information on ILO and EU see ILO

Brussels website:

Thank you very much
