KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY GRADUATE COURSE PROPOSAL OR REVISION, Cover Sheet (10/02/2002) Course Number/Program Name ITEC 8540 Business Management & Staffing for Technology Programs Department Instructional Technology Degree Title (if applicable) Proposed Effective Date Fall 2014 Check one or more of the following and complete the appropriate sections: X New Course Proposal Course Title Change Course Number Change Course Credit Change Course Prerequisite Change Course Description Change Sections to be Completed II, III, IV, V, VII I, II, III I, II, III I, II, III I, II, III I, II, III Notes: If proposed changes to an existing course are substantial (credit hours, title, and description), a new course with a new number should be proposed. A new Course Proposal (Sections II, III, IV, V, VII) is required for each new course proposed as part of a new program. Current catalog information (Section I) is required for each existing course incorporated into the program. Minor changes to a course can use the simplified E-Z Course Change Form. Submitted by: Faculty Member Approved _____ Date Not Approved Department Curriculum Committee Date Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Not Approved Department Chair Date College Curriculum Committee Date College Dean Date GPCC Chair Date Dean, Graduate College Date Not Approved Not Approved Not Approved Not Approved Not Approved Vice President for Academic Affairs Date Approved Not Approved President Date 1 KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY GRADUATE COURSE/CONCENTRATION/PROGRAM CHANGE I. Current Information (Fill in for changes) Page Number in Current Catalog ___ Course Prefix and Number ___ Course Title ___ Class Hours ____Laboratory Hours_______Credit Hours________ Prerequisites ___ Description (or Current Degree Requirements) II. Proposed Information (Fill in for changes and new courses) Course Prefix and Number _ITEC 8540________________________ Course Title _ Business Management & Staffing for Technology Programs Class Hours 3 ____Laboratory Hours___0____CreditHours___3_____ Prerequisites Admission to the Instructional Technology Ed.S./Ed.D. program or approval of instructor. Description (or Proposed Degree Requirements) This course prepares aspiring technology leaders to manage large-scale budgets and address issues of recurring costs, ongoing maintenance, human resource management, and accountability pressures that are uniquely associated with managing district technology programs. Topics include (1) hiring, training, retaining, and evaluating technical staff; and (2) calculating total cost of ownership, value of investment, and return on investment models for technology purchases/programs. III. Justification Technology purchases, the ongoing maintenance of critical information systems, and the recruitment/retention/management of technical staff present unique challenges for district-level Technology Directors and/or Chief Information Officers (CIOs). In school settings, these challenges are frequently compounded by limited resources and increased demands for accountability. To be successful in top-level technology leadership positions, educators need technology-related business management skills in budgeting, reporting, and human resources. 2 IV. Additional Information (for New Courses only) Instructor: Dr. Jo Williamson Text: Consortium for School Networking (CoSn), Becoming a capable school technology leader, Washington, D.C.: CoSn Readings as assigned by instructor. Prerequisites: Admission to the Instructional Technology Ed.S./Ed.D. program or approval of instructor. Objectives: 1. Define the following terms/concepts related to technology budgeting and procurement: Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), Return on Investment (ROI), Value of Investment (VOI), Governmental Accounting Standards (GAS), types of budgeting processes (line item, function/object, zero-based, program-oriented, fixed-variable, site-based), audits, budgeting cycles, Request for proposals (RFP), Request for Information (RFI), Best and Final Offers (BFOs), fixed costs, variable costs, recurring costs, one-time costs, unit costs, extended costs, accounting categories (capital outlay, service, personnel, instructional, etc.), bidding processes/committees, sealed bids/open bids, business partnerships, fiscal programs, and grants. 2. Identify federal, state, local, and private funding sources for technology programs. 3. Locate and describe one available, competitive grant and propose one business partnership to support a specific technology program. 4. Identify key steps in evaluating a technology for purchase. 5. Describe and critique a district staffing plan for technology (Types/number of positions, job descriptions, salaries, funding sources, organizational structure). Provide at least one suggestion, rationale, and supporting cost estimates for a staffing change in that district. 6. Develop a proposal for a district, state, regional, or national technology initiative. Prepare a research-based rationale for this initiative and a five-year, preliminary budget for the technologies, facility costs, supplies/resources, staffing, and professional development needed to implement that initiative. Prepare Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), Return on Investments (ROI), and Value of Ownership (VOI) projections to support the budget. Designate funding sources for each budgeted item. Include one grant and a business partnership as component for the proposal. For the preliminary budget, use price estimates based on published retail costs and/or initial research with vendors for technologies and services. Note which items will likely be subject to bid based on current procurement policies and laws. Prepare basic specification for these items for a future Request for Proposals (RFP). 3 Instructional Method The course will be 100% online. The following instructional strategies will be used to collaboratively and interactively present course material and engage students in critical thinking and discourse at the graduate level: Lecture/Demonstration Class/small group discussion Authentic, Project-based learning Peer Review Instructor Review/Coaching Method of Evaluation 1. STAFFING REPORT/ANALYSIS – Prepare a 10-minute presentation on the current technology staffing structure for a school district. In the presentation, briefly describe the district’s demographics (size, Rural/Urban/Suburban designation, free and reduced lunch stats, etc.), number of/titles of current technology staff, job responsibilities, estimated salaries, and funding sources for salaries (if available). Analyze the current balance between technology support/operations and technology integration/instructional technology. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of current technology staffing structure and offer recommendations, if applicable. Support your presentation with organizational charts, job descriptions, and examples of blank job evaluation instruments, as available/appropriate. Remove all information that would identify the district or specific personnel. (200 points) 2. TECHNOLOGY INITIATIVE PROPOSAL - Develop a written proposal (approximately 10 pages) and accompanying presentation (20 mins.) for a district, state, regional, or national technology initiative designed to positively impact student learning. Prepare a research-based rationale for this school improvement initiative and a five-year, preliminary budget for the technologies, facility costs, supplies/resources, staffing, and professional development needed to implement that initiative. Prepare Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), Return on Investments (ROI), and Value of Ownership (VOI) projections to support the budget. Designate funding sources for each budgeted item. Include one grant and a business partnership as component for the proposal. For the preliminary budget, use price estimates based on published retail costs and/or initial research with vendors for technologies and services. Note items that will likely be subject to bid based on current procurement policies and laws. Prepare basic specification for these items for a future Request for Proposals (RFP). Include measurable goals for the initiative and a brief evaluation plan to monitor progress toward these goals. Template provided in D2L. (400 points) [Structured Field Experience, Program Assessment] 4 OTHER COURSE ASSIGNMENTS 1. FINAL EXAMINATION (100 points): Complete a final exam identifying terms/concepts related to technology budgeting and procurement: Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), Return on Investment (ROI), Value of Investment (VOI), Governmental Accounting Standards (GAS), types of budgeting processes (line item, function/object, zero-based, programoriented, fixed-variable, site-based), audits, budgeting cycles, Request for proposals (RFP), Request for Information (RFI), Best and Final Offers (BFOs), fixed costs, variable costs, recurring costs, one-time costs, unit costs, extended costs, accounting categories (capital outlay, service, personnel, instructional, etc.), bidding processes/committees, sealed bids/open bids, business partnerships, fiscal programs (including e-Rate), and current largescale, federal grants initiatives. 2. GRANT AND PARTNERSHIP ASSIGNMENT (50 points): Locate and describe one available, competitive grant and propose one business partnership to support a specific technology program. Template provided in D2L. 3. PARTICIPATION IN REQUIRED SYNCHRONOUS MEETINGS (50 points): Be online as meeting starts, attend entire meeting, and participate during meeting (25 points each meeting). 4. REFLECTIONS, ONLINE DISCUSSIONS, & PRACTICE ACTIVITIES (305 points): Complete a variety of weekly assignments to help you address course goals. 5. FIELD EXPERIENCE LOGS –The structured field experience log will document your work on the Technology Initiative Proposal. Activities for the unstructured log are up to you. TOTAL POINTS FOR CLASS: Approximately 1105 points Grades will be based on the following criteria: A: 90% - 100% B: 80% - 89% C: 70% -79% F: 69% or lower V. Resources and Funding Required (New Courses only) Resource Amount Faculty Other Personnel Equipment Supplies Travel New Books New Journals Other (Specify) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 0 Funding Required Beyond Normal Departmental Growth 5 VI. COURSE MASTER FORM This form will be completed by the requesting department and will be sent to the Office of the Registrar once the course has been approved by the Office of the President. The form is required for all new courses. DISCIPLINE COURSE NUMBER COURSE TITLE FOR LABEL Programs (Note: Limit 30 spaces) CLASS-LAB-CREDIT HOURS Approval, Effective Term Grades Allowed (Regular or S/U) If course used to satisfy CPC, what areas? Learning Support Programs courses which are required as prerequisites ITEC ITEC 8540 Business Mngt & Staff for Tech 3-0-3 Fall 2014 Regular APPROVED: ________________________________________________ Vice President for Academic Affairs or Designee __ 6 VII Attach Syllabus BAGWELL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION ITEC 8540 Business Management & Staffing for Technology Programs Department of Instructional Technology Kennesaw State University Semester: Credits: 3 Instructor: Jo Williamson, Ph.D. Assoc. Professor/Instructional Technology KH 3104 678.797.2232 D2L email (preferred) Communication Policy: Students can expect the instructor to respond to their emails or phone calls delivered between 8 a.m. Monday and 8 a.m. Friday within 24 hours. Instructor will respond to communication delivered between 8 a.m. on Friday and 8 a.m. on Monday before noon on Tuesday. The instructor will notify students in advance via D2L email if a 24-hour response time may be jeopardized by professional travel or other rare, extenuating circumstances. Students are expected to adhere to the same response schedule when answering communication from the instructor or classmates. Students should also notify the instructor and classmates on the rare occasion when professional travel or other extenuating circumstances, such as illness or emergencies, would disrupt the response schedule. All correspondence/assignment submissions should be conducted through D2L. Use instructor’s alternate email only in times of technical difficulty. Class Sessions: Fully Online Course. No face-to-face sessions. Required Online Synchronous Sessions: Thurs. Sept. 12, 6-8 p.m.; Thurs. Oct. 10, 6-8 p.m. Optional Online Synchronous “Drop In” Sessions: Tues. Aug. 20, 7-8 p.m.; Thurs. Aug. 29, 7-8 p.m.; Thurs. Sept. 26. 7-8 p.m., Tues. Oct. 29, 7-8 p.m.; Thurs. Nov. 21, 7-8 p.m. Additional Academic Support: Students have access to the KSU Writing Center and Student Support Services. Links are provided in D2L. If accommodations are required, students should send documentation to the instructor immediately. Accommodations for future assignments will be made within 3-5 days of receipt of documentation. Instructor will be available for consultations via email, phone, or online meetings by appointment for those who need extra help beyond required and optional face-to-face meetings. Individual consultations are not a substitute for attending pre-scheduled meetings as listed in the syllabus. Required Text: Consortium for School Networking (CoSn), Becoming a capable school technology leader, Washington, D.C.: CoSn Readings as assigned by instructor 7 Prerequisite: Admission to the Instructional Technology Ed.S./Ed.D. program or approval of instructor. Catalog Description: This course prepares aspiring technology leaders to manage large-scale budgets and address issues of recurring costs, ongoing maintenance, human resource management, and accountability pressures that are uniquely associated with managing district technology programs. Topics include (1) hiring, training, retaining, and evaluating technical staff; and (2) calculating total cost of ownership, value of investment, and return on investment models for technology purchases/programs. Purpose/Rationale: Technology purchases, the ongoing maintenance of critical information systems, and the recruitment/retention/management of technical staff present unique challenges for district-level Technology Directors and/or Chief Information Officers (CIOs). In school settings, these challenges are frequently compounded by limited resources and increased demands for accountability. To be successful in top-level technology leadership positions, educators need technology-related business management skills in budgeting, reporting, and human resources. Course Objectives: Upon completion of ITEC 8540, candidates will be able to: 1. Define the following terms/concepts related to technology budgeting and procurement: Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), Return on Investment (ROI), Value of Investment (VOI), Governmental Accounting Standards (GAS), types of budgeting processes (line item, function/object, zero-based, program-oriented, fixed-variable, site-based), audits, budgeting cycles, Request for proposals (RFP), Request for Information (RFI), Best and Final Offers (BFOs), fixed costs, variable costs, recurring costs, one-time costs, unit costs, extended costs, accounting categories (capital outlay, service, personnel, instructional, etc.), bidding processes/committees, sealed bids/open bids, business partnerships, fiscal programs, and grants. 2. Identify federal, state, local, and private funding sources for technology programs. 3. Locate and describe one available, competitive grant and propose one business partnership to support a specific technology program. 4. Identify key steps in evaluating a technology for purchase. 5. Describe and critique a district staffing plan for technology (Types/number of positions, job descriptions, salaries, funding sources, organizational structure). Provide at least one suggestion, rationale, and supporting cost estimates for a staffing change in that district. 6. Develop a proposal for a district, state, regional, or national technology initiative. Prepare a research-based rationale for this initiative and a five-year, preliminary budget for the technologies, facility costs, supplies/resources, staffing, and professional development needed to implement that initiative. Prepare Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), Return on 8 Investments (ROI), and Value of Ownership (VOI) projections to support the budget. Designate funding sources for each budgeted item. Include one grant and a business partnership as component for the proposal. For the preliminary budget, use price estimates based on published retail costs and/or initial research with vendors for technologies and services. Note which items will likely be subject to bid based on current procurement policies and laws. Prepare basic specification for these items for a future Request for Proposals (RFP). Conceptual Framework: COLLABORATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF EXPERTISE IN TEACHING, LEARNING and LEADERSHIP Our vision as a nationally recognized Professional Teacher Education Unit (PTEU) is to remain at the forefront of educator preparation. Informed by responsive engagement in collaborative partnerships, we advance educational excellence through innovative teaching in an everchanging global and digital learning environment. Our mission is to prepare educators to improve student learning within a collaborative teaching and learning community through innovative teaching, purposeful research, and engaged service. The essence of our vision and mission is captured in the theme Collaborative Development of Expertise in Teaching, Learning and Leadership which was adopted in 2002 to express concisely the fundamental approach to educator preparation at KSU. The Professional Teacher Education Unit (PTEU) at Kennesaw State University is committed to developing expertise among candidates in initial and advanced programs as teachers, teacher leaders and school leaders who possess the capability, intent and expertise to facilitate high levels of learning in all of their students through effective, research-based practices in classroom instruction, and to enhance the structures that support all learning. To that end, the PTEU fosters the development of candidates as they progress through stages of growth from novice to proficient to expert and leader. Within the PTEU conceptual framework, expertise is viewed as a process of continued development, not an end-state. To be effective, teachers and educational leaders must embrace the notion that teaching and learning are entwined and that only through the implementation of validated practices can all students construct meaning and reach high levels of learning. In that way, candidates are facilitators of the teaching and learning process. Finally, the PTEU recognizes, values and demonstrates collaborative practices across the college and university and extends collaboration to the community-at-large. Through this collaboration with professionals in the university, local communities, public and private schools and school districts, parents and other professional partners, the PTEU meets the ultimate goal of bringing all of Georgia’s students to high levels of learning. Use of Technology Technology Standards for Educators are required by the Professional Standards Commission. Telecommunication and information technologies will be integrated throughout the master teacher preparation program, and all candidates must be able to use technology to improve student learning and meet Georgia Technology Standards for Educators. During the courses, 9 candidates will be provided with opportunities to explore and use instructional media, especially microcomputers, to assist teaching. They will master use of productivity tools, such as multimedia facilities, local-net and Internet, and feel confident to design multimedia instructional materials, create WWW resources, and develop an electronic learning portfolio. Diversity Statement The KSU Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) believes all learners are entitled to equitable educational opportunities. To that end, programs within the EPP consist of curricula, field experiences, and clinical practice that promote candidates’ development of knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions related to diversity identified in the unit’s conceptual framework, including the local community, Georgia, the nation, and the world. Curricula and applied experiences are based on well-developed knowledge foundations for, and conceptualizations of, diversity and inclusion so that candidates can apply them effectively in schools. Candidates learn to contextualize teaching and draw effectively on representations from the students’ own experiences and cultures. They learn to collaborate and engage with families in ways that value the resources, understandings, and knowledge that students bring from their home lives, communities and cultures as assets to enrich learning opportunities. Candidates maintain high expectations for all students (including English learners, students with exceptionalities and other historically marginalized and underrepresented students), and support student success through research-based culturally, linguistically, and socially relevant pedagogies and curricula. Field Experience Statement: The major assignment(s) in this course are field-based activities that will require at least 20 hours of beyond-class work to complete. These are STRUCTURED field experiences built into the course and do not require candidates to complete logs. Assignments serving as structured field experiences are labeled in the assignments section of this syllabus. The completed assignments and end-of-course reflection serve as evidence of these completed field experience hours. In addition to structured field experience hours, candidates are required to complete 5 hours of UNSTRUCTURED field experiences and accompanying logs/reflections in each course. Unstructured field experience hours should address the ISTE and CoSN standards identified in this syllabus. Each candidate should work with school/district personnel to identify appropriate, technology-related activities that the candidate can complete in the school/district. The instructor will provide candidates with a list of possible field experiences that would meet or exceed performances appropriate for an aspiring technology director and an UNSTRUCTURED field experience log to document the 5 hours of unstructured field experiences. This log should be submitted to the instructor on the date indicated in the course schedule. The unstructured field experience log will be provided to you by the professor of each course. Candidates are required to complete field experiences in diverse settings with diverse populations from different socioeconomic groups and ethnic/racial groups. Candidates also work with English language learners and students with disabilities. In order to meet these requirements, you should complete several of your field experiences in diverse settings. You are required to document in your field-experience log the diverse settings and various P-12 school levels in which you complete your field experiences. 10 ISTE Technology Director Standards Assessed in this Course: Standard 2: Digital-Age Learning Culture Technology directors create, promote, and sustain a dynamic, digital-age learning culture that provides a rigorous, relevant, and engaging education for all students. 2.1 Digital Tools & Resources Candidates assist district and school leaders to identify, evaluate, and select exemplary digital tools and resources that support learning goals, incorporate research-based instructional design principles, and are compatible with the school technology infrastructure. Standard 3: Excellence in Professional Practice Technology directors promote an environment of professional learning and innovation that empowers educators to enhance student learning through the infusion of contemporary technologies and digital resources. 3.4 Current Research & Emerging Technologies Candidates maintain in-depth knowledge of current educational research and emerging technologies and evaluate potential benefits and implementation requirements (purchase cost, training, human resources, installation, maintenance, compatibility). Standard 4: Systemic Improvement Technology directors provide digital-age leadership and management to continually improve the organization through the effective use of information and technology resources. 4.2 Program Evaluation Candidates conduct evaluations on professional development programs, technology infrastructure, and instructional technology interventions by establishing metrics, collecting and analyzing data, interpreting results, and sharing findings to improve staff performance and student learning. 4.3 Human Resources Management Candidates hire, organize, supervise, evaluate, and retain highly qualified technology staff to advance and maintain the technology infrastructure and promote academic and operational goals. 4.4 Partnerships Candidates establish partnerships to support the technology infrastructure and provide technology resources for the effective integration of technology to advance district programs and goals. Standard 6: Content Knowledge and Professional Growth Technology directors demonstrate professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions in content, pedagogical, and technological areas as well as adult learning, leadership, and management and are continually deepening their knowledge and expertise. 6.4 Continuous Learning 11 Candidates engage in continuous learning to deepen their content, technical, and leadership and management knowledge, skills, and dispositions. 6.5 Reflection Candidates regularly evaluate, reflect on, and synthesize their work and research to improve and strengthen their professional practice. COSN Framework of Essential Skills of the K-12 CTO Addressed in this Course: Standard 5. Team Building & Staffing Play an integral role in the district’s strategic planning process; create and support crossfunctional teams for decision-making, technology support, professional development, and other aspects of the district’s technology program. 5A. Create Teams Create cross-functional teams for appropriate aspects of the district’s technology program. 5B. Support Teams Support cross-functional teams for appropriate aspects of the district’s technology program. 5C. Manage Teams Manage diverse, cross-functional teams that work and perform well. 5D. Mentoring & Empowering Mentor and empower others to assume leadership roles; set clear objectives and measures. 5E. Trust Build an environment of trust through communication and transparency about decisions and how they are made. 5F. Tools Use tools (e.g., quality improvement) for decision making to support effective teamwork. 5G. Communication Build an environment that encourages team member communication. 5H. Evaluation Build an environment that encourages team member communication. 5I. Hiring Make effective hiring decisions using quantitative and qualitative data. 5J. Feedback Provide feedback to individuals and teams on a regular basis regarding areas of strength and required growth, using quantitative and qualitative data. 1 5K. Organizational Chart 12 Analyze the structure and organizational chart of the team relative to its ability to address the district strategic plan 5L. Deployment Deploy staff to best address the district strategic plan and meet its goals. Standard 9. Business Management Manage the budget and serve as a strong business leader who guides purchasing decisions, determines the return on investment for all technology implementations, and fosters good relationships with vendors, potential funders, and other key groups. 9A. Funding Source Identify funding sources available to the district and leverage them to meet district and programmatic goals. 9B. Budgets Develop and manage budgets, both annually and long-range. 9C. TCO & VOI Develop accurate pricing estimates for technology initiatives by using TCO and VOI. 9D. Purchasing Make effective purchasing decisions following relevant laws, policies, and guidelines. 9E. Accounting Manage district funds by following basic financial and accounting principles and processes and all regulatory guidelines. 9F. Vendors Direct, manage, and negotiate with vendors and business partners. 9G. Purchasing Guidelines Direct, coordinate, and ensure implementation of all tasks related to selection and purchasing (e.g., RFPs, purchasing guidelines). 9H. Budget for PD Budget for ongoing, purposeful professional development for all staff using new technologies. 13 Course requirements: MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS 3. STAFFING REPORT/ANALYSIS – Prepare a 10-minute presentation on the current technology staffing structure for a school district. In the presentation, briefly describe the district’s demographics (size, Rural/Urban/Suburban designation, free and reduced lunch stats, etc.), number of/titles of current technology staff, job responsibilities, estimated salaries, and funding sources for salaries (if available). Analyze the current balance between technology support/operations and technology integration/instructional technology. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of current technology staffing structure and offer recommendations, if applicable. Support your presentation with organizational charts, job descriptions, and examples of blank job evaluation instruments, as available/appropriate. Remove all information that would identify the district or specific personnel. (200 points) [Structured Field Experience, Program Assessment] (ISTE 4.3 Human Resources Management; ISTE 6.4 Continuous Learning; ISTE 6.5 Reflection) 4. TECHNOLOGY INITIATIVE PROPOSAL - Develop a written proposal (approximately 10 pages) and accompanying presentation (20 mins.) for a district, state, regional, or national technology initiative designed to positively impact student learning. Prepare a research-based rationale for this school improvement initiative and a five-year, preliminary budget for the technologies, facility costs, supplies/resources, staffing, and professional development needed to implement that initiative. Prepare Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), Return on Investments (ROI), and Value of Ownership (VOI) projections to support the budget. Designate funding sources for each budgeted item. Include one grant and a business partnership as component for the proposal. For the preliminary budget, use price estimates based on published retail costs and/or initial research with vendors for technologies and services. Note items that will likely be subject to bid based on current procurement policies and laws. Prepare basic specification for these items for a future Request for Proposals (RFP). Include measurable goals for the initiative and a brief evaluation plan to monitor progress toward these goals. Template provided in D2L. (400 points) [Structured Field Experience, Program Assessment] (ISTE 2.1 Digital Tools & Resources; ISTE 3.4 Current Research & Emerging Technologies; ISTE 4.2 Program Evaluation; ISTE 6.4 Continuous Learning; ISTE 6.5 Reflection) OTHER COURSE ASSIGNMENTS 2. FINAL EXAMINATION (100 points): Complete a final exam identifying terms/concepts related to technology budgeting and procurement: Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), Return on Investment (ROI), Value of Investment (VOI), Governmental Accounting Standards (GAS), types of budgeting processes (line item, function/object, zero-based, programoriented, fixed-variable, site-based), audits, budgeting cycles, Request for proposals (RFP), Request for Information (RFI), Best and Final Offers (BFOs), fixed costs, variable costs, 14 recurring costs, one-time costs, unit costs, extended costs, accounting categories (capital outlay, service, personnel, instructional, etc.), bidding processes/committees, sealed bids/open bids, business partnerships, fiscal programs (including e-Rate), and current largescale, federal grants initiatives. 6. GRANT AND PARTNERSHIP ASSIGNMENT (50 points): Locate and describe one available, competitive grant and propose one business partnership to support a specific technology program. Template provided in D2L. (ISTE 4.4 Partnerships; ISTE 6.4 Continuous Learning; ISTE 6.5 Reflection) 7. PARTICIPATION IN REQUIRED SYNCHRONOUS MEETINGS (50 points): Be online as meeting starts, attend entire meeting, and participate during meeting (25 points each meeting). 8. REFLECTIONS, ONLINE DISCUSSIONS, & PRACTICE ACTIVITIES (305 points): Complete a variety of weekly assignments to help you address course goals. 9. FIELD EXPERIENCE LOGS –The structured field experience log will document your work on the Technology Initiative Proposal. Activities for the unstructured log are up to you. TOTAL POINTS FOR CLASS: Approximately 1105 points Grades will be based on the following criteria: A: 90% - 100% B: 80% - 89% C: 70% -79% F: 69% or lower COURSE POLICIES LATE WORK POLICY: Late work will be accepted for up to two assignments submitted within three days of original due date/time. One letter grade will be deducted per day for late assignments. After the three-day period, the instructor will assign a zero for the missing assignment. Extensions can be granted in rare, extenuating, documentable circumstances and the student should discuss this possibility directly with the instructor. Postings for readings and discussions are to be completed in a timely manner. Late assignments disrupt the collaborative nature of the course and inconvenience classmates. If candidates do not post their work on time, the peers assigned to respond to their work are not required to wait until they post. Instead they should respond to another classmate of their choice by the required deadline. All work should be submitted through the official D2L course so that it receives official time stamps. If there is a technical difficulty with the D2L site, seek help through D2L technical resources. If technical solutions cannot be resolved, submit work directly to your instructors’ KSU email account by the due date/time (see p. 1 of syllabus for contact information). 15 MINIMUM GRADE ON MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS: Students must receive an A or B on the final Engaged Learning Project to receive an A in the course. MISSING WORK: All assigned work is expected to be completed. No student will receive an A in this course unless all assignments are completed and submitted, even though credit for the assignment may not be awarded for late assignments. NETIQUETTE: All online communication among class participants, including those involving the instructor, should be governed by commonly-accepted rules of netiquette. See for an overview of netiquette principles. DEPARTMENT POLICIES FOR ONLINE COURSES Attendance/Participation Policy Candidates must visit the course site once a day to view new announcements and course content. Email must be checked on a daily basis. Participation requires more than attendance. It is expected that candidates will keep up to date with the readings and share ideas online, as well as participate in all course-related activities. All assignments must be turned in on time via the course site. Completion of all assignments, course activities, and online discussions is required. To receive full credit for attendance and participation in each module, you are required to complete all assignments according to the due dates and guidelines. Assignment Policy Candidates will submit all assignments electronically via the course site. If there are technical problems with the course site, assignments can be sent to your professor in an e-mail. The subject line of the email must include your name, the course alphanumeric designator, and the name of the assignment. All assignment due dates refer to midnight EST on the listed due dates. The course software standards for submission of assignments are Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and PDF. Assignments completed in other formats may not be accepted. Consult with professor. When technical problems occur and you cannot submit your assignment electronically, send an email to your professor to explain the difficulty. If you cannot use email, call your professor to explain the difficulty. If you reach your professor’s voicemail, leave a message explaining the difficulty and a phone contact where you can be reached. Your professor will grade assignments within five days of the due date and will send you feedback electronically, either by email or through comments posted on an assignment returned via the course site. Grades on assignments will be posted within five days of the due date. You must refer to the gradebook within the course site to determine the grade you earned on each assignment. Please do NOT try to determine your grade by sending an email or calling your professor. If you need to discuss your grade or feedback you received on an assignment, please make an appointment with your professor. This may be done during published office hours, via email, D2L, or telephone contact. 16 In a graduate class, it is expected that work will be submitted on time; however if for some reason you cannot submit an assignment on time, notify the professor. If the professor chooses to accept the work late, there may be a penalty as determined by the instructor . Candidates are responsible for keeping a copy of all graded assignments. If a candidate cannot provide a copy of a graded assignment in question, no grade change or credit for a missing assignment is possible. Candidates must ensure that assignment files are free of viruses before submitting them. Candidates must keep virus detection software up to date. Should an assignment file fail scrutiny by the institution’s standard virus detection software, the candidate submitting the assignment will be advised so by email. A virus-free version must be resubmitted within 24 hours of the posting date of the email. Any subsequent failure to adhere to this requirement will cause an assignment to be unacceptable and result in grade of 0 to be recorded in the gradebook. Discussion Forum Policy Discussion forums will have an associated deadline by which time all students must have posted their responses to receive credit for participation. Chats will have a specified time period during which candidates must participate to receive credit. The professor will actively participate in discussions through a variety of strategies, such as responding to individual candidate postings throughout the discussion or by summarizing discussion points at the end. Candidates will be graded on discussion postings. Points are earned based on quality of responses and compliance with the required number of postings as specified in discussion assignment. The points earned by each candidate on a given discussion will be posted to the online gradebook no later than five days after the discussion ends. Candidates are expected to focus on the specific topics for each discussion as assigned. The introduction of irrelevant subjects is not permitted. Violators will be asked to leave the discussion, and a grade of zero will be recorded in the gradebook. “Flaming” is posting abusive or insulting messages. Any candidate who engages in flaming in a discussion will be required to leave the class. A grade of F for the course will be reported. All candidates have a right to discuss their opinions in discussions, however, all comments must be respectful to others as determined by the professor. Any candidate posting a disrespectful comment may be asked to leave the discussion, and a grade of zero may be recorded in the gradebook. Controlling behavior includes, but is not limited to, attempts to dominate a discussion by posting threads excessively, intentionally changing the discussion topic, or exhibiting an inappropriate or argumentative attitude. Controlling behavior is not permitted. Violators may be asked to leave the discussion, and a grade of zero may be recorded in the gradebook. Candidates required to leave a discussion will be notified of this consequence in a private email. 17 UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGE POLICIES KSU policies can be found in the Graduate Catalog or on the Registrar's Website but a few of the most relevant are highlighted here. WITHDRAWAL FROM COURSES: Students may withdraw from one or more courses any time before the last three weeks of the semester. To completely or partially withdraw from classes at KSU, a student must withdraw online at, under Owl Express, Registration and Student Records. Students who officially withdraw from courses before midsemester will receive a “W” in those courses and receive no credit. They will not, however, suffer any academic penalty. Students who officially withdraw after mid-semester (and before the last three weeks of the semester) will receive a “WF,” which will be counted as an “F” in the calculation of their grade point average. Exact withdrawal dates will be published in the official academic calendar and are subject to approval by the Board of Regents. Students who simply stop attending classes without officially withdrawing usually are assigned failing grades. The only exceptions to these withdrawal regulations will be for instances involving unusual circumstances that are fully documented. Students will receive refunds only when they withdraw from all their classes and only by the schedule outlined in the University System refund policy. INCOMPLETE GRADES: An “I” indicates an incomplete grade for the course, and will be awarded only when the student has done satisfactory work up to the last two weeks of the semester, but for nonacademic reasons beyond his/her control is unable to meet the full requirements of the course. A grade of I must be removed (by completing the course requirements) within one calendar year from the end of the semester or summer term in which the I was originally assigned. In addition, should the student enroll in classes at KSU during the calendar year, the grade of I must be removed by the end of the first semester or term of enrollment during that calendar year. Upon completion of the course requirements within the specified time limits, a final grade will be assigned on the basis of the student’s total performance. If the course requirements are not completed within the specified time limits, then the I will be changed to an F (for a course which awards letter grades of A, B, C, D, or F) and the cumulative and adjusted grade point average will be recalculated accordingly or, the I will be changed to a U (for a pass/fail course which awards a grade of S or U). An I cannot be removed by re-enrolling in the course. ACADEMIC HONESTY STATEMENT: The KSU Graduate Catalog states “KSU expects that graduate students will pursue their academic programs in an ethical, professional manner. Any work that students present in fulfillment of program or course requirements should reflect their own efforts, achieved without giving or receiving any unauthorized assistance. Any student who is found to have violated these expectations will be subject to disciplinary action. SUPPORT FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: If you have a hidden or visible disability requiring classroom or test accommodations, please provide documentation of your disability to your instructors immediately. Accommodations can be made only after the instructor has been notified. If you have not already done so, please register with KSU Disabled Student Support Services, the office responsible for coordinating accommodations and services for students with disabilities. If you need assistance in locating this information, please contact your instructor or look in the “Resources” section of your online class materials. 18 ACADEMIC INTEGRITY EXPECTATIONS: The KSU Graduate Catalog states “KSU expects that graduate students will pursue their academic programs in an ethical, professional manner. Any work that students present in fulfillment of program or course requirements should reflect their own efforts, achieved without giving or receiving any unauthorized assistance. The work completed in this class should be original work for the purposes of this class only and not course work submitted in any other class. Potential conflicts related to duplicative work should be discussed with the instructor. Any student who is found to have violated these expectations will be subject to disciplinary action by the university and/or the Professional Standards Commission, which authorizes teachers’ certification to practice in the state of Georgia. Every KSU student is responsible for upholding the provisions of the Student Code of Conduct, as published in the Graduate Catalog. Section II of the Student Code of Conduct addresses the University's policy on academic honesty, including provisions regarding plagiarism and cheating, unauthorized access to University materials, misrepresentation/falsification of University records or academic work, malicious removal, retention, or destruction of library materials, malicious/intentional misuse of computer facilities and/or services, and misuse of student identification cards. Incidents of alleged academic misconduct will be handled through the established procedures of the University Judiciary Program, which includes with an “informal” resolution by a faculty member, resulting in a grade adjustment, or a formal hearing procedure, which may subject a student to the Code of Conduct's minimum one semester suspension requirement. Course Orientation Fri., 8/16 – Sun. 8/25 - 20 points possible OPTIONAL SYNCHRONOUS DROP-IN: Tues. 8/20, 7-8 p.m. Part I, Complete by midnight, Wed. 8/21 Course Orientation View “Distance Learning Orientation” View “Explore the Resources” Complete the “Course Overview” video under “Learning Modules” in “Course Orientation” View “Instructor’s Introduction” View Instructor’s D2L Profile Post a D2L profile, including grade level and content you teach. If you are an ITEC student, post your Weebly Portfolio URL in the website field. [OM_Profile, 10 pts.] View “Syllabus Overview” video Obtain and preview your textbook Part II, Complete by midnight, Sun. 8/25 Building Community View all of your classmates’ D2L profiles after all have posted (midnight, Thurs. 6/13). To see profiles, log into D2L and go to your course. On the upper right corner of your course home page, you will see “Classlist.” Select the “Classlist” Link and select the photo or avatar of a classmate to access his or her profile. To return to the classlist, select the “go back” arrow. 19 After viewing profiles, send at least one email to at least three others with similar jobs and career goals as yourself. You may send more emails if you wish. In the subject field, type “Similar Assignments/Interests.” Copy your instructor so he/she can assign points. This will help you identify potential collaborators for future projects and assignments. Out of courtesy, you should respond to emails you receive, but you do not need to copy the instructor on your replies. If you have difficulty using the email functions of D2L, consult KSU technical support materials at [OM_Emails_10 pts.] 20 Module One: Evaluating Technologies with Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), Return on Investment (ROI), and Value of Investment (VOI) Models Mon. 8/26-Sun. 9/8 - 40 points possible OPTIONAL SYNCHRONOUS DROP-IN: Thurs. 8/29, 7-8 p.m. Complete by midnight, Wed. 9/4 Orientation to Module One Watch the orientation video for Module One Evaluating Technologies with TCO, ROI, VOI Read and complete activities in CoSN Module Ten, Part One: TCO, ROI, VOI Complete case study readings on TCO, ROI, VOI on Online Discussion Part One - Post Response to TCO, ROI, VOI Read and reflect on the questions/practice activities in D2L for CoSN Module Ten, Part One: TCO, ROI, VOI Post a 3-5 paragraph response to CoSN Module/Practice Activities: TCO, ROI, and VOI models. [M1_Post_25 pts.] Part II, Complete by midnight, Sun. 9/8 Online Discussion Part Two - Discuss Postings on TCO, ROI, VOI In the Discussion Forum on D2L, read peers’ postings and respond to others as assigned by the instructor. Include a discussion of TCO, ROI, VOI practice activities. [M1_PeerResp_15 pts.] Note: Begin work on Staffing and Technology Initiative Assignments. 21 Module Two: Federal Funding Programs, Grants and Partnerships for Technology Mon. 9/9 - Sun. 9/22 – 125 points possible REQUIRED SYNCHRONOUS SESSION: Tues. 9/10, 6-8 p.m. [M2_Synch, 25 pts.] Part I, Complete by midnight, Wed. 9/18 Orientation to Module Two Watch the orientation video for Module Two Technology Funding Programs, Grants and Partnerships Read and complete activities in CoSN Module Ten, Business Management, Part Two: Grants, Partnerships, Federal Technology Programs Complete readings on current federal funding programs and large-scale competitive grants for technology and innovation as assigned by instructor in D2L. Online Discussion Part One - Post Response to Technology Funding Programs, Grants and Partnerships Read and reflect on the questions in D2L CoSN Module Ten, Business Management, Part Two: Grants, Partnerships, Federal Technology Programs Post a 3-5 paragraph response to CoSN Module Ten, Business Management, Part Two: Grants, Partnerships, Federal Technology Programs [M2_Post_25 pts.] Attach Grants and Partnership Assignment to post. Template provided in D2L. [M2_Grants_50 pts.] Part II, Complete by midnight, Sun. 9/22 Online Discussion Part Two – Discuss Postings Technology Funding Programs, Grants and Partnerships Read and reflect on the questions in D2L for CoSN Module Ten, Business Management, Part Two: Grants, Partnerships, Federal Technology Programs Post a 3-5 paragraph response to CoSN Module Ten, Business Management, Part Two: Grants, Partnerships, Federal Technology Programs [M2_Post_25 pts.] Note: Continue working on Staffing and Technology Initiative Assignments. 22 Module Three: Technology Procurement – Requests for Information, Request for Proposals, and Bidding Mon. 9/23 - Sun. 10/6 - 40 points possible OPTIONAL SYNCHRONOUS DROP-IN SESSION - Thurs. 9/26. 7-8 p.m. Part I, Complete by midnight, Wed. 10/2 Orientation to Module Three Watch the orientation video for Module Three Technology Procurement - RFI, RFPs, and Bidding Read and complete activities in CoSN Module Ten, Business Management, Part Three: Technology Procurement - RFI, RFPs, and Bidding Online Discussion Part One - Post Response to Technology Procurement - RFI, RFPs, and Bidding Read and reflect on the questions in D2L for CoSN Module Ten, Business Management, Part Three: Technology Procurement - RFI, RFPs, and Bidding Post a 3-5 paragraph response to CoSN Module Ten, Business Management, Part Three: Technology Procurement - RFI, RFPs, and Bidding [M3_Post_25 pts.] Part II, Complete by midnight, Sun. 10/6 Online Discussion Part Two- Discuss Postings on Technology Procurement- RFI, RFPs, and Bidding In the Discussion Forum on D2L, read peers’ postings and respond to classmates as assigned by the instructor. [M3_PeerResp_15 pts.] Note: Continue working on Staffing and Technology Initiative Assignments. 23 Module Four: Team Building and Staffing District-level Technology Programs Mon. 10/7 -Sun. 10/20 – 65 points possible REQUIRED SYNCHRONOUS SESSION - Tues. 10/8, 6-8 p.m. [M4_Synch, 25 pts.] Part I, Complete by midnight, Wed. 10/16 Orientation to Module Four Watch the orientation video for Module Four Team Building and Staffing District Technology Programs Read and complete activities in CoSN Module Six: Team building and staffing Online Discussion Part One - Post Response to Team Building and Staffing District Technology Programs Read and reflect on the questions in D2L for CoSn Module Six: Team building and staffing Post a 3-5 paragraph response to CoSn Module Six: Team building and staffing [M4_Post_25 pts.] Part II, Complete by midnight, Sun. 10/20 Online Discussion Part Two- Discuss Postings on Team Building and Staffing District Technology Programs In the Discussion Forum on D2L, read peers’ postings and respond to classmates as assigned by the instructor. [M4_PeerResp_15 pts.] Note: Also work on Staffing Report/Analysis in this module. 24 Module Five: Technology Staffing Report/Analysis Mon. 10/21 - Sun. 11/10 - 340 points possible OPTIONAL SYNCHRONOUS DROP-IN SESSION - Tues. 10/29, 7-8 p.m Part I, Complete by midnight, Sun. 11/3 Orientation to Module Five Watch the orientation video for Module Five Technology Staffing Report/Analysis Complete Technology Staffing Report Online Discussion Part One - Post Technology Staffing Report/Analysis Post a recorded, 10-minute presentation on the current technology staffing structure for a school district. In the presentation, briefly describe the district’s demographics (size, Rural/Urban/Suburban designation, free and reduced lunch stats, etc.), number of/titles of current technology staff, job responsibilities, estimated salaries, and funding sources for salaries (if available). Analyze the current balance between technology support/operations and technology integration/instructional technology. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of current technology staffing structure and offer recommendations, if applicable. Support your presentation with the following attachments: organizational charts, job descriptions, and examples of blank job evaluation instruments, as available/appropriate. Remove all information that would identify the district or specific personnel. (200 points) [M5_StaffingRpt_200 pts.] Part II, Complete by midnight, Sun. 11/10 Online Discussion Part Two: Post Technology Staffing Report/Analysis In the Discussion Forum on D2L, read peers’ reports and respond to classmates as assigned by the instructor. [M5_PeerResp_40 pts.] Final Examination Complete a final exam identifying terms/concepts related to technology budgeting and procurement: Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), Return on Investment (ROI), Value of Investment (VOI), Governmental Accounting Standards (GAS), types of budgeting processes (line item, function/object, zero-based, program-oriented, fixed-variable, site-based), audits, budgeting cycles, Request for proposals (RFP), Request for Information (RFI), Best and Final Offers (BFOs), fixed costs, variable costs, recurring costs, one-time costs, unit costs, extended costs, accounting categories (capital outlay, service, personnel, instructional, etc.), bidding processes/committees, sealed bids/open bids, business partnerships, fiscal programs (including e-Rate), and current large-scale, federal grants initiatives. [M5_FinalExam_100 pts.] Note: Also work on Technology Initiative Assignment in this module. 25 Module Six: Proposing District Technology Initiatives Mon. 11/11 – Wed. 12/4 – 475 points possible OPTIONAL SYNCHRONOUS DROP-IN SESSION - Thurs. 11/21, 7-8 p.m Part I, Complete by midnight, Wed. 11/20 District Technology Initiative Proposal - Post a written proposal (approximately 10 pages) and accompanying, narrated presentation (20 mins. maxium) for a district, state, regional, or national technology initiative designed to positively impact student learning. Prepare a research-based rationale for this school improvement initiative and a five-year, preliminary budget for the technologies, facility costs, supplies/resources, staffing, and professional development needed to implement that initiative. Prepare Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), Return on Investments (ROI), and Value of Ownership (VOI) projections to support the budget. Designate funding sources for each budgeted item. Include one grant and a business partnership as component for the proposal. For the preliminary budget, use price estimates based on published retail costs and/or initial research with vendors for technologies and services. Note items that will likely be subject to bid based on current procurement policies and laws. Prepare basic specification for these items for a future Request for Proposals (RFP). Include measurable goals for the initiative and a brief evaluation plan to monitor progress toward these goals. Template provided in D2L. [M6_TechProposal_400 pts.] Part II, Complete by midnight, Wed. 12/4 26 Watch/Respond to Technology Initiative Presentations Watch and respond to the District Technology Initiative presentations of peers as assigned by your instructor. Use reflective questions posted in D2L as a guide for your response. [M6_PeerResp_25 pts.] Case Study/Course Reflection On your Weebly Blog, complete a 2-3 paragraph reflection on what you have learned in this course, what questions you still have, and how you are feeling about becoming a technology leader. When reflecting on what you have learned, offer your thoughts on (1) organizing a staff structure to support technology in a school district; (2) recruiting, training, retaining, and evaluating technology staff; (3) evaluating educational technologies; and (3) developing grants and partnerships to support technology initiatives. Note: Double check that your Weebly Portfolio URL is included in your D2L profile information. The instructor will use this URL to access your blog. [M6_Reflection_50 pts.] Field Experience Logs Submit (1) structured and (1) unstructured field experience log via the “Field Experience” drop box in Module Six. Both types of field experience logs can be downloaded at the following URL Note - If you do not turn in all logs (structured and unstructured) in a course, your final course grade will be reduced by one letter grade. All field experience logs must be in your portfolio in ITEC 7500 or you will not pass ITEC 7500 or graduate. Course Evaluation Course Evaluation - Near the end of this course, you will receive an email inviting you to evaluate this course online. Please complete this evaluation carefully. We need your feedback to best design future iterations of our courses and to meet the needs of our students. We are required to show evidence that we consider student feedback at our annual evaluations. We need high response rates! These evaluations are entirely anonymous. Thank you for completing the evaluation! 27