KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY GRADUATE COURSE PROPOSAL OR REVISION, Cover Sheet (10/02/2002) Course Number/Program Name HMI 7770/MS-HMI Department Information Systems Degree Title (if applicable) Master of Science in Healthcare Management and Informatics Proposed Effective Date Fall 2014 Check one or more of the following and complete the appropriate sections: X New Course Proposal Course Title Change Course Number Change Course Credit Change Course Prerequisite Change Course Description Change Sections to be Completed II, III, IV, V, VII I, II, III I, II, III I, II, III I, II, III I, II, III Notes: If proposed changes to an existing course are substantial (credit hours, title, and description), a new course with a new number should be proposed. A new Course Proposal (Sections II, III, IV, V, VII) is required for each new course proposed as part of a new program. Current catalog information (Section I) is required for each existing course incorporated into the program. Minor changes to a course can use the simplified E-Z Course Change Form. Submitted by: Approved Sweta Sneha Faculty Member 10/14/13 Date Not Approved Department Curriculum Committee Date Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Not Approved Department Chair Date College Curriculum Committee Date College Dean Date GPCC Chair Date Dean, Graduate College Date Not Approved Not Approved Not Approved Not Approved Not Approved Vice President for Academic Affairs Date Approved Not Approved President Date 1 KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY GRADUATE COURSE/CONCENTRATION/PROGRAM CHANGE I. Current Information (Fill in for changes) Page Number in Current Catalog Course Prefix and Number Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisites Description (or Current Degree Requirements) II. Proposed Information (Fill in for changes and new courses) Course Prefix and Number HMI 7770 Course Title Capstone in Healthcare Management and Informatics Credit Hours 4 Prerequisites Full admission to the MS-HMI program or permission of the graduate program director Description (or Proposed Degree Requirements) Offers students an opportunity to integrate knowledge gained in the classroom with real-world problems. Students work in teams and consult with a working professional to identify a real world problem related to healthcare management and informatics and apply the knowledge learnt in class to design a potential solution. Consists of engagement in practical work and research in a major area of health informatics. Potential areas of work include design or analysis of health informatics systems, programs, or applications; program planning; management; and policy development. Encourages community-based participatory projects. To the extent possible, capstone projects have as a goal a practical contribution to the health informatics field. Students initiate and design capstone projects in consultation with faculty members who provide guidance and mentoring. III. Justification In 2009, Dr. David Blumenthal, the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, estimated a need for an additional 50,000 individuals trained to meet President Barack Obama's goal of all Americans having their medical records in electronic format by 2014. The needs are equally strong beyond the US in the rest of the world and for professionals beyond physicians and nurses (external link). A critical focus was placed on training Health IT workforce via curriculum development, community college training programs etc. (external link). The proposal of the new graduate program in Healthcare Management and Informatics (MS-HMI) is a response of Coles College of Business to meet the market needs of the thriving Health-IT sector locally (in the greater Atlanta area – also see Appendix A in the program proposal for further details), nationally, and globally. In order to ensure the quality of the proposed graduate program, the design and curricular components are based on the nationally accepted standards set up by the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and 2 Information Management Education (CAHIM). The proposed curriculum integrates the domains of the practice and delivery of healthcare, information technology, computing, data analytics, and leadership/management principles. This collaborative approach allows the graduates to understand the complexities and interdependencies among relationships in a healthcare setting that must be considered when making technology and management decisions within a healthcare organization. The proposed capstone course, HMI 7770, is an integral part of the proposed graduate program. In this course the students will build on the solid foundation they have gained on healthcare delivery process, information communication technology, database, programming, data analytics, research methods, and healthcare laws to devise an innovative solution to a practical problem in the context of healthcare. Strategic concepts in healthcare management and informatics will be enforced via deep analysis and discussion of pertinent cases. IV. Additional Information (for New Courses only) Instructor: Dr. Sweta Sneha Text: Glasser, J. P. (2011). The Strategic Application of Information Technology in Health Care Organizations. (3th Edition). Jossey-Bass. Additional readings consisting of relevant cases and articles will be provided to the students by the instructor Prerequisites: Full admission to the MS-HMI program or permission of the graduate program director Objectives: In consultation with the faculty and/or a working professional in a healthcare setting, formulate a problem that is in need of further investigation in order effectively meet the needs of the client. Confer with faculty concerning the significance, scope, and feasibility of the proposal. Submit a research proposal regarding your chosen area of concern. Review the literature on the identified area of concern. Using a theoretical model as a framework, design a project that will increase knowledge and understanding of this area of concern. Conduct the project within the specified time frame. Adhere to professional (ANA Code of Ethics), ethical, and legal standards in conducting the project. (Refer to the KSU IRB Assurance of Compliance and the IRB Approval Request form.) Present the research project in class to healthcare professional/client, peers and faculty. Report the research project (in the form of a journal article) to faculty. Submit the article to a relevant practitioners’ conference for presentation. Instructional Method This class will use the Socratic method of instruction. The instructor will encourage students to explore other points of view through case study analysis, in-depth discussions, and evaluation of principles underlying healthcare management and informatics 3 Method of Evaluation Assignment Class participation and case/article critique In-class presentation of system/problems, analysis of possibilities of improvement, final recommendation and justification Final report to be submitted for presentation to a practitioners’ conference Due Date Percentage of final grade 15% 30% Post your manuscript on D2L to selected conference. Submit your manuscript electronically to the selected conference. 55% Total percentage V. 100% Resources and Funding Required (New Courses only) We plan to hire a part-time instructor to teach an additional course at the rate of $3000 so that existing faculty can be reassigned to teach HMI 7770. No additional cost is anticipated. Resource Amount Faculty Other Personnel Equipment Supplies Travel New Books New Journals Other (Specify) $3000 TOTAL $3000 Funding Required Beyond Normal Departmental Growth VI. COURSE MASTER FORM This form will be completed by the requesting department and will be sent to the Office of the Registrar once the course has been approved by the Office of the President. The form is required for all new courses. DISCIPLINE COURSE NUMBER COURSE TITLE FOR LABEL Informatics (Note: Limit 30 spaces) Information Systems HMI 7770 Capstone in Healthcare Management and 4 CLASS-LAB-CREDIT HOURS Approval, Effective Term Grades Allowed (Regular or S/U) If course used to satisfy CPC, what areas? Learning Support Programs courses which are required as prerequisites 4-0-4 Fall 2014 Regular APPROVED: ________________________________________________ Vice President for Academic Affairs or Designee __ VII Attach Syllabus KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS HMI - 7770, Capstone in Healthcare Management and Informatics Course Description: Prerequisites: Offers students an opportunity to integrate knowledge gained in the classroom with real-world problems. Students work in teams and consult with a working professional to identify a real world problem related to healthcare management and informatics and apply the knowledge learnt in class to design a potential solution. Consists of engagement in practical work and research in a major area of health informatics. Potential areas of work include design or analysis of health informatics systems, programs, or applications; program planning; management; and policy development. Encourages community-based participatory projects. To the extent possible, capstone projects have as a goal a practical contribution to the health informatics field. Students initiate and design capstone projects in consultation with faculty members who provide guidance and mentoring. Admission to the MS-HMI Program or permission of the MSHMI Program Director. Textbook and Resources: Glasser, J. P. (2011). The Strategic Application of Information Technology in Health Care Organizations. (3th Edition). JosseyBass. Additional readings consisting of relevant cases and articles will be provided to the students by the instructor. Instructor: Dr. Sweta Sneha Office: CL 3011 5 Email Address: Phone: 678-797-2436 Learning Outcomes: As a result of completing this course, students will be able to: In consultation with the faculty and/or a working professional in a healthcare setting, formulate a problem that is in need of further investigation in order effectively meet the needs of the client. Confer with faculty concerning the significance, scope, and feasibility of the proposal. Submit a research proposal regarding your chosen area of concern. Review the literature on the identified area of concern. Using a theoretical model as a framework, design a project that will increase knowledge and understanding of this area of concern. Conduct the project within the specified time frame. Adhere to professional (ANA Code of Ethics), ethical, and legal standards in conducting the project. (Refer to the KSU IRB Assurance of Compliance and the IRB Approval Request form.) Present the research project in class to healthcare professional/client, peers and faculty. Report the research project (in the form of a journal article) to faculty. Submit the article to a relevant professional conference for presentation. TENTATIVE COURSE SCHEDULE: SUBJECT TO CHANGE Week Topic Overview Introduction to Course Weeks 1-5 In consultation with the faculty and/or a System and Problems working professional in a healthcare setting, formulate a problem that is in need of further investigation in order effectively meet the needs of the client. Confer with faculty concerning the significance, scope, and feasibility of the proposal. Submit a research proposal and an IRB application regarding your chosen area of concern. Weeks 6- Submit a research proposal and an IRB Analysis and Possibilities application regarding your chosen area of 6 10 Weeks 1015 Assignment concern. of Improvement Review the literature on the identified area of concern. Using a theoretical model as a framework, design a project that will increase knowledge and understanding of this area of concern Conduct the project Conduct the project within the specified Recommendation and time frame. Justification Present the research project in class to healthcare professional/client, peers and faculty. Report the research project (in the form of a journal article) to faculty. Submit the article to a relevant professional conference for presentation. Due Date Class participation and case/article critique In-class presentation of system/problems, analysis of possibilities of improvement, final recommendation and justification Final report to be submitted for presentation to a Post your manuscript on D2L practitioners’ conference to selected conference. Submit your manuscript electronically to the selected conference. Total percentage Percentage of final grade 15% 30% 55% 100% 7