KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY GRADUATE COURSE PROPOSAL OR REVISION, Cover Sheet (10/02/2002) Course Number/Program Name MATH 7495/M.A.T. Program Department Mathematics and Statistics Degree Title (if applicable) Proposed Effective Date Fall 2010 Check one or more of the following and complete the appropriate sections: X New Course Proposal Course Title Change Course Number Change Course Credit Change Course Prerequisite Change Course Description Change Sections to be Completed II, III, IV, V, VII I, II, III I, II, III I, II, III I, II, III I, II, III Notes: If proposed changes to an existing course are substantial (credit hours, title, and description), a new course with a new number should be proposed. A new Course Proposal (Sections II, III, IV, V, VII) is required for each new course proposed as part of a new program. Current catalog information (Section I) is required for each existing course incorporated into the program. Minor changes to a course can use the simplified E-Z Course Change Form. Submitted by: Faculty Member Approved _____ Date Not Approved Department Curriculum Committee Date Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Not Approved Department Chair Date College Curriculum Committee Date College Dean Date GPCC Chair Date Dean, Graduate College Date Not Approved Not Approved Not Approved Not Approved Not Approved Vice President for Academic Affairs Date Approved Not Approved President Date KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY GRADUATE COURSE/CONCENTRATION/PROGRAM CHANGE I. Current Information (Fill in for changes) Page Number in Current Catalog Course Prefix and Number Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisites Description (or Current Degree Requirements) II. Proposed Information (Fill in for changes and new courses) Course Prefix and Number ____MATH 7495________________ Course Title Advanced Perspectives on School Mathematics Credit Hours 3 Prerequisites Admission to MAT program Description (or Proposed Degree Requirements) This course is for prospective 6-12 mathematics teachers who have a strong undergraduate training in mathematics. This course is designed so that students can revisit key ideas in school mathematics, bringing with them the skills and understandings of college course work in mathematics and connecting more advanced ideas to the topics they will teach in middle school and high school. The goal of the course is to deepen and broaden students’ understanding of fundamental ideas involving algebra, functions, trigonometry, number theory, discrete mathematics, probability, and mathematical modeling. The emphasis is on engaging the students in reasoning and problem solving, communicating about mathematics, making connections among different areas and concepts of mathematics, and exploring different ways of representing mathematical principles. III. Justification According to a publication by the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) “There is much evidence of a vicious circle in which too many future teachers enter college with serious holes in their understanding of school mathematics, have little college instruction focused on the mathematics they will teach, and so enter their classrooms inadequately prepared to teach mathematics.” Furthermore, “Future teachers should learn mathematics in a coherent fashion that emphasizes the interconnections among theory, procedures, and applications.” This course is designed so that students can revisit key ideas in school mathematics, bringing with them the skills and understandings of college course work in mathematics, deepening and broadening their understanding, and connecting more advanced ideas to the topics they will teach in middle school and high school. IV. Additional Information (for New Courses only) Instructor: Dr. Mary L. Garner Text: Problem Analysis for Middle Grades and Secondary Mathematics Teachers by Drs. Mary Garner, Sarah Ledford, and Virginia Watson. Prerequisites: Admission to M.A.T. program. Objectives: Students will be able to: (Content) 1. Explain the ways that basic ideas of number theory and algebraic structures underlie rules for operations on symbolic expressions, equations, and inequalities (e.g. group properties, equivalence relations, axioms of equality). (NCATE 2.2, 2.3, 10.3) 2. Derive general formulas to solve different types of problems and justify the derivation (e.g. quadratic formula, formula for the sum of the first n integers). (NCATE 2.2, 2.3, 10.3) 3. Write discrete linear, quadratic, and exponential functions in closed and recursive forms and derive those forms in different ways (e.g. system of equations, method of finite differences). Connect arithmetic sequences to discrete linear functions and geometric sequences to exponential functions. (NCATE 10.1, 10.2, 10.4). 4. Analyze the characteristics of functions and relations in algebraic, tabular, and graphical form and interpret those characteristics in specific problem contexts. (Characteristics include symmetry, rate of change, domain, range, zeros, intercepts, intervals of increase and decrease, maximum and minimum values, end behavior. Function types include polynomial, piecewise, rational, radical, logarithmic, exponential, trigonometric, polar, and parametric). (NCATE 10.1, 10.4) 5. Analyze the characteristics of inverses, transformations, and compositions of functions (e.g. polynomial, piecewise, rational, radical, logarithmic, exponential, trigonometric, polar, and parametric). 6. Explain, derive, and use basic counting formulas to solve problems and determine discrete probabilities (e.g. addition and multiplication principle of counting, combinations, and permutations). (NCATE 13.1) 7. Determine coordinates and associated reference angles on the unit circle and use the unit circle to define the trigonometric functions and the inverse trigonometric functions (NCATE 12.2). (Process) 8. Apply a variety of strategies to solve problems from the secondary curriculum, including appropriate technology, and monitor and reflect on the process of mathematical problem solving. (NCATE 1.1, 1.4, 6.1) 9. Analyze mathematical concepts that appear in problems from the secondary curriculum exploring definitions, applications, and history of those concepts as well as connections to other concepts. (NCATE 4.1, 4.3) 10. Communicate mathematical thinking coherently and clearly using the language of mathematics to express ideas precisely, and evaluate the mathematical thinking and strategies of others. (NCATE 3.1, 3.3, 3.4) 11. Use a variety of representations to model, interpret, communicate, and solve problems, including vertex-edge graphs. (NCATE 5.1, 5.2, 5.3) Note: The NCATE numbers refer to the NCATE/NCTM Program Standards for Initial Preparation of Mathematics Teachers. Instructional Method Collaborative group work, whole-class discussions, presentations by individuals and groups, very little lecture. Method of Evaluation (1) Weekly writing assignments. (2) Examinations. There will be two in-class tests and a final examination. (3) Term Project – a Problem Analysis. Each student will choose a problem from the high school mathematics curriculum and analyze that problem. The student will be provided with a list of problems from which he/she can choose. The first half of the problem analysis will be due by mid-term. The second half will be due by the end of the semester. V. Resources and Funding Required (New Courses only) Resource Amount Faculty Other Personnel Equipment Supplies Travel New Books New Journals Other (Specify) 1 TOTAL Funding Required Beyond Normal Departmental Growth VI. COURSE MASTER FORM This form will be completed by the requesting department and will be sent to the Office of the Registrar once the course has been approved by the Office of the President. The form is required for all new courses. DISCIPLINE COURSE NUMBER COURSE TITLE FOR LABEL (Note: Limit 30 spaces) CLASS-LAB-CREDIT HOURS Approval, Effective Term Grades Allowed (Regular or S/U) If course used to satisfy CPC, what areas? Learning Support Programs courses which are required as prerequisites MATH 7495 Advanced Perspectives 3-0-3 Fall 2010 Regular APPROVED: ________________________________________________ Vice President for Academic Affairs or Designee __