Committee Handbook Department of University Studies

Updated 2/18/2014
Committee Handbook
Department of University Studies
Table of Contents
Purposes of Handbook………………………………………………. Page 1
Common Committee Procedures…………………………………….. Page 1
Common Committee Web Links…………………………………….. Page 1
Administrative Review………………………………………………. Page 2
Curriculum…………………………………………………………… Page 3
Faculty Council..……………………………………………………... Page 5
Review (Tenure and Promotion)……………………………………... Page 6
Strategic Planning..…………………………………………………… Page 8
Math Department Curriculum Committee Representative…………… Page 9
Disaster Response and Recovery (Crisis Coordinator)..……………... Page 10
Updated 2/18/2014
A. Purposes of Handbook
1. Assist members of University Studies departmental committees in fulfilling their
responsibilities by delineating duties, responsibilities, procedures, and relevant timelines.
2. Provide a vehicle to systematically document changes in procedures, policies and
resources related to the work of each committee.
3. Several of the committees included in this document have responsibilities related to
higher level (college or university level) committees. The intent of this document is help
ensure the smooth transition between levels by providing information about timelines,
products and resources associated with upper level activities.
4. With the intent of supporting smooth transitions, information is also included related to
the Math Department Curriculum Committee Representative and the Crisis Coordinator.
B. Common Committee Procedures
1. Charge to Committee Chairs
As noted in the department by-laws, the Department Chair will give each committee their
specific charge at their first meeting in the academic school year.
2. Quorums
a. A quorum shall consist of two-thirds of those eligible to vote.
b. Proxies shall count toward a quorum.
3. Passage of a Motion
a. A simple majority of those voting shall be required to pass a motion.
b. A two-thirds majority of those voting shall be required to pass an amendment to the
departmental bylaws.
4. Ballots: Unless a secret ballot is required by university policy, each committee will
determine its voting procedure.
5. Continuity: Outgoing chair should meet with incoming chair to provide updates and
guidance regarding committee work.
C. Common Committee Web Links
1. University Studies Department Bylaws (located on homepage of Dept. website)
2. University College Bylaws (located on homepage of College website)
3. KSU University Handbook, Section Three: Shared Governance and Committees
(located on Academic Affairs website)
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Administrative Review
A. Purpose: The Departmental Administrative Review procedure is to supplement, not replace,
the existing academic administrative review procedures with a faculty/staff evaluation
component. Its purpose is to enhance transparency, increase faculty and staff confidence in
the integrity of the academic administrative review process, and create a more robust
academic administrative review process that takes into account faculty and staff perspectives
and knowledge regarding such things as program delivery, curriculum development, policy
development and implementation, and university leadership.
B. Authorization: The committee is authorized by the bylaws of the University Studies
Department, the bylaws of the University College and the Office of Academic Affairs.
C. Membership
1. Three tenured faculty members elected by faculty and a staff member elected by staff.
2. One of the faculty members must serve as Chair.
3. The Assistant Department Chair may not serve on this committee.
4. Members serve a one-year term.
D. General Procedures/Timeline
1. Fall Semester
a. Committee Chair notifies Provost’s Office regarding committee membership.
b. Committee members will be given access to the Administrative Review of the
Department Chair.
2. Spring Semester
a. All members will have access to Administrative Review Evaluation of Department
Chair. Committee Chair will schedule a meeting with committee to review the
b. Following the meeting of the Departmental Administrative Review Committee, the
Committee Chair will schedule a committee meeting with Dean to review the
Departmental Chair’s evaluation.
E. Resources and References: Administrative Review: Office of the Provost and Vice
President of Academic Affairs:
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A. Purpose: Oversees all changes in curriculum and is the first step in seeking approval for new
courses, special topics, programs, program changes, changes in prerequisites, catalog
descriptions, etc. Also reviews assessment plans and reports for department certificate and
degree programs.
B. Authorization: The committee is authorized by the bylaws of the University Studies
Department, the bylaws of the University College and the Office of Academic Affairs.
C. Membership
1. Three faculty members.
2. One faculty member must have served on the UPCC.
3. Members serve 2-year staggered terms.
D. General Procedures
1. Beginning Fall 2014 all curriculum proposals are submitted through Curriculog:
2. All proposal originators, committee chair and members and faculty administrator must
complete the appropriate Curriculog online training.
3. Courses that are new or modifications of existing courses or degree/certificate programs
must be approved by the department, college, and university curriculum (UPCC)
4. If the proposal is for an undergraduate course that will become a general education
requirement, it must also pass through the General Education Council before going to
UPCC for approval.
5. Special Topics courses (2290 and 4490) only require the approval of the departmental
curriculum committee and Department Chair.
E. Timeline
1. Typically the departmental curriculum committee is able to approve a course within two
weeks of the proposal submission.
2. Allow two weeks from the time of department committee approval for Department Chair
3. Allow an additional two weeks if the application requires the approval of the Dean.
4. Allow at least one additional month if the course application must go through the General
Education Council.
5. The UPCC meets monthly. The time required for UPCC approval varies considerably
based on the committee’s workload. Approval, which requires at least two readings,
could take several months.
6. The proposal package must be submitted to the Registrar’s office no later than one week
prior to the deadline for the semester schedule in which it will be included.
7. Since Special Topics courses require only the approval of the departmental curriculum
committee and the signature of the Department Chair, the time required for approval is
relatively short.
F. Note Concerning Special Topics Courses: A Specific Special Topics Course may be
offered a total of THREE times (each time, however, it must be approved by the department
curriculum committee and department chair). If the course is to be offered a fourth time, it
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must be proposed as a new course and must go through all levels of the formal course
approval process.
G. Procedures
1. The committee selects the chair.
2. The chair’s responsibilities include:
a. Assisting proposal originators with understanding the process timeline, and making
them aware of available resources regarding the proposal form.
b. Ensuring that committee members understand and review proposals in a timely
c. Submitting the proposal to the department chair for approval.
d. Convening committee in September to review certificate and degree program
assessment reports.
H. Resources and References
1. Undergraduate Policies and Curriculum Committee Website (located on Academic
Affairs website – for schedules, forms, procedures, etc.):
2. Curriculog (located on UPCC website – for proposal submissions and online training):
3. Academic Program Improvement (located on Academic Affairs website – for info on
program assessment plans and cycles of reporting):
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Faculty Council
A. Purpose: To promote collegiality and effective shared governance of the department by
increasing transparency and two-way communication between faculty and the Department
Chair with regard to the development and implementation of policy. The Council is advisory
to the Chair, who retains final decision-making authority at the departmental level.
B. Authorization: The committee is authorized by the bylaws of the University Studies
Department and the Office of Academic Affairs.
C. Membership
1. By tradition, this council is a committee of the whole. Council makeup should be
determined annually by a majority vote of the permanent, full-time faculty members by
secret ballot.
2. The Department Chair does not attend DFC meetings. The committee decides whether or
not the Assistant Department Chair can attend committee meetings.
3. The Council Chair must be a tenured faculty member, elected annually in the spring at
the annual elections department meeting.
4. The Council Chair is an ex officio, non-voting member of the DFC. The Chair will
respect their DFC’s desire, on occasion, to meet without the Chair present.
D. Timeline/Procedures: The committee should meet at least once a month during fall and
spring semesters. This meeting typically occurs immediately following the regularly
scheduled department meetings. The Council Chair runs the annual department committee
election process. During the summer months the DFC shall meet electronically if needed.
E. Resources and References:
1. KSU University Handbook, Section Three, Shared Governance and Committees, Section
3.6.B, The Department Faculty Council (DFC)
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Review (Tenure and Promotion)
A. Purposes
1. Evaluates portfolios for tenure, promotion and 3rd year reviews.
2. Writes letters that go into faculty portfolios with attention to meeting mandatory
3. Reviews departmental guidelines and makes recommendations to department and
Department Chair regarding revisions.
B. Authorization: The committee is authorized by the bylaws of the University Studies
Department, and is related by hierarchy to the University College Bylaws and Section Five of
KSU’s Faculty Handbook.
C. Membership
1. Members are elected annually by the tenured and tenure-track faculty of the department.
2. Members shall be three tenured faculty who have an FPA that specifies 30% or less in the
area of Administration and Leadership outside the department.
3. When considering an application for promotion to full professor, voting members must
be associate professors or above. When there are not three qualified faculty within the
department, the department will elect tenured faculty in the same or closely related
disciplines from outside the department (preferably within the college) to serve on the
review committee (for full professor promotion cases only, not other levels of review).
4. No person can participate in more than one stage of the review process. A candidate
under review for Post-Tenure Review can serve on the department T&P committee (since
the candidate’s portfolio starts at the college level).
D. Procedures
1. Evaluate portfolios for tenure, promotion, 3rd-year reviews, and any other scheduled
reviews pertinent to a faculty member’s rank, status, and years of service.
2. All voting must be done by secret ballot.
3. Write letters to be included in faculty portfolios.
4. All deliberations and decisions of reviews are confidential and may not be discussed with
the candidates or with others outside the review committee’s membership. Due to the
confidential nature of the committee, email should be used as a committee
communication mode.
5. Review departmental tenure and promotion guidelines.
6. Make recommendations to the department and the Department Chair regarding revisions
to those guidelines.
E. Timeline: Meet as needed to correspond with college and institutional committee timelines.
F. Resources and References
1. University Studies Tenure and Promotion Guidelines (located on Dept. website)
2. General guidelines for review and evaluation, letter and portfolio construction and
timelines (Office of Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs):
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3. Faculty Handbook Section 3.7B: Faculty Review Process/Committee Structure and
Process (located on Academic Affairs website):
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Strategic Planning
A. Purposes
1. Depending on the year, develop a departmental strategic plan aligned with the
institutional and college strategic plans.
2. Track progress of the strategic plan.
3. Prepare an annual report to the department chair regarding the department’s progress
towards meeting the strategic plan.
B. Authorization: The University Studies Department Bylaws.
C. Membership
a. Three full-time faculty members, one must be tenured or tenure-track.
b. Department committee members may include those serving on the College Strategic
Planning Committee
c. Two-year staggered terms unless it becomes a committee of the whole.
D. Timeline: Meetings held as needed, but at least once each Fall and Spring Semester.
E. Resources and References
1. University Studies Strategic Plan: (located on Department website):
2. University College Strategic Plan (located on College website):
3. Kennesaw State University 2012-2017 Strategic Plan:
4. Linda Lyons, University College Director of Strategic Initiatives
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Updated 2/18/2014
Math Department Curriculum Committee Representative
A. Purpose: To coordinate math course offerings between the departments of Mathematics and
University Studies.
B. Authorization: None. The association began informally when Tonya Jones moved from the
Mathematics Department to the University Studies Department.
C. Membership: Any full-time departmental math faculty member. Note: Tonya Jones has
served exclusively in this role since its creation.
D. Timeline: As needed, whenever a new mathematics course or changes are proposed to an
existing course or course sequence is proposed that requires or would benefit from the
coordination between the two departments.
E. Resources and References: Tonya Jones
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Disaster Response and Recovery (Crisis Coordinator)
A. Purpose: The University Studies Department Crisis Coordinator serves as a point of contact
between the department and KSUs Office of Strategic Security and Safety and as a member
of the Crisis Coordinator team in the event of an emergency affecting the campus
community. These teams have been established as an administrative decision-making group
to respond to critical incidents that may occur at Kennesaw State University. Critical
incidents are generally defined as those campus-wide emergencies that threaten life or
property, or those which impact a significant portion of the university community (including,
but not limited to: major fires, civil disturbances, and weather disasters.
B. Authorization: KSU’s Office of Strategic Security and Safety.
C. Membership: Appointed by the Department Chair. Any full-time department member is
eligible to serve including faculty, administrators and staff. There is no set term of service.
However, given the nature of the training and responsibilities, a long-term appointment is
D. Hierarchy: The Office of Strategic Security and Safety provides campus-wide coordination
and training. The library building has a building coordinator and a coordinator on each floor.
The University Studies Crisis Coordinator is responsible for activities on the entire 4th floor.
E. Timeline:
1. First Wednesday of each month at 10:00 AM, monthly radio check.
2. Administrative and/or training meetings on a periodic, semi-regular basis.
3. Responding to potential emergencies as needed.
F. Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Assist with decision-making, communications flow and operational response capability.
2. Attend training sessions on emergency response, preparedness and mitigation.
3. Hold training sessions, team meetings and drills that may include fire extinguisher
handling, bomb threat responses, evacuation planning, etc.
4. Acting as the Library 4th floor emergency management coordinator during an emergency
situation by:
a. Directing others to exits,
b. Insuring that everyone has evacuated the 4th floor and exited the building,
c. Maintaining order and discipline during the emergency,
d. Maintaining contact via radio with Office of Strategic Security and Safety to report
problems and direct personnel as needed.
e. Serve as a "go to" person,
5. Report potential emergency situations to the Office of Strategic Security and Safety.
G. Resources and References:
2. NOTE: This
website is only available to KSU Crisis Coordinators
3. Selected documents from this website are included in the Appendix
4. A two-way radio providing contact with the Office of Strategic Security and Safety with
individual buildings on campus.
a. Key Channels for University Studies include:
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i. Channel 2: Office of Strategic Security and Safety
ii. Channel 3: Library and Pilcher Building Team Leader
5. Crisis Coordinator’s Kit, including:
a. Radio
b. First aid kit
c. CPR Kit
d. Emergency Response Guidebook
e. High visibility vest
f. Flashlights and batteries
g. Whistle
h. Defibrillator (in hallway near Math Lab)
H. Continuity:
1. Obtain kit from previous Crisis Coordinator
2. Contact Office of Strategic Security and Safety at 770-423-6725 to schedule training
3. Transitional Checklist and Briefing
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