Preparation and Practice The Better Speaker Series 278 Preparation and practice lead to excellence. 1 Become familiar with Lectern and audience location Microphone usage Room conditions Visual aids 2 Become familiar with Lectern and Audience Location Speaking area Audience configuration Stage location of platform steps or ramp 3 Become familiar with Microphones Groups of 100+ Audience over the age of 50 Poor acoustics Voice strain 4 Become familiar with Room Conditions Temperature Appropriate lighting Discreet entry for latecomers Competitive outside noise 5 Become familiar with Visual Aids Located where all can see Appropriately sized viewing screen Handout distribution 6 Rehearsing the Speech Practice ideas, not words. Prepare a mental draft of the speech. Finish each rehearsal session. 7 Improving Your Speech Add improvements gradually Arrange for feedback 8 Extra Considerations Provide an introduction Prepare yourself physically Have a mental rehearsal 9 Conclusion Good luck happens when preparedness meets opportunity. – Anon 10