University of Southern California ISE 582: Web Technology for Industrial Engineering

University of Southern California
Daniel J. Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
ISE 582: Web Technology for Industrial Engineering
Homework 5 (Due 16 October 2003)
Instructor: Elaine Chew
Create a class, MINInterior that produces a drawing that looks like the interior of a
MINI Cooper as shown below. The MINInterior constructor should take as
arguments the minSpeed, maxSpeed and currentSpeed. Use the drawOval, fillOval,
and drawRect, fillRect methods. All four methods take four arguments: x,y,width,
and height. Arrange for each circle to have the proper color. Have a method,
getValueAtCoordinates that returns the speed value closest to a mouse coordinate.
QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture.
Sample (abstract) solution: