Topic: Lab0: Intro to Graphics Objectives What is JFrame? What is a JPanel? What is an API? 3 classes to become familiar with: Color class Font class Graphics class paintComponent Name: _____________________________________________________ Period: _______ Date: _______________________ I will be able to give a high level description of a JFrame and a JPanel. I will be able to draw squares, rectangles, circles, ovals and lines in a Windows screen. I will be able to draw figures in different colors. I will be able to write Strings to a Windows screen. A JFrame is a Windows screen and it includes a title, A JPanel is the contents within the JFrame Applications Programmers Interface – Document which describes what all the methods do - Including the method signature. Graphics Color Font 2 ways to create a Color: Hard coded:; 13 colors defined. Create a new color new Color (int red, int green, int blue) Similar to the word document, you can specify different types, sizes, bold, etc. new Font (<name>, <style>, size ); setColor setFont drawString drawLine fillRect, drawRect fillOval, drawOval Called automatically when the JFrame is resized or repaint() is called. public void paintComponent( Graphics g ) { // Your code here } Coordinates in Java All values are in pixels: dots on your terminal (eg. 900 x 1200) setFont drawstring g.setFont( new Font (“serif”, Font.Bold, 50) ); g.drawString ( "string", x, y ); setColor fillRect drawRect g.setColor ( ); g.fillRect(x, y, width, length); g.drawRect(x, y, width, length); setColor fillOval drawOval g.setColor (new Color (234, 5, 59); g.fillOval(x, y, width, length) g.drawOval(x, y, width, length); drawLine g.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2); Summary: //rectangle is filled in. //just the outline