University of Southern California Daniel J. Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering ISE 582: Web Technology for Industrial Engineering Lecture 1-1: Getting Started: Aug 28, 2003 Instructor: Elaine Chew USC-ISD (Information Services Devision): Help -- Contact ISD -- Policies -- Acct – Email Configuration -- Connecting to USC -- Free no-credit classes -- LOGGING IN Telnet is a text-only communications program that allows you to connect to remote computers, anywhere on the Internet. The process of connecting to the remote computer is often called logging in. You can login to any computer on which you have a computer account. PuTTY is a free implementation of Telnet and SSH for Win32 platforms, along with an xterm terminal emulator. It is written and maintained primarily by Simon Tatham. EDITING FILES Emacs is a powerful text editing environment. Emacs is available on UNIX systems and provides users with both a simple to use window-based text editor and a highly advanced and fully customizable editing environment. Emacs can be started by typing emacs filename at a UNIX prompt in order to edit a file. 1 ISE 582: Lecture 1: Getting Started Pico is a simple text editor that is invoked automatically when you compose or read an email message or newgroup article in Pine. Pico can also be used as a standalone text editor by typing pico filename at a UNIX prompt. As the all the avialable commands are listed across the bottom of the screen, Pico is one of the most user friendly text editors available on the UNIX system. Vi, pronounced "vee-eye", is a full-screen text editor available in UNIX. Vi all ows you to view and edit text files and is generally one of the faster editors in terms of speed of work. Vi, however provides the user with little guidance and requires that the user knows a number of obscure keystrokes. Vi can be started by typing vi filename at a UNIX prompt. Notepad (PCs) SimpleText (Macs) FILE TRANSFER File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a set of rules that specify how files are to be exchanged between two computers on the Internet. FTP is commonly used to retrieve files from FTP archive sites on the Internet. Users around the world frequently access such archives via "anonymous FTP". Ftp (Command-line) -- Ws_Ftp (PCs) -- Fetch (Macs) -- SIMPLE UNIX COMMANDS File Permissions. In order for someone to read a file owned by you, they must have read permission for the file. In order for someone to execute a file owned by you, they must have execute permission for the file. Once they have read permission, they can also copy the file into their account. In order for someone to access a file in one of your directories, they must also have the appropriate permissions on that directory and all the directories above it. 2 ISE 582: Lecture 1: Getting Started ls -l <filename> -rw------- 1 hpotter 2478 May 3 15:36 index.html The first column contains 10 bit positions which describe the permissions for the file. The first bit is defined as follows: - entry is a plain file d entry is a directory l entry is a symbolic link The next 9 bits define the user, group and other permissions as follows: r the file is readable w the file is writable x the file is executable - the indicated permission is not granted. The 9 bits are broken up into three sections of three bits for the user, group, and others as follows: rwx rwx rwx user group others WEBPAGES While logged into your ISD computer account, type requestwww at the system prompt. Answer all questions. The program will create a public_html directory for you, and an index.html file. You can use this file as a template to start building your home page. Students’ webpages -- Webpage authoring -- Webserver statistics -- HTML Basic HTML -- Advanced HTML -- 3