Follow-up Survey of Graduates in Curriculum and Instruction – Mathematics

Follow-up Survey of Graduates in Curriculum and Instruction – Mathematics
Fall 2010 – Spring 2011
Rate how well you were prepared in the following areas.
Rate each item on a 3-point scale with 3 = Very Prepared, 2 = Prepared, 1 – Not Well Prepared
1. I can draw on broad knowledge of mathematics to shape my teaching and
set curricular goals.
2. I understand significant connections among mathematical ideas and the
application of those ideas not only within mathematics but also to other
disciplines and the world outside of school.
3. I use my pedagogical knowledge to make curricular decisions, select
instructional strategies, develop instructional plans, and formulate
assessment plans.
4. I can help students develop a positive disposition for mathematics and
foster the development of all students’ abilities to use mathematics as a
way to understand the world around them.
5. I focus instruction on developing students’ mathematical power by
providing opportunities for students to understand and apply
mathematical concepts; investigate, explore, and discover structures and
relationships; demonstrate flexibility and perseverance in solving
problems; create and use mathematical models; formulate problems of
their own; and justify and communicate their conclusions.
6. I use current technologies and other resources to promote student
learning in mathematics.
7. I select, adapt, and create engaging instructional materials and draw on
human resources from the school and the community to enhance and
extend students' understanding and use of mathematics.
8. I integrate assessment into their instruction to promote the learning of all
9. I design, select, and employ a range of formal and informal assessment
tools to match their educational purposes.
10. I help students develop self-assessment skills, encouraging them to reflect
on their performance.
11. I regularly reflect on teaching and learning.
12. I seek advice from others and draw on education research scholarship to
improve my practice.
13. I can collaborate with parents, other professionals, and persons from
community agencies to facilitate the best of learning from my students.
Overall, how would rate your satisfaction with your preparation in the
Curriculum and Instruction –Mathematics program?
Note: Only one student responded to the survey
1. What do you see as the major strength(s) of the Curriculum and Instruction –
The math courses were geared more towards the level that I was teaching as
opposed to making me take high level math classes such as Calculus or Discrete
Math. I found the courses here more useful to my professional life.
2. What do you see as the major weakness(es) of the Curriculum and Instruction –
I appreciate everything and everyone that helped me out during my time with APSU
and I know I may have been a special case, but a little bit of flexibility and timely
communication would have been greatly appreciated given what I was going through
during the end of my course work.
3. In what ways has earning this degree impacted you professionally?
I am now able to apply for my professional license in Massachusetts and I am able to
cross off one of my professional goals I set for myself.
4. Add any comments you would like to make about the Curriculum and Instruction –
Mathematics program?
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