The 64th General Assembly Of the Student Government Association April 21st, 2010 UC 307 12:20 p.m. Introduction/Welcome- Vice President Kennedy Campus Community- 1st ten minutes reserved for students with concerns (none were seen) Roll Call- Secretary Seesholtz The following Senators were absent: Senator Amabile Senator Ford Senator Groves (excused) Senator Thomas Senator Vaughn Reading of the Minutes The previous minutes were accepted as read. EC Reports Secretary Seesholtz reported that she has the passed legislation from last week and for those Senators to come sign it after meeting. She also reported that she sent out several emails today requesting information for a contact list and website and to respond a.s.a.p. Chief Justice Gaasch reported that Kathryn White is the new Associate Justice. He stated that those who did not submit legislation on time will be turned into Internal Affairs. Vice President Kennedy handed out certificates to the Senators that were absent at the awards ceremony. President Drew thanked everyone that came to the awards ceremony and congratulated everyone that received awards. He also stated that anyone wanting to be on a standing committee needs to contact Luke Collier. He reminded everyone to leave food and drinks out of this room. He discussed the email he sent out about the tracking of legislation. He said that there is a questionnaire at the bottom of the sheet he passed out and for the Senators to fill it out. Committee Reports (none) Old Business Senate Resolution No. 25 A motion was made to open the floor for discussion by Senator Harris. A second was made by Senator Braem. Motion carried Advisor Dean asked if she had discussed this with any faculty or staff on campus. Senator Austin said he spoke with Andy Kean about it and that he said it would be something they would have to look into. A motion was made to call to previous question by Senator Collier. A second was made by Senator Snider. Motion carried. Vote to call to previous question: Aye All Nay 0 Obs. 0 Vote passed. Vote on Senate Aye 16 Nay 0 Obs. 1 Vote passed Senate Resolution No. 26 A motion was made to open the floor for discussion by Senator Snider. A second was made by Senator Harris. Motion carried. Advisor Dean asked who she had spoken with at Public Safety. Senator Snider stated that she had spoke with Sgt. Speckel. A motion was made to call to previous question by Senator Akins. A second was made by Senator Braem. Motion carried. Vote to call to previous question: Aye all Nay 0 Obs. 0 Vote passed. Vote on Senate Resolution No. 26: Aye all Nay 0 Obs 0 Vote passed. New Business Senate Resolution No. 27 by Senator Akins and Senator Marler Announcements Advisor Dean suggested Senators that were not returning to SGA to consider joining a University standing committee. He reminded Senators that there is a GPA requirement for SGA and that he will be checking grades. President Drew announced that students can vote for what group to be the Homecoming concert. Meeting adjourned at 12:40 p.m.