11 International Entrepreneurship Forum, 2012

11th International Entrepreneurship Forum, 2012
Guidelines for Parallel Panel Sessions (NOT plenary sessions)
General Points:
The Chair of panel to:
a) Explain the scope and purpose of the panel session (as per the notes below for
each session); 5 minutes;
b) Introduce the topic from your own perspective – 5 mins;
c) ask each panellist to introduce themselves (by name and affiliation only) and
then their ideas (not in terms of who they are or what they do but essentially
in terms of the topic of the session; each panel member to suggest no more
than two big ideas relating to the topic (15 minutes or 3 minutes each for 5
panel members);
d) pick 2 key points each panellist has made and encourage discussion on those
points among all panel members by asking questions as chair (no more than 5
questions) 15 minutes;
e) after each ‘set of 2 key points’ elicit a couple of responses from the audience
(brief responses only) 15 minutes;
f) after all points have been covered summarise the key issues that have emerged
and wind up the session 5 minutes.
1. No power point presentations please (this is a discussion forum); if any panel
member has a presentation then please request paper copies to be distributed in
advance to the audience;
2. please refer and communicate with your rapporteur (to be identified for you)
to ensure notes are taken in a manner which covers the key issues
Specific Panel Related Issues
The notes below include points that could be discussed by the panellists for each
session. Panellists are strongly encouraged to go through these issues (as they apply to
their panel) and prepare their contributions accordingly at the conference. But note the
notes do not constitute a definitive prescription – they act as a guide to enable
coherent and meaningful debate and discussion.
Panel 1: Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Scope and Coverage: Key Issues (this is only a guide!)
Some key factors and fundamentals of sustainability – what we do now which
can survive the future (environmental, economic, social, organisational)
How can entrepreneurship be sustainable? Both have something to do with
what you do now which has implications for the future ( entrepreneurship =
organisation of resources for new products/ services for the future;
sustainability = something which can stand the test of time but also generate
Entrepreneurship and Innovation deal with novelty, uncertainty and
complexity – how is it possible to generate sustainability in uncertain and
complex environments?
How do new small firms deal with sustainability? Is there much difference
between what small firms do and what medium sized and large firms have to
be taken into consideration?
Is sustainable entrepreneurship of particular relevance to emerging and
developing economies?
Panel 2: Sustainable Entrepreneurship Education, Research and
Scope and Coverage: Key issues (this is only a guide)
What are the key or topical issues for research, teaching and training in
sustainable entrepreneurship?
What priority can or should be given to these issues in the curriculum in
research and training portfolios for educational institutions and corporate
Who should take responsibility for ensuring the effectiveness of these
When should education and training begin? At school level? Should it be part
of CPD?
Can these initiatives be made to fit into existing currciula or should new ones
be designed?
How can information technology help with the research and education
How can public policy help? Should be there be policy directives for such
Panel 3: Sustainability, Technology and Innovation
Scope and Coverage: Key Issues (this is a guide)
How do businesses cope efficiently and effectively with sustainability in the
wake of continuous and rapid technological change?
What are sustainable technologies? How does sustainability help to encourage
Can rapid technological change disrupt strategies for sustainability? If so how?
What can be done to ensure the sustainability agenda?
How important is the design of new business models to enable adoption of
technological change while affording sustainability?
What changes are necessary for businesses to make when considering the
adoption of for example environmental issues and green technologies?
How can government policy support and facilitate technology development,
innovation and sustainability?
Panel 4: Sustainability and Society
Scope and Coverage: Key Issues (this is only a guide)
To what extent is sustainability a critical issue for society now and in the
How do citizens, communities, business and government work together to
create and sustain sustainable societies?
Are social enterprises the best vehicles for promoting sustiainability in
What is common good and how can we sustain the idea of the common or
public good?
Does philanthropy play a part in sustaining innovation in society?
How does social innovation and how do social networks promote
sustainability in society?
How can Governments help to develop sustainable societies in a globally
connected market place?
Panel 5: Effective Public Policies for Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Scope and Coverage: Key Issues (this is a guide)
How can government help to promote sustainable entrepreneurship?
What is the role of smart policy development and planning for sustainable
entrepreneurship and innovation?
What role does governance play in enabling sustainable entrepreneurship?
How can government help to address information asymmetries to establish
effective policies for sustainable entrepreneurship?
Can excessive policy development and planning kill off opportunities and
creativity for sustainable development?
How can government policy promote both sustainable entrepreneurship and
economic growth at the same time?
Panel 6: The Networked Enterprise
Scope and Coverage: Key Issues (this is a guide)
Are networks critical for sustainable enterprise development?
To what extent is social capital development crucial for sustainability and
entrepreneurship development?
How best can growing ventures embed their activities in society and social
usefulness using social networks?
How do global businesses embed their growing ventures through business and
social networks in societies where they operate?
Are global networks under threat in our current economic climate?
In what way can businesses and government s work together to sustain global
networks or should they focus more on encouraging local networks?
August, 2012