14th International Entrepreneurship Forum (14 TH IEF) Conference Conference Theme Entrepreneurial Institutions and the Entrepreneurial Society: Creating an Inclusive Agenda for Opportunity Creation Cape Town, South Africa 16-18 September, 2015 Full Paper Template Title of Your Paper Full Name of Lead Author, Job Title of the Lead Author Your Institution Your full address Tel: xxxxx E-mail: xxxx@xxxx Full Name of 2nd Author, Job Title of the 2nd Author Your Institution Your full address Tel: xxxxx E-mail: xxxx@xxxx Full Name of 3rd Author, Job Title of the 3rd Author Your Institution Your full address Tel: xxxxx E-mail: xxxx@xxxx (add other authors if appropriate) Suggested Structure 1. Abstract (see abstract template) 2. Introduction 3. Objectives 4. Literature review 5. Methods 6. Findings 7. Discussion 8. Implications 9. Concluding Observations 10. References 11. Appendices 12. Acknowledgements PAPER FORMAT Page Size/Type: A4 Margins Top/Bottom: 2cm (do not alter "headers and footers"). Margins Left/Right: Left 2.5cm; Right 2cm. Spacing: 1.5. spacing. Justification: Fully justified, except in case of tables and figures. Font/Size: Arial, font size 11. Word Count: 5000-8,000 words (excluding references, tables, figures, & appendices). Referencing: Harvard Style Referencing