University of Essex Checklist for a new module A Module Outline form should be submitted at the same time as this checklist. The Module Outline mainly contains the information which will be used for the module directory, including the module description, aims, learning outcomes, learning, teaching and assessment details, indicative module content and bibliography, but may also be used to provide information needed by the Dean, Faculty Education Committee or validation panels as part of consideration of a new course approval. If the module outline has already been produced as part of a course approval, please attach the approved module outline form to this checklist. The department putting forward the proposal is responsible for ensuring that the submission addresses all relevant issues. All proposals must be authorised by the Head of Department before submitting to your Quality and Academic Development Manager. Once approved by the Head of Department, the proposal will be considered as part of the new course approval process, or by the Faculty Education Committee (for example where part of a more significant range of amendments to an existing course) or by the Faculty Executive Dean on behalf of the Faculty Education Committee. SUBMISSION Please return this form to: The relevant Quality and Academic Development Manager; and The Systems Administration Office (Room 6.121, or Attachments: Module Outline form WBL/placement form (where appropriate) APPROVAL Proposal supported by the relevant Head of Department Approved: Y/N Comments: Signed Date FOR COMPLETION BY REGISTRY STAFF: Approved by Faculty Executive / Deputy Dean Approved: Comments: Signed Date Y/N 1. Module Details 1 Name of Department 2 Full module code [e.g. EE212-2-AU] 3 Full module title 4 Year(s) of study available to: 5 National Qualification Framework Level 6 Credit Value of the module 7 Which campus(es) will it be offered on? 8 Date of introduction 9 List of courses in which the module is offered, and how the module fits into the course structure, including status (core, compulsory, optional) JACS code NOTE: Once approved, changes to include this module in programme structures should also be made via the annual update exercise. Please specify all availability lists / module option groups module is to be added to 10 Can students register for this module as a ‘stand alone’ module? 11 Available to: [please tick as relevant] Study Abroad: Y/N Does the module replace an existing module? YES/NO 12 13 UG courses: Outside Option for other degree students: Y/N If NO go to Q14 If YES please answer Q13 Name of module to be discontinued Will discontinuing this module have any impact on students outside the initiating department? 14 Have the Heads of other departments been consulted? 15 Is the module to be taught in more than one Department? If taught in more than one Department, please specify organisational arrangements for teaching load purposes [see Planning Office / Stats and Data / FTE and load information: ad.aspx] YES/NO Department % of teaching by Dept 16 Duration of the module Teaching contact hours [Please specify hours, e.g. for lectures, classes and practicals] Number of weeks in the year Term(s) taught in the year 17 Is the module wholly taught or assessed at the University? YES/NO If no, please give brief details. Does the module involve work-based learning (WBL)/placement learning? YES/NO If YES, please complete the WBL/placement learning approval form, and contact the PBI Project Officer in the Registry regarding compliance with Tier 4 immigration regulations. If the module is not WBL/placement learning and is not wholly taught or assessed at the University, please contact the Academic Standards and Partnerships Office regarding possible validation arrangements. 18 Will a partner institution be involved in the delivery of the module? YES/NO If YES please contact the Academic Standards and Partnerships Office regarding possible validation arrangements YES/NO If YES please complete the supplementary checklist for distance learning proposals Which partner and what will their involvement be? 19 Will any of the module be delivered by distance learning? 20 Are there any elements of the module that might pose a specific risk to staff, students or University property (i.e. placements, study visits, field trips)? 21 If YES, please give brief details and contact the University’s Health and Safety Advisory Service and Finance Section Is there any particular aspect of this module that might present any particular difficulties for students with disabilities? If YES, please provide details and contact Student Support 22 Pre-Requisites: [module(s) that must be taken in a previous academic year] 23 Co-Requisites: [module(s) that must be taken in the same academic year] 24 Pre or Co Requisites: [module(s) that must be taken in a previous or in the same academic year] 25 Maximum Enrolment: [if the module is capped] 26 Comments: [advice on the module’s availability or students’ suitability to take the module, such as “a sound knowledge of maths is helpful”] 2. Assessment Strategy 27 Assessment: [state the rule by which coursework and/or examinations will combine to create a module aggregate mark] 28 Please describe how the module will be assessed, cross referencing to the module outline as necessary [including the number and type of coursework elements] 29 Exam duration and period [state length of exam in hours and tick whether held in Christmas Vacation or Summer exam period] 30 Please indicate how the module will be reassessed 3. Resources 31 Module Supervisor: [one staff member] 32 Teaching Staff: [one or more staff members] 33 Contact Details: [where students should direct enquiries, e.g. email address, telephone no., room no.] 34 Academic staff – in hours per annum 35 Fees payable: [Standard fee or special fee] 36 Teaching accommodation: [Please specify requirements] 37 Support staff: [e.g. language support staff – in hours per annum] 38 Laboratory accommodation: [Please specify requirements] 39 Computing facilities/Audio-Visual: [Please specify requirements] Exam duration: Christmas vacation exam period: Y/N Summer exam period: Y/N 40 Library provision: [Please specify requirements] 4. Supplementary checklist for distance learning proposals 1 Has this module been developed with the support of the Learning Technology team ( 2 Who is the first point of contact for the student on the module? What is the mechanism for this contact? 3 How long should students expect to wait for a response to their online questions (e.g. “five working days”) and how is this communicated to the students? 4 How have you considered issues of accessibility? 5 What opportunity is there for student/tutor interaction? 6 What provision has been made for social aspects of learning? 7 Has a secure place for performing assessments been identified? Are remote invigilators needed? How are the conditions of the examination controlled? (Security, time limits, identity etc.) What systems are in place to insure the secure handling of module submission and feedback? 8 If the module is not wholly taught and/or assessed at the University, indicate: which part of the syllabus is taught elsewhere what the joint organisational arrangements are how the roles of partner institutions and remote tutors (if any) are clearly defined 9 Are there any additional resource requirements which are not covered by the main checklist? 10 How will the module be monitored/evaluated? 11 How will student feedback be managed? (ie. SACT, SSLC)