University of East Anglia and University of Essex UNIVERSITY CAMPUS SUFFOLK JOINT ACADEMIC COMMITTEE 9 November 2011 MINUTES Chair Dr Aulay Mackenzie Present Phillip Belden; Dr Wayne Campbell; Dr Penny Cavenagh; Jacqueline Collier; Christine Dobson; Jane Gamble; Chrissie Harrington; Richard Lister; Dr Mark Lyne; Jen Mackness; Alison Rhodes; Professor Mike Saks; Carol Smith; Phil Thirkettle; Erica Towner; Professor David Weir; Professor Jane Wright; Jonathan Wright Apologies Angela Carter; Dr Pam Cox; Professor Valerie Lattimer; Professor Brendon Noble; Professor Nigel Norris; Professor Naresh Pandit; Dr David Pevalin; Professor Nigel South; Christine Walters Secretary Dr Kay Thompson In attendance Denis McAuley (deputising for Angela Carter); Fiona Fisk; Claire Nixon; Susan Spencer; Sally Walker Introduction and announcements 11/104 Members were welcomed to the first meeting of the 2011/12 academic year. Minutes of the previous meeting 11/105 The minutes of the meeting held on 9 June 2011 were agreed to be an accurate record of proceedings. Chairs’ Report 11/106 Members noted a range of items for information as outlined in Paper JAC/11/97. Update to Framework Collaboration Agreement Appendix 2: Operational Responsibilities 11/107 Members approved the updated version of Appendix 2 of the Framework Collaboration Agreement regarding operational responsibilities. It was noted that a tracked changes version of the document would have been helpful, although the complexity of the document made this difficult to produce in a legible manner. Institutional review of UCS Lowestoft 11/108 Members received a report on the institutional review of UCS Lowestoft, which had taken place on 12 October 2011. Staff at UCS Lowestoft had found the event useful, but felt that in future it would be better for panel members to have a greater awareness of the constraints of delivering higher education in a predominantly further education environment. Those who had been involved in the review event noted that staff at UCS Lowestoft had represented the college well, with the UCS Lowestoft panel member 1 effectively clarifying any misunderstandings. The commendations for the commitment of staff, employer engagement and academic support were highlighted. 11/109 It was reported that the HE Strategy would be updated in time for the next meeting of the UCS Joint Academic Committee in March 2012. 11/110 It was recommended to the Senates of both validating universities that UCS Lowestoft be reapproved as a partner institution of the University of East Anglia and the University of Essex for a period of five years commencing September 2012, subject to the conditions in the institutional review report being met by agreed deadlines. Institutional review of UCS Bury St Edmunds 11/111 Members received a report on the institutional review of UCS Bury St Edmunds, which had taken place on 13 October 2011. The College’s Vice Principal Curriculum and Quality thanked the review panel for their input, and the contribution of students to the discussions was commended. One of the key issues had been the use of the virtual learning environment, Wolsey. It was noted that the College currently had three sharepoint sites in operation due to a transfer of internal systems. This was a common issue across UCS Learning Network Centres, and had also been picked up in the UCS Lowestoft institutional review. 11/112 The commendations relating to the commitment and enthusiasm of academic and support staff and the strong links with industry were highlighted. 11/113 It was recommended to the Senates of both validating universities that UCS Bury St Edmunds be reapproved as a partner institution of the University of East Anglia and the University of Essex for a period of five years commencing September 2012, subject to the condition in the institutional review report being met by agreed deadlines. Update on response to UCS Otley institutional review conditions and recommendations 11/114 Members received an update on the response to the conditions of the UCS Otley institutional review. As noted in paper JAC/11/101, the validating universities had agreed that more detail was required in the original response to the conditions. They had therefore decided to extend the original four year period of institutional validation for a further period of up to one year to allow for measures and support to be put in place to address the points made by the review panel. Representatives of UCS and the validating universities had met with UCS Otley staff to discuss the action plan and progress on this would be kept under review via the UCS Joint Academic Committee over the current academic year. Update on support for use of Wolsey within the Learning Network Centres 11/115 Members received an update from the Elevate team on the provision of the virtual learning environment, Wolsey, across the UCS Learning Network, prompted by the outcomes of recent institutional reviews. 11/116 Three key issues were identified: i) Getting students enrolled in a timely fashion so that they can access Wolsey ii) The variable performance of Wolsey within centres iii) Encouraging effective use of Wolsey for learning and teaching within centres 11/117 UCS was currently in the process of separating the virtual learning environment and the intranet, and it was hoped that this would help to improve system performance. The Elevate team had increased the provision of direct support to staff and students within centres, although the extent to which this had been taken up varied. The ability to 2 create temporary logins had been useful where there were delays in student enrolment on the UCS Student Record System. 11/118 Members discussed the limitations of the Blackboard system and noted that alternative systems were being investigated by UCS. 11/119 Members agreed that use of Wolsey remained a significant issue and that firm action needed to be taken to address this, with an escalation in awareness of outstanding issues and oversight of action being taken to address them. Getting relevant staff from all UCS centres together to resolve problems would be a useful step forward. 11/120 The UCS Provost highlighted the need to adopt a more proactive approach to sharing expertise across the whole of UCS, for example through using technology to deliver lecture series across a number of sites. Update on Ofsted inspection of Initial Teacher Education 11/121 Members received a verbal update on the Ofsted inspection of initial teacher education provision, which was delivered at all Learning Network Centres and coordinated by Suffolk New College. The inspection had taken place during the previous week and so a formal report on findings had yet to be received, but the lead inspector had provided verbal feedback at the end of the visit. UCS had provisionally been graded as satisfactory both in terms of overall effectiveness and capacity to improve, which was in line with the findings of the previous inspection in December 2010. However, the inspector had noted improvement in some aspects of the provision, and some subgrades were likely to increase to ‘good’, for example in relation to admissions and recruitment, training and assessment, and anticipating change. A full report would be provided at the next meeting. General Social Care Council inspection report for Approved Mental Health Professional Training, UCS Ipswich 11/122 Members received a report on the General Social Care Council inspection of the MA Mental Health programme, which had taken place in May 2011. The initial risk rating at the conclusion of the inspection had been red, but action had subsequently been taken to address areas of concern and UCS had recently had the risk rating confirmed as green. 11/123 Members noted that awareness of the inspection within UCS and the validating universities had been limited. In response, UCS had taken firm action to ensure that all future PSRB visits were centrally logged by UCS Registry and notified to all concerned via the UCS Course Approvals Group (on which the validating universities were represented). The GSCC had been asked to ensure that the validating university (in this case UEA) was copied into all correspondence. 11/124 It was confirmed that the GSCC self-assessment process would also be monitored via the Committee, to ensure appropriate oversight. QAA Integrated Quality and Enhancement Review update 11/125 Members received the full reports on the IQER developmental engagements at UCS Great Yarmouth and UCS at Suffolk New College, following consideration of the key findings at the previous meeting. Members agreed that the outcomes had been broadly positive and noted that action plans were in place to address recommendations and share good practice. 11/126 UCS at Suffolk New College would be the first centre to go through the summative review stage, and the self-evaluation document had already been submitted to the 3 QAA following consultation with colleagues across UCS and the The reviews would span the period January to May 2012 and collaboratively, alongside UCS and the validating universities, commended the work that the centres had put into preparing them well for the summative reviews. validating universities. centres were working to prepare. Members for IQER and wished Update on the approval of UCS Ipswich for the delivery of postgraduate research degrees 11/127 Members received the report on the approval of UCS Ipswich for the delivery of postgraduate research degrees, which had been approved by Chairs’ action during the summer. The response to the conditions had been approved, although it was noted that the workload allocation model would be kept under review by the Committee. The forthcoming UCS institutional review would take an early look at the establishment of research degree provision, although it was recognised that there would be very little to consider at that stage. Enrolment update 2011/12 11/128 Members received an update on recruitment and enrolment for the 2011/12 academic year, and were pleased to note a 19% increase in applications at the start of the academic year. The conversion had increased too and was currently 9% higher than the previous year. To date, 5,553 students were enrolled (3624.31 ftes), representing 99.5% of the HEFCE target and with a few more enrolments to process at UCS Bury St Edmunds and UCS Lowestoft. 11/129 Part-time and postgraduate applications and conversion rates were down, which was partly attributable to uncertainty in the market and employers cutting back on staff development budgets. Student retention and achievement 2010/11 11/130 Members received a summary of retention and achievement during the 2010/11 academic year. The categorisation process for retention and achievement had been abandoned and a threshold figure of 78% established to highlight courses with low levels of retention and achievement (but sufficient student numbers to allow meaningful data analysis). The courses below this threshold would be audited and the resulting action plans reported through the SARE process. National Student Survey (NSS) results and action plans 2011 11/131 Members received a summary of NSS results and action plans for all schools, centres and support services. It was noted that although overall NSS results had increased by 3% since the previous year to 74%, this was still considerably below the national benchmark figure of 83%. Behind the overall figures there were considerable variations in performance across schools and centres. The School of Arts and Humanities at UCS Ipswich and UCS Bury St Edmunds had performed particularly well. 100% of history students at UCS Ipswich had expressed satisfaction with their course, and radiography provision had been ranked first nationally for student satisfaction. In contrast, UCS Otley and UCS at Suffolk New College had achieved low levels of satisfaction across most areas. The overall satisfaction rate of 81% for the quality of teaching across UCS provided a good foundation for future improvement, which would be crucial in light of the launch of Key Information Sets in 2012/13. 11/132 A considerable amount of effort had been devoted to addressing the issues raised in the NSS, involving meetings with all schools and centres undertaken by the Provost, the Director of Academic Development and the President of the UCS Union. The intention was to focus on key issues that, if addressed, would result in a significant 4 improvement to students’ learning experiences. UCS had adopted a template for school and centre action plans to ensure consistency. The absence of the UCS Otley action plan from the agenda papers was acknowledged. An action plan had been developed but required further work in liaison with the UCS Head of Quality Enhancement. This would be circulated to JAC members shortly. The engagement of the UCS Union in the process was commended, and in particular the production of a separate students’ union NSS action plan. 11/133 Members noted that low scores were often linked to periods of change (for example unforeseen staffing changes), and that in smaller centres student discontent in one or two courses could significantly affect overall results. 11/134 The importance of keeping the previous year’s action plan under review was emphasised, so that issues were not lost and successes could be promoted to students (for example through ‘you said, we did’ campaigns). The link between NSS action plans and the SARE process was noted. UCS was considering how best to fit the two processes together to avoid duplication. The dissemination of good practice formed an integral part of the SARE process and provided a mechanism for sharing expertise in schools or centres with strong NSS results. 11/135 The robust response to the NSS results was commended by the Committee. Update on internal student survey results 2010/11 11/136 It was reported that the internal student survey had received a very disappointing response rate of just 8%, resulting in only a limited amount of information that was of use to course teams (mainly in the form of qualitative comments). In order to improve the response rate, the survey would coincide with the NSS survey in 2012. New course proposals 11/137 Members granted outline approval for publicity purposes to the following new course proposals: UCS Ipswich BA (Hons) Care Practice (level 6 progression route) PGCert / PGDip / MA Healthcare Education (by distance learning) PGCert / PGDip / MA Journalism UCS Otley BA (Hons) / BSc (Hons) / BA (Ord) / BSc (Ord) Land Based Studies (level 6 progression route) 11/138 The intention to recruit overseas students to the MA Healthcare Education distance learning course was noted, and clarification was sought on how work-based learning and mentoring would be managed for these students. The Head of the School of Nursing and Midwifery confirmed that considerable research was being undertaken regarding the management of distance learning and the course team were conscious of this issue. Periodic review proposal 11/139 Members considered a proposal to bring forward the periodic review of BA (Hons) Dance in the Community at UCS Ipswich, in light of requested changes to the course title and content. It was agreed that the Chairs of the Committee would decide outside the meeting whether a periodic review was the best way to handle the changes, or whether it could be dealt with through the course modification process. 5 Update on Quality Enhancement Strategy 2010/11 action plan 11/140 The UCS Head of Quality Enhancement reported that the quality enhancement strategy was now an integral part of the overall UCS strategic plan, with a separate strategy now seeming superfluous. The Committee endorsed the proposal that the maintenance of a separate strategy be discontinued, with quality enhancement to become a more explicit element of the annual academic report action plan. It was noted that most points from the 2010/11 quality enhancement action plan had been taken forward and that any outstanding issues would feed into the SARE process. The use of Key Performance Indicators within UCS 11/141 Following on from discussions at the previous meeting, the UCS Provost provided an update on the use of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) within UCS. Although all headline KPIs were the responsibility of the UCS Board, some were of interest to the Joint Academic Committee (for example relating to recruitment, NSS results, external reviews and employability). It was agreed that a summary of relevant KPIs would be circulated to the Committee, with an occasional standing item on the agenda to receive an update on KPI attainment levels. Additional updates to JAC membership and terms of reference for 2011/12 11/142 Additional updates to the membership and terms of reference of the Committee for 2011/12 were approved. Update to professional misconduct / professional unsuitability procedure 11/143 The amended professional misconduct / professional unsuitability procedure was approved. Chairs’ Action 11/144 The Committee noted action taken on behalf of the Committee by the Director of Partnerships (UEA) and the Dean of Academic Partnerships (Essex) to approve a range of items as listed in Paper JAC/11/118. 11/145 It was recommended to the Senates of the validating universities that the title of FdSc Sports Development and Coaching at UCS Bury St Edmunds be changed to FdSc Sports Coaching and Development. 11/146 It was recommended to the Senates of the validating universities that BEng (Ord) Operations Engineering be included as a climb-out award for the existing BEng (Hons) Operations Engineering level 6 progression route at UCS Lowestoft (for students completing their Foundation degree at UCS only). 11/147 It was recommended to the Senates of the validating universities that BSc (Hons) Acute Healthcare Practice (Accident and Emergency) be reinstated as an award, following discontinuation at the meeting of the UCS Joint Academic Committee in June 2010. 11/148 It was recommended to the Senates of the validating universities that the following courses be discontinued: UCS Ipswich BA (Hons) Digital Media (with immediate effect) BA (Hons) Performance (with immediate effect) UCS Otley 6 FdSc Sustainable Land Use Management (one student to complete during 2011/12) Validated programmes 2011/12 11/149 Members received a summary of programmes currently validated across UCS. Joint Board of Moderators accreditation report: FdSc / BSc (Hons) Civil Engineering, UCS Bury St Edmunds and UCS at Suffolk New College 11/150 Members received the accreditation report for FdSc and BSc (Hons) Civil Engineering at UCS Bury St Edmunds and UCS at Suffolk New College, following an accreditation visit in February 2011. Annual report on the conduct of assessment boards 11/151 Members received the annual report on the conduct of assessment boards in 2010/11, and noted that the action plan was being taken forward via the Partnership Management Team. Annual report on complaints, appeals, academic misconduct and professional misconduct / unsuitability 11/152 Members received the annual report on complaints, appeals, academic misconduct and professional misconduct / unsuitability during 2010/11. Summary of external examiner appointments 2011/12 11/153 Members received a summary of external examiner appointments for the current academic year. Updates to summary of core responsibilities of Learning Network Centres in delivering HE 11/154 Members received a summary of core responsibilities in delivering HE within each of the five Learning Network Centres. Updates to Validation Handbook for 2011/12 11/155 Updates to the Validation Handbook (now renamed Partnerships Handbook) for 2011/12 were noted. Update on response to 2010/11 validation conditions 11/156 Members received an update on the response to conditions and recommendations of validation and revalidation in 2010/11, and noted that all conditions had been signed off by panel chairs. Update on requirements tracking 11/157 Members received an update on the response to requirements of validation and revalidation, noting that some requirements were outstanding and would be followed up by UCS Registry. Schedule of validation, revalidation and periodic review events for 2011/12 11/158 Members received the schedule of validation, revalidation and periodic review events for 2011/12. 7 Report from Policies and Procedures Working Group 11/159 Members received the minutes of the Policies and Procedures Working Group meeting held on 5 September 2011. Minor updates to various policies and procedures were noted, as outlined in the minutes. Report from UCS Academic Board 11/160 Members received the minutes of the Academic Board meeting held on 6 October 2011. Any other business 11/161 It was noted that Dr Aulay Mackenzie, Dean of Academic Partnerships, would be leaving the University of Essex shortly to take up a new post in London. Dr Mackenzie was thanked for his role in co-chairing the committee and his significant contribution to the establishment and ongoing development of University Campus Suffolk, and he was wished well for the future. Date of future meetings 11/162 Wednesday 7 March 2012, 10.00 - 12.00, UCS Ipswich Thursday 7 June 2012, 14.00 - 16.00, UCS Ipswich Dr Kay Thompson Academic Standards and Partnerships Manager University of Essex November 2011 8