University of East Anglia and University of Essex 11 March 2010

University of East Anglia and University of Essex
11 March 2010
Dr Aulay Mackenzie
Phillip Belden; Dr Wayne Campbell; Angela Carter; Dr Pam Cox; Christine
Dobson; Professor Andy Downton; Rob Evans; Chrissie Harrington; Professor
Roland Kaye; Richard Lister; Dr Brendan Noble; Professor Nigel Norris; Dr
Lucy O’Driscoll; Diane Palmer; Carol Smith; Andy Speed; Phil Thirkettle; Dr
Erica Towner
Dr Leon Burnett; Fiona Fisk; Jen Mackness; Marilyn Watsham
Dr Kay Thompson
In attendance
Wendy Clifton-Sprigg; Dr Ron Impey; Claire Nixon; Susan Spencer; Sally
Introduction and announcements
New members were welcomed to the meeting.
Minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 26 November 2009 were agreed to be an accurate
record of proceedings.
Matters arising from the minutes
Chairs’ Report
Members noted a range of items for information outlined in Paper JAC/10/02.
UCS Annual Academic Report 2008/09
The UCS Head of Quality introduced the UCS Annual Academic Report for 2008/09,
which represented the culmination of the SARE process. The evaluative commentary
within the report provided a summary of strengths and areas requiring further work as
identified in School and Centre SARE reports (papers JAC/10/17-25), feeding into the
UCS Quality Enhancement Plan for 2010.
In terms of recruitment, student profiles remained similar to previous years although
there had been some inroads, for example in terms of a small increase in full-time
students and those from outside the local region. The report included analyses of
student performance data, including a breakdown of awards data which demonstrated
some variation from national comparative data in respect of a higher proportion of 2:2s
awarded, which might be expected given the UCS student intake profile. The provision
of data specifically relating to new entrants represented the first step in a move towards
cohort analysis which it was hoped would improve the quality of management
information in future.
The Head of Quality noted the improvements in support for course teams preparing for
validations, with an analysis of validation conditions providing a useful summary of
areas where there was scope for further work.
UCS was mindful of the need to disseminate good practice, for example in relation to
common areas of strength identified by external examiners and the strong NSS results
for teaching quality in some areas. Levels of student support again represented an
area of strength for UCS. The commitment to research and scholarly activity was
noted. A number of TQEF-funded projects relating to pedagogic research had been
undertaken, with the annual UCS Research Colloquium providing an opportunity to
disseminate outcomes and good practice.
There remained some concerns regarding learning resources at UCS Ipswich, with
lower NSS satisfaction scores in this area. This was in part attributable to the legacy of
the quality of the campus prior to the move to the new Waterfront Building in 2008. It
was anticipated that the quality of facilities in the Waterfront Building and the
refurbishment of Campus North (including the library) would result in improvements in
satisfaction levels in future years.
Members welcomed the Annual Academic Report, which provided a thorough and
comprehensive evaluation of the 2008/09 academic year.
UCS Quality Enhancement Strategy
Members received a revised version of the UCS Quality Enhancement Strategy, which
had been updated in light of comments made following the previous meeting. The
strategy outlined the quality enhancement infrastructure, ways of facilitating quality
enhancement and key action points, which would form part of a more detailed action
plan that would be developed during the implementation phase.
The strategy was approved subject to the inclusion of more information on the role of
students and the UCS Students’ Union in quality enhancement. These final updates
would be approved by Chairs’ Action outside the meeting.
Members noted the importance of engaging the whole of UCS in the process of
implementing the strategy and monitoring its effectiveness.
UCS Student Engagement Strategy
Members received a revised version of the UCS Student Engagement Strategy, which
had been updated in light of comments made following the previous meeting. The
Strategy had recently been presented to the UCS Students’ Union Council and
comments from members were awaited.
The emphasis on the partnership in learning with students and the responsibility of
students to take ownership of their learning experience was welcomed, but it was felt
that the actions were overly focused on quality assurance and enhancement aspects.
There was scope for the action plan to identify mechanisms for increasing student
engagement in their learning experience, which represented an issue across the HE
Members noted the importance of confirming how the strategy would be publicised and
debated among the wider student body during the implementation phase.
Members approved the strategy subject to the amendments suggested above. The
final version would be approved by Chairs’ Action outside the meeting.
Core Responsibilities of Learning Network Centres in delivering Higher
Members received a draft summary of the core responsibilities of Learning Network
Centres (LNCs) in delivering HE, which had been developed by the Partnership
Management Team in response to the recommendation of the QA review that the role
of the HE Manager within LNCs be clearly defined. Recognising the diversity of
approach to the management of HE within LNCs, it was proposed that a focus on
deliverables would be better than attempting to draft a single role description for use in
all centres.
Subject to the inclusion of liaison with the UCS Students’ Union, members endorsed
the proposed Service Level Agreement for further discussion via the Principal of each
LNC, with a view to confirmed articulation of each centre’s approach being submitted to
the next meeting.
Appointment of External Examiner Guidelines
Members approved an updated version of the UCS Appointment of External Examiner
Guidelines, subject to consideration of the potential role of external examiners in
respect of staff candidates. It was noted that at UEA the external examiner was
responsible for seeing all work of staff candidates, but that at Essex this was less of an
issue because of anonymity in Examination Board proceedings.
Placement Learning Policy
Members considered an updated version of the UCS Placement Learning Policy, which
had been revised to reflect the relevant section of the QAA Code of Practice and new
guidance from the Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) which
encouraged a more risk based approach.
Members agreed that it would be useful to cross refer to other relevant policies,
including those relating to professional misconduct and safeguarding. A template
tripartite agreement between UCS, students and placement providers would be helpful
to ensure consistency of approach, drawing on existing good practice in the health
area. Further consideration also needed to be given to volunteering as an enrichment
opportunity outside formal course structures, with the Students’ Unions of the validating
universities being a potential source of advice on how to manage volunteering activity.
Members considered how the implementation of the policy would be overseen. It was
noted that the (re)validation process provided an opportunity for scrutiny of the
management of placement and work-based learning, and that the external examiner
system and the SARE process provided further opportunities to oversee this aspect of
activity. It was agreed that there was scope to cover this more explicitly in SARE and
external examiner reports through changes to the relevant templates, and this would be
taken forward by the Partnership Management Team.
Members commended the comprehensive nature of the proposed policy and approved
it subject to the amendments noted above, which would be approved by Chairs’ Action
outside the meeting.
Update on UCS academic communities
Members received a summary of the ten academic communities that would be
operating across UCS. The proposed leaders (now called conveners) had met to share
ideas on how to move the communities forward, and would be meeting again in June to
discuss progress. UCS was in the process of creating a virtual presence for each
community on Wolsey, which would provide an online forum for dialogue outside
Members welcomed the development and looked forward to receiving progress
updates in due course.
Update on preparations for QAA Collaborative Provision Audit
The Dean of Academic Partnerships reported that the institutional briefing paper had
been submitted to the QAA and that a partner visit to UCS Ipswich had been confirmed
(also involving staff from other UCS Learning Network Centres). Further discussion
regarding preparations for the audit and the submission of additional information to the
QAA in preparation for the partner visit would take place outside the meeting.
Update on preparations for QAA Integrated Quality and Enhancement Review
It was confirmed that Developmental Engagements at each of the Learning Network
Centres would take place in Spring 2011, followed by a single Summative Review in
Spring 2012. Relevant staff would be undertaking QAA training in May. An ongoing
series of IQER preparatory meetings were taking place, considering key themes such
as assessment, the Academic Infrastructure and public information.
Changes to the SARE process for the review of the 2009/10 academic year
Members approved a revision to the SARE process to incorporate a more formal
review of module delivery, as outlined in Paper JAC/10/10.
Revision to the revalidation schedule to aid alignment of provision
Members approved revisions to the course revalidation schedule, to enable similar
courses to be aligned and revalidated together.
Validation report – CertHE/FdA Graphic Design (UCS Bury St Edmunds)
The Committee recommended to the Senates of the validating universities that
CertHE/FdA Graphic Design be re-approved for delivery at UCS Bury St Edmunds for a
period of five years commencing September 2010.
Chairs’ Action
Members noted action taken by the joint Chairs on behalf of the Committee to approve
a range of items as outlined in Paper JAC/10/13.
It was recommended to the Senates of the validating universities that:
a) the course title of FdA Supporting Inclusive Learning (offered at UCS Lowestoft) be
changed to FdA Supporting Inclusive Learning and Practice
b) FdA Health Care Practice (Management of Acute Conditions) and FdA Health Care
Practice (Management of Long Term Conditions) be added as named pathways
within the existing FdA Health Care Practice course offered at UCS Ipswich
c) FdSc Sport, Health and Exercise (UCS Bury St Edmunds) be discontinued at the
end of the 2010/11 academic year when all existing students have completed the
Report on 2009/10 HESES return
Members noted a summary of the December 2009 HESES return.
Recruitment summary
Members noted a summary of recruitment growth, targets for the next academic year
and applications to date for 2010 entry.
UCS Academic Strategy
Members endorsed the UCS Academic Strategy, which had been approved by the
UCS Board in January 2010.
School / Centre SARE reports
Members received the School and Centre SARE reports which had contributed to the
UCS Annual Academic Report discussed in minutes 10/10-10/15 above.
Nursing and Midwifery Council programme monitoring report
Members noted the Nursing and Midwifery Council programme monitoring report for
pre-registration nursing (clinical focus children’s nursing) and pre-registration
midwifery, which had resulted in a judgement of ‘good’ throughout.
Update on response to validation requirements from 2008/09
Members received an update on course teams’ responses to validation requirements
arising at 2008/09 (re)validation events. The UCS Head of Quality was liaising with
relevant course teams to ensure that all requirements were met.
Report from UCS Policies and Procedures Working Group
Members noted the minutes of the UCS Policies and Procedures Working Group
meeting held on 4 February 2010.
Report from UCS Academic Board
Members noted the minutes of the UCS Academic Board meeting held on 12
November 2009 and the draft minutes of the meeting held on 18 February 2010.
Any Other Business
Date of next meeting
Thursday 10 June 2010, 14:00 – 16:00, UCS Ipswich
Dr Kay Thompson
Academic Partnerships Manager
University of Essex
March 2010
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