Approved UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX PROJECT COORDINATION GROUP 23 January 2014 (2pm – 4pm) MINUTES Chair Bryn Morris (OBM) Present Marc Albano (MA), Jo Andrews (JA), Nicola East (NE), John Fell (JF), Emma Hardy (EH), Richard Harrison (RH), Bernarde Hyde (BH), Peter Luther (PL), Richard Murphy (RM), Richard Stock (RS), Sonia Virdee (SV), Jane Wright (JW) Secretary Clare Hornsby (CH) 1 Apologies Noted 2 1/14 2/14 Minutes of the last meeting, 5 December 2013 (PCG/14/01) Noted 3 Tracy Robinson (TR), Zoe Manning (ZM) John Fell was welcomed to the meeting. The minutes from the previous meeting were approved. 3/14 Matters arising from the minutes a) Action log (PCG/14/02) Noted The matters arising from the 5 December 2013 meeting of PCG were approved as correct and progress was noted. 4/14 b) Membership portal (verbal update) Noted The term ‘Membership portal’ would only be used internally and non-standard entry points would be considered within the scope of the project, as requested by PCG at its December 2013 meeting. 5/14 The new portal would push dynamic social media content and other relevant information to prospective students applying to the University for 2015-16 entry. The existing portal would be available for use as a contingency measure. 6/14 The portal was not connected to the application process. 7/14 c) Communicating project success (PCG/14/03) Agreed The example communication plans, and proposed approach for the promotion of project successes, were approved. 8/14 4 SUMS review a) Revised management response to the SUMS review of MIS working practices (PCG/14/20) Noted Paper PCG/14/20 had been circulated to members of PCG after the distribution of the agenda, but in advance of the meeting. This paper replaced the verbal update noted on the agenda. 9/14 Action undertaken in response to SUMS’ recommendations was varied. Despite two vacant positions recently being filled, recruitment continued to be problematic. There were concerns that without the full complement of staff, significant progress could not be made. 10/14 3 Agreed The importance was emphasised of progressing the development of indicative allocations of MIS resources to routine maintenance, enhancements and projects, in order to inform the PCG and its sub-groups in making decisions on the medium and long-term development of the Strategic Projects Portfolio. 11/14 New ways of working had been introduced to increase productivity as an interim measure, prior to MIS being restructured. 12/14 It was not immediately evident from the report where progress had been made, and where action was still required. 13/14 Appendix A should be updated to include an additional column for the purpose of displaying a RAG rating. Green should be used to indicate the completion of an action; amber to indicate that an action had been initiated but was incomplete; and red to indicate where work had not yet commenced. 14/14 SUMS would assign a day’s resource to help MIS identify priorities. 15/14 Action: BH A revised version of Appendix A should be submitted to the March 2014 meeting of PCG for consideration. 16/14 Action: RM A full project report providing up-to-date RAG ratings and highlighting any recommendations that it was proposed would no longer be taken forward, together with the rationale for any such recommendations, should be submitted to the July 2014 meeting of PCG. 17/14 Action: RM An approach to the reporting of available and committed enhancement and project resources should be established and submitted to a future meeting of PCG for consideration for approval. 18/14 Action: JF/ RH/ RM/ RS b) Review of MIS development tools (PCG/14/04) Noted Agreed The costs outlined in the options appraisal would need to be adjusted according to the level of activity required. It would be expensive to replace the systems developed using the UNIFACE toolset, and a significant amount of resource would be required to bring about and embed the necessary cultural changes resulting from such a replacement. Capital investment priorities would need to be considered, and the appetite for significant cultural change determined. 19/14 The difficulties in drawing simplistic comparisons for costs, resources and time between the University and other institutions were noted. In-house systems and off the shelf systems both offered potential benefits and raised potential issues, although the nature and impact of these varied between the two approaches. 20/14 Uncertainties associated with changes to the HE environment made it difficult to determine which of the options set out in the report would be most appropriate. 21/14 A revised proposal should be submitted to a future meeting of PCG by the Director of ISS and Head of MIS (input from the ICT Steering Group and CBSSG would also be welcomed), which addressed the following question: 22/14 If the University is to realise its ambitions of establishing itself within the top 25 of UK universities, and increase student numbers by 50%, what approach to student facing systems would best: enable the University to be agile, efficient and responsive to opportunities within a free student market; facilitate strong correspondence with students and deploy impactful points of contact; provide a reasonable level of assurance that the organisation could maintain a robust system; 4 be affordable, sustainable and enable the management of risk. Action: RM/ JF c) Review of IT financial management, purchasing and deployment (PCG/14/05) Agreed The Terms of Reference were approved, noting that the proposed reporting date of January 2014 was no longer appropriate and that this report would be delivered in Spring 2014. 23/14 5 HEFCE Postgraduate Support Scheme (PSS) (PCG/14/06) Noted Agreed The bid submitted to HEFCE proposed that the PSS Steering Group report to PCG, in its capacity as a sub-group of USG. It was suggested that the Education Committee should receive periodic updates on the Scheme for information only. 24/14 Although the bid did not reference research led teaching, this would be kept in mind during the development of future proposals. 25/14 The full project plan should be submitted to the March 2014 meeting of PCG for information. 26/14 Action: RH The reporting arrangements proposed in PCG/14/06 were approved. 27/14 6 An update on the use of Smartsheet (PCG/14/07) Noted Smartsheet was a helpful project management tool, although accessibility issues needed to be addressed. 28/14 Agreed To approve the continued use of Smartsheet, but that a liberal approach to the use of Smartsheet should be adopted as it would not be appropriate to introduce sanctions for those who did not use Smartsheet to manage their projects where appropriate alternative approaches were being utilised. 29/14 7 Progress report on the Strategic Projects Portfolio (SPP) (PCG/14/08) Noted Agreed The statuses of projects 1214, 1215, 1217, 1219 and 1270 were noted. 30/14 Since the December 2013 meeting of CBSSG, mitigating action had been taken to improve the status of project 1215. An updated progress report was expected to be received at the January 2014 meeting CBSSG, for referral to the March meeting of PCG. 31/14 Although the overall status of project 1217 was reported as green, this was queried by the Group, in light of a revised completion date proposed in Annex 3. The green status reflected the successful technical implementation of the eProcurement software, however work to embed the cultural change within the organisation was still required. 32/14 The revised completion dates for projects 1215 and 1217 were approved. 33/14 8 Student Services Hub progress report (PCG/14/09) Noted The overall project status was green for the current period. 34/14 9 Requests for project mandate a) The criteria for determining a projects priority ranking (PCG/14/10) Noted The criteria for determining a projects priority ranking were noted. 5 35/14 b) Big data dashboard (PCG/14/11) Noted Agreed The mandate request had been considered at the January 2014 meeting of ASSG to help inform its development. The Group raised concerns regarding the working title of the project and had recommended that it only be used internally. During discussions at ASSG, it was noted that Library records would not be made available to tutors without the express permission of individual students. 36/14 PCG confirmed that the University would not require student consent in order to share student data with tutors. It was imperative that staff had access to information that would help them support students to maximise their potential. 37/14 The project objectives were similar to those of existing and forthcoming projects such as the attendance monitoring and the HEAR projects. It was noted that many of the project objectives could be delivered through other mechanisms. 38/14 The project mandate was rejected. c) Cashless payments (PCG/14/12) Noted Agreed Concerns were raised regarding the accuracy of claims set out in the paper regarding the impact the project would have on student recruitment and retention. 39/14 Cashless payment options were available at other institutions and therefore PCG agreed that the project would prevent loss rather than deliver a significant competitive advantage to the University. 40/14 Mobile phone cashless payment technology was already available, and should be considered for implementation at the University, to future proof the cashless payment service. 41/14 The project was mandated. The full project proposal should include realistic project benefits and should confirm whether the service would be made available to staff. 42/14 d) CV builder (PCG/14/13) Noted Agreed The mandate request had been considered at the January 2014 meeting of ASSG to help inform its development. 43/14 The quality of student CVs would not be improved as a result of the implementation of a CV builder tool alone. There needed to be a mechanism in place that would ensure students received feedback regarding the quality of their CV. It was suggested that this support could be provided by departments. 44/14 Concerns were raised regarding the amount of resource required from the Learning Technology Team. It was suggested that resource estimates may increase during the course of developing a full project proposal. 45/14 The project was mandated with a 2-2 rating. 46/14 Opportunities to make the CV builder available to graduates for a defined period of time should be considered. 47/14 PCG’s feedback should be reflected in the full project proposal. 48/14 e) Improving the provision of reading lists (PCG/14/14) Noted Agreed The mandate request had been considered at the January 2014 meeting of ASSG to help inform its development. The Group suggested that reading lists should differentiate between those books that needed to be purchased and those that could be borrowed from the library. 49/14 The project would have a positive impact on student conversion and retention. 50/14 The project was mandated with a 3-2 rating. 51/14 6 f) Purchase and implementation of ‘SOTER’ software (PCG/14/15) Noted Agreed A project mandate request had been considered at the December 2013 meeting of PCG. The mandate had been referred back to the Project Manager for information relating to the volume of activity the project would support; confirmation of the cost of the software and budget source; and further details regarding interfacing potential with existing corporate systems. 52/14 The additional information had been included in the revised project mandate request. 53/14 The project was mandated with a 2-2 rating. 54/14 g) Development of the Essex Sport website (PCG/14/19) Noted Agreed The mandate request was circulated to members of PCG as a late addition to the agenda. 55/14 Concerns were raised about the accuracy of claims set out in the paper regarding the proposed impact of the project, as access to sporting facilities was not recognised as a student recruitment game changer. 56/14 The development of the Essex Sport website would not require PCG approval. The Project Manager should contact WEDM to discuss the scope of the website redesign and timetable for delivery. 57/14 If during discussions with WEDM a tightly scoped project was identified that met the criteria for requiring PCG approval, a revised mandate request could be submitted to a future meeting of PCG for consideration. 58/14 10 Projects for approval for implementation a) Review for the web content management system (verbal update) Noted Consideration of this matter would be deferred until the March 2014 meeting of PCG due to time constraints. 59/14 Agreed A full project proposal should be submitted for the Group’s consideration. 60/14 Action: RM b) Start your journey: skills resources for applicants to Essex (PCG/14/16) Noted Agreed This project was mandated by Chair’s action in December 2013. The recruitment cycle had driven the project timetable which was notably tight. 61/14 £30,000 was required to enable the development of Moodle content. This was not available within the Learning and Development revenue budget. 62/14 The project timetable did not include milestones for reporting project progress or closure. 63/14 The project was approved for implementation. 64/14 The required financial resource should be secured from the Registrar and Secretary’s budget. 65/14 Action: OBM A project progress or closure report should be submitted as appropriate to ASSG in April 2014. 66/14 Action: JA 11 Reports on completed projects Noted Consideration of the closure reports for projects 1202 and 1264 would be deferred until the March 2014 meeting of PCG due to time constraints. 7 67/14 12 Forthcoming projects Noted Consideration of this matter would be deferred until the March 2014 meeting of PCG due to time constraints. 68/14 13 Any Other Business Noted There was no other business. 69/14 14 Date of Next Meeting Noted 13 March 2014, 2pm to 4pm in the Vice-Chancellors Boardroom. Clare Hornsby Project Officer Strategic Planning and Change Section January 2014 8 70/14