Approved UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX PROJECT COORDINATION GROUP 24 January 2013 (14.00 – 16.00) MINUTES Chair Bryn Morris (OBM) Present Marc Albano (MA), Jo Andrews (JA), Jo Davies (JD), Emma Griffin (EG), Richard Harrison (RH), Bernarde Hyde (BH), Zoe Manning (ZM), Richard Murphy (RM), Tracy Robinson (TR), Richard Stock (RS), Joanne Tallentire (TG) standing in for Vanessa Potter (VP), Sonia Virdee (SV), Jane Wright (JW) By invitation Wendy Clifton-Sprigg (WCS), Kevin Ling (KL) Secretary Anda Šadinova (AŠ) 1. Apologies Nathan Bolton (NB), Maria Fasli (MF), Vanessa Potter (VP) 2. Minutes of the last meeting, 6 December 2012 and matters arising (PCG/13/01) Agreed The minutes from the 6 December 2012 were approved as a correct record of the meeting. 1/13 Noted Matters Arising: 1. The prioritised list of projects from the CBSS with mapping of available ISS/MIS resource was on the current meeting’s agenda (item 6a). 2. The issues regarding correct completion of the CBSS project proposals would be raised in the 28 January 2013 CBSS meeting 3. CBSS had considered expansion of the L4A project, items 6 and 7 on the agenda. 4. Amended e-Procurement project proposals – item 7 on the agenda. 5. MA would explore the possibility of capping Midlands consultancy fees at a meeting taking place later this week. 6. Amended iHR project proposal – item 7 on the agenda. 7. Flexible Study project proposal – item 7 on the agenda. 8. Staff Timetable project – oral report RS. Technical solution was currently under consideration by the Timetable Review group. 9. PCG comments regarding the Admissions related projects were communicated to JT. Amended projects would be submitted to the 14 march 2013 PCG meeting. 10. Issues regarding Student Support Client Update project – oral report RS. Issues regarding ISS resources were currently being dealt with. Project was almost completed. 11. Details regarding the Project Managers Network meeting had been forwarded to the members of the PCG. Report from the first meeting – item 10 on the agenda. 12. All amendments to the project templates would be introduced after a review had taken place, including validity of the original project proposal and project referencing system. 2/13 1 3. Student Services Centre and Lean – Wendy Clifton-Sprigg (PCG/13/02) Noted Wendy Clifton-Sprigg reported on the progress of the Student Services Centre project and the experience of using Lean as the main process review tool for the project, including Lean Review of Intermission and Lean Review of Arrival, as well as team-based reviews and mapping exercises. 3/13 WCS reported that the Lean methodology had proved to be very useful and powerful due to the strong engagement from all stakeholders and customers involved in a given process (e.g. students). This however meant that the Lean process review was very resource intensive (staff time required). 4/13 WCS reported that other Professional Services sections of the University had expressed interest in using Lean (Finance section and Estates Management section). The Group was asked to consider how the University would move forward regarding the adaptation of Lean, and how it would be supported. 5/13 Agreed It would be useful to engage with other Universities that had used Lean and draw on their experience. The Strategic Projects and Change team would work with WCS to draft a scalable University approach to process review. 6/13 Noted WCS would update the project documentation with detailed planning of the future phases of the project. A paper regarding IT resource requirements for the project had been submitted for the next meeting of the CBSS (28 January 2013). 7/13 4. Changes to the PCG Subcommittees – Academic Services Subgroup and Research Subgroup (PCG/13/03) Agreed The proposed changes to the PCG subgroups. 8/13 5. Project Proposals – Academic (PCG/13/04) Noted A number of academic projects were brought forward to the PCG for information and approval. 9/13 Agreed Essex Lab project – was formally added to the project portfolio with the understanding that after the initial period of temporary ISS support the project would have dedicated resource allocated and therefore would not draw on the existing ISS resources. 10/13 Noted The following projects were brought forward for approval by the Academic Services Subgroup: Making Electronic Feedback Effective, Moodle at Heart of Student Learning, E-portfolio, and Revised Reading lists. 11/13 Agreed All four projects proposed by the ASSG were approved and would be added to the project portfolio with the understanding that the ASSG had assured that there were enough resources to carry them out. 12/13 6. Project Proposals via CBSS – Prioritisation and Resource Allocation (PCG/13/05) Noted All projects brought forward had been considered by the CBSS virtually and submitted to PCG for approval. 13/13 2 Attendance Monitoring project – it was clarified that the previous activity regarding attendance monitoring should be referred to as a ‘trial’ as opposed to a ‘pilot’. 14/13 It was questioned whether the next steps of the project should be approved by the USG or the PCG. It was suggested that although next steps dealt with resource allocation and scheduling and therefore was a PCG issue, changes to the attendance monitoring also entailed changes to the attendance monitoring policy, and therefore had to be approved by the USG. 15/13 Agreed Issues regarding policy changes instigated by the Attendance Monitoring project should be submitted to the USG for agreement, and if agreed should come to PCG for resource allocation and scheduling. 16/13 Noted Automated Returning Intermitters Letter – the projects had emerged from the Student Services Centre project as a result of the Lean review of the Intermission process. 17/13 Languages for All Programme enhancement - L4A programme enrolment would be processed through the eNROL system from 2014. This project was connected with some strands of the Flexible Learning project. 18/13 External Examiners project – would result in efficiency gains. 19/13 Invigilator Timetables project – would result in improved management of invigilators, from manual to electronic process. 20/13 Agreed Projects that directly impacted on students would be recognised as priority 1 projects. Therefore, Languages for All Programme enhancement, Automated Returning Intermitters Letter and Attendance Monitoring projects were priority 1 projects. External Examiners and Invigilator Timetable projects impacted on students indirectly – priority 2 projects. 21/13 Noted Questions were raised regarding the resources availability to carry out the CBSS proposed projects regardless of the priority given. 22/13 Agreed Languages for All Programme Enhancement project was approved and would be added to the project portfolio due to the urgency of the solution needed. The other 4 projects proposed by the CBSS, although deemed worthy by the group, were referred back to the subgroup. PCG needed assurance from CBSS regarding resource availability to carry out all approved projects. 23/13 RH and the Strategic Projects and Change team would review the current project approval processes and, taking into account CBSS suggestions in paper 6a, would bring a paper to the next PCG meeting outlining possible ways forward. 24/13 7. Revised Project Proposals (PCG/13/06) Noted The following project revisions and updates had been requested in light of comments made at the 6 December 2012 PCG meeting. 25/13 3 Agreed e-Procurement and iHR Phase 2 projects were approved and would be added to the project portfolio in light of changes made to the project proposals. 26/13 Flexible Study project was approved and would be added to the project portfolio due to the fundamental nature of the project; however, it needed to be ensured that the project can be resourced against the timetable proposed. CBSS should advise the PCG how commitment to the Flexible Study project affected the work scheduled on other CBSS approved projects at the next PCG meeting, 14 March 2013. 27/13 8. Project Reports (PCG/13/07) Noted The progress reports from the STARS and Exam Preparation Projects. 28/13 The STARS project was behind schedule but would be coming to a close, with a further proposal for stage 2 implementation and roll-out of reporting. 9. Smartsheets – Kevin Ling (PCG/13/08) Noted Kevin Ling presented Smartsheets to the group as the possible software solution for University wide project management. It was suggested that the tool would present an opportunity for a high-level overview of the project activity across the University. 29/13 Agreed Smartsheets would be adopted for a trail period of 1 year. Access to the Smartsheets would be managed by the Strategic Projects and Change Team; however care had to be taken in order not to create a bottleneck. 30/13 10. Project Managers Network (PCG/13/09) Noted The first meeting of the Network had been successful and future meetings had been scheduled on a monthly basis. A video link to Southend campus would be enabled for future PMN meetings. 31/13 11. Project Portfolio RAG Summary (PCG/13/10) Noted The update on project portfolio RAG status. 32/13 Agreed That a short narrative would be added to future updates in order to highlight positive and negative developments over the period of time reported on. 33/13 12. Next Steps Noted The next meeting of the PCG would take place on the 14 March 2013 34/13 13. Any Other Business Noted There was no other business. 35/13 Actions 1. Strategic Projects and Change team - to work with WCS to draft a scalable University approach to process review. 4 2. AS - Four projects proposed by the ASSG to be added to the project portfolio ASAP 3. Project Sponsor - Issues regarding policy changes instigated by the Attendance Monitoring project to be submitted to the USG for agreement, if agreed to come to PCG for resource allocation and scheduling. 4. AS - Languages for All Programme Enhancement project to be added to the project portfolio ASAP 5. CBSS to provide paper to PCG regarding the resource availability to carry out all approved projects. By 05.03.13 6. RH; Strategic Projects and Change team to review the current project approval processes and bring a paper to the next PCG meeting outlining possible ways forward. By 05.03.13 7. AS - e-Procurement and iHR Phase 2 projects to be added to the project portfolio. ASAP 8. AS - Flexible Study project to be added to the project portfolio. ASAP 9. CBSS to advise the PCG how commitment to the Flexible Study project affected the work scheduled on other CBSS approved projects. By 05.03.13 10. AS - A short narrative to be added to future project portfolio RAG updates in order to highlight positive and negative developments over the period of time reported on. By 05.03.13 Anda Šadinova Strategic Planning and Change Section 29 January 2013 5