Document 17964779

Legislation says that the University must take steps to understand the effect, or potential effect, of its
policies* on different groups of people. This is to ensure that a policy is neither directly nor indirectly
discriminatory and to identify how it does, or could, advance equality and foster good relations
between different groups of people.
Legislation groups people by ‘protected characteristics’ and it is these ‘protected characteristics’ that
need to be considered when carrying out an EIA.
The protected characteristics are: disability, race, sex, age, gender reassignment, marriage and
civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, religion or belief and sexual orientation.
Your help is needed to do this, not just because the law says so, but because the University is
committed to equality of opportunity for all and to ensuring that all the University’s policies are
developed with an awareness of their consequences for different groups of people.
Heads of Sections/Departments are responsible for ensuring this form is completed for each policy
they ‘own’. It should take no more than 30 minutes to complete. Questions 1-6 only of this EIA proforma need to be completed for new policies. Policies should be assessed for their effect on equality
every 3-5 years.
* For the purpose of EIAs, the term policy refers to formal policies, procedures and processes. It does
not include informal policies, procedures or processes.
Name of policy
Web address of policy
Temporary Restriction on the eligibility for local
students to register for discounted parking at
Colchester Campus.
Policy-holding Department/Section
Estate Management - Transport
Is this a new or existing policy?
Date assessment completed
Name and job title of person completing pro-forma
Charlotte Humphries
Transport Policy Coordinator
Q1. What is the purpose of the policy? Please explain in no more than 50 words.
To reduce the amount of single occupancy vehicle use (private car) accessing campus during a
period of re-development and reduction in car parking spaces in support of the University’s
Sustainable Transport Strategy and the Students’ Union strategy named ‘The Big Plan’. The
restriction comes into effect at the start of the academic year 2012-13.
Q2. Does the policy involve, or have consequences for, the people the University serves and
employs? Please answer Yes or No. If yes, please describe all those affected. If No, there is no need
to answer any further questions.
Yes, all students living within approximately 3 miles of the university.
This policy is simply to encourage healthy active travel where possible amongst students who live
within a short distance from a local bus route or within the recommended walking or cycling distance
(White paper: PPG13 Department of Transport). This was taken into account when deciding what
area the restriction should cover. Local buses have lowering floors to accommodate buggies,
wheelchairs and mobility impaired passengers
Q3. Does the policy require decisions to be made in relation to individuals or groups of
individuals? Please answer Yes or No. If Yes, please identify the responsible person(s) e.g. Human
Resources Manager.
Yes. Should a student who lives within the restricted area apply to register a vehicle to park on the
University’s Colchester Campus on the grounds that they have a disability, a mobility impairment or a
caring need, then a member of staff in Student Support considers the application and makes a
decision as to whether their application is approved , based on the evidence provided.
Q4. What is the decision-making process and is it fair and transparent? E.g. if the decision
relates to determining whether an academic offence has been committed, what is the decision based
on and how are individuals made aware of this?
The decision to allow discounted parking or free mobility impaired (including blue badge) parking is
dependent on the student providing proof that they have a disability/mobility impairment/caring need
which is reasonable.
Students are advised by internal communication and web pages of the restrictions in place and how
to apply should they consider themselves exempt. Applications are made by completing an
application form and submitting relevant evidence. As all applicants must complete the same form,
they are all asked the same questions and are prompted to provide full, detailed information in order
that an informed decision can be made.
Each application is considered on its merits. The outcome of the application is then communicated to
the student, usually within 14 days of the application being received.
Q5. Please give details of what equality training is/will be provided for decision makers? If the
decision-maker(s) has not had any equality training, s/he should be encouraged to complete the
University’s equality and diversity online training programme.
Training is important because it identifies the implications of not complying with legislation and
outlines the benefits of doing so.
Student Support staff are aware of equality legislation and the University’s Equality Policy and
Strategy. Student Support staff work closely with staff in Equality and Diversity who also provide
guidance in this area. The University has an on-line Equality and Diversity training course which is
compulsory for all new staff and is soon to become compulsory for all staff.
The University’s Transport Co-ordinator has undertaken various training over the years and
experience of this issue for the past 6 years and is undertaking MSc in Sustainable Transport and
Travel Planning.
Q6. Referring to the list of protected characteristics at the top of this form, how do you/will you
monitor the effect this policy has on groups of people with these PCs? You can get support and
guidance from Equality and Diversity on equality monitoring by emailing
The restriction of discounted parking will not affect anyone because of their race, sex, age, gender
reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, religion or belief and sexual orientation as this is an
unknown quantity on application.
However, disability, pregnancy and maternity issues are monitored by our Equality and Diversity
Team and Student Support.
Q7. Referring to Q6 above, have you identified any positive or negative impact on any group of
people who share a protected characteristic? E.g. the policy means that some groups of people
are charged for a service and others aren’t. Please answer Yes or No. If yes, what, if anything, has
been/will be done about this?
Q8. Have there been any complaints or issues raised about the policy in relation to its effect
on people who share a protected characteristic? Please answer Yes or No. If yes, please expand.
Q9. Are there any (further) measures that could be taken to continue to ensure the policy is
neither directly nor indirectly discriminatory? e.g. additional data collection/monitoring or
training. Please answer Yes or No. If yes, please expand.
Q10. Have you identified any ways in which the policy does, or could advance equality or
foster good relations between different groups of people? Please answer Yes or No. If yes,
please expand.
Please now email the completed form to The Equality and Diversity
Committee (EADC) have responsibility for overseeing the completion of EIAs. Equality and Diversity
will assess the information provided in the first instance and will either:
Decide that no action is required and report this to the Equality and Diversity Committee;
Recommend actions to be taken and report this to the Equality and Diversity Committee *;
Refer the EIA to the Equality and Diversity Committee who have the option to require a more
detailed assessment be carried out.
The individual completing the EIA pro-forma will be informed of the outcome of the assessment by
Equality and Diversity as soon as possible after submitting the form.
*If Equality and Diversity recommend action(s) be taken, a report outlining the progress made against
the recommended actions will be requested one year after the EIA has taken place.
For completion by Equality and Diversity
Name of Policy
Temporary Restriction on the eligibility for local
students to register for discounted parking at
Colchester Campus.
Should this EIA be referred on to the Equality
and Diversity Committee for further
No further consideration required at present.
If no, what recommendations, if any, should
be made to the Policy-holding
1) A record of applications submitted, and the
decisions made on them, should be kept;
2) A record of any complaints made about the
policy, or decisions made in relation to the
policy, should be kept. If a significant number
of complaints are received from students
sharing a particular protected characteristic,
or from students with caring responsibilities,
consideration should be given to whether the
criteria on which decisions are based are
appropriate and proportionate;
3) Feedback on the policy should be added into
the annual travel plan survey and considered
when the policy is reviewed;
4) Any member of staff making decisions in
relation to this policy should complete the
University’s on-line equality and diversity
training programme if they have not already
done so.
24 September 2012
Karen Bush, Equality and Diversity Manager