STATE OF VERMONT PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD Petition of Vermont Transco, LLC, and Vermont Electric Power Company, Inc. (collectively, “VELCO”), and Central Vermont Public Service Corporation (“CVPS”) for a Certificate of Public Good, pursuant to 30 V.S.A. § 248, for the “Southern Loop Project,” located in Vernon, Guilford, Brattleboro, Dummerston, Newfane, Brookline, Townshend, Grafton, Windham, Andover, Chester, Ludlow and Cavendish, Vermont, consisting of the following elements: (1) a new, approximately 51-mile, 345 kV transmission line between Vernon-Cavendish, to be built parallel to and within the same utility right-of-way as VELCO’s existing Vernon-Cavendish 345 kV line; (2) a new VELCO 345/115 kV Vernon substation, to be located just north of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station; (3) a new 345/115/46 kV Newfane substation; (4) a new, approximately one-mile, 345 kV transmission line loop between the new Newfane substation and the new VernonCavendish 345 kV line; (5) expansion of VELCO’s Coolidge substation in Cavendish, Vermont; and (6) the implementing of incremental energy efficiency to defer transmission upgrades in Southern Vermont ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Docket No. ____ PREFILED TESTIMONY OF KERRICK JOHNSON ON BEHALF OF PETITIONERS November 8, 2007 The purpose of Mr. Johnson’s testimony is to address the public outreach process for the Project. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1 2. Overview ................................................................................................................. 2 3. Leadership Team ..................................................................................................... 6 4. Background Report ................................................................................................. 9 5. Utility Search Conference ....................................................................................... 9 6. Community Working Group ................................................................................. 11 7. Southern Loop Open Houses ................................................................................ 12 8. Coolidge Connector Community Working Group ................................................ 14 9. Meetings with Local Planning Commissions, Selectboards and other Community Groups ............................................................................................... 16 10. Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 17 EXHIBITS Exhibit Petitioners KJ-1 Resume of Kerrick Johnson Exhibit Petitioners KJ-2 Roster of Leadership Team Exhibit Petitioners KJ-3 Final Problem Statement Exhibit Petitioners KJ-4 Roster of Background Report Committee Members Exhibit Petitioners KJ-5 Background Report Exhibit Petitioners KJ-6 Roster of Utility Search Conference Participants Exhibit Petitioners KJ-7 Summary of Conference Proceedings Exhibit Petitioners KJ-8 Roster of SLCWG Members Exhibit Petitioners KJ-9 Notes from CWG Meetings Exhibit Petitioners KJ-10 Southern Loop Open House Exhibits Exhibit Petitioners KJ-11 SLCWG Recommendations to Petitioners Exhibit Petitioners KJ-12 Roster of CCCWG Members Exhibit Petitioners KJ-13 Notes from CCCWG Meetings Exhibit petitioners KJ-14 Letters from Selectboards, Planning Commissions, and Regional Commissions STATE OF VERMONT PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD Petition of Vermont Transco, LLC, and Vermont Electric Power Company, Inc. (collectively, “VELCO”), and Central Vermont Public Service Corporation (“CVPS”) for a Certificate of Public Good, pursuant to 30 V.S.A. § 248, for the “Southern Loop Project,” located in Vernon, Guilford, Brattleboro, Dummerston, Newfane, Brookline, Townshend, Grafton, Windham, Andover, Chester, Ludlow and Cavendish, Vermont, consisting of the following elements: (1) a new, approximately 51-mile, 345 kV transmission line between Vernon-Cavendish, to be built parallel to and within the same utility right-of-way as VELCO’s existing Vernon-Cavendish 345 kV line; (2) a new VELCO 345/115 kV Vernon substation, to be located just north of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station; (3) a new 345/115/46 kV Newfane substation; (4) a new, approximately one-mile, 345 kV transmission line loop between the new Newfane substation and the new VernonCavendish 345 kV line; (5) expansion of VELCO’s Coolidge substation in Cavendish, Vermont; and (6) the implementing of incremental energy efficiency to defer transmission upgrades in Southern Vermont ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Docket No. ____ PREFILED TESTIMONY OF KERRICK JOHNSON ON BEHALF OF PETITIONERS 1 1. Introduction 2 Q1. Please state your name and business address. 3 A1. My name is Kerrick Johnson, and my business address is Vermont Electric Power 4 Company, Inc. (“VELCO”), 366 Pinnacle Ridge Road, Rutland, VT 05701. Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No.__________ Prefiled Testimony of Kerrick Johnson November 8, 2007 Page 2 of 17 1 2 Q2. By whom are you employed and in what position? 3 A2. I am employed by VELCO as Vice President of External Affairs, assisting in the 4 management of the Southern Loop Project (the “Project”), including coordination 5 of Project development and regulatory issues. 6 7 Q3. Please describe your work experience. 8 A3. I have been involved with developing and advocating energy and environmental 9 law and policy in Vermont for over 20 years. Areas of concentration pertinent to 10 this docket include direct involvement in legislative and board work to 11 collaboratively restructure Vermont’s electric utility industry, promote renewable 12 energy and implement additional public outreach requirements for Vermont 13 utilities. My resume is attached as Exhibit Petitioners KJ-1. 14 15 Q4. Have you testified previously before the Public Service Board? 16 A4. No. 17 18 2. Overview 19 Q5. What is the purpose of your testimony? 20 A5. My testimony will describe the public outreach process implemented by VELCO 21 and Central Vermont Public Service Corporation (“CVPS” and collectively with 22 VELCO, the “Petitioners”) through which the Petitioners (i) provided information Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No.__________ Prefiled Testimony of Kerrick Johnson November 8, 2007 Page 3 of 17 1 to the public regarding electric transmission and distribution reliability 2 deficiencies in the electric power infrastructure in Southern Vermont; (ii) sought 3 initial recommendations from the public on the potential solutions to these 4 transmission and distribution reliability deficiencies; (iii) provided further 5 information to the public to facilitate refinement of the potential solutions to the 6 transmission and distribution reliability deficiencies; (iv) communicated the 7 proposed solutions; and (v) sought further public comment to refine the final 8 Project design. 9 10 Q6. How did you acquire familiarity with the proposed Project? 11 A6. I regularly attended Project meetings with Petitioners’ engineers and planning 12 personnel; coordinated the preparation of public presentation materials and 13 prefiled testimony with Petitioners’ consultants and outside counsel; and met with 14 persons directly and indirectly affected by the Project, including community 15 leaders, state and municipal officials, and participants in the public process. I 16 have also reviewed the various reports, plans, orthophotos, and other materials 17 concerning the Project’s impacts. 18 19 Q7. 20 21 22 Please describe the purpose of the public outreach process in the development of the Project. Q7. Petitioners implemented the public outreach process to help them understand local concerns, priorities and desires, and make an informed choice on how best to Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No.__________ Prefiled Testimony of Kerrick Johnson November 8, 2007 Page 4 of 17 1 implement strategies to address the transmission and distribution reliability 2 deficiencies. The purpose of the public outreach process was to provide an 3 effective means to obtain informed input from affected stakeholders and the 4 public generally, and to ensure that there was an early, ongoing, and meaningful 5 opportunity for the public to influence the shape of the planning process and 6 resulting Projects. 7 8 Q8. 9 10 11 Please describe the principles by which the Petitioners conducted the public outreach process. A8. The public outreach process was designed to further the following principles: a. 12 13 Involve and integrate the public early in the planning and decision-making process. b. Structure public involvement to ensure that representatives of affected and 14 interested stakeholders can participate, recognizing time, geographic, and 15 transportation barriers to participation. 16 c. Incorporate an invitation mechanism that ensures broad representation 17 rather than relying upon self-selection, while including committed 18 advocates in the process. 19 d. Use multiple techniques and communication channels to address the needs 20 of different audiences, including those that are and are not actively 21 engaged. Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No.__________ Prefiled Testimony of Kerrick Johnson November 8, 2007 Page 5 of 17 1 e. 2 Utilize public involvement techniques that provide an opportunity for information exchange and dialogue, not simply testimony. 3 f. Develop a wide range of readable, credible information resources to 4 support any and all outreach processes. Materials should include those 5 written for the lay person’s understanding of electric systems. 6 g. Be clear with the public about what type of involvement is being offered, 7 and how their input will be used in decision-making. This includes 8 education regarding what opportunities are available to the public to 9 influence decision-making. It also includes information regarding factors 10 pertinent to the decision-making process such as: state obligations for 11 utility service at minimum levels of reliable customer service, timing 12 necessary to request and gain approval from the Public Service Board (the 13 “Board”) and other permitting agencies, rate and bill impacts, site-specific 14 environmental concerns, aesthetics, and regional and federal obligations 15 regarding reliability levels or economic transmission considerations. 16 h. Conduct outreach in a manner that strives for direct, effective and timely 17 communication at all steps of the process with all individuals who may be 18 affected by potential project impacts (including siting, environmental 19 concerns, aesthetic, and cost/rate impacts). 20 i. Public involvement processes need to be objective, balanced, and fair. 21 22 Q9. Please identify the key components of the public outreach for the Project. Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No.__________ Prefiled Testimony of Kerrick Johnson November 8, 2007 Page 6 of 17 1 A9. The key components, each of which is described in greater detail in my 2 subsequent testimony, consisted of a Leadership Team, Background Report, 3 Utility Search Conference, Community Working Group, Southern Loop Open 4 Houses, Coolidge Connector Community Working Group, Coolidge Connector 5 Open Houses and meetings with local planning commissions, selectboards and 6 other community groups. 7 8 Q10. 9 10 Did the Petitioners engage any professional consultants to facilitate the public outreach process? A10. To facilitate the public outreach process, the Petitioners engaged STAR Group, 11 LLC (“STAR Group”), an independent public facilitation consulting group with 12 offices in Albuquerque, New Mexico. STAR Group had experience in the 13 facilitation of public engagement processes for transmission planning projects, 14 and other contested public policy matters. Because STAR Group did not have ties 15 to other Vermont organizations, it served as an independent and impartial third 16 party to the public outreach process. 17 18 3. Leadership Team 19 Q11. How was the Leadership Team formed? 20 A11. With the assistance of STAR Group, the Petitioners developed a draft Problem 21 Statement summarizing the transmission and distribution reliability deficiencies. 22 Simultaneously, the Petitioners identified representatives of the various Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No.__________ Prefiled Testimony of Kerrick Johnson November 8, 2007 Page 7 of 17 1 stakeholder interests that Petitioners believed might be affected by the possible 2 solution strategies developed to address the transmission and distribution 3 reliability deficiencies. This list included representatives of local and regional 4 governmental authorities, environmental advocacy groups, emergency 5 preparedness and response organizations, large and small electricity users, energy 6 advocacy groups including energy efficiency and renewables, and other civic and 7 community based organizations. Individuals identified on the list of possible 8 stakeholder representatives were invited to serve as the Leadership Team for the 9 process. The roster of Leadership Team members is attached as Exhibit 10 Petitioners KJ-2. 11 12 Q12. What role did the Leadership Team play in the drafting of the Problem Statement? 13 A12. The Petitioners provided the Leadership Team an overview of the electric 14 transmission and distribution reliability deficiencies in the electric power 15 infrastructure in Southern Vermont and asked the Leadership Team to help refine 16 the draft Problem Statement. The final Problem Statement, as adopted by the 17 Leadership Team on October 20, 2005, is attached as Exhibit Petitioners KJ-3. 18 19 Q13. 20 21 22 What role did the Leadership Team play in the identification of stakeholders who were to be invited to participate in the public outreach process? A13. The Leadership Team defined the stakeholder groups to participate in the process. The Leadership Team also identified individuals that were representative of Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No.__________ Prefiled Testimony of Kerrick Johnson November 8, 2007 Page 8 of 17 1 stakeholder interests so that these individuals could be invited to participate in the 2 public involvement process. The Leadership Team developed criteria for inviting 3 individuals to participate. Each of those nominees were contacted, apprised of the 4 public outreach project and asked to nominate other possible participants who fit 5 the established selection criteria. Those nominees, in turn, were also asked to 6 nominate potential participants. The Leadership Team then prioritized the list of 7 approximately 200 nominees as participants, and STAR Group oversaw the 8 issuance of invitations to nominees, which was conducted by CVPS staff. 9 10 The Leadership Team also appointed a Background Report Committee to develop 11 a background report on the Problem Statement and the analysis conducted by the 12 Petitioners regarding the electric transmission and distribution reliability 13 deficiencies in the electric power infrastructure in Southern Vermont. The 14 Background Report Committee consisted of members of CVPS’ and VELCO’s 15 engineering staffs, representatives of large customers, and non-utility experts in 16 energy planning matters. A roster of Background Report Committee members is 17 attached as Exhibit Petitioners KJ-4. To assist the Background Report Committee 18 in developing the Background Report, STAR Group engaged UtiliPoint 19 International Inc. (“UtiliPoint”), an independent engineering consulting firm with 20 background in regional New England energy issues including transmission 21 planning. 22 Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No.__________ Prefiled Testimony of Kerrick Johnson November 8, 2007 Page 9 of 17 1 4. Background Report 2 Q14. Please describe the Background Report. 3 A14. In material part, the analysis presented in the Background Report was developed 4 as part of the activities of the Southern Loop Area Specific Collaborative 5 (“ASC”), convened pursuant to the Supplemental Agreement entered into by and 6 between CVPS and the Vermont Department of Public Service leading to the 7 opening of Docket No. 6805. The parties to the ASC agreed to suspend formal 8 deliberations to facilitate the public engagement process. In addition, the parties 9 agreed to waive the ASC ground rules, thereby permitting CVPS to utilize 10 information developed in the ASC in the analysis described in the Background 11 Report. 12 13 After collecting planning studies and interviewing CVPS and VELCO planners 14 and meeting with members of the Background Report Committee, UtiliPoint 15 published a draft Background Report to members of the Background Report 16 Committee for review and comment. Based on comments and questions received 17 from Background Report Committee participants, a final Background Report was 18 published. A copy of the Background Report is attached as Exhibit Petitioners 19 KJ-5. 20 21 22 5. Q15. Utility Search Conference Please describe the Utility Search Conference. Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No.__________ Prefiled Testimony of Kerrick Johnson November 8, 2007 Page 10 of 17 1 A15. Forty six individuals selected by the Leadership Team were invited to participate 2 in a Utility Search Conference that was held in Brattleboro on January 30 and 31, 3 2006. Participants received the Background Report prior to the Utility Search 4 Conference. The Utility Search Conference was a structured event facilitated by 5 STAR Group in which nominees were provided information on the electric 6 transmission and distribution reliability deficiencies in the electric power 7 infrastructure in Southern Vermont. They were then encouraged to help develop 8 recommendations that the Petitioners should consider when adopting a remedy to 9 the identified concerns. STAR Group facilitators explained to participants that 10 Petitioners were seeking recommendations on the remedy for the electric 11 transmission and distribution reliability deficiencies in the electric power 12 infrastructure in Southern Vermont. This explanation made clear that the 13 Petitioners were subject to a variety of constraints and regulations, and that they 14 had the ultimate responsibility to select an option for review by regulators, but 15 that they were committed to considering and taking seriously the input garnered 16 from participants in the Utility Search Conference. 17 18 Conference attendees represented their own views as consumers as well as 19 government officials, local businesses, large commercial power users, 20 environmental and alternative energy advocates, community organizations, 21 emergency services and utilities. Several observers attended, but did not 22 participate in, the Utility Search Conference. Observers on both days included Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No.__________ Prefiled Testimony of Kerrick Johnson November 8, 2007 Page 11 of 17 1 staff from the Vermont Department of Public Service, CVPS and VELCO, 2 bringing total event participation to approximately 60 individuals. A roster of the 3 participants is attached as Exhibit Petitioners KJ-6. 4 5 At the conclusion of the Utility Search Conference, participants met with the 6 Presidents of CVPS and VELCO. Representatives of the Conference participants 7 presented their recommendations to the Presidents for consideration. After an 8 opportunity to review the recommendations, the Presidents addressed participants 9 and responded to their recommendations. A summary of the Conference 10 proceedings including the recommendations developed by participants is attached 11 as Exhibit Petitioners KJ-7. 12 13 6. Community Working Group 14 Q16. Please describe the Community Working Group. 15 A16. At the end of the Utility Search Conference, participants were invited to 16 participate in a Community Working Group (the “CWG”) to be formed to help 17 review and refine the recommendations made at the Utility Search Conference. 18 The ultimate purpose of the CWG was to advance the recommendations that were 19 produced at the Utility Search Conference until those recommendations are either 20 implemented or tabled. A roster of the CWG members is attached as Exhibit 21 Petitioners KJ-8. 22 Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No.__________ Prefiled Testimony of Kerrick Johnson November 8, 2007 Page 12 of 17 1 Q17. Please describe the CWG meetings. 2 A17. With the assistance of STAR Group, the CWG met seven times to consider 3 various elements of the recommended remedies for the electric transmission and 4 distribution reliability deficiencies in the electric power infrastructure in Southern 5 Vermont. These meetings included in-depth technical briefings and discussion on 6 issues including the role of demand side management and distributed generation 7 in the resolution of the deficiencies. These meetings also included discussions on 8 the process for approving solutions including the role of ISO-NE and the criteria 9 for PTF funding. Rate impacts of the alternatives were explored and the resource 10 alternatives were refined. The notes from each of the CWG meetings are attached 11 as Exhibit Petitioners KJ-9. 12 13 Q18. Please describe the results of the CWG meetings. 14 A18. The efforts of the CWG culminated in a formal vote where members were 15 provided an opportunity to make known their preferences for the alternative 16 solutions under consideration. 17 18 7. Southern Loop Open Houses 19 Q19. Please describe the Southern Loop Open Houses. 20 A19. After the voting results were determined, the CWG, in conjunction with the 21 Petitioners, hosted three Southern Loop Open Houses. The Southern Loop Open Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No.__________ Prefiled Testimony of Kerrick Johnson November 8, 2007 Page 13 of 17 1 Houses were held on September 12, 13 and 14, 2006, in Stratton, Bennington and 2 Brattleboro, respectively. 3 4 The Open Houses provided a forum for the Petitioners and CWG members to 5 provide information on the electric transmission and distribution reliability 6 deficiencies in the electric power infrastructure in Southern Vermont to the 7 public, to preview the alternatives and recommendations developed through the 8 Utility Search Conference and CWG process, and to receive feedback from the 9 public on the recommendations developed to date. Tables were set up at the 10 Southern Loop Open Houses to describe the power infrastructure in Southern 11 Vermont, to explain the alternatives considered and recommended by the CWG, 12 to present visual representations of the potential solutions, to provide information 13 on other ongoing energy planning activities, and to seek recommendations from 14 the public. Exhibits that were presented at the Southern Loop Open Houses are 15 attached as Exhibit Petitioners KJ-10. 16 17 Tables at the Open Houses were staffed with representatives of CVPS and 18 VELCO, their consultants who had participated in the development of planning 19 studies, individuals from the DPS, members of the CWG, and a representative of 20 STAR Group. Some members of the Leadership Team also participated. 21 Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No.__________ Prefiled Testimony of Kerrick Johnson November 8, 2007 Page 14 of 17 1 2 8. Q20. Please describe the Coolidge Connector Community Working Group (“CCCWG”). 3 4 Coolidge Connector Community Working Group A20. When the Southern Loop Open Houses concluded, the CWG reconvened to 5 consider the comments from public participants at the Southern Loop Open 6 Houses. Based on this effort, the CWG members decided to narrow their 7 recommendations to the Petitioners. These recommendations are attached as 8 Exhibit Petitioners KJ-11. Because each of the recommended solutions contained 9 the addition of a 345 kV line from Vernon to Cavendish and a loop connecting a 10 345 kV line to CVPS’s distribution network in Southern Vermont, the CWG and 11 the Petitioners decided that a working group, similar in composition to the CWG, 12 should be formed to elicit input from stakeholders in communities potentially 13 affected by those common components of the recommended solutions, and from 14 stakeholders with statewide energy policy interests. 15 16 Q21. Who were the members of the CCCWG? 17 A21. Like the process regarding the CWG, CCCWG invitees were identified by the 18 Leadership Team and invited to participate in the CCCWG to review the 19 recommendations made at the Utility Search Conference as refined by the CWG. 20 The purpose of the CCCWG was to seek real-time feedback on the emerging 21 proposal from impacted communities and from energy policy advocates. A roster 22 of the CCCWG members is attached as Exhibit Petitioners KJ-12. Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No.__________ Prefiled Testimony of Kerrick Johnson November 8, 2007 Page 15 of 17 1 2 Q22. Please describe the CCCWG meetings. 3 A22. With the assistance of STAR Group, the CWG met four times to consider the 4 recommended remedies for the electric transmission and distribution reliability 5 deficiencies in the electric power infrastructure in Southern Vermont, including 6 the addition of a 345 kV line from Vernon to Cavendish and a loop connecting a 7 345 kV line to CVPS’s distribution network in Southern Vermont. Like the 8 CWG, these meetings included in-depth technical briefings and discussion on 9 issues including the role of demand side management and distributed generation 10 in the resolution of the deficiencies. These meetings also included discussions on 11 the process for approving solutions including the role of ISO-NE and the criteria 12 for PTF funding. Rate impacts of the alternatives were explored and the resource 13 alternatives were refined. The notes from each of the CCCWG meetings are 14 attached as Exhibit Petitioners KJ-13. 15 16 Q23. Please describe the results of the CCCWG meetings. 17 A23. On May 14, 2007, VELCO and CVPS held a combined meeting of the CWG and 18 the CCCWG at the Brattleboro Retreat. The President and CEO of VELCO and 19 the President and CEO of CVPS attended this meeting. VELCO and CVPS 20 informed members of the conclusions the Petitioners had reached regarding the 21 manner by which they proposed to resolve the Southern Loop Problem Statement. 22 Members were invited to ask questions as well as to provide input to the 23 Petitioners regarding the solutions identified. Members expressed a strong desire Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No.__________ Prefiled Testimony of Kerrick Johnson November 8, 2007 Page 16 of 17 1 to remain informed about issues pertaining to the Southern Loop and 2 representatives of the Petitioners pledged that they would continue to keep the 3 members apprised of key developments, primarily via email. The Petitioners also 4 agreed to conduct informational meetings with planning bodies in areas that might 5 be impacted by the Petitioners Project. 6 7 9. 8 Meetings with Local Planning Commissions, Selectboards and other Community Groups 9 Q24. What additional public outreach was conducted? 10 A24. Although Petitioners had conducted an unprecedented 18-month public outreach 11 initiative, a July 11, 2007 public hearing in West Dummerston with the 12 Dummerston Selectboard and Planning Commission made it clear to us that we 13 needed to ensure we conscientiously engaged with those communities not part of 14 the planning process that will experience the greatest Project impact. Petitioners 15 extended the filing date approximately more than 90 days from July 25, 2007 to 16 continue our local outreach work to hear and understand the priorities and 17 concerns of local communities. I contacted officials in each of the thirteen 18 impacted towns to ask for an opportunity to present our proposal and learn about 19 their priorities and concerns. Petitioners have had meetings with Selectboards 20 and/or Planning Commissions, as well as individual landowners, from each of the 21 thirteen communities. In the case of Dummerston, we met three times with 22 representatives of both the Selectboard and Planning Commission to identify Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No.__________ Prefiled Testimony of Kerrick Johnson November 8, 2007 Page 17 of 17 1 additional substation location alternatives. The work during this extension has 2 been very worthwhile and we strongly believe has improved our project proposal. 3 For instance, our community discussions led us to modify our Petition and 4 propose that the needed substation be located in Newfane instead of West 5 Dummerston. Letters and other correspondence from local Planning 6 Commission, Selectboard and Regional Planning Commission are attached as 7 Exhibit Petitioners KJ-14. 8 9 10. Conclusion 10 Q25. Please summarize the public outreach process for the Project. 11 A25. The public outreach process described in this outline was designed and 12 implemented to complement Vermont’s permitting and regulatory procedures 13 affecting the development of infrastructure investments to meet the public’s 14 electricity requirements. CVPS and VELCO pursued this process to develop an 15 improved approach for integrating Vermonters’ needs and values with the 16 responsibilities of the utilities to meet service challenges in a dynamic operating 17 environment. 18 19 Q26. Does this conclude your testimony at this time? 20 A26. Yes, it does.