MEMORANDUM TO: Anne Bishop, Vermont Public Service Board FROM: Blair Hamilton, Michael Socks, and Jonathan Kleinman Efficiency Vermont RE: A Few Thoughts Regarding Need, Opportunity and Possible Implementation of a Combined Heat & Power Program DATE: February 21st, 2006 We appreciate the opportunity to share some of our thoughts regarding the potential need for, and possible design and delivery of, Combined Heat and Power (CHP) services to the Vermont market. In developing these thoughts, we have considered the experience of our staff, reviewed some of the relevant literature and gathered some information on past and existing Vermont installations. Our thoughts are also particularly informed by discussions with one technical resource (the Northeast CHP Application Center) and one CHP vendor (Northern Power Systems). On the whole, it is our perception that: o While the Vermont experience sheds light on customer cost-effectiveness of CHP systems, little has been done to evaluate societal cost-effectiveness; o There are classes of potential CHP candidates that current “market forces” do not reach or evaluate; o There are a set of barriers to CHP project implementation, some of which can be addressed through a CHP program, others of which need to be addressed through conversations with interconnecting utilities; o There is a regional resource – the Northeast CHP Application Center (NECHPAC) – that can begin providing technical assistance now to Vermont customers in partnership with Efficiency Vermont. History of CHP in Vermont Vermont has at least two decades of experience with CHP projects. According to the U.S. Department of Energy’s CHP Installation Database, as of May 2005 Vermont had completed 14 CHP projects providing a total of 36.5 MW of generation.1 These projects span a wide range of generating capacity (60 kW to 20 MW), fuel sources (natural gas, propane, oil, wood waste, and methane) and technologies (steam turbines, combustion 1 See Not all of the listed projects are currently in operation, and more recent projects (e.g., Audets Cow Power LLC, Omega Optical, and Brattleboro Retreat) are not listed. turbines, microturbines, and reciprocating engines). The facilities with CHP projects include: o Pulp and paper, wood, or wood-processing facilities with a ready supply of “free” fuel (e.g., wood chips, sawdust) and a significant thermal load; o Anaerobic digestion (at wastewater treatment facilities or dairy farms) that supply another “free” fuel source, biogas or methane; o Educational or government institutions with district heating plants; o Food processing plants with significant thermal loads; o Health care facilities; and o Other miscellaneous industries. The list of projects in the DOE database is shown in Table 1. Table 1. Listed CHP Projects in Vermont Organization Name Brattleboro Kiln Dry Company Ethan Allen, Inc. Aegis Energy Services Inc. Concept Technology, Inc. American Tractebel Essex Junction Wastewater Treatment Facility Vermont Marble Company Simpson Paper Company Bell Gates Lumber Middlebury College Foster Brothers Farm, Inc. Norwich University Rock Tenn Northern Power Systems Facility Name Brattleboro Kiln Dry Company Ethan Allen, Inc. Crescent Manor Nursing Home Vermont Energy Investment Corporation East Ryegate Wood Energy Essex Junction Wastewater Treatment Florence Project Gilman Mill Bell Gates Lumber Middlebury College Foster Brothers Farm, Inc. Norwich University Rock Tenn Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Application Wood Products Furniture Nursing Homes Capacity (kW) 380 500 60 Office Buildings Pulp and Paper 60 20,000 Wastewater Treatment Minerals Pulp and Paper Wood Products Colleges/Univ. Agriculture Colleges/Univ. Pulp and Paper Food Processing 60 7,600 4,000 75 1,885 142 300 1,135 375 Are these the only opportunities in Vermont? Past studies elsewhere of CHP opportunities suggest that, extrapolating to Vermont, there are far more facilities in Vermont that could utilize CHP than the current set of installations. These prior studies relied upon certain criteria as a “first screening” for CHP feasibility assessment: o Having a minimum electric demand of 20 kW; o Having a minimum thermal load of 50 kW (or 170,000 Btu/hr); o Simultaneously experiencing an electric load greater than 20 kW and a thermal load greater than 170,000 Btu/hr for at least 4,500 hours per year;2 and o Having a ratio of electric demand to thermal demand of 1.5 or less.3 2 Graham Major. 1995. Learning from Experience with Small-Scale Cogeneration. Centre for the Analysis and Dissemination of Demonstrated Energy Technologies. The minimum electric demand establishes an immediate use for generated electricity (rather than relying solely upon net-metering and exporting electricity to the grid). The minimum thermal demand ensures a sufficient need for waste heat resulting from the electricity-generating process, and the coincidence of electric and thermal demand ensure adequate hours of operation to provide a return on investment. Typically, these systems are typically sized to meet 50 percent of the locations’ maximum thermal demand.4 The types of locations that generally seem to meet these criteria include: o o o o o o o o Food processing; Lumber and wood facilities; Pulp and paper facilities; Petroleum products; Educational facilities; Health care facilities; Lodging (particularly locations with cooling loads); and Apartments (also with cooling loads).5 While Efficiency Vermont has not evaluated how many facilities meet these criteria, we know that this is a significant number of customers in Vermont. CHP Market Services Currently, depending upon potential project sizes, there are two different sets of market services typically available to customers,: o Custom Engineering Development: One type of system vendor will design and engineer a CHP system to carefully match the characteristics of a given facility. According to Jim McNamara, Director of Onsite Generation Business Development for Northern Power Systems, these engineering studies can cost between $20,000 to $40,000. Because this engineering cost is not scalable (i.e., the engineering costs the same for a 200 kW system as a 20 MW system), these vendors will tend to approach only customers with potential projects of 2 MW or greater. o Pre-Engineered Solutions: A second type of vendor will offer pre-engineered and constructed systems. The only design work to be done is the interconnection with a facility’s heating system and their electric grid connection, which can often be handled by local mechanical and electrical contractors. Costs on these systems are lower, and can lead to successful smaller projects. However, there can be facility 3 ONSITE SYCOM Energy Corporation. 1999. Market Assessment of Combined Heat and Power in the State of California. Prepared for the California Energy Commission. 4 Graham Major. 1995. 5 ONSITE SYCOM. 1999. integration issues with this “boilerplate” approach. And even in this model, development costs can be high – vendors have found they need to screen potential customers carefully to avoid expending business development resources on “dead ends.” According to both Jim McNamara and David Winslow of CVPS, the group of customers in Vermont with the highest likelihood of CHP customer cost-effectiveness already have CHP proposals on the table, either that they have solicited or that developers have offered to them. These tend to be relatively large projects, where there is significant economic motivation on the part of either the customer or the vendor to assess the opportunity and develop a proposal. Because neither customers nor vendors have the economic interest in assessing the potential of smaller CHP projects, it is difficult to gauge how many of these smaller projects might be cost-effective from a customer perspective, but not known to be so. It should also be noted that virtually all market opinions and assessments of economic feasibility and attractiveness, for customers and vendors, is based on customer economics, with customers making the full investment in the systems, savings based on retail energy costs, with customer-defined discount rates guiding considerations on required returns on investment. If a broader, societal economic analysis enlarged the range of projects that would be considered desirable, and public intervention (e.g., financial incentives) reflected this analysis, the services offered by the market might be quite different. CHP Market Barriers Our review of how market barriers may be constraining the implementation of costeffective is far from systematic or exhaustive. It certainly seems that much of our understanding and experience with how market barriers work in energy efficiency markets is transferable to CHP, but our understanding is certainly not as well-developed as in energy efficiency. Barriers to Customer Cost-Effective Projects There are certain barriers that exist in the CHP market that are not part of identified energy efficiency barriers, such as:6 o Grid Interconnection Requirements: Electric utilities have interconnection requirements to ensure the safety and reliability of the electric grid. The ONSITE SYCOM study concluded, and many agree, that the technical requirements, inconsistency (from one utility to another), procedural requirements, and ambiguity surrounding grid interconnection requirements has been a significant barrier to CHP implementation. 6 ONSITE SYCOM. 1999. o Standby Charges: Utilities have typically established a standby charges (on a perkW basis) to cover the cost of providing electric demand should the CHP system be temporarily shut down, for example for routine maintenance. These costs can be significant, or may present a significant risk. Of more concern is whether utilities use any “down time” as a period to set a ratchet in rates. o Stranded Asset Recovery: In some instances utilities have, or would have an interest in, recovering revenue that they would have collected had a customer not installed a CHP system.. o Price for Net Export: While smaller systems may or may not be eligible for net metering, for larger systems that may be net exporters of electricity to the grid, the “wholesale” price that has been available to many projects has been a constraint to project feasibility. o Fuel Sources: While many CHP systems have been installed with propane or oil as their fuel source, and been of demonstrated cost effectiveness, the conventional market wisdom is that economically viable CHP is largely limited to natural gas and “free” sources of fuel (such as wood waste or biogas). We are unaware of any recent analysis that considers current fuel market developments and new understandings of how different fuels, and electricity, might be priced relative to each other in the future. This would seem to be essential to better understand just which fuels may or may not be worth considering for CHP projects on a forwardgoing basis. o Permitting and Siting Issues: Depending upon local geography and environmental considerations, CHP projects may bump into air quality permitting issues (e.g., NOx emissions) or siting issues (e.g., noise). Air quality restrictions on CHP equipment may be more stringent than larger-scale generation. (This may be particularly true should wood-fired systems play a larger scale role in Vermont.) Interestingly, only one other barrier was identified in the studies – the financial barrier. This deals with inconsistent tax policies or depreciation schedules (i.e., CHP equipment can fall under different categories depending upon “configuration and ownership,” so that different depreciation schedules apply).7 While the above barriers are very real and have been cited as constraining CHP development in the past, they would appear to be more regulatory and procedural than programmatic issues. In any case, they are not issues that we understand to be within the scope of what we have been asked to comment on at this time. Market Barriers to Societally Cost-Effective Projects Efficiency Vermont suggests that the traditional set of market barriers experienced in energy efficiency also apply to a latent demand in the CHP market, and that services similar to Efficiency Vermont currently provides can assist in overcoming those barriers. For example: 7 ONSITE SYCOM, 1999, p. 2-15. o Information and/or search costs – there are costs associated with determining whether a particular facility is a good opportunity for CHP (i.e., feasibility studies) as well as just learning more about CHP. Financial incentives can be useful in this regard (for example, according to Jim McNamara, the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative has a program to provide financial assistance on feasibility studies, rolling this incentive into the project cost should a project move forward). o Lack of ability/inability for customers to use available information – most customers, particularly at smaller facilities, lack the expertise to understand or use available information about CHP. There is often a need for a third-party information broker. o Hassle or transaction costs – As for energy efficiency projects, one of the largest barriers for customers who are the potential beneficiaries of a project is the investment of time and the diversion of time involved in investigating CHP opportunities. o Difficulties in accessing financing or capital – the CHP market is less about “first costs” because these projects typically cost more than what any given facility would have “on hand.” Assistance can be provided in finding capital arrangements (e.g., loans, leases) and either improving financing terms (e.g., buying down interest rates) or direct financial incentives to improve first-year cash flows as a counterbalance against future year cash flows. o “Bounded rationality” – another barrier to implementation deals with individual preferences, prejudices, or predispositions that work against CHP projects. o Organization policies or practices – businesses may have policies that require low-first-bid procurement, set short pay-back periods, or prohibit longer-term investments. o Split incentives – this can occur where CHP application may occur in a district heating plant, where costs and benefits of a CHP project may not be equally borne. o Irreversibility – CHP represents a significant capital investment, and is more difficult to reverse than smaller investments should equipment prove troublesome or fuel costs increases significantly change economics. o Performance uncertainties – particularly in the case of pre-engineered CHP applications, there are concerns in the market about equipment performance. It would be helpful to document case studies to identify “best practices” that can mitigate against these uncertainties. CHP Lost Opportunities in Vermont Considering the signs of “market failure” and the barriers discussed above with respect to CHP, and our experience with addressing market barriers in efficiency markets, we are inclined to suggest that Vermont is losing societally cost-effective CHP opportunities. We offer this suggestion without having conducted either broad or individual project assessments of current CHP opportunities from a societal perspective. We would note that CVPS is currently planning some evaluation of the societal cost-effectiveness of CHP as part of assessing the potential for non-wires alternatives to upgrade of the Southern Loop. CVPS has indicated a willingness to share the results of this work, which is expected to be available this spring. We would offer a few quantitative perspectives on this as well: o A review of electric accounts with demand greater than 1 MW (the customers who pay the “industrial” Energy Efficiency Charge) indicates that 26 of the 74 accounts are owned by food processing, lumber and wood, pulp and paper, educational, and health care facilities. Based upon current conventional wisdom screening criteria discussed above, it would appear that at least half of these customers would offer opportunity for economic CHP. o Health care facilities, educational buildings, and lodging establishments with minimum electric demand of 20 kW also represent a large number of customers in Vermont. Because the temperature in Vermont is lower than 50 degrees F for over half the year (at least historically), many of these facilities may also have thermal loads of 170,000 MBh or greater for 4,500 hours or more, suggesting that they could be good candidates for CHP. Providing Services to Overcome Market Barriers To date, there have been few or no resources available to Vermonters interested in undertaking CHP projects unless they were provided by vendors or CHP developers. Over the past six years, Efficiency Vermont has provided very limited, high-level technical advice to customers. A somewhat unknown resource that has emerged is the Northeast CHP Application Center (NECHPAC), which provides free economic and financial assessments to businesses interested in pursuing CHP projects.8 NECHPAC has been funded by the U.S. Department of Energy for the past three years, and has at least one additional year of funding. The original grant committed the NECHPAC to complete 69 CHP studies. Currently, half of the studies have been completed, while the remainder scheduled for completion. Costs of these studies have ranged from $1,000 (typically a high-level screening indicating that a project is not cost-effective) to $10,000 (a more in-depth study of a cost-effective application that evaluates alternatives). According to Professor Larry Ambs, Director of the NECHPAC, the organization could provide between 10 to 15 studies annually to Vermont businesses given their current staffing and funding source. There is also a willingness on the part of NECHPAC to train Efficiency Vermont in performing high-level screenings of customer cost-effectiveness. 8 See The NECHPAC provides a regional perspective on CHP, bringing lessons learned from elsewhere in the Northeast to the table. A possible Scenario for Providing Services to the Customer: Option One The availability of the NECHPAC service, with the discussion of the market barriers noted above, leads Efficiency Vermont to offer a potential service delivery scenario for consideration: Increasing Awareness and Addressing Performance Uncertainties Efficiency Vermont could develop case study information on certain Vermont CHP projects and make this information available to customers. These case studies would screen both customer and societal cost-effectiveness, and communicate the criteria which customers should use in determining whether CHP might be right for them. Addressing Information Barriers Efficiency Vermont could work with customers requesting a high-level screening to determine whether a more thorough evaluation is warranted. Should the high-level screening suggest that next steps should be taken, Efficiency Vermont staff could enlist the resources of the NECHPAC for a more detailed study. Addressing Transaction and Hassle Costs Efficiency Vermont would remain active in the process, and following the study would assist a customer in soliciting and reviewing vendor proposals and searching for capital. Providing Services to the Customer: Option Two A second option would involve some level of use of ratepayer funds to “seed” the market. Not unlike efficiency markets, we see three particular areas where substantial financial investment might be cost effective and produce results that would not otherwise be achieved. These could be provided separately or in combination. Provision of design and engineering incentives to overcome barriers to vendor or design engineer involvement. In the short term, Efficiency Vermont might partner with NECHPAC and evaluate the services rendered. Over time, we would evaluate whether it would make sense to move some of these services in-house or to another Vermont-based provider. Funding could be provided to cover a portion of the cost of detailed project engineering services on CHP projects (perhaps on the order of 50 percent), thus reducing customer perceptions of risk that on detailed analysis projects will turn out not to be feasible. This could also be structured so that it would be paid only if a project did not go forward. Direst financial incentives and/or financing rate buy-downs could be used to address customer’s high perceived discount rates. In pursuing any of these options, we would recommend a phased approach, starting with a limited number of projects and learning form experience. In closing, we would note, as we have previously, that Efficiency Vermont customers have indicated considerable interest in CHP over the past six years. It is an area where we have not felt that we were able to respond fully to customer expectations. Certain large customers, who perceive that CHP may be highly beneficial to them (this ranges from having studies to having a hunch), feel that they should have available to them the same level of technical assistance and financial incentives as is provided for efficiency options through Efficiency Vermont. We have done our best to explain, and provide them with the level of service that we understood to be consistent with current policy on this issue.