April 9, 2007 Mrs. Susan Hudson, Clerk Vermont Public Service Board

April 9, 2007
Mrs. Susan Hudson, Clerk
Vermont Public Service Board
112 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05602-2701
RE: DPS Response to January 8, 2007 PSB Order re: Geographic Targeting of Energy
Efficiency Utility Funds.
Dear Mrs. Hudson:
In the Board’s January 8, 2007 Order regarding geographic targeting of Energy
Efficiency Utility funds, the Department was asked to file a report by April 2, 2007
indicating “whether any additional evaluation measures are needed” in addition to those
put forth in the protocols requested of Efficiency Vermont by February 15, 2007. On
April 2, 2007, the Department asked for an extension of time to complete that report,
until April 9, 2007. The enclosed report is provided in fulfillment of the Board’s request.
Please contact me if you have questions or would like further information.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert D. Ide
Director for Energy Efficiency