From: To: Date:

Chris Burns
Michael Wickenden, Contract Administrator
BED’s May 2008 Report
Dear Michael,
We are pleased to submit the following report covering the period of May 1, 2008 to May 31,
2008. The report includes highlights over the period and the attached table covers costs and
savings for the period.
You will notice a negative savings number for Retail Products. This is due to an accounting
error for about 1,900 buy-down CFL’s to BED. The bulbs were actually purchased but the
payment to the correct retail store was misapplied. We are working with EFI and EVT to correct
the error and will update the situation in the June 2008 report.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Chris Burns
CC: TJ Poor of the VT DPS, Ann Bishop, Ed McNamara, Andrea McHugh of the VT PSB
BED Energy Efficiency Highlights
Large Commercial Services
 Property of Fortieth Burlington LLC – Conducted a final inspection of the completed
measures for the forth floor electric heat removal to their existing natural gas –fired boiler
plant system and the Phase II occupancy motion sensor control installations. The rebates for
these measures were processed.
 UVM (PFG Sports Complex) – A cost benefit savings analysis was started to replace the old
Mercury Vapor high bay lighting fixtures located in eight racquetball courts and two squash
courts to new 2x2 T5 HO fluorescent fixtures. The lighting measure should increase light
levels as well as lower the electrical consumption by approximately 40%. Still Ongoing.
 Fletcher Allen Health Care / Carrier Energy Saving Projects: Plate Frame Heat Exchanger
(Free Cooling) – Completed documentation of the project, and entry in to the BED Database.
A rebate form has been mailed to FAHC. Annual savings estimated at 559,142 kWh (and an
average of 149 kW).
 Burlington Free Press / Air Compressor System Upgrade – Have used the EVT-provided
savings calculation tool to estimate baseline cost and savings for conversion of a 50HP
load/unload air compressor to a 30HP vfd-controlled air compressor system. Also discussed
possible heat recovery aspects of this project.
 Burlington Airport / Solar on Parking Garage Project - Attended a meeting at the airport
early in the month to discuss the merits of this $4.5 M to $12 M solar photo-voltaic project.
Economic viability is being explored, with a number of possible scenarios to be examined in
more detail.
Airport Parking Garage Lighting Upgrade – At the Customer’s request, we are evaluating
their preliminary choice of a T5 HO single lamp fixture as a retro-fit to their 100 W metal
halide existing fixtures.
Airport Lighting Controls Upgrade –Supplied the Airport Maintenance Engineer with
electrical consumption info to help assess if their lighting control upgrade has impacted their
electrical costs. The bulk of the controls are associated with day-light harvesting. Reduced
lighting hours due to scheduling “off” lighting hours is largely impractical, as the facility is
open for customers or the cleaning crew almost 100% of the time.
 UVM, Ira Allen Chapel - Continue to work with the customer on this outdoor lighting
replacement project where BED has offered a financial incentive. This project is expected to
be completed this summer.
 UVM, Harris-Millis Residence Hall - Continue to work with the customer on energy
efficiency measures in the area of occupancy driven heat recovery ventilation control
strategies and premium efficiency motors. BED has offered a financial incentive. This project
is expected to complete in the coming months.
 UVM, Bittersweet - Continue to work with the customer on energy efficiency measures in
the area of lighting power density reduction. This project is complete.
 UVM, Cook Commons Dining Hall - Continue to work with the customer on energy
efficiency measures in the area of booster heater fuel switch and new high efficiency lighting
fixtures. This project is complete and BED is waiting on customer to provide needed
UVM, 12 Colchester Avenue - Continue to work with the customer on energy efficiency
measures in the area of lighting power density reduction. This project is complete and BED is
waiting on customer to provide needed documentation.
UVM, Southwick Music Building - Continue to work with the customer on energy efficiency
measures in the area of demand control ventilation and premium efficiency motors. BED has
not offered a financial incentive and is waiting for customer to provide design drawings and
sequence of operation. This project is expected to be complete this summer.
UVM, Terrill Hall - Continue to work with the customer on energy efficiency measures in the
area of lighting power density, lighting controls, premium efficiency motors, and variable
frequency drives. The project is expected to be complete this summer.
UVM, 34 South Williams Street - Continue to work with the customer on energy efficiency
measures in the area of lighting power density. The project is expected to be complete by the
end of the month. BED has offered a financial incentive.
UVM, Given Medical Complex, Courtyard Infill - Continue to work with the customer on
energy efficiency measures in the area of lighting power density, lighting controls, premium
efficiency motors, and variable frequency drives. The project is expected to be complete this
UVM, Gutterson, Tennis courts - Continue to work with the customer on energy efficiency
measures in the area of lighting power density reduction. The project is expected to be
complete this summer.
YMCA “Go Green” – Attended second meeting of this group, whose purpose is to move the
facility towards a reduced environmental impact by changing key ways that it operates it
services. Delivered energy and cost savings figures associated with converting the standard
T8 lamps and ballasts (total fixtures 200+) in the facility to HP T8 products.
EVT DSM Savings Tool Training – Attended an EVT-based training on a new Demand
control ventilation tool, as well as an energy recovery ventilation spreadsheet. Copies of
these tools are now available on BED’s T: drive, for future use by Energy Services.
Burlington School District - Edmunds School day-light harvesting project –
Pre-monitoring of classroom lighting has been completed in 2 classrooms. The new fixtures
and day-lighting equipment has been received and the installation upgrade will be completed
as soon as practical.
Hannaford / North Ave – Processed a rebate for installation of premium efficiency ECM
evaporator fan motors for various walk-in coolers and a freezer. A total of over twenty fan
motors were replaced.
City Market – Completed rebate process for refrigerated food case econo-covers, which is a
prescriptive rebate measure. Over 200 linear feet of covers were added to the store food
Forward Capacity Market – Continue to attend meetings at EVT focusing on the FCM (1)
Metering requirements and (2) overall program structure. This is a complex coordination of
resources between EVT, BED, outside contractor(s), and the Dept. of Public Service.
Smaller Commercial Services
 Champlain Venture Partners (Juniors Pizza/176 Main Street) – A prescriptive lighting
measure was completed and inspected for the installation of ten four lamp high performance
T8 fixtures. The rebate was processed to the customer.
First Unitarian Society – The new 1.5 HP motor and VFD controller for the circulating hot
water pump serving the boiler heating system has been selected and ordered. The contractors
for the installation and start up have been selected and should be starting the work in the next
month. Still ongoing.
 Opportunities C.U. - The business manager requested BED to target energy efficiency cost
effective measures. A complete energy audit was completed two years ago and the letter
describing the results of the cost benefit savings analysis of several recommended lighting
measures was e-mailed. Another follow up walk through will be conducted to update and
complete another cost benefit savings analysis for lighting measure upgrades. Still ongoing.
 City Parking Garage Lighting / S Winooski & Bank St – City approval has been obtained to
update the existing high pressure sodium lighting at the garage to HP T8 fluorescent. The
new fixtures are being shipped and will be arriving shortly.
 O’Neil, Kellner and Green – Working with this customer in area of lighting power density
and lighting controls for their new space on St Paul Street. This project expected to be
complete in the next few months.
New Construction/Equipment Replacement Services
 Hickok & Boardman Place – 6th Floor Expansion project drawings were reviewed for state
energy efficiency code compliance. A meeting was conducted with the architect and GC’s
project manager as requested by BED to discuss possible lighting changes in order to meet
EE code and the selected windows specifications. There were some lighting improvement
measures recommended by BED that all parties agreed on and will pursue. Most of the
measures will merit rebates for going above code. Ongoing.
 Greer’s Dry Cleaning – A meeting with BED, Cummings Electric and Carlson Mechanical
was mandated by BED. BED had not been in contact with the owner for the new fit-up
construction work at the old Fitzpatrick GMC building that is presently in progress. BED is
still waiting on the lighting drawing design from the electrical contractors before any
approval of energy efficiency code compliance will be issued. DPW building inspectors and
the owner have all been informed of this.
 King St Housing – Completed energy calculations concerning lighting power density
improvements over code, as well as high efficiency heat pump unit savings. Construction of
this new building is moving ahead on schedule.
 The following projects remain in the Planning & Zoning approval process and we have been
in contact with each regarding energy code compliance and BED\VGS efficiency services:
1162 North Ave 5-units; 237 North Ave 25 units and 40 seat café; 207 Riverside 2-units,
ICV’s 50 unit project at 114 College Street, 8 units at 361 Pearl Street, 12 units 131 Battery
St; 7 units at 160 Pine St.; 20 units at 88 King St.
Efficient Retail Products
 Advised 4 walk-in customers on compact fluorescent lamp applications.
 ENERGY STAR Clothes Washers rebates for 2008 – 88
 ENERGY STAR Screw-in CFL rebates for 2008 –15,066
 ENERGY STAR Compact fluorescent Hardwired fixture rebates (including floor and table
lamps) for 2008 – 74
 Residential ENERGY STAR screw-in CFL’s leased through Smartlight for 2008 – 21
 Commercial ENERGY STAR screw-in CFL’s leased through Smartlight for 2008 –176
ENERGY STAR window AC rebates for 2008 – 1
ENERGY STAR Dehumidifiers for 2008 – 2
ENERGY STAR Refrigerators for 2008 – 40
ENERGY STAR freezers for 2008 –1
Existing Residential Buildings
 Since Jan 1, 2008, 2 electric space heat conversions have been completed.
 Since Jan 1, 2008, 17 electric hot water conversions have been completed.
 Since Jan 1, 2008, 3 high efficiency\ECM motor ENERGY STAR furnaces have been
 Since Jan 1, 2008, 0 ENERGY STAR Central AC systems have been installed.
 Since Jan 1, 2008, 4 electric to natural gas clothes dryer replacements have been completed.
 BED continues to promote the LISF program to customers in need.
 High consumption calls for 14 customers. Visited 12 locations and used “WattsUp” meter at
many locations.
 For one customer found the location of an electrical short near a wall switch by using the
Fluke IR Thermometer. The monthly consumption had nearly tripled to about 2,000 kWh for
no apparent reason. After much investigation the customer was asked if any switches or
receptacles were warm. The short at the switch caused a 20 degree rise in the immediate
vicinity. The defective circuit was immediately turned off and an electrician made repairs
the next day.
Communications & Public Relations
 WARMTH Program - we now have 158 customers donating a total of $1,036.00 on a
monthly basis via their electric bill.
 Burlington’s Kid’s Day in Waterfront Park was a great success. BED had an energy
information booth and BED Linemen gave the ever popular bucket truck rides.
 Eco-Teams were kicked off around Burlington. The mayor and many others are hosting these
meetings that encourage people to reduce their energy usage and carbon footprint.
 Mary has been working with BED’s Facility Manager to get some grant money to purchase
an add-on particulate matter reducer for the engines of our trucks that idle a great deal of the
 Those who are the steering committee for E2C2 did a presentation to the City Council on
what has happened so far.
 Project Porchlight has kicked off. Staff has been working closely with the contractor on the
promotional end and on getting volunteers.
 Es staff attended the AFE monthly meeting in which Richmond Energy Associates presented
a seminar on biomass combined heat and power case studies in Vermont.
 ES staff attended the annual Vermont Business Expo at the Sheraton Conference Center.
 Federal Building Renewable Energy Project – Worked with BED Engineering to provide the
customer with the electrical utility interconnect requirements associated with net-metering of
renewable energy generation. The above project will include solar photovoltaic equipment
and, possibly, wind energy.
Load Response Program
 Burlington School District – Attended an information meeting between BSD, EnerNOC and
BED to discuss opportunities for 30 minute demand with an aggregated Burlington School
load. Program possibilities are expanded because the BSD building management system ties
all school buildings together for possible load curtailment in a single operation, from a
central monitoring point.
 BED Local Demand Response program - There is indication that we may successfully be
moving to completion a contract with EnerNOC to implement a local demand response
program for the BED grid only. Once this is complete, we hope to accelerate the enrollment
of Customers with curtailable loads into the program.
 Gilbane / kW Pulse Conversion – Continue to work with Gilbane and their engineering
subcontractor to feed BED utility meter pulses into their building management system, and
convert them to 15 minute demand readings. Elster and EnerNOC have both been of
assistance in familiarizing us with the conversion process. Eventually, this data may be used
to support the ISO NE 30 Min. Demand Response program using the building’s curtailable