From: To: Date: Subject: Chris Burns Michael Wickenden, Contract Administrator 4/05/07 BED’s February 2007 Report Dear Michael, We are pleased to submit the following report covering the period of February 1, 2007 to February 28, 2007. The report includes highlights over the period and the attached table covers costs and savings for the period. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, Chris Burns CC: Carole Welsh, John Becker of the VT DPS, Ann Bishop and Ed McNamara of the VT PSB BED Energy Efficiency Highlights Large Commercial services ASHRAE Meeting –Staff attended an ASHRAE Meeting held at the Inn at Essex on Feb 7th. PCI Presentation at EVT – Staff attended a presentation by PCI, a local lighting controls manufacturer out of South Burlington. They have been in this business for 20+ years, and may have several low cost control products that are useful for lighting applications in areas like small warehouses and offices. TRANE Satellite Presentation – Staff attended the live broadcast at the local Trane office, concerning Chiller Condenser Waterside Heat Recovery. This is a waste heat recovery technique developed and used in the 1970's, but has since been largely ignored, until our most recent domestic energy price adjustments. Fletcher Allen Health Care – Continuing to work with the Carrier Performance Contract group on several rather large energy efficiency projects involving lighting and HVAC, potentially scheduled to start QTR 2 of 2007. We are preparing an incentive package to encourage the implementation of all of these measures, and are only waiting for some clarification info from Carrier before completing the offer. Koffee Kup Bakery – Completed a comparison between their electric bills before service consolidation, and after. Their kW has recently been reduced 8% and their kWh reduced by 17% due to the consolidation and several energy savings measures. Other ESM's are pending, such as a plant-wide lighting upgrade. UVM Central Chiller Plant at Cage – Commissioning activities for the plant will begin in late March, startup scheduled for mid-April. We are arranging a tour within the next few weeks. This steam driven chiller plant will be helpful in reducing the peak summer air conditioning load for BED's grid. UVM Freezer Farm – Obtained confirmation of purchase of several RTU's that qualify for the Cool Choice program (2006), City Market – Jake will attend an initial meeting with the customer and the original building commissioning agent, Tom Anderson of CX Associates. The next step is to schedule Phase 1 of the re-commissioning process for their HVAC system, which appears to have several operational problems which never were fully addressed. The customer appears to be committed to moving ahead with the process of becoming a recognized community leader in reducing their carbon footprint. Burlington Airport - Participated in a conference call with Hallam Associates and Airport Engineering to help finalize an approach for the re-commissioning of their lighting and HVAC systems. Originally structured as a "Hallam/Kilawatt" performance contract project, the customer is apparently more comfortable in moving ahead in a more traditionallyfinanced manner. The airport would also prefer that BED be closely involved in this endeavor. It is expected that an agreement to proceed can be finalized within the next two weeks or so. Burlington Free Press – Air Compressor Engineering has installed monitoring equipment on the Free Press existing 50HP compressor. Results indicate that purchase of a new energy efficient compressor, and improving their compressed air system configuration could save them $15,000 a year. BED will be installing our own meter on the existing air compressor to obtain baseline data for any future improvements that are made. The customer is also pursuing additional HVAC improvements, some of which will require capital spending approvals from their corporate headquarters. Burlington Water Plant – Completed a tour at the Lake St. Facility with Steve Roy. They are exploring several energy savings measures, and may also be candidates for the most recent ISO New England Demand Response program. General Dynamics ATP – 128 Lakeside Avenue – A three ton air to air heat pump with an electric reheat coil was replaced with a high efficient two-ton rooftop unit to include an optional dual enthalpy fresh air economizer control. The project is approximately 75% complete. UVM – Mann Hall (Trinity Campus) – A cost benefit energy savings analysis completed by P.F. Bailey Associates was reviewed and reanalyzed for verification on a proposed LPA installation to a 16 Ton A/C Liebert unit serving the computer room at Mann Hall. The project screened and UVM has decided to go ahead with the installation. Project is ongoing. Champlain College – Continue to work this customer to implement the chiller plant piping rearrangement project which will limit operation of primary chilled water pump to only hours when the chiller operating. BED has offered a financial incentive for this project. This project will be completed later this winter or early spring. Champlain College – Continue to work with this customer to implement a liquid pressure amplification system. This project is expected to be completed this winter or early spring. Smaller Commercial Services Kilawatt / Hallam Contract – Zampieri State Office Building: Attended a meeting at 108 Cherry St. with the customer and Kilawatt / Hallam. Discrepancies in the operation of a number of the building Heat Recovery Units are being explored. Completed calculations for savings for several lighting upgrades within the building, as suggested by Kilawatt to the customer. Burlington High School: Attended a meeting between Burlington School District IT and Kilawatt / Hallam to discuss energy savings associated with better computer management. The IT group is very interested in moving ahead with this effort, and some key energy consumption data was gathered at the meeting to determine potential energy savings associated with this program. Nectars/Club Metronome – 188 Main Street – A new high efficient 10-ton rooftop A/C unit with fresh air economizer and dual enthalpy controls was installed to replace the existing A/C systems. The project was inspected by BED. DBA / Soap Dish – 197 College Street – A walk through energy audit was conducted. Several lamp replacements were proposed by BED. Thirty of the incandescent 60-watt lamps were replaced with 15-watt CFL flood lamps. The existing 50-watt halogen direct lighting lamps were proposed to be replaced with 35-watt IR halogen lamps. The owners are presently considering the BED EEM proposal. Richardson Place – 2 Church Street – A walk through energy audit was conducted of all the common areas and stores. Several lighting high efficient upgrade measures will be considered and recommended to pursue. A cost benefit energy savings analysis is presently in progress. Still ongoing. Green Mountain Electric Supply – 102 Archibald Street – Completed several lighting upgrade measures that included the replacement of HID lighting to T5 HO and T12 lighting to Super T8 lighting. Spectrum Youth Service: Performed energy audit for several of this customer’s commercial and multi-family properties. Recently performed contractor walk through with customer in an effort to assist the customer with technical and economic decision regarding energy efficiency. Odessa Corporation (Champlain Farms): Performed an energy code compliance review for this customer for his North Avenue new construction project. Compliance with the energy code has not yet been achieved but is expected to. Pine Street Deli – Continue to work with this customer on implementing energy efficiency measures identified in BED’s energy audit which was performed earlier this winter. City of Burlington – Continue to work with city officials and interested parties to implement energy efficiency measures outlined in a comprehensive BED energy audit which was performed last spring and into the summer. BED has offered a financial incentive for energy efficiency measures identified in reports presented to City Hall. Kinney Drug – Continue to work with the developer and the City of Burlington’s Planning and Zoning Department on code compliance and energy efficiency for this project. The project is currently in appeals court but the developer remains optimistic that ground breaking will occur this spring. Homeport – Continue to work this customer re-lamping standard halogen flood lights to halogen infrared flood lights where a 28% reduction in energy and peak demand is achieved per lamp. This customer has re-lamped approximately 250 fixtures to the more efficient halogen lamp. Ashley Home Store – Continue to work this customer re-lamping standard halogen flood lights to halogen infrared flood lights. This customer has re-lamped approximately 180 fixtures to the more efficient halogen lamp. Scribbles – Continue to work this customer re-lamping standard halogen flood lights to halogen infrared flood lights. This customer has re-lamped approximately 170 fixtures to the more efficient halogen lamp. Ski Rack – Continue to work this customer re-lamping standard halogen flood lights to halogen infrared flood lights. This customer has re-lamped approximately 160 fixtures to the more efficient halogen lamp. New Construction/Equipment Replacement Services Lund Family Center Expansion – A summary of incentives has been provided to the Project Manager. The budget is tight but we think that they are sincerely looking at the “life cycle” cost of the proposed measures. Subaru Expansion – Several high efficiency RTU's associated with the project will be eligible for incentives. The project is under construction with a mid-summer completion date. State of VT / 444 Pine St. North – Swaney Lighting has been selected as the lighting designer for this project. We will be working with them to ensure compliance with the BEEG/CBES, and to maximize their lighting efficiency even further. Papa Johns Pizza – 135 Pearl Street – A meeting was conducted with the owner of the new Papa Johns Pizza and an initial walk through of the new construction project at the 50% completion phase. A review of the architectural drawings was completed by BED staff, and a memo letter was e-mailed to DPW of the code compliance approval. BED proposed that CFL hard-wired lighting fixtures be installed as well as Super T8 fluorescent fixtures. In addition, the owner is looking at the possibility of installing the Melink automated ventilation control system to serve the kitchen fan hood exhaust system. Project is ongoing. CCTA – 1 Industrial Park – A review of the architectural drawings was completed by BED staff, and a memo letter was e-mailed to DPW of the code compliance approval. However, some changes were made by the architect on the thermal envelope that was pointed out as not being code compliant by BED. Hope Lodge – Continue to work with this customer on this LEED-NC project. This project is currently under construction and is expected to be completed this summer. Hinds Building – Continue to work with customer on financial incentives, energy efficiency including ground water heat pump system and energy code compliance review. Performed initial calculations to determine the energy savings associated with installing a ground water heat pump system versus a traditional loop water heat pump system. This project is part of a whole block development plan which will encompass mostly multi-family and high end condominiums, some office space and a multi-level parking garage. Continued to work with the project team for the 31-unit co-housing project located at 166 East Ave. Construction has begun. They are following LEED guidelines where possible but have opted not to certified due to budget constraints. 354 Manhattan Dr 15-units- Continued working with Rouille Construction. Building is nearing completion. ERH will be doing final ratings in April and May. Franklin Square’s new 10-unit building- BHA plans to participate and BHA is incorporate program specifications into the building plans. 72 Cherry Street BHA Transitional Housing – Continued to work with project team. CVWS has completed their insulation and air sealing work and construction continues. Project should be completed in June. Completed the review of the project plans for the renovation of 127 Bank Street; one commercial space and two apartments. . The following projects remain in the Planning & Zoning approval process and we have been in contact with each regarding energy code compliance and BED\VGS efficiency services: South Cove Road 8-lot subdivision; 25 unit building at 181-187 St Paul Street; 1162 North Ave 5-units; 237 North Ave 25 units and 40 seat café; 207 Riverside 2-units, ICV’s 50 unit project at 114 College Street and 8 units at 361 Pearl Street. Efficient Retail Products Advised 6 walk-in customers on smartlight and fluorescent torchiere lamp applications. Clothes Washers rebates for 2007 – 21 Screw-in CFL rebates for 2007 – 3,404 Compact fluorescent Hardwired fixture rebates (including floor and table lamps) for 2007 16 Residential screw-in CFL’s leased through Smartlight for 2007 – 30 Commercial screw-in CFL’s leased through Smartlight for 2007 – 189 ENERGY STAR and CEE Tier 1 incentives for refrigerators, window AC units and dehumidifiers will begin over the next few months. Existing Residential Buildings Since Jan 1, 2007, 2 electric space heat conversions have been completed. Since Jan 1, 2007, 16 electric hot water conversions have been completed. Since Jan 1, 2007, 4 high efficiency\ECM motor ENERGY STAR furnaces have been installed. Since Jan 1, 2007, 0 ENERGY STAR Central AC systems have been installed. Since Jan 1, 2007, CVWS has submitted invoices for 9 completed projects and has requested billing history data on 12 additional accounts. BED continues to promote the LISF program to customers to increase participation. General high consumption audits with follow-up visits for 12 customers. For three of these customers we found the problem to be that the furnace fans were set to run continuously instead of operating only when the furnace produces heat. Cross-wiring audit for one customer. Found one electric hot water heater serving two apartments. Working with five customers that are planning to switch to gas domestic hot water systems. Working with one customer that is planning to install natural gas fired heating systems to replace electric heat. Communications & Public Relations Burlington Business Association Meeting – Staff attended the monthly meeting at the Firehouse Center on February 1. There seems to be quite a bit of energy focusing on keeping the City of Burlington vital, in spite of competition from development opportunities in the surrounding suburbs. Working with the city for a Green-Up day celebration (swapping out gas mowers, promoting efficiency and renewables, etc.) it will be held on Saturday, May 5. Event to be held at City Market. We tabled at the Sustainability event held at City Hall by Mayor Kiss and VPIRG on Feb. 8th. We are in the process of moving forward on another school for Solar on Schools panels. Hopefully will happen late spring. We had a class on sustainability from CCV come in to learn more about efficiency and renewables.