Vermont-VEIC Contract for EEU ATTACHMENT K 2008 UNREGULATED-FUEL EFFICIENCY SERVICES This Attachment provides the scope of work that the Contractor will perform in 2008 related to unregulated-fuel efficiency services, and the compensation that the Contractor will receive for such work. I. Scope of Work A. Provide Information to Customers The Contractor shall develop and provide general information regarding unregulated-fuel efficiency opportunities to customers who request such information. Such information shall also be available on the EEU’s website. The Board and the Contractor recognize that there are expected to be limited funds available for unregulated-fuel activities in 2008. Because Vermonters are facing a critical need for information about unregulated-fuel efficiency opportunities in order to address anticipated high heating bills during the winter of 2008-2009, providing information to customers shall be a priority for the Contractor during 2008. B. Assist with Development of Unregulated-Fuel Efficiency Services The Contractor shall respond to requests for input and participation from state policymakers who are developing services related to unregulated-fuel efficiency. This includes, but is not limited to, providing ideas for the delivery of such services, as well as responding to ideas suggested by others. The Contractor shall also respond to information requests from other unregulated-fuel stakeholders. C. Planning for 2009-2011 Unregulated-Fuel Efficiency Services The Contractor shall conduct strategic planning and development activities related to new unregulated-fuel efficiency services to be provided by the EEU in the 2009-2011 time period. Because Vermont law provides for both the EEU and the DPS to provide unregulated-fuel services during that time period, the Contractor shall coordinate its planning for the delivery of such services with the DPS, to the extent necessary to ensure that the resulting services are coordinated, and with the goal of meeting Vermonters’ unregulated-fuel efficiency needs in a least-cost manner. D. Implementation of Heating System Replacement Initiative, Energy Auditor and Installer Training, Comprehensive Home Energy Efficiency Loan Program, and Grassroots Community Energy Mobilization Program In accordance with the Board’s Orders of 11/10/08 and 11/12/08, the Contractor shall institute the following programs: A Heating System Replacement Initiative, with an incentive of up to $2500 per qualifying system available to households whose incomes are below 120% of state median income. K-1 Vermont-VEIC Contract for EEU An Energy Auditor and Installer Training program to bolster the workforce available to install comprehensive energy efficiency retrofits for Vermont households. A Comprehensive Home Energy Efficiency Loan Program, with affordable loans, and an incentive of up to $2500 per qualifying retrofit available to households whose incomes are below 120% of state median income. A Grassroots Community Energy Mobilization Program, utilizing community volunteers making home visits to provide one-on-one education on unregulated fuel efficiency and conservation options and to direct-install no-cost fuel and electric efficiency measures. Pursuant to the Board’s Orders of 11/10/08 and 11/12/08, these activities shall continue into 2009. The 2009 unregulated-fuel activities are included in the scope of work defined in Attachment L. II. Compensation The State shall compensate Contractor for satisfactory performance of the above scope of work as follows: A. Total Compensation The total compensation amount for all eligible costs and expenses for the above scope of work may not exceed $223,925.00 as detailed in Tables K-1 and K-2. This amount shall be included in the maximum amount set forth in Paragraph 5 of the main body of this Agreement. This amount shall be in addition to the Contractor EEU Funds shown on Attachments E and F of this Agreement as those attachments only show funds available for the EEU’s 2006-2008 electric efficiency activities. B. Eligible Costs and Expenses The Contractor shall be compensated for reasonable and appropriate services provided and expenses incurred in order to perform the above scope of work. The definition of eligible costs and expenses for the Contractor’s unregulated-fuel efficiency activities shall be the same as that contained in Paragraph 2 of Attachment B of this Agreement. C. Invoice Requirements Invoice requirements for the Contractor’s unregulated-fuel efficiency activities shall be the same as those contained in Paragraph 7 of Attachment B of this Agreement. The Contractor may include electric and unregulated-fuel efficiency activities on the same invoice, provided the costs are clearly differentiated on the invoice. D. Invoice Review and Approval The process for reviewing and approving Contractor’s invoices containing unregulatedfuel efficiency activities shall be the same as those contained in Paragraph 8 of Attachment B of this Agreement. K-2 Vermont-VEIC Contract for EEU E. Payment of Invoices Upon approval of an invoiced amount, the Contract Administrator shall immediately send the invoice and its accompanying supporting documentation to the Fiscal Agent for payment. Disbursements by the Fiscal Agent will be made once each month; the Fiscal Agent will pay approved monthly invoices by the last business day of the following month. The parties understand that, pursuant to 30 V.S.A. § 209(d)(7), the Contractor’s unregulated-fuel efficiency services shall be paid for by the revenues from regional wholesale market capacity payments for energy efficiency resources that exceed the cost of participating in that regional market (in other words, the net revenues from the regional capacity market). It is possible that the Fiscal Agent may not have sufficient net revenues from the regional capacity market in a particular month to pay the Contractor’s approved invoices for unregulated-fuel efficiency services in full. Any unpaid Contractor invoices for unregulated-fuel efficiency services from prior months shall be paid first and then a partial payment shall be made on Contractor’s current monthly invoice for unregulatedfuel efficiency services. All Contractor’s approved invoices for unregulated-fuel efficiency services shall be paid in full, as funds become available. At the expiration of this Agreement, the Contractor will most likely still be due payments for one or more monthly invoices for unregulated-fuel efficiency services. In such a case, the Contractor’s approved unpaid invoices for unregulated-fuel efficiency services shall be paid from forward capacity payments received by the EEU after January 1, 2009. K-3