Poster Guidelines

Poster Guidelines
Presenter responsibilities
Poster presentation must be prepared in advance. There are no facilities to
prepare the poster at the Conference.
Each presenter is responsible for setting up their own poster presentation and for
removing it at the end of the Conference. Presenters will be expected to be
present at the allocated poster session time Thursday 18 June 2015, 1-2
Display location
All poster presentations will be displayed and viewed in the Tony Rich Teaching
Centre. A poster board will be allocated to each poster.
This will maximise the chances of each paper being seen by as many conference
delegates and exhibition trade visitors as possible.
Set-up Time: Posters are expected to be put up for display as early as possible
on Thursday morning, 18 June 2015.
Viewing Time: Posters will be viewable in the lunchtime during the conference
Dismantling Time: Presenters are asked to remove their posters by the close of
the conference Thursday 18 June 2015.
Posters that are not removed by the allocated time will be removed by the
organisers who assume no responsibility for display materials not removed at the
appropriate time.
Poster preparation guidelines
Presentation Purpose
One purpose of a poster paper presentation is to promote informal discussion. It
is a graphic display of a written manuscript. The poster presentation stands by
itself as a summary of the research and usually contains an overview of research
objectives, experimental methods, materials, results and a discussion. Posters
optimise one-to-one communication and provide an opportunity to discuss mutual
research interests on an informal basis.
The organisers of this Conference are committed to providing a high-calibre
program and urge poster presenters to consider the preparation of their poster
carefully. Presenters are encouraged to make full use of their available space.
Posters are not intended as a mechanism for advertising products or services.
Posters consisting of commercial brochures describing products or services or
that are not of appropriate quality may be rejected on-site.
Presentation Hints & Suggestions
All posters should include some variation on the following elements: title, authors,
abstract, method and materials, results and conclusions. References should be
included where appropriate. The inclusions of an introduction and
acknowledgements are optional. The abstract and any introduction should be
A good way to create your poster is via Microsoft Power Point or similar software.
The poster title should extend across the top of the poster, and include the title,
plus author(s) and affiliation(s) on the next line. The title font should be larger
than any other text on the poster (see below) and should be bold faced, with only
the first letter of the important words capitalised.
An interested individual who is not necessarily familiar with your field of expertise
should be able to follow your poster. To ensure this:
▪ organise the poster units in an orderly manner for a logical flow from top to
bottom or left to right;
▪ number the units in the order you want them viewed or use connecting lines to
guide the reader as in a flow chart;
▪ use headings and colour
▪ test your poster by laying it out and asking a colleague to critique it;
▪ start the poster with a clear and concise objective;
▪ have sections on experiments or research methods as appropriate and devote
the main part of the poster to your results;
▪ finish with a brief conclusion;
▪ make liberal use of large photos, figures, tables, diagrams, maps etc; and,
▪ do not attach typewritten sheets to the poster presentation, as it is impossible
to read these from a distance.
It is also good to display email address that you may be contacted on.
Presenters may also provide sign-up sheets or contact cards on or near their
poster board to record names and addresses of delegates who want further