In recognition of the Syrian refugee crisis and in an attempt to support refugee students from that
region who have strong academic backgrounds and are interested in pursuing an LLM in one or both
of Windsor Law’s institutional themes, Windsor Law is offering the scholarship described below. This
scholarship will be awarded to a refugee student:
who is entering the LLM program on the basis of academic merit (minimum cumulative average
of B+ grade average or better in the most recent two years of study; successful review and
acceptance by Law graduate program admissions committee );
who is from Syria or the surrounding region; and
who intends to pursue LLM research on a topic related to access to justice or transnational law
The amount of the scholarship will be $25,000 Canadian.
For more information on the program, please visit the LLM program website at:
To apply for both the LLM program and the scholarship in recognition of the Syrian refugee crisis,
please visit: https://www.uwindsor.ca/law/583/apply-graduate-llm-program
The deadline for applying for the scholarship is March 30, 2016.