Santiago Canyon College College Council MINUTES

Santiago Canyon College
College Council (Planning and Budget Allocation)
November 13, 2007, 2:00 p.m., E-107
Administrators: John Hernandez, Mary Halvorson, Steve Kawa, Jose Vargas, Juan Vázquez
Faculty: Morrie Barembaum, Linda Cucovatz, Rosi Enriquez(absent), Laura Wirtz(absent), Connie Wilson (absent), John Smith, Leah Freidenrich (absent) and (alt)
Classified: Diane Durdella, Zina Edwards (absent), Sheryl Martin, Janell McWilliam (alt)
Draft for Approval
Student: Sean Dadashi
Technology: Curt Childress
Communication: AnnMarie Librescu
1. Approval of Minutes, 10/23/07
1. Update – Basic Skills Initiative:
Mary Halvorson
2. AlertU: Al Chin
1. Associated Student Government:
Sean Dadashi
Continuing Education: Jose Vargas
One correction to 2b: …”outside” eating area.
Motion to approve (Durdella/Cucovatz)
passed unanimously.
We are spending Basic Skills 2005-2006 funds, we have an allocation this year,
and again next year. The spending plan is due May 30. Diana Babayan and
Alison Williams are co-chairs – working through Student Success Council. Basic
skills include ESL, reading, mathematics and English.
Unable to attend – item moved to November 27 agenda. President Vazquez
provided overview of texting capability to all that are subscribed; faculty, staff,
administrators and students.
Students are very interested in the AlertU system outlined by President
Vazquez at their meeting in the district board room on November 8.
Sean thanked President Vazquez for attending.
b. ASG members attended the Student Senate for California Community
Colleges conference in San Jose and it was a very good experience; 79
community colleges were represented.
c. Health Fair, including Breast Cancer Awareness (wear pink) on
Wednesday, November 28
d. Developing a newsletter – possible electronic distribution.
e. Preparing student survey to receive feedback on activities sponsored by
Application process to begin authorizing OEC as an education center:
Step 2 = should finish by end of calendar year
Step 3 = should finish by end of fiscal year
Confirmation should occur 12-24 months after the final step is complete.
Last year, continuing education received $30 million for non-credit
enhancement. This year, an additional $13.8 million was included in the
proposal. The additional amount was not approved, and the
Department of Finance is evaluating how the institutions use the $30
million to see if it merits releasing the $13.8 million. A site visit to CEC
and OEC is scheduled for December 5.
Jose reported the door locking system needs review.
AlertU Handbook will be e-mailed to all
council members.
Classified Advisory Group: Diane
Communications: AnnMarie
Technology: Curt Childress
Services: Steve Kawa
Curriculum and Instruction
Committee: Linda Cucovatz
Academic Affairs/Accreditation:
Mary Halvorson
At the last meeting, the group voted to donate $200 to “Buy the Book.”
Annual silent auction is set for December 5, during the holiday potluck
(12 noon in D-121)
Leslie Piazza, from Risk Management, was a guest speaker at the
Gary Robbins, from “The Register,” interviewed Steve Kawa and Juan
Vazquez regarding the science building project.
Men’s and women’s soccer, cross country, and women’s golf are all
competing in regional championships.
Video ads will appear in local malls, along with ads on busses, TV and
Meeting with departments and faculty on technology issues regarding
equipment requests for next year.
Student e-mail service is an agenda item for the district Technical
Advisory Group.
Location of Pepsi machines is being evaluated by the company, and
some will be removed due to lack of use.
b. Don Maus and Steve Kawa attended an evacuation drill at MSAC. SCC
seems to be at equivalent level of preparedness.
c. It was determined that the conduit for the soccer fields is located under
the site for the new concession/restroom building: re-routing would
cause construction delay. The building was removed from the project
and will become a separate package.
d. Thirteen bids have been received for the science building. Some of the
cost estimates are higher than originally expected.
a. A division curriculum committee structure will be piloted in the spring.
b. Last meeting to submit changes that can be included in the next catalog.
c. Working to establish common curriculum deadlines with SAC.
John Smith arrived.
a. Five-year Educational Master Plan and Technology Plan are going to
the board as information on Monday, November 19, which meets the
requirement for accreditation and SCC planning agendas.
b. The board will need to approve the accreditation abbreviated self study;
plan is to complete report in April, take it to the board in August, send
report to site visit team in September, and host site visit in October.
c. Assessment workshop was very successful.
Student Success
Committee/Student Services: John
d. Community Science Night welcomed over 1600 participants.
a. Student Success Committee will be conduit for Basic Skills. Diana
Babayan and Alison Williams will be working with Nga Pham,
research, to create an assessment instrument.
b. Outreach is very busy, including high school and middle school
presentations, and Native American Week activities.
c. Recent activities: Fall Fest, Dia de los Muertos, soccer tailgates, transfer
10. Educational Master Plan
Committee/Academic Senate:
Morrie Barembaum
The Senate has approved a prioritized list of faculty to hire for 2008-2009.
Division curriculum and textbook costs continue to be a subject of discussion.
Concern raised regarding the efficiency of the new Greentree registry/
announcement for job openings, and the system of on-line applications only.
11. President: Juan Vázquez
A special board meeting is being held tonight at SAC.
Contact Steve Kawa or Juan Vazquez if
you have any issues of safety on
Santiago Canyon College - Mission Statement
Santiago Canyon College (SCC) is a diverse learning community dedicated to intellectual and personal growth. Our purpose is to foster a learning environment that helps students develop knowledge and understanding,
critical thinking, sound decision making, cultural awareness, effective communication skills, and a commitment to local and global citizenship.
Santiago Canyon College offers a comprehensive curriculum that includes university transfer, associate degree and certificate programs. In addition, we provide community services, career education, continuing
education, high school diploma program, basic skills development, and a range of support services for full and part-time students, including those with family and career responsibilities. At SCC we encourage students to plan,
implement, and evaluate their educational progress through meaningful reflection and interaction with both the college and community. (Approved by College Council 10/23/07)