Santiago Canyon College College Council

Santiago Canyon College
College Council (Planning and Budget Allocation)
MINUTES - July 8, 2008, 2:00 p.m., E-107
Administrators: John Hernandez, Mary Halvorson (absent), Steve Kawa, Jose Vargas, Juan Vázquez
Faculty: Morrie Barembaum, Linda Cucovatz (absent), Rosi Enriquez (absent), Connie Wilson, John Smith (absent), Craig Nance (absent), vacant (alt)
Classified: Diane Durdella, Zina Edwards (absent), Sheryl Martin (absent), Janell McWilliam, Margaret Bennett (alt)
Student: John Coury for Tina Lam
Technology: Curt Childress (absent) Communication: AnnMarie Librescu
Guest: Yuri Betancourt
Approved 9/9/08
1. Introductions
Approval of Minutes, 6/3/08
Rollout of AlertU Message System –
Al Chin
3. College Councils & Committees List,
Academic Senate – Juan Vazquez
4. Classified Representation –
Margaret Bennett, Yuri Betancourt
Steve Kawa opened for Juan Vazquez and introduced ASG Vice President
of Internal Affairs John Coury, and Student Services Coordinator Yuri
Motion to approve minutes as written
(Wilson/Durdella) passed unanimously.
Al Chin announced that the district and colleges will be implementing
the AlertU system, a system of texting students, staff and faculty in case
of an emergency, and that SCC needs to develop a strategy to promote
the rollout.
 Rollout will occur for the fall semester.
 What is the liability of purging names from the list, and what would be
the timetable for purging (to keep from overloading and slowing down
the system during an emergency message)?
 Sub groups need to be identified for notification prior to an all-user
 Currently there is not a separation of continuing ed and credit students.
Groups are: students, faculty, staff, administrators, others.
Possible choices:
 Use of “widget” inserted in registration website to encourage students
to enroll. Can a subscription page be created for SCC students only?
 First week of classes, faculty can be asked to encourage students to sign
 Automatically enroll at registration – through Datatel.
 AlertU sign up at orientations.
CSEA has requested that a designation be made in the SCC governance
handbook indicating which classified memberships are appointed through
Margaret Bennett proposed that leadership from the Hawks Classified
Advisory group rotate each year to the alternate classified representative
position on the College Council. Discussion followed regarding the value of
continuity of representation, making the leadership person a voting member
instead of an alternate, and using the co-chair or designee.
AnnMarie Librescu will develop strategy to
centralize content.
Steve Kawa will meet with Al Chin to
ensure questions are addressed.
Al Chin will call a meeting of the
SAC/SCC liaisons to confer.
Orientation will be included at the SCC
Convocation, Friday, August 22.
Lynn Manzano will adjust the handbook to
easily identify the positions appointed by
CSEA. Lynn will also send the committee
list to council members.
Motion to ask CSEA to appoint classified
alternate position on College Council to
Hawks co-chair (Bennett) did not receive a
second. Tabled.
The classified representatives will take this
discussion to the next Hawks meeting and
bring a recommendation to the Council.
1. Naming District Properties and
Facilities – Juan Vázquez
Smoke Free Campus Task force –
John Hernandez
Steve Kawa reported that the Board Facilities Committee did not impose a
name for the new building; the building continues to be called the Science
1. Associated Student Government:
John Coury
Continuing Education: Jose Vargas
AnnMarie noted that the task force has scheduled the first meeting on
Wednesday, July 23, at 2:00 p.m.
The committee needs to link with SAC to end with a unified policy to
take to the Board.
ASG President Tina Lam is on vacation with her family in Canada.
Julie Cosmo is attending the Discover SCC Planning Committee.
Council and committee assignments have been made.
Budget for 2009 is $33,000 (reduced from $45,000 in 2008)
Expressed support of Paul Garcia on his appointment as Student
Executive Board Retreat is August 1-3
ASG Retreat is tentatively set for Labor Day weekend.
Joint venture with CEC to coordinate a citizenship recognition
ceremony. The event was very well attended, including the Secretary of
State, Senator Lou Correa, and Mayor Carolyn Cavecche.
The safety issue of the trees obstructing the view to the north exit of the
parking lot is set to be removed.
OEC is “going green” is 2009 by using recycled paper in restrooms and
green seal products as appropriate.
Student Appreciation Day is scheduled at OEC.
The Business Skills program had its first student complete a Certificate
of Program Completion under the SB 361 guidelines.
Classified Advisory Group: Diane
No report.
Communications: AnnMarie
AnnMarie thanked Margaret Bennett for coordinating the Smoke Free
Task Force meeting. Also, AnnMarie has sent out a request to the state
CIO list-serve to receive their college smoke-free policies.
Career Focus and Rancho Visions will be coming out in the fall.
Pending funding, AnnMarie hopes to videotape interviews with
Motion to add Aracely Mora
(Hernandez/McWilliam) as a member of
the Smoke Free Task Force passed
students for the Chancellor’s Ball.
Technology: Curt Childress
No report.
Services: Steve Kawa
 Strategy to identify $5 million reduction: the money saved by not filling
vacation positions through 2008-2009 should cover the reduction.
 Juan Vazquez announced that an additional $1 million district-wide
reduction has been determined. The district will cut $500,000, and the
two colleges will meet the remaining $500,000 cut (estimated at
$135,000 for SCC).
 Science Center is ahead of schedule.
 Maintenance and Operations building must be placed before the
Science Center to connect power.
 Sewer connection for the Science Center will occur the first two weeks
of August, which will affect the roadway in front of the Child
Development Center.
 Waiting for proposal to create 100 parking stalls near the portable
buildings (gravel construction, for faculty and staff use).
Curriculum and Instruction
Committee: Linda Cucovatz
No report.
Academic Affairs/Accreditation:
Mary Halvorson
No report.
Student Success Committee/Student
Services: John Hernandez
The first cycle of Student Learning Outcomes have been concluded. The
final reports will be placed on the web site.
Syed Rizvi and the Financial Aid staff have completed yearly
applications for the Title IV program. This year, they received a
certificate as a participant through 2014. Congratulations.
10. Educational Master Plan
Committee/Academic Senate:
Morrie Barembaum
11. President: Juan Vázquez
LPA, the master architect for SCC, provided a presentation on
“building green” to the President’s Cabinet this morning.
The Board meeting of July 21 will include discussion regarding a
Contact board members prior to the July 21
meeting to express your support of SCC
being part of the bond measure.
proposed bond measure. SCC needs approximately $117 million to
complete the master plan (using current dollars).