Santiago Canyon College Associated Student Government 8045 E Chapman Ave, Orange CA 92869, A-205 September 10th, 2015, 3:30pm - 5:30pm (E-203) Minutes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Associated Student Government of Santiago Canyon College will hold a meeting on the designated date, time, and location stated above. Those wishing to address the Council shall be recognized during public forum to express their concern. All Associated Student Government Council meetings are held in locations that are wheelchair accessible. Other disability accommodations will be provided upon request; please notify Diana Casares at (714) 628-4912 for said accommodations. I. Call to Order Pham calls the meeting to order at 3:35pm. II. Roll Call POSITION NAME ATTENDANCE ASG President Kevin Pham P ICC President Gerardo Padilla P Vice-President of Senate Seham Nabilsi P Vice-President of Activities Sydney Gaughan P Treasurer Eboné Spence P Treasurer At-Large Edward Rebolledo P Secretary McKenna Dice P Supreme Justice Nathan Underwood P Senator At-Large Tamara Nabulsi P Senator of Academics Vacant Senator of Accreditation Vacant Senator of Advocacy Noe Hernandez Senator of Budget Vacant Senator of Educational Planning Mathew Carter P Senator of Enrollment Anthony Hernandez P Senator of Honors Esther Chan P Senator of Innovation & Sustainability Christopher Barajas P P Senator of International Affairs Vacant Senator of Planning & Institutional Effectiveness Vacant Senator of Planning & Organizational Effectiveness Vacant Senator of Student Success Vacant Senator of Technology Franklin Heng P Director At-Large Troy Gagnon P Director of Academics Vacant Director of Athletics Bryan Orrillo P Director of Community Service Thomas Hatch P Director of Fundraising Vacant Director of Green Operations Tristan Carr A Director of Health and Wellness Sophia Cho P Director of Journalism Lauren Williams P Director of Marketing Noah Nawabi E Director of Public Relations Vacant Student Trustee Liaison Raquel Manriquez P Student Life and Leadership Liaison Diana Casares P Commissioners: Nico Heaverlo (P), Isabelle Chau (A), Amber Wagstaff (P), Katherine Gutierrez (P), Meaghan Grech (P), Andre Eng (P), Christian Vargas (P), Trevor McBrayer (P), Eduardo Rubio (P), Solomon Jones (P), Amal Fahmi (P), Dante Liddi (E), Adam Nunez (P), Garrison Tipping (A), Lindsay Jameson (P), Alexis Luna (A), Ashton Morgan (P), Alex Wakely (P) III. Amendments to Agenda Nabulsi motions to move Senator Reports under line item VIII: Reports, Seconded by Gagnon. (20-0-0) IV. Approval of Minutes Moved by Orrillo, Seconded by Gaughan. (20-0-0) V. Public Forum Jones- President of the Basketball Club, needs officers for his club. Attempting to get a basketball team. Soberano- President of the Ultimate Frisbee Club, will be having a game at Santiago Hills Park after council. Alonzo- Director of Student Equity, wants to get feedback on the Equity Plan from members of ASG. He will be returning next week to create focus groups to get feedback from everyone. Student Success Equity Meetings will be on the second Tuesday every month from 1:30-3:30pm. VI. Unfinished Business 6.01 Appointment of New Members Moved by Carter, Seconded by Rebolledo. (20-0-0) Amber Wagstaff as Senator of international Affairs, Manuel Maciel as Senator of Student Success, Gregory Pierot as Senator of Budget, Christina Mckay as Commissioner, Nadia fakhari as Commissioner VII. New Business 7.01 Second reading of Resolution I: Eternal Dawn (Discussion/ Action) Underwood moves to approve Resolution I: Eternal Dawn, Seconded by Carter. (21-0-1) 7.02 Resolution II: Standards of Excellence (Discussion/ Action) Underwood moves to postpone indefinitely the reading of Resolution II: Standards of Excellence, Seconded by Orrillo. (22-0-0) 7.03 Resolution II: Fixed SCCASG Meeting Times (Discussion/ Action) Council had their first reading. 7.04 Approval of Money for October Movie Night (Discussion/ Action) Gaughan- October Movie Night on October 15, 2015 will be Back to the Future themed. Will be showing a PowerPoint presentation on the event next week. Pham entertains a motion to postpone the approval of money for October Movie Night to September 17, 2015. Moved by Nabulsi, Seconded by Orillo. (22-0-0) 7.05 Approval of Budget (Discussion/ Action) Spence moves to suspend line item 7.05 Approval of Budget until September 17, 2015, Seconded by Gaughan. (22-0-0) 7.06 Conference Funds Request (Discussion/ Action) Requesting funding for a student leadership conference. Estimate amount to attend this event is $6,000, which will be taken out of the Student Representation Fund. 7.07 Obama College Promise (Discussion) Showed President Obama’s Hands Up America Campaign video. Underwood moves to create an ad hoc committee entitled America’s College Promise, Seconded by Rebolledo. (22-0-0) 7.08 Strategic Plan 2015-2016 (Discussion/ Action) Underwood moves to approve the Strategic Plan for the fiscal year 2015-16, Seconded by Gaughan. (220-0) VIII. Reports This time is reserved for members of the Council to give a report from their committee/branch. A limit of three (3) minutes per speaker will be enforced. 8.01 Inter-Club Council Report Padilla- Announced that Club Rush will be Tuesday September 15 and Wednesday September 16, 2015 from 10:00am-1:00pm. Completed the executive board in Inter Club Council and will be meeting every Wednesday from 4:00-6:00pm. 8.02 Senator Report Nabulsi- The Budget Committee had a 1.6 million dollar deficit. They are looking at a $0 short fall. They are creating a college contingency fund. Academic Senate is looking to add and remove certain committees. A middle college high school is looking to have connections with SCC. Technology wants to acquire more funds for MASH Labs. There is now new audio equipment in the DBuilding. Hoping to have virtual desktops. Illution will have a mobile app that will help students academically. They plan to incorporate blackboard into their app. They want to create student emails by Spring 2016. 8.03 Director Reports Hatch- Director of Community Service, 5:00pm meetings in room E-204 after commissioner meetings. Williams- Director of Journalism, will have meetings on Tuesday at 4:30pm in room E-204. Orrillo- Director of Athletics, attempting to increase attendance at the Men’s soccer games. Next game at home will be next Friday September 18, 2015 at 3:00pm. Gagnon- Every Tuesday commissioners have commissioner meetings at 3:30pm. Nawabi- Director of Marketing, meetings will be on Tuesday after commissioner meetings in the Multicultural Room. Cho- Director of Health and Wellness, meetings will be in the Multicultural Room at 12:00pm on Tuesdays. 8.04 Executive Reports Spence- If you need a check request please send it a month in advance. Make sure you turn in your receipts. Gaughan- ASG Booth at Club Rush needs people to help recruit students to ASG. Meetings are mandatory, and there is a 24 hour in advance rule in which you must inform you cannot attend a meeting within 24 hours. Director meeting is this Friday at 12:00pm in room E-204, and if you cannot attend you should send a representative. Last commissioner meeting they went over the October Movie Night event, and will be showing a power point about it next council. Next week we will also be talking about and working on banquet. Nabilsi- Senator meeting on Friday in room E-204 from 1:30-2:30pm. Underwood- Constitution Day will be on September 17, 2015. Set up for 9/11 Remembrance Day today and it went very well. Anyone can come help set up tomorrow at 7:00am. Pham- We have no debt as of now. There are freshman scholarships available which are due by November 6, 2015. There is also an ASG Scholarship that is open to all members of ASG. There is a three meeting rule in which if you are absent for three meetings without being excused you can be put up for impeachment. 8.05 Office of Student Life and Leadership Report Casares- Office hours are Monday through Thursdays from 8:30am-5:00pm in room A-206. There is an incoming intern. 8.06 Board of Trustee Liaison Report Manriquez- A board of trustee meeting will be on Monday September 14, 2015 at 4:30pm, and there will be a Board Policy Meeting open to the public beforehand. The RSCCD Student Trustee page is where you can find information. You as a student can voice your opinion at any committees. 8.07 Delegate Report No delegate report. IX. Events and Reminders 9.01 Student Service Sticker If Underwood hasn’t checked your Student Service Sticker, make sure he checks it today after council. 9.02 9/11 Remembrance Day Come at 7:00am tomorrow if you want to help set up for 9/11 Remembrance Day. 9.03 Join Ultimate Frisbee Club (UFC) Join ultimate Frisbee Club (UFC). X. Public Forum Gaughan- Please be respectful of the executive desks in the ASG room. Pham- This week is the Senators’ week to clean up the ASG room. Next week will be Directors. XI. Adjournment Pham adjourns the meeting at 5:06pm, and will reconvene September 17, 2015 at 3:30pm.