Minutes 8045 E Chapman Ave, Orange CA 92869, A-205 Santiago Canyon College

Santiago Canyon College
Associated Student Government
8045 E Chapman Ave, Orange CA 92869, A-205
September 17th, 2015, 3:30pm - 5:30pm (E-203)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Associated Student Government of Santiago Canyon College will hold a meeting on the designated date,
time, and location stated above. Those wishing to address the Council shall be recognized during public forum to express their concern. All
Associated Student Government Council meetings are held in locations that are wheelchair accessible. Other disability accommodations will be
provided upon request; please notify Diana Casares at (714) 628-4912 for said accommodations.
I. Call to Order
Pham calls the meeting to order at 3:39pm.
II. Roll Call
ASG President
Kevin Pham
ICC President
Gerardo Padilla
Vice-President of Senate
Seham Nabilsi
Vice-President of Activities
Sydney Gaughan
Eboné Spence
Treasurer At-Large
Edward Rebolledo
McKenna Dice
Supreme Justice
Nathan Underwood
Senator At-Large
Tamara Nabulsi
Senator of Academics
Senator of Accreditation
Senator of Advocacy
Senator of Budget
Senator of Educational Planning
Senator of Enrollment
Senator of Honors
Senator of Innovation & Sustainability
Senator of International Affairs
Senator of Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
Senator of Planning & Organizational Effectiveness
Senator of Student Success
Manny Maciel
Senator of Technology
Director At-Large
Troy Gagnon
Director of Academics
Director of Athletics
Bryan Orrillo
Director of Community Service
Thomas Hatch
Director of Fundraising
Director of Green Operations
Tristan Carr
Director of Health and Wellness
Sophia Cho
Director of Journalism
Lauren Williams
Director of Marketing
Noah Nowabi
Director of Public Relations
Student Trustee Liaison
Raquel Manriquez
Student Life and Leadership Liaison
Diana Casares
Commissioners: Andre Eng (), Amal Fahmi (), Nadia Fakhari (), Meghan Grech (), Katherine Gutierrez (), Nico
Heaverlo (), Lindsay Jameson (), Solomon Jones (), Alexa Luna (), Trevor McBrayer (), Christina McKay (), Adam
Nunez (), Eduardo Rubio (), Garrison Tipping (), Christian Vargas (), Alex Wakely (),
III. Amendments to Agenda
Underwood moves to amend the agenda to include line item 7.10 Second Reading of Resolution II Fixed
Meeting Times, Seconded by Nabulsi. (13-0-0).
IV. Approval of Minutes
Moved by Orrillo, Seconded by Spence. (13-0-0)
V. Public Forum
Flood- Next region meeting is on September 25, 2015 at Cypress College.
Jones- Basketball Club is now an official club and has filled all executive positions. They meet on
Thursdays from 12:00pm-1:00pm. Trying to get a basketball team for men and women here at SCC.
Soberano- Club Rush went very well for the UFC Club.
Rebolledo- president of Conscience Law Club, had a successful event at club rush. Will be holding a
social night September 26, 2015 at Dave n Busters at 8:00pm. Email him at
consciencelawclub@gmail.com if you have any questions.
VI. Unfinished Business
6.01 Appointment of New Members
Orrillo moves to appoint Armin Mouri as Commissioner, Gregory Pierot as Senator of Technology,
Amber Wagstaff as Senator of Planning and Institutional Effectiveness, Richelle Brothers as Commissioner,
Anthony Colohua as Commissioner, Dante Liddi as Director of Fundraising, Noe Hernandez as Senator of
Budget, Anthony Hernandez as Senator of Educational Master Plan Committee, Christopher Barajas as Senator
of Advocacy, Franklin Heng as Commissioner, Seconded by Rebolledo. (13-0-0)
Moves to appoint Esther Chian as Senator of Enrollment, Seconded by Nabulsi. (20-0-0)
6.02 Resolution Reconciliation
Underwood moves to suspend the orders of the day and move to line item 7.01, Seconded by Spence.
VII. New Business
7.01 Student Success and Equity – Joseph Alonzo Discussion/Action
Director of Student Equity here at SCC, and they are trying to raise the success rate of every student on campus.
Handed out a form for members of council to voice what they’d like to have improved and have money
allocated to on campus to promote student success.
7.02 Budget Discussion – Loretta Jordon Discussion/Action
7.03 Approval of Reimbursement for ASG 101 – Seham Nabilsi Discussion/Action
Spence moves to approve up to $40 from account 6680 General Supplies under line item Upkeep and Supplies
to reimburse Seham Nabilsi for the purchase of beverages for ASG 101, Seconded by Orrillo (21-0-0)
7.04 Approval of Funds for October Movie Night – Sydney Gaughan Discussion/Action
Spence moves to approve up to $1,000 from account 6650 Programs and Activities under line item Movie
Nights for October Movie Night, Seconded by Carter (21-0-0)
7.05 Approval of Funds for Board Reception – Diana Casares Discussion/Action
Spence moves to approve up to $100 from account 6680 General Supplies under line item Upkeep and Supplies
to purchase water and desserts for the Board of Trustees Reception, Seconded by Gaughan (21-0-0). The event
will be on October 12, 2015 at 4:30pm in room H-114
7.06 Approval of Funds for ASG T.V. – Nathan Underwood Discussion/Action
Spence moves to approve up to $600 from account 6680 General Supplies under line item Office Upgrades for
the purchase of a TV for room A-205, Seconded by Rebolledo (21-0-0). The T.V. will be used for presentations
and other professional uses.
7.07 Approval of Funds for Office Supplies – Nathan Underwood Discussion/Action
Underwood moves to lay line item 7.07 Approval of Funds for Office Supplies on the table, Seconded by
Spence (21-0-0).
7.08 Approval of Funds for Automated Voting – Nathan Underwood Discussion/Action
Looking to upgrade to automated voting to improve efficiency, and it is estimated that it will cost $2,500 which won’t
affect the ASG budget.
7.09 Banquet –Sydney Gaughan Discussion/Action
Gaughan moves to create an Ad Hoc Committee for Banquet, Seconded by Williams (21-0-0).
7.10 Second Reading of Resolution II (Discussion/Action)
VIII. Reports
This time is reserved for members of the Council to give a report from their committee/branch. A limit of
three (3) minutes per speaker will be enforced.
8.01 Inter-Club Council Report
8.02 Senator reports
Nabulsi- Senator-at-Large, went to an Academic Senate meeting on Tuesday. Discovery Science Night will be
March 8, 2016. Thinking of dropping Italian classes and adding Chinese classes. Made a resolution to update
the state on what they’re doing with the money and what they hope to do with the money.
8.03 Director Reports
Orrillo- Director of Athletics, please attend the men’s soccer game here at SCC tomorrow at 3:00pm.
Gagnon- Director-at-Large, thanked everyone for helping with Club Rush.
Nawabi- Director of Marketing, working on making lanyards and shirts for ASG.
8.04 Executive Reports
Spence- If you want a check request please send it a month in advance.
Gaughan- Thanked everyone for helping at Club Rush. If you’re interested in joining the Banquet Ad Hoc
Committee please see her.
Underwood- Today is Constitution Day which celebrates the founding of our Constitution. (Nathan’s Birthday
is today Happy Birthday!!!)
Pham- The number one request was having a full time student service specialist, and are looking to help Diana
Casares in the Student Life and Leadership office.
8.05 Office of Student Life and Leadership Report
Club Rush was today and it was a very successful event. Has new interns in Student Life and Leadership but
still hopes for a full time position in Student Life and Leadership so she can focus more on ASG.
8.06 Board of Trustee Liaison Report
8.07 Delegate Report
If you are interested in anything about SSCCC talk to Pham
8.08 Ad-hoc Reports
Underwood- Obama’s College Promise Ad Hoc committee chair, if you want to join please see Underwood.
Planning on meeting Thursday.
Gaughan- Join banquet.
IX. Events and Reminders
9.01 Student Service Sticker
If you have not had your student service sticker checked show it to underwood.
9.03 Directors Turn to clean room
This week is the Director’s turn to clean the ASG room. Please dust and do not touch the Executive desks.
X. Public Forum
Orrillo- If you plan on coming to the men’s soccer game tomorrow it will be fairly hot so bring water.
Hatch- Finally got the check for Stand Up For Kids.
Soberano- UFC President, the game tomorrow will be at 4:30.
Gaughan- Please respect the Executive desks and ask if you plan on using anything from the desks.
Pham- If you have a badge please turn them in at the end of the meeting, and all voting members please
meet with me after council.
XI. Adjournment
Pham adjourns the meeting at 5:16pm.