Council Minutes 8045 E Chapman Ave, Orange CA 92869, A-205

Santiago Canyon College
Associated Student Government
8045 E Chapman Ave, Orange CA 92869, A-205
February 11th, 2016, 3:30pm - 5:30pm (E-203)
Council Minutes
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Associated Student Government of Santiago Canyon College will hold a meeting on the designated date,
time, and location stated above. Those wishing to address the Council shall be recognized during public forum to express their concern. All
Associated Student Government Council meetings are held in locations that are wheelchair accessible. Other disability accommodations will be
provided upon request; please notify Diana Casares at (714) 628-4912 for said accommodations.
I. Call to Order
The chair, Underwood calls the meeting to order at 3:34pm.
II. Roll Call
ASG President
Nathan Underwood
ICC President
Gerardo Padilla
Vice-President of Senate
Seham Nabilsi
Vice-President of Activities
Treasurer At-Large
Edward Rebolledo
McKenna Dice
Supreme Justice
Senator At-Large
Senator of Academics
Marc Magaña
Senator of Accreditation
Senator of Advocacy
Christopher Barajas
Senator of Budget
Noe Hernandez
Senator of Educational Planning
Senator of Enrollment
Esther Chian
Senator of Facilities
Isabelle Chau
Senator of Honors
Senator of Innovation & Sustainability
Senator of International Affairs
Senator of Planning & Institutional Effectiveness
Amber Wagstaff
Senator of Planning & Organizational Effectiveness
Andre Eng
Senator of Student Success
Senator of Technology
Gregory Pierot
Senator of Veteran Affairs
Ricky Clemenz
Director At-Large
Troy Gagnon
Director of Academics
Director of Athletics
Bryan Orrillo
Director of Community Service
Thomas Hatch
Director of Fundraising
Director of Green Operations
Tristan Carr
Director of Health and Wellness
Sophia Cho
Director of Journalism
Director of Marketing
Noah Nawabi
Director of Public Relations
Malique Berry
Student Trustee Liaison
Raquel Manriquez
Student Life and Leadership Liaison
Diana Casares
Commissioners: Amal Fahmi (P), Nadia Fakhari (A), Katherine Gutierrez (P), Lindsay Jameson (P), Solomon Jones
(A), Trevor McBrayer (P), Rachelle Rivera (P), Eduardo Rubio (P), Christian Vargas (P), Blake Williams (P).
III. Amendments to Agenda
Nawabi Moves to add line item 7.14 Funds for Office of Student Life and Leadership Activities, Seconded by
IV. Approval of Minutes
Barajas Moves to Approve the Minutes, Seconded by Nawabi.
V. Public Forum
VI. Unfinished Business
6.01 Appointment of New Members
Nawabi Moves to Appoint Noah Nawabi as Director of Marketing, Sasha Licari as Treasurer, and Caroline
Alatorre as Commissioner, and Christopher Barajas as Senator At-Large, Seconded by Berry.
6.02 Resolution Reconciliation
6.03 Impeachment
VII. New Business
7.01 Presentation: UCI Blood Drive
Anne Marie from the Blood Donor Center at UC Irvine came to talk about the possibility of working with ASG
in the future to have a blood drive on campus. They haven’t come to SCC in about 5 years, and they are hoping
to change that! They are looking to have an event in possibly March or April. All donated blood will be given to
those who need donations locally here in Orange County. Students must be at least 17 years old to donate and
weigh 110lbs or more. Students who have tattoos must wait a year since they receive their tattoo before
donating blood. If anyone has travelled to Mexico, South America, or the Caribbean they will not be able to
donate blood due to the outbreak of the neuro-virus.
7.02 Special Election: Vice President of Activities, Supreme Justice
Berry Nominates Troy Gagnon as VP of Activities, Seconded by Barajas.
Nabilsi Y
Dice Y
Magana Y
Barajas Y
Hernandez Y
Chian Y
Chau Y
Wagastaff Y
Eng Y
Pierot Y
Orrillo Y
Carr Y
Cho Y
Nawabi Y
Berry Y
Fahmi Y
Gutierrez Y
Jameson Y
McBrayer Y
Rivera Y
Rubio Y
Vargas Y
Williams Y
The motion passes.
Nawabi Nominates Daniel Rebolledo as Supreme Justice, Seconded by Carr.
Nabilsi Y
Dice Y
Magana Y
Barajas Y
Hernandez Y
Chian Y
Chau Y
Wagastaff Y
Eng Y
Pierot Y
Orrillo Y
Carr Y
Cho Y
Nawabi Y
Berry Y
Fahmi Y
Gutierrez Y
Jameson Y
McBrayer Y
Rivera Y
Rubio Y
Vargas Y
Williams Y
The motion passes.
7.03 Approval of Funds: Foster Youth College & Career Fair
On Saturday February 20th, 2016 we will have a table at the Foster Youth College & Career Fair. There will be
several other colleges represented, along with local businesses and organizations. We will be able to spread the
word about ASG. We will be handing out raffle tickets for foster youth to have the chance to have something
they typically couldn’t have. Several members of ASG believe that we shouldn’t give tickets to Sea World, but
to Knott’s or other local attractions instead. The event is being coordinated through the Guardian Scholars
Gagnon Moves to Allocate $300.00 from Account 6650 Programs and Activities for the 7th Annual Foster
Youth College & Career Fair for the purchase of tickets for the raffle and school supplies, Seconded by Nabilsi.
7.04 Approval of Funds: Welcome Back Event
Due to the short notice of Welcome Back Week, members of ASG bought the supplies for the event out of
pocket. We are asking for $150.00 for the reimbursement of students. Nabilsi Moves to Approve $150.00 from
Account 6650 Programs and Activities for the reimbursement of funds for Welcome Back Week, Seconded by
7.05 Resolution VII: Constitutional Convention
Rebolledo Moves to Waive the Second Reading by 3/4ths vote, Seconded by Chau.
Nabilsi Y
Dice Y
Magana Y
Barajas Y
Hernandez Y
Chian Y
Chau Y
Wagastaff Y
Eng Y
Pierot Y
Orrillo Y
Carr Y
Cho Y
Nawabi Y
Berry Y
Gagnon Abstain
(16-0-1) The motion passes.
Rebolledo Moves to Adopt Resolution VII, Seconded by Orrillo.
Nabilsi Y
Gagnon Y
Dice Y
Rebolledo Y
Magana Y
Barajas Y
Hernandez Y
Chian Y
Chau Y
Wagstaff Y
Eng Y
Pierot Y
Orrillo Y
Carr Y
Cho Y
Nawabi Y
Berry Y
Resolution VII is Adopted.
7.06 Resolution VIII: Set Meeting Dates
Underwood completed the First Reading of Resolution VIII: Set Meeting Dates.
7.07 Budget: Overview
Underwood read and discussed the 2016 ASG Budget.
7.08 ASACC: National Student Advocacy Conference
This conference will be held in Washington, D.C. Different types of advocacy issues will be discussed, such as
Obama’s College Promise. The applications were due today at 1:00pm, but we will see about extending the
deadline. Eight applicants will be able to go to the conference.
7.09 SSCCC: General Assembly
The dates for General Assembly will be between May 29th and April 1st, 2016. It will be in Ontario, and
approximately eight to twelve applicants will be able to attend.
7.10 March in March
The dates for March in March will be cancelled. We are currently looking into more local conventions and
advocacy that we can participate in. There is a possibility March in March will turn into Advocacy in April.
7.11 ASG-101
Next Friday February 19th, 2016 from 1:00pm-5:00pm will be ASG 101 in Room E-203. Two guest speakers
will be speaking, Dr. Hernandez and Joseph Alonso. Panda Express will be available for those who attend, and
members will be able to attend any of the 3 breakout sessions. This event is mandatory.
7.12 Town Hall
Last semester we had Town Hall where we collected data from students and information that can help us
advocate for the changes they want to see on campus. This Town Hall will allow the students to ask the
questions they want to see answered. There will hopefully be a date by next Council. There will possibly be a
guest speaker.
7.13 Region VIII Meeting
The last Region Meeting was at Mount San Antonio College. We are going to be hosting the next Region
Meeting here on Friday March 4th, 2016. You’ll be able to talk to your Regional Senators, and see if they can
lobby for your causes. There’ll be approximately 10-13 colleges on campus for the meeting. They will discuss
advocacy at the state level, such as AB1366.
7.14 Funds for Office of Student Life and Leadership Activities
ICC is currently identifying new members and coordinating to put a new budget together. The Office of Student
Life and Leadership will be reimbursing ICC from Equity Funding. We will be celebrating Black History
Month through several events starting with Black history month Kickoff Wednesday February 17th, 2016 from
10:00am-2:00pm in Strenger Plaza. Trivia Day will be Thursday February 18th, 2016 from 11:00am-1:00pm; in
the evening there will be a movie Night showing Coach Carter from 7:00pm-10:00pm. Give Peace a Hand will
be on February 22nd, 2016 located by the A Building/QUAD. There will be a guest performance in Strenger
Plaza on February 23rd, 2015 from 10:30am-12:30pm.There will be flyers in the ASG Room and across campus.
Please spread the news and give class presentations to let fellow students know about these upcoming events!
Nawabi Moves to Approve $600.00 from Account 6620 for a Black History Month event for the purchase of 3D
Diversity Themed Street Painting Artwork for the Kickoff event in Strenger Plaza, Seconded by Orrillo.
Nawabi Moves to Approve $495.00 from Account 6650 Programs and Activities for the Black History Month
guest speaker event for the purchase of an African drummer/storyteller performance, Seconded by Fahmi.
Barajas Moves to Approve $200 from Account 6650 Programs and Activities for the purchase of poster board
for Jeoprady and prizes for Kickoff; the movie Coach Carter for movie Night; and poster boards, prints, and
stakes for the Freedom Walk, Seconded by Nawabi.
Orrillo Moves to Approve $3,950.00 from Account 6620 for the Black History Month events for the purchase
of food and beverages, Seconded by Cho.
VIII. Reports
8.01 Inter-Club Council Report
No report provided.
8.02 Director Reports
Berry, Director of Public Relations- If anyone wants to join the Public Relations Committee feel free to join! If
you need anything publicized contact berry through his cellular phone.
Gagnon, VP of Activities- Thank you for the nomination into this position.
Carr, Director of Green Operations- Earth Day will be on April 21st, 2016. There will be several vendors
coming on campus. On January 30th, 2016 we had an E-Waste Drive and it was very successful! We will be
having a second E-Waste Drive on April 23rd, 2016.
8.03 Senator Reports
No reports provided.
8.04 Executive Reports
D. Rebolledo, Supreme JusticeThe Judicial Branch, along with members of the ASG Executive Branch, will host a Constitutional Convention
on February 26th, 2016. This convention will take place at Santiago Canyon College, from 1:00pm-3:00pm, in
rom E-203 (ASG Council Room). This is strictly for the purpose of dissolving the old governing documents,
and implement the new ASG Constitution and Bylaws. ASG members are entitled to a draft copy before said
date for the purpose of making their own edits. To acquire a draft copy, whether it be electronically or hard
copy, or both, please contact the ASG Supreme Justice. This convention will mandate all ASG members'
attendance, thus making it a mandatory special meting.
The Judicial Branch has finalized dates for the 2016 Spring elections. Stated below are significant dates for the
elections period.
March 28th-31st, ASG Application Period
April 4th-8th, ASG Elections Application Verifying
April 11th-15th, ASG Pre-Elections Meeting (mandatory for all candidates)
April 15th, ASG Elections Receipt Deadline
April 18th-22nd, ASG Elections Campaigning
April 22nd, ASG Club Endorsements Deadline
April 25th-26th, ASG Elections
Although the dates are more than likely definitive, the logistics are subject to change.
Looking to hold a Democratic Debate event, and it is still in the works.
Nabilsi, VP of SenateI look forward to a new semester with all my Senators and other ASG members. We have been working through
out the break to create new resolutions for this upcoming semester.
The Senate will be holding a new and improved version of Town Hall (Date TBA) so please be prepared to
attend and bring your friends to get your questions answered on anything you want pertaining to classes,
campus life, etc.
If anyone is interested the Senate positions that are open are Senator of International Affairs, Educational and
Master Planning, Innovation and Sustainability, Student Success, and Advocacy.
If you have any questions about the Senate Branch or the positions please come to talk to me and I can answer
your questions.
Good Luck everyone with the new semester and I look forward to be working with everyone to make this a new
and productive semester.
Underwood, PresidentWill be sending out sign-up sheets for black history month Events and Club Rush.
8.05 Office of Student Life and Leadership Report
Ms. CasaresIf anyone is interested in applying for scholarships you can apply online! If you need help with your essays the
scholarship office can help you. March 18th, 2016 will be the start of SLI every Friday for four weeks from
1:00pm-4:00pm. There will be holidays this Friday and Monday, so don’t come to school those days.
8.06 Board of Trustee Liaison Report
No report provided.
8.07 Delegate Report
No report provided.
8.08 Ad-Hoc Committee: Helpful Hawk Project
No report provided.
8.09 Ad-Hoc Committee: Banquet
Working on finding a venue at the moment. It will most likely be on a Friday in the morning.
IX. Events and Reminders
9.01 Student Life and Leadership Sticker
Be sure to get your Spring 2016 Student Life and Leadership Sticker as soon as possible.
X. Public Forum
XI. Adjournment
The chair, Underwood adjourns this meeting at 5:19pm.