Content Benchmark P.8.C.6

Content Benchmark P.8.C.6
Students know electrical circuits provide a means of transferring electrical energy to produce heat, light, sound,
and chemical changes. I/S
Sample Test Questions
1st, 2nd, and 5th Item Specification: (1) Recognize and diagram parallel and series circuits. (2) Identify the
different parts of parallel and series circuits. (5) Describe the path electric current takes in parallel and
series circuits.
Depth Of Knowledge Level 1
1. Use figures #1-4 to answer the question below.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Which of the following is a parallel circuit?
A. Figure 1
B. Figure 2
C. Figure 3
D. Figure 4
2. Which of the following describes a series circuit?
A. It has only one path through which electrical current can flow.
B. It has two paths, side by side, where electrical current can flow.
C. It does not allow electrical current to flow through any portion of the circuit.
D. It has more than two paths through which electrical current can flow.
3. Both parallel and series circuits must include
A. a switch.
B. an energy source.
C. light bulbs.
D. two pathways.
4. The difference between a parallel and series circuit is
A. the number of loads on the circuit.
B. the number of energy sources on the circuit.
C. the number of switches on the circuit.
D. the number of paths on the circuit.
Depth Of Knowledge Level 2
5. Imagine that you have a circuit containing several light bulbs. Which of the following is the
BEST explanation for why all of the lights go out when a single bulb no longer works?
A. The lights are part of a parallel circuit and the circuit is now open.
B. The lights are part of a parallel circuit and the circuit is now closed.
C. The lights are part of a series circuit and the circuit is now open.
D. The lights are part of a series circuit and the circuit is now closed.
6. There is a room with a computer, a television, and a lamp. Which of the following is the best
explanation for why the computer and television still work when the lamp no longer does?
A. All of the items are part of a parallel circuit and located on different paths in the circuit.
B. All of the items are part of a series circuit and located on different paths in the circuit.
C. All of the items are part of a parallel circuit and located on the same path in the circuit.
D. All of the items are part of a series circuit and located on the same path in the circuit.
3rd, 4th, and 8th Item Specification: (3) Describe the function of each part of the circuit. (4)
Understand the function of conductors, resistors, and insulators in circuits. (8) Know some
mediums allow electricity to pass through them more readily than others.
Depth Of Knowledge Level 1
7. When a switch is open
A. the circuit is closed.
B. electrical current is flowing.
C. the light bulb is glowing.
D. electrical current is not flowing.
8. Which of the following has the LEAST electrical resistance?
A. Wood
B. Iron
C. Copper
D. Rubber
9. What part of the circuit allows electrical current to easily flow?
A. Conductor
B. Insulator
C. Load
D. Resistor
10. What is the function of a battery?
A. To stop the flow of electrical current
B. To open and close the circuit
C. To store the circuit’s potential energy
D. To slow down the electrical current
11. Materials that do NOT allow electrical current to flow through them easily are called
A. conductors.
B. insulators.
C. circuits.
D. electrons.
Depth Of Knowledge Level 2
12. Explain what would happen if you use a wooden toothpick to close a circuit.
A. Electric current will flow through the circuit because the toothpick is a conductor.
B. Electric current will flow through the circuit because the toothpick is an insulator.
C. Electric current will not flow through the circuit because the toothpick is a conductor.
D. Electric current will not flow through the circuit because the toothpick is an insulator.
13. Use the figure below to answer the next question.
Bulb A
Bulb B
When Bulb B burns out, Bulb A
A. stays the same.
B. gets brighter
C. gets dimmer
D. stops working.
6th and 7th Item Specification: (6) Recognize that electricity is the transfer of energy
through moving electrical charges (in both current and static electricity). (7) Know like
charges repel and opposite charges attract (flow of electricity).
Depth Of Knowledge Level 1
14. Static electricity is
A. the flow of electrical charge through conductors.
B. the flow of electrical charge through transistors.
C. the build up of electrical charge around a battery.
D. the build up of electrical charge around an insulator.
15. When two positive charges are close to each other they
A. repel each other.
B. attract each other.
C. do not move.
D. stick together.
16. When one positive charge and one negative charge are close to each other they
A. repel each other.
B. attract each other.
C. do not move.
D. destroy each other.
Depth Of Knowledge Level 2
17. Atoms with extra electrons
A. stay away from positive atoms.
B. hold on to their electrons tightly.
C. want to find neutral atoms.
D. allow their electrons to transfer.
18. Use the following circuit diagram to answer the question below.
Explain what happens in this circuit.
A. The light bulb does work because the circuit has a short.
B. The light bulb does not work because the circuit has a short.
C. The light bulb does work because the circuit does not have a short.
D. The light bulb does not work because the circuit does not have a short.
9th Item Specification: Know electrical energy can be transformed into other types of
energy (e.g., magnetic, heat, light, sound, and mechanical) and those other types can be
transformed back into electrical energy.
Depth Of Knowledge Level 1
19. Household appliances convert electricity into one or more different forms of energy. An
electric fan can best be described as converting electrical energy into
A. heat, sound, and mechanical energy.
B. heat, nuclear, and chemical energy.
C. chemical, nuclear, and light energy.
D. sound, light, and mechanical energy.
20. Which is an example of the conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy?
A. Water heating in an electric water heater.
B. The filament glowing inside a light bulb.
C. Fan blades turning in an electric fan.
D. Coal burning to generate electricity.
Depth Of Knowledge Level 2
21. Which energy transformations typically occur with an electrical drill?
A. Electrical energy to kinetic energy, electrical energy to thermal energy, and electrical
energy to sound energy.
B. Electrical energy to chemical energy, electrical energy to light energy, and electrical
energy to sound energy.
C. Kinetic energy to electrical energy, kinetic energy to thermal energy, and kinetic energy
to sound energy.
D. Kinetic energy to electrical energy, kinetic energy to chemical energy, and kinetic energy
to light energy.
22. Which energy transformations typically occur with a turbine and electrical generator?
A. Electrical energy to kinetic energy, electrical energy to chemical energy, and electrical
energy to nuclear energy.
B. Electrical energy to kinetic energy, electrical energy to light energy, and electrical energy
to chemical energy.
C. Kinetic energy to electrical energy, kinetic energy to thermal energy, and kinetic energy
to sound energy.
D. Kinetic energy to electrical energy, kinetic energy to chemical energy, and kinetic energy
to light energy.
Constructed Response Question
Content Benchmark P.8.C.6
1. Series circuits are used to transfer energy from one place to another and transform energy
from one type to another.
A. Draw a series circuit using symbols. Make sure to include at least one energy source, one
switch, and two light bulbs.
B. Then use arrows to show the direction of the electric current through the circuit when it is
C. Explain how a parallel circuit would be different from the series circuit and explain how
it would be the same as a series circuit.
Content Benchmark P.8.C.6
Students know electrical circuits provide a means of transferring electrical energy to produce
heat, light, sound, and chemical changes. I/S
Answers to Sample Test Questions
1. C, DOK level 1
2. A, DOK level 1
3. B, DOK level 1
4. D, DOK level 1
5. C, DOK level 2
6. A, DOK level 2
7. D, DOK level 1
8. C, DOK level 1
9. A, DOK level 1
10. C, DOK level 1
11. B, DOK level 1
12. D, DOK level 2
13. B, DOK level 2
14. D, DOK level 2
15. A, DOK level 1
16. B, DOK level 1
17. D, DOK level 1
18. A, DOK level 2
19. A, DOK level 2
20. C, DOK level 1
21. A, DOK level 2
22. C, DOK level 2
Constructed Response 3-point Answer and Score Rubric:
3 points
Response addresses all parts of the question clearly and correctly.
Student diagram includes all symbols in the diagram key and has all
symbols in a series, no additional paths. Arrows are pointing away
from the negative end and towards the positive end of the circuit.
Student explains that series and parallel are the same except that a
parallel circuit has more than one path for the electric current to travel
through. The arrows for the electric current would stay the same,
from the negative end of the battery, through the circuit, back to the
positive end. However, a parallel circuit would have more than one
path for the electric current to flow through.
2 points
Response addresses all parts of the question and includes only minor
1 point
Response does not address all parts of the question.
0 points
Response is totally incorrect or no response provided.