Waves & Sound A. Waves 1. The nature of waves

Waves & Sound
A. Waves
1. The nature of waves
a. A wave is a rhythmic
disturbance that transfers energy.
b. All waves are made by
something that vibrates.
2. Mechanical waves need a
matter medium to travel through.
(sound, water, seismic)
3. Two basic types of waves:
a. Transverse
b. Compressional
4. Wave properties:
a. Wavelength - distance from a
point on a wave to the same
corresponding point on the next
b. Frequency - number of waves
that pass a point in one second
(expressed in Hz).
c. Wavelength has an inverse
relationship to wave frequency.
d. Wave velocity depends on
the type of wave and medium.
1) Sound is faster in more
dense media and in higher temps.
2) Light is slower in more
dense media, but faster in a
e. Amplitude - size related to the
energy carried by the wave.
1) Transverse - how high
above or how low below the nodal
2) Compressional - how
dense the medium is at the
compressions & rarefactions.
5. Wave behavior:
a. Reflection - the bouncing
back of a wave.
1) Sound echoes
2) Light images in
3) Law of reflection
i = r
b. Refraction - the
bending of a wave caused by
a change in speed as the
wave moves from one
medium to another.
The girl
sees the
boy’s foot
closer to the
surface than
it actually is.
is looks
at hisdown
not at
an angle.
closer There
to himisthan
they really
c. Diffraction - the
bending of a wave
around the edge of
an object.
1) Water waves
bending around
2) Water waves
passing through a slit
and spreading out
3) Diffraction depends on the
size of the obstacle or opening
compared to the wavelength of the
Less occurs if wavelength is
smaller than the object.
More occurs if wavelength is
larger than the object.
4) AM radio waves are longer
and can diffract around large
buildings and mountains; FM
d. Interference two or more waves
overlapping to form
a new wave.
1) Constructive (in phase)
Sound waves that constructively
interfere are louder
2) Destructive (out of phase)
Sound waves that destructively
interfere are not as loud
e. Standing wave - a wave
pattern that occurs when two
waves equal in wavelength and
frequency meet from opposite
directions and continuously
interfere with each other.
f. Resonance - the ability of an
object to vibrate by absorbing
energy at its natural frequency.
B. Sound
1. Energy is transferred from
particle to particle through
2. How we hear
a. Outer ear collects sound.
b. Middle ear amplifies sound.
c. Inner ear converts sound.
3. Properties of sound
a. Intensity and loudness
1) Intensity depends on the
energy in a sound wave.
2) Loudness is human
perception of intensity.
3) Loudness is measured on
the decibel scale.
a) Threshold of hearing (0
b) Threshold of pain (120 db)
b. Frequency and pitch
1) High frequency means more
vibrations hitting the ear.
2) Pitch is how high or how low
a sound seems to be.
3) Healthy humans can hear
from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz
4) We are most sensitive from
440 Hz to 7,000 Hz.
5) Ultrasonic sound has a
frequency greater than 20,000 Hz.
a) Dogs (up to 35,000 Hz)
b) Bats (over 100,000 Hz)
c) Medical diagnosis
6) Infrasonic sound has a
frequency below 20 Hz; they are felt
rather than heard
(earthquakes, heavy machinery).
c. Speed of sound
1) 332 m/s in air at 0 C.
2) Changes by 0.6 m/s for every
Celsius degree from 0 C.
3) Subsonic – slower
4) Supersonic – faster than
sound (Mach 1 = speed of sound)
5) Sonic boom (pressure cone)
d. The Doppler effect – the
change in pitch due to a moving
wave source.
1) Objects moving toward you
cause a higher pitched sound.
2) Objects moving away cause
sound of lower pitch.
3) Used in radar by police and
meteorologists and in astronomy.
4. Musical sound
a. Noise has no pattern.
b. Music has a pattern and
deliberate pitches.
c. Sound quality describes
differences of sounds that have
the same pitch and loudness.
d. Every instrument has its own
set of overtones.
e) Beats are pulsing variations
of loudness caused by interference
of sounds of slightly different
5. Uses of sound
a. Acoustics – the study of sound.
Soft materials dampen sound; hard
materials reflect it (echoes and
b. SONAR – Sound Navigation and
Ranging (echolocation).
c. Ultrasound imaging
d. Kidney stones & gallstones.