Characterization of PKCe functional sub-proteome in the normal and protected myocardium: strategies for mapping a functional sub-proteome. Peipei Ping Departments of Physiology and Biophysics Medicine, Division of Cardiology University of California at Los Angeles David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Acknowledgments Dr. Rick Edmondson Dr. William Pierce Dr. Joseph Loo Dr. Julian Whitelegge Dr. Sam Hanash NHLBI American Heart Association Human Proteome Organization Laubisch Foundation Embracing The Era of Proteomics • Functional Proteomic Analysis of the PKCe Signaling System; • Strategies for Mapping A Functional Subproteome. Embracing The Era of Proteomics Proteomics Expression Proteomics Functional Proteomics … Functional Proteomics A functional sub-proteome is a biological entity Investigation of protein function within a sub-proteome Investigations of Cardioprotective Signaling A PKC centric view Understanding cellular mechanisms targets PKC Phenotype Searching for therapeutic targets Investigations of Cardioprotective Signaling A PKC centric view Understanding cellular mechanisms The PKCe targets Subproteome Phenotype Searching for therapeutic targets Functional Proteomic Approach: Linking Cellular Mechanisms to Phenotypes One Cell Type: Cardiac Cells A sub-proteome: The PKCe Signaling System One Phenotype: Protection Against Ischemic Injury (Cardioprotection) Background: The PKC Hypothesis in Preconditioning Preconditioning protects ischemic rabbit heart by protein kinase C activation. Ytrehus et al, Am J Physiol 1994 – Activation of PKC by PMA reduced myocardial infarct size, similar to ischemic preconditioning. – Inhibition of PKC by staurosporine or polymyxin B blocked ischemic preconditioning-induced infarct-sparing effect. Evidence Supporting an Essential Role of PKCe in Cardiac Protection Against Ischemic Injury • Ischemic preconditioning induces isoform-selective translocation and activation of PKCe. Inhibition of PKCe abolishes protection against myocardial infarction and stunning (Ping et al. 1997 Circ Res; Qiu and Ping et al. 1998 JCI). • Inhibition of PKCe translocation abrogates protection (Gray et al. 1997 JBC; Liu et al. 1999 JMCC). • Translocation of PKCe facilitates sustained in vivo cardioprotection (Dorn II et al. 1999 PNAS). Transgenic Activation of PKCe Reduces Myocardial Infarct Size in Mice PKCe TG (low levels) Wild Type Ping et al. J Clin Invest 2002 Evidence Supporting The Existence Of A Cardioprotective PKCe Signaling System Candidate Molecules Proposed: Receptors (ADO, AR, OP, B) Channels (e.g., KATP, L-type calcium) ROS Lipo-oxygenase PI3 Kinase RACKs PKB/Akt PTKs MAPKs HSPs Bcl2 NOS COX-2 Transcriptional factors (AP-1, NF-kB) Rather than examining a single molecule in isolation, functional proteomic strategies enable an unbiased investigation of multiple signaling molecules and their protein-protein interactions in parallel, and thereby, provide a holistic portrait of the entire signaling system. Investigations of Cardioprotective Signaling A PKC centric view Understanding cellular mechanisms The PKCe targets Subproteome Phenotype Searching for therapeutic targets Hypothesis The PKCe signaling system is composed of signaling complexes. These complexes serve to bring molecules into close vicinity and to facilitate signal transduction during the genesis of a cardioprotective phenotype. Functional Proteomic Analysis of Signaling Systems: Strategies and Approaches 1. Purification and isolation of a signaling system (the sub-proteome) 2. Protein separation and identification 3. Confirmation of functional roles for the identified proteins in the genesis of a phenotype Characterization of Multi-protein Complexes 1 Subcellular Fractionation 2 GST-PKCe pull down Liquid Chromatography Sucrose Gradient Native Gel Multiprotein Complexes EM Analysis SDS PAGE LC/MS/MS Protein Array Immunoblotting Functional Proteomic Analysis of The PKCe Signaling System: Technology Platform 1. Isolation of signaling complexes • • • Chromatography analysis Co-immunoprecipitation assays Affinity pull-down assays 2. Protein separation and identification • • 2DE or 1DE coupled with MALDI Mass 2DE or 1DE coupled with LC Mass-Mass 3. Confirmation of functional roles in phenotypes • • WB, kinase activity, and protein interaction assays ELISA-based protein arrays • • Cell culture models Transgenic mouse models Protein Profiles for PKCe Signaling Complexes: Gel-Filtration Chromatography Absorbance @ 280 nm (mAU) 1.3x103 kDa Control Hearts 800 600 95kDa 337kDa 400 200 0 Absorbance @ 280 nm (mAU) PKCe WB Cardioprotected Hearts 800 1.3x103 kDa 551kDa 193kDa 600 400 200 0 0 50 PKCe WB 100 150 200 250 Elution Volume (ml) Immunoprecipitation Protocol IgG Anti-PKCe YYYYYY Y Y Y Y YY Pre-Clear OR PKCe Members of PKCe Complexes Y Y Tissue Lysate Y Y Protein-G Beads + + Non-Specific Binding GST-Based Affinity Pull-Down Protocol GST Beads GST-PKCe GST + + OR Tissue Lysate GST-PKCe Members of PKCe Complexes Non-Specific Binding Functional Proteomics: 2D Electrophoresis The sub-proteome of the PKCe signaling system in the myocardium, isolated via PKCe immunoprecipitation (IP) Anti-PKCe Mouse IgG Mouse IgG IEF IEF M W M W pI3 pI10 pI3 pI10 Functional Proteomics: 1D Coupled with Mass Spectrometric Analysis Sypro Ruby-Stained Large Format SDS-PAGE Gel (10 % Duracryl) Low pH Elution Spot 85 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase (NADPH) precursor Urea / Thiourea Elution Functional Proteomics: Mass Spectrometric Analysis Spot 85: 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase (NADPH) mitochondrial precursor (gi|13385680) pI: 9.10; MW: 36 kDa y7 y5 110 b2 b3 b4 b5 Intensity × 104 100 90 F N I 80 70 60 b2 y6 b5 P I K y8 b4 30 20 10 0 Q P G y9 y8 y7 y6 y5 b3 50 40 I y9 200 1 51 101 151 201 251 301 300 400 MALLGRAFFA MLPPDAFQGK EEISSKTGNK SPSERLTPNG ESGSGFVMPS RLDPTGRFEK GGEEVFLSGE 500 600 GVSRLPCDPG VAFITGGGTG VHAIRCDVRD WKTITDIVLN SSAKSGVEAM EMIDRIPCGR FNSLKKVTKE m/z 700 PQRFFSFGTK LGKAMTTFLS PDMVHNTVLE GTAYVTLEIG NKSLAAEWGR LGTMEELANL EWDIIEGLIR 800 900 TLYQSKDAPQ TLGAQCVIAS LIKVAGHPDV KQLIKAQKGA YGMRFNIIQP ATFLCSDYAS KTKGS 1000 1100 SKFFQPVLKP RNIDVLKATA VINNAAGNFI AFLAITTIYA GPIKTKGAFS WINGAVIRFD Criteria For A Positive Identification: Members of Signaling Complexes. 1. Identification is made in complexes purified via at least two independent methods. 2. Mass spectrometry results are verified by either coimmunoprecipitation or protein arrays. 3. Functional assays ascertain the participation of the molecules (Complex-bound protein exhibits biological functional activity; or the association of a member with the complex modifies its functional activity; altered activity, expression, or PTM of a protein modulates the assembly of the complex). RESULTS: The Sub-Proteome of the PKCe Signaling System in the Murine Myocardium 1. 93 total proteins identified 2. 88 proteins of known function identified 3. 5 unknown proteins identified Edmondson et al. Mol Cell Proteomics 2002; Ping et al. Circ Res 2001; Vondriska & Zhang et al. Circ Res 2001; Baines et al. Circ Res 2002; Ping et al. J Clin Invest 2002. Log 250k pI 3 pI 12 PKCe Log 5k Cardiac PKCe Signaling Subproteome RESULT ONE: PKCe forms signaling complexes of various sizes, these complexes contain an array of proteins that are classified into six functionally distinct groups 1. Structural and cytoskeletal proteins 2. Stress-activated proteins 3. Signaling elements 4. Transcriptional/ translational factors 5. Metabolism-related proteins 6. PKC-interaction domain containing proteins (e.g., PDZ) (Ping et al. Circ Res 2001; Vondriska & Zhang et al. Circ Res 2001; Baines et al. Circ Res 2002) Log 250k pI 3 pI 12 PKCe Log 5k Cardiac PKCe Signaling Subproteome RESULT TWO: Regulation of PKCe complex assembly • The assembly of PKCe complexes is dictated by the molecular conformation of PKCe (Song & Vondriska et al, Am J Physiol, 2002) RESULT THREE: Subcellular location dictates PKCe complex assembly • The composition of PKCe complexes is governed by the subcellular location in which the complex resides (Zhang et al and Baines et al, Circulation 2001; Baines et al, Circ Res 2002) RESULT FOUR: Cardioprotection is associated with dynamic regulation of PKCe complexes • Multiple proteins were recruited to the PKCe complexes, whereas others were discharged (Ping et al. Circ Res 2001) • Multiple proteins underwent modifications (Ping et al. Circ Res 2001) • Multiple signaling kinases exhibited phosphorylation activities (Vondriska & Zhang et post-translational altered al. Circ Res 2001; Song & Vondriska et al. and Baines et al. Circulation 2001; Ping et al. JCI 2002) Strategies For Mapping The Cardiac Proteome: Characterization of multiple functional subproteomes I. Function II. Protein Profiling III. Spatial Profiling IV. Temporal Profiling