>> Nikhil Swamy: I'd like to welcome Adam... post-doc at Harvard, and he's going to talk to us...

>> Nikhil Swamy: I'd like to welcome Adam Chlipala to MSR. Adam's a
post-doc at Harvard, and he's going to talk to us today about his language per
web which is about metaprogramming AJAX apps with static types.
>> Adam Chlipala: Thanks. So I'm going to be talking about a new programming
language that makes it easier to build the correct web applications, and I want to
start by reviewing what the main challenges are in building web applications
today. In the beginning of the web, things were pretty simple. All it was was
clients asking web servers to give them particular static pages. And the -- when
you're building a website the model you might have in mind is that your website is
a big graph with interconnections between your different pages. But
unfortunately the actual implementation of the website is a bunch of HTML pages
that encode links between pages using URLs as text.
So it's possible to make a mistake in a URL or remove a page that's still being
referenced from URL somewhere. And it's hard to have an idea of how change
to your application is going to affect the overall structure and whether you'll make
it invalid somehow.
So already there's an opportunity for using some higher level language structure
to make it easier to build the correct applications. Then we come to the use of
CGI scripts which is a way for a request from a client to be serviced by having
the web server spawn some external process, tell it what the client request says,
and have that process decide which page should be returned to the client.
And now things get even harder because there's that same idea of you have a
big web of pages that you need to keep consistent but now it's sort of an infinite
graph because you can have different pages based on different inputs that the
client might provide to your application. And that can take the form of for
instance a forum website where users can come and post messages that
everyone else can see. And maybe there's a mischievous user who says that
the body of his message contains some HTML, and maybe you didn't implement
your application defensively enough and this HTML just gets transplanted directly
into the page output that you showed to other users visiting your website. And
maybe this has some unintended side effect. And that could include things like
including Javascript code in that HTML which essentially would let users cause
your website to tell other users web browsers to run arbitrary keyed.
This is what's called a code injection attack, where some insufficiently filtered
input from the user is treated directly as a program to be evaluated. So it would
be nice to have ways of being sure that your program doesn't have this kind of
vulnerability in the.
And it's also common for web applications to use relational databases as
persistent back ends where they store their data. And for this to work, your
application has to have in mind a view of what actually the database is, including
when tables there are and which columns they have. And the database has its
own version of that information. And if these two get out of sync then you can
run into some trouble, including some potential security violations.
And this is what's ended up being called the impedence mismatch problem in
interfacing systems like this. And the way that this kind of interface has
traditionally been implemented is just that the -- your application constructs
queries and commands of strings and just sends those over to the database
which interprets them as programs. And if you don't take sufficient care in
constructing these strings, there are other possibilities for attacks where maybe
the user comes up with a clever string to enter in one of your forums and
because you're taking his input and including it in your SQL query but you forgot
to say escape the string properly, then the user finds a way to be able to run
arbitrary SQL commands as your web application. And this can have bad
consequences for the integrity of your data.
So things get even more complicated when we move into what's called web 2.0
today, which is a movement to have more of the structure of an application run
inside the client web browser using Javascript so that there's not so much of
every action causes a page refresh and takes a long time to reload the entire
So what might happen is that things start out as in the old way where a page is
returned to the client and it might contain some Javascript code that every once
in a while decides it once to make a remote procedure call to the server to ask it
to change something or query some information so this call is traditionally
implemented with a serialization format like XML, and web server comes up with
a response to your query and the client then needs to use that information to
perform some imperative modifications to the in memory representation of the
tree structure of the page that's being displayed.
So this whole loop of making asynchronous queries and Then updating the
structure of the page without reloading the whole page is what's ended up being
called the AJAX application style. You might want to go even further and for
applications like a mail client you might want to let it be the server that initiates
some kind of communication, asynchronously. Maybe the server wants to tell the
client that some new piece of mail is available to be displayed. But unfortunately
with the Internet today you can't really directly implement this connection from the
server to the client because a lot of clients are behind firewalls that will disallow
that kind of connection. So in practice you need to have some convoluted,
inverted way of implementing this where the client makes a HTTP request that is
usually referred to as long-polling which says let me know when the next event
happens, and both the client and the server are expecting that this connection
might sit idle for a long time before anything interesting actually happens, and
when something does happen the server can just return a response just like in
the AJAX case.
And then the client is responsible for reinitiating this connection.
And implementing that manually can be complicated enough, but maybe your
application is actually dynamically generating some Javascript code that's
dependent on the client request and that just makes getting this right even
So these examples show a bunch of different ways that it's possible to make a
mistake in crafting web application. There are -- there's this common pattern of
taking the easy way out and implementing some kinds of interaction by
interpreting strings as code at runtime, including for HTML, SQL, Javascript or
the formats like XML that are used for these RPC messages.
And wherever you're interpreting strings as code, there's always a chance for
something unexpected to make its way into the interpreter.
And there are a bunch of different protocols and conventions for manipulating the
structure of a document and using different styles of communication between the
client and the server where it's easy to make mistakes that have security
consequences or just make it harder to get your program to a working state.
There have been a bunch of solutions proposed recently that try to give you
complete toolkits for building web applications. Ruby on Rails and Django are
two of the most popular ones, which are based on some of the most common
dynamic scripting languages. They provide libraries to encapsulate some of the
details of this functionality.
But these are dynamically typed languages, and there's still a lot of interpreting
strings as code and pretty ad hoc ways. So even if you test your application
thoroughly, it's hard to know that it really respects all the abstractions that you'd
like it to.
To help get around that problem, there have been a bunch of recent protocols of
languages that use static type systems to rule out some of the potential
problems, and Links in Ocsigen are two examples in this category. These are
languages inspired by functional programming in the tradition of Haskell and ML
that used type systems and more explicit formal representations to rule out some
of these problems. And there's also the LINQ system which handles, among
other things, the impedence mismatched problem for communicating with a
I think there are a few areas that are mostly neglected in this kind of research
and one of them is figuring out what are the right interaction and modularity
techniques for structuring web application to make it easy to read the code and
convince yourself that it has certain properties, much in the same way that we
have come to encapsulate definitions of abstract data types inside of classes or
modules so that we can read just a small amount of code and know something
very definite about how that data structure behaves.
For instance, you might want to take the total structure of your website and chop
off a little chunk of it and be able to be sure that the rest of the application only
interacts with that part that you chopped off in very well defined ways. Maybe
any links that go into it go through a particular formally defined interface in the
form of the type signature.
And so you can sort of normally or informally prove theorems to yourself about
what this part of your application could actually do in practice.
You also might want to identify some chunks of your database that should be
thought of as belonging to particular modules, and you'd like to know that no one
ever touches those parts of the database except by going through a particular
well defined code interface that has a static type signature. And this lets you be
able to enforce invariants about the constants of the database in much the same
way that we're used to doing for abstract data types in tradition programming.
And it's also useful to think about the dynamic structure of a web page in the
client and wanting to be able to designate a subtree of that page that you could
think of as belonging to a particular module of the application, and you'd like to
know that none of the other pieces of your application can directly change that
part of the page, but rather they'd have to go through a statically enforced
interface to do so.
So the language that I'm going to be telling you about, Ur/Web, is based on ideas
from ML and Haskell, and it imports a bunch of the common abstraction and mad
later features from those languages, and the big one for enabling this kind of
modular reasoning is the ideas from the ML module system, which can be used
for idioms like placing a database inside a module or placing a bunch of pages
syntactically inside a module and using interfaces to control all the ways that they
can be accessed from the outside.
And the other main way that frameworks like Rudy on Rails and Django make life
easier for programmers has been largely ignored in systems based on static
types, and that's metaprogramming. One of the most popular features of rails is
something called scaffolding, where let's say that you have a new application
that's based around a particular database table, and you want to get started right
away building your application once you decide what the table looks like.
So you call a command line code generator application, and you pass it short
description of what each of the columns in your table is, and what its type is, and
that generator builds a standard directory structure for your initial application that
has among it some files of Ruby source code. And you can start using this right
away. And it gives you a standard interface for things like listing the contents of
your table and adding new rows and updating your deleting rows. And this turns
out to be really popular and useful among mainstream web programming.
But you could probably see this has some of the usual disadvantaging of ad hoc
code generation. Let's say that there's a new version published of the code
generator that adds some features that you'd like to have in your application. But
you took the output of the old generator and you just started hacking on it and
adding your own new customizations. And so that gives you no really easy way
to merge in the changes from the new code generator with your custom changes
that you implemented in the source file.
And it's also really hard to implement one of these generators correctly if all it's
doing is manipulating sources code strings in an unprincipled way without much
static checking.
So here's what we'd really like, or at least what I'd really like. It's the sort of the
same basic picture, accept the thing that come out in the end isn't just a directory
structure with some text, it's a first class value in your programming language
that stands for a piece of the application. And this might be a function or a
module in the ML and Haskell kind of view of the world. And this thing that
comes out should have a static type that guarantees that it's free of certain kinds
of abstraction violations like code rejection attacks or dangling links and so on.
Even better, we'd like the code generator to have a static type that guarantees
that no matter which input you give it, if that input is well typed, then the thing that
comes out is guaranteed to be free of any of this kind of application flaw. And
since I'm used to functional programming, I'd like to go even further and be able
to do -- write a higher order code generator that is parameterized on another
piece of code that you might think of as a generator, maybe encapsulating some
common pattern that's still specific to a particular application.
And this should all work pretty naturally. So to make it possible to write this kind
of program with static types, I've drawn on some features that are mostly
associated with the [inaudible] type programming languages like Coq and Agda.
But from my perspective it's not the dependent types feature that's so important
where a type can contain a runtime value in it, but it's more the idea of type level
computation where a type can be a program that computes a rich functional
relationship between the properties of an input to a function and the properties
that should hold to the output. And I'll be able to give you some more examples
of what that means in this context and why it's useful a little later.
So my proposed solution is based on a new language, which is more or less a
general purpose language, though I haven't used it for anything beyond web
application so far. It's called Ur. It has some abstraction and modularity features
that are useful in a bunch of different domains. But on top of that I add a library
with some support for some web specific things. There's and encoding of HTML
such that static types can validate the structure of your documents, and you can
embed fragments of Ur code in documents for things like the event handler on a
button for a code that should fire if the button gets clicked.
There's support for client-side AJAX style programming without any explicit
Javascript or XML and support for the other server push model of programming
without any XML or without any explicit polling of the kind that I described that
must happen under the hood. And there's also a sort of orthogonal interface to
an SQL database that uses static types to ensure that the communication is done
And all of this you can think of as a special standard library for Ur that turns it into
a domain specific language for web programming. And the implementation of the
compiler for this language works by starting out with a parser that's specific to the
web language that understands some notations like HTML literal syntax and the
syntax of SQL queries. And that's passed off to a type inference engine that's
completely generic. It only deals with the Ur language, and all these other
features are encoded in terms of an express and type system. And then there
are optimization and code generation phases that are specific to this web version
of the language.
And in the end the different parts of the code end up being run on the server side
or the client side, and with the first kind their output is native code and the
second kind they end up as Javascript that's embedded in pages that the server
side piece returns to clients.
So let me give you an overview of the features of that general language, Ur, that
make it possible to encode these libraries effectively. The main novel features
are related to type level computation and one of the biggest of those matters is a
sport for a type level records.
So here's an example of a type-level record. It looks sort of like ML with syntax
with names attached to each element on the list. This is a record that you could
think of as a mapping from names to types and the name A is mapped to the
type int, and the name B is mapped to the type float. So it's fairly standard
But we might also think about having a record of functions over types. So this is
where the type level computation really comes in. We might have a record that
says the name C has the value of a function that maps a type T to itself, and
name D has the value of a function and maps a type T to a pair type with a -both the first and second components of the pair are T. And we can also have
records of other data structures built up from types including pairs of types. All
these different patterns end up being useful in developing and describing web
>>: Is there a distinction between the [inaudible]?
>> Adam Chlipala: So the far notation is a description of other values like the
star type describes runtime values whereas the comma is used for giving -there's an overlap between compiled time of a layer that for some things describe
the runtime layer but some things are just data on their own. And the star is for
describing the runtime layer and the comma is for describing stand alone pieces
of data that are only used at compile time. I don't know if that explained it well
enough. But it's -- it's -- this is basically like system F Omega if you're familiar
with that. And the star is from building some type and the comma is for building
[inaudible] record. I don't know if that does it. Okay.
All right. And one of the probably the most obvious thing to do with one of these
type-level records is use it to build a type that describes a record that actually
exists at runtime. And we can do that with the dollar sign operator which takes a
record of types and changes it or injects it into the set of types. And one of these
types is standing for runtime records where the type of each field is described by
whatever that field got mapped to in the record that you passed to the dollar sign.
>>: [inaudible] comma string [inaudible] record? [inaudible] comma string?
>> Adam Chlipala: It's -- that's a tuple which is different from a record because
you know ahead of time what all the fields are, whereas the record can vary. All
So the usual ML syntax for a record type is really just a shorthand for in the case
of this example in the bottom line taking the record on the top line and applying
the dollar sign operator to inject it into -- to translate it from a record of types into
a type. And concatenate records inside our types and we might think about
running a concatenation like this one that wants to combine two records that both
map the name A types but they disagree in which type that is. And it takes out to
make type inference work well it's convenient to rule out concatenations like this
one. So the type system is going to enforce that you can't concatenate two
records that share any field names. So that one is not legal.
And another important ingredient in the kind of encodings that I'll be showing you
is a type level map function which works just like map in usual functional
programming, except it's running only at compile time, sort of like the crazy things
that happen in C++ templates, but in a more principled kind of way.
So here's and example use of map that you might apply to the first record in the
first line of this slide. If you have a record of types you might apply a function
that transforms it by walking through and changing every type to a function type
that uses the original type as both the domain and the range. You can also think
about mapping over the second example in the second line of this slide where
you have a record of type functions, and you can step through each of these and
replace each of those functions with what you get when you call that function on
the type int. So if we apply this function to that second line of the slide we get a
record that maps C to int and maps D to int star int. Yeah?
>>: [inaudible] can you explain this map line again.
>> Adam Chlipala: Okay. So.
>>: So one is R and one is a record?
>> Adam Chlipala: Yes. So I'm thinking of R 1 that's some record that's like the
example on the top line of the slide that is an association of names with types.
And so we're going to step through the record. And for each one of those types,
we're going to replace it with what we get when we apply this function to the type.
>>: Oh, so this is just like something that you apply on the syntax itself. It's got
nothing to do with like runtime computation?
>> Adam Chlipala: Right. Everything on this slide is a separate compile time
only language that's only there for describing typing constraints.
>>: [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: And this is standard in programming with dependent types.
But the difference here is that I'm trying to make it a little easier to use this over
really programming. All right.
So we could also apply, we could also do a map over that third line in the record
constant examples where we have pairs of types and we can slip over each of
those and pull out the two pieces of the pair and use them to form a new function
So now we can move on to the actual runtime part of the language which is
closer to what functional programmers are usually familiar with. We can write
record constants in the same old ML style way. Their types are implemented
using this more general machinery, but you can more or less ignore that if you
don't need to use that stuff directly. You can project out fields in the standard
And we can also concatenate together to runtime records with analogous syntax
to that from the previous slide. We can cut out fields of records to form record
with all the fields except that one. We might also want to concatenate two
records that share a field name with -- in a similar way to on the previous slide.
But for the same reason I'm going to rule out concatenations that reuse field
names because it makes type inference trickier. So that one's no good.
We might want to write a function that abstracts over the idea of taking a record
and adding the mapping A equals 0 to it. So here is a way of expressing that
using polymorphism. We have function that binds a type variable, FS, and we
write formal arguments that are typed variables inside the square brackets. Bind
the type variable FS, that stands for a set of fields, and the types that they are
mapped to, also called a row type a lot of the time in programming language
theory. And we say that there's a value level argument R, that is a record, whose
fields are scripted by that type variable that we abstracted over.
So if FS is empty, then R is an empty record, and if FS says A -- says B equals
float, then R is a record in field type B of type float. Sorry, one field A and B that
has a value of type float. And then we can just take R and concatenate this new
binding A equals 0 on to it. Yes?
>>: The thread-modular sign and operator is [inaudible] or is that a different
name [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: It's and operator. It's the operator that injects a record of
types into the set of types. So the problem -- there's a problem with this
definition, which is that there's no -- yes?
>>: I have a question. So usual does ML [inaudible] it provides something like
this you have a polymorphic type argument and then you can just use the type
argument in the place of a regular type. But here you put a dollar before the
>> Adam Chlipala: Right.
>>: Why are you doing that?
>> Adam Chlipala: Because FS isn't a type, it's a record of types, and you can
turn a record of types into a type by saying build the type that figures out its fields
by consulting this record.
>>: It's a record of types? Okay.
>> Adam Chlipala: Should I say more about that or ->>: Yes.
>> Adam Chlipala: Okay. So problem with this definition is that there's nothing
here to force FS not to already include a mapping for A. And I said that we don't
want to allow clashes for field names. So this definition can't actually be
accepted directly. Instead we can give this alternate definition which is like the
previous line but I add an exclusive constraint, this piece here, which gives
essentially two different records and asserts that they must not share any field
names. So this constraint is saying that A should not be among the fields that
are used in FS. And with that, the type checker's able to verify that this
concatenation doesn't induce any conflicts on the record field names.
>>: [inaudible] framework developers using this [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: I envision web application developers calling functions that
have these types and not really knowing what's happening but being glad that it
So this function can be assigned a static type, and it's a type that says for all FS,
which are records of types as indicated by taking type and putting curly braces
around it when this constraint is satisfied then you can have a function of this
type which sort of once you get used to the notation it expresses that you're
starting out with a record that has field FS, and then you end up with a record
that has more fields where you -- particularly you added A equals int on that
There's another useful feature that works well in conjunction with this kind of
thing, which is first class names. Here's a function that is polymorphi8c over the
name of a record field. That's this argument, NM here. So it's a function that
works for any name. As long as the constraint is satisfied that that name is not
equal to A, and if that's true, let's build a two field record that takes the name you
asked for and assigns that to value zero and assigns A to value 1.0.
>>: [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: It's type inference because it's used as a name here. There's
a more explicit syntax if you want to make it clear for the reader.
>>: [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: Yeah. All this is generalizes the recursion, a recursive
[inaudible] of types of types, otherwise known as kinds. And this function has a
type which says for all names NM when you know that NM is not equal to A, then
you can produce a record of this kind which is normal type except instead of a
known field we see the name variable NM appearing. We can also write a
function that is polymorphic and implements the usual record projection operator
and makes that a first-class function.
We can do that by saying this is parameterized over three different type
parameters, a field name, the type of that field, and the names and types of all
the other fields. We need to know that this name does not overlap with any of
those fields. And if so, we can take in a record whose fields are everything in this
list that we passed in plus a mapping from the field we asked for to the type we
asked for. And if that's true, then by looking at this, it's syntactically patent that
the field NM belongs to R so we can just project that field out of R.
>>: By the way, we are still trying to define function that [inaudible] syntax, right.
Are we defining function that do computation at runtime?
>> Adam Chlipala: This slide is runtime computations.
>>: Okay.
>> Adam Chlipala: Sorry. I think of expressions as saying that, but I realize
that's not a universal convention. So the type of this function it says here these
three type variables that were the first one's a name, the second one's a type, the
last one is a record of types. We have this same destroyedness constrain like
before and then a type that expresses that we're looking inside this record,
seeing what is associated with name, and that type is what the function returns.
And it's pretty easy to call a function like this. It turns out that from the formula
that we can usually deduce by inference what the values of T and FS are, but the
value of NM should be specified explicitly, otherwise we might project out the
wrong field that just happens to have the type that we're looking for. So we can
write and explicit type of argument inside brackets. So here we pass pound B
which is the first class value standing for the name B, and we can pass a record
as the additional argument and type inference figures out the rest of the details
and automatically figures out which constraints need to be proved and proves
them for us.
>>: So the FS really is like a [inaudible] polymorphism that you might find
>> Adam Chlipala: So I'm more familiar with the [inaudible] for an example. I'm
not sure what path it lies in. Definitely not surprised if they have something like
this in DAC.
>>: And it seems like the additional thing you're providing here is first class
record names, the name itself you can [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: Right. It's the record names and ->>: Record field names.
>> Adam Chlipala: Yeah. Field names and the ability to write maps over records
at the type level. And these destroyedness constraints you can maybe think of
as just necessary for supporting those features where it's something separate,
but those are the main, the syntactic differences that you see compared to
All right. So I know this is sort of an abstract. So now I can factual show you a
demo in a web browser that hopefully expresses why these are useful features to
have. Obviously I have to start out with the hello world application. This is
application that just acts like a static page. And here is the source file for it. This
is demonstrating the basic features of Ur web that handle the structure
applications explicitly so that the type system can make sure you don't mess that
up. This is just an ML style function definition that returns a piece of XML syntax
included in line in the page. And this syntax is parsed and type checked to make
sure that you don't use tags in the wrong places or that it you don't use a tag with
a wrong attribute name or other properties like that.
We can build and application with a link, which doesn't sound that exciting, but at
least the compiler is using type checking to make sure that there are no dangling
links or malformed URLs in our application. And the way you build this
application is you can just write two different function definitions. The second
one, which is where we started, uses the normal HTML A tag but instead of an
[inaudible] with a string, it uses an alternate link attribute that contains and
expression to evaluate when that link is clicked to generate the resulting page,
and that just calls up to this target function, which is the second page that we
>>: So I have a question. Do we sometimes [inaudible] click on links doesn't go
to new page, goes into the same page. That's a special [inaudible] it goes to
somewhere else on the same page.
>> Adam Chlipala: So you mean like [inaudible].
>>: Okay. So that's a different kind of link then. You can define that also.
>> Adam Chlipala: So there's this concept anchorage in HTML where you can
have links inside a page. I haven't actually implemented that yet in this system.
There's probably a current way of having it ->>: [inaudible] we have this problem that way. We have like we kind of
[inaudible] current links. But problems like this like sometimes we [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: Oh, I should probably not have hidden the location bar
actually I need -- let me bring this up in a separate browser window so you can
see what it looks like if I unhide the browser bar.
So everything is based around an ML module system, so module paths are used
as unique identifiers to pages and that's when you see up here, demo is the
enclosing module for the whole demo, link the is the source file that we were just
looking at, and name is the name of a function within there. And you can have
arbitrary nesting from submodules.
>>: Okay. So if you [inaudible].
>>: So are you explaining that every -- the notion of A being generated is also
coupled with the identifier of the page so you [inaudible] once the page is
generated, you can type that either in that box and go straight to that page? Is
that what you mean?
>> Adam Chlipala: Yes. The way the web server works is it parses the part of
the URL and treats it as a module path inside your program and finds the right
function that's named by that path and runs it. There will be an example later,
but what happens when you want -- what that dynamic page takes arguments.
Those will just appear as extra parts of the URL. They'll sort of look like
descending further into a file system tree. And they'll be parse correct based
function arguments.
>>: So when you [inaudible] does that change your target?
>> Adam Chlipala: Yes. Little things like pretty URLs are often underlooked in
research projects, but I wanted to do that here. Yeah?
>>: How does the function -- does the system decide to treat a function as a
[inaudible] rather than just a ->> Adam Chlipala: It has a type -- let me show you the type of this function. Just
let me go back to full screen mode. So the type -- this is the signature of the
application. It says that made is a function from no arguments to a transaction
that produces a page. And these are the things that are true to these pages.
>>: So it's based on return type?
>> Adam Chlipala: Yes. And you can -- if you assume things that are pages but
you don't want to advertise them as part of the interface, you can just leave them
out of the signature. They'll still be accessible if they're called from other pages.
>>: So the type of target here was also [inaudible] transaction page?
>> Adam Chlipala: Yes. There will be more complicated examples three demos
from here. Okay. So we can write recursive loops between pages without much
trouble. This is always fun. And all this is is two mutually recursive functions
with sort of ML style syntax for the mutual recursion. Main calls -- yes?
>>: Question. But how did you know that there are only two pages, why doesn't
the descent generate more and more pages?
>> Adam Chlipala: Because a page is identified -- each page stands for a
pointer to a particular location in the source code, namely one of these function
definitions. And the source code's only finite, so you're not going to end up with
->>: Oh, a page is not like a dynamic value?
>> Adam Chlipala: A page is a function in the source code plus arguments to it.
In this case, there are no arguments. So it was just a finite set. I will shortly
have an example where there are arguments so you can think of it as having
infinitely many pages. And that's one of the examples people like using the most
to see how far they can make it go. But it keeps going.
>>: So the previous example was type [inaudible] transaction page and that was
all [inaudible] if we knew the URL was [inaudible] could we just go there? Would
that work?
>> Adam Chlipala: Yeah, that works fine. You can make all sorts of decisions
on how much work you invest to keep the user from diverging from the flow
through the application that you could actually get from starting from the first
page. One of those things I don't work too hard to guarantee. They're just a few
kinds of mistakes like that that are associated with common security
vulnerabilities that there's special code to deal with. Like there's something
called cross side request forgery where -- so you post on a forum a link to a well
known bank website that says something like transfer all my money to this guy
over here and users on the forum think it's a link to a funny picture of a kitten,
they click on it, and their money gets transferred. There's a use of cryptography
in signing to prevent that particular kind of thing. But mostly if you know the URL,
you can -- if you know the URL, you could hit any page that has no side effects.
And the compiler enforces that you really understand which pages don't have
side effects.
All right. So here's a page that actually involves conceptually into many pages.
We can just keep stepping through incrementing a counter, and there's no server
side state that tracks how far along the counter is. This is all stored in the client.
And the way you can write this is as a function counter that takes one argument
and which is where the counter stands. You can return page that injects the
current value of the counter and has two links, one to a recursive call where the
counter is increased by a one and one where the counter is decreased by a one.
And may be it's useful to bring up, do this where you can see what the URL is.
All that's happening is the argument of the function ends up automatically
centralized and decentralized from the end of the URL.
>>: I have a question but might be just obvious but you're taking a collection of
web pages as a reactive program, right, and which is expecting input from the
user when I want to clip something. And as a result of that, the state of the
program changes in the sense that it's sort of program counter moves from one
controlled location to another, and then the gain waits for an input, right? Is that
how I should think of it?
>> Adam Chlipala: Yes except there's this property that the user can always
guess URLs and jump to a different part of the state graph if these clever
enough. But mostly that's how it will work.
>>: I see.
>>: The [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: Right. The state lives only on the client, and the client can lie
about its state if it -- yeah, if the user knows how to pick a URL that is actually
valid for the application but is not where it should really be going next.
>>: I see. So for example like when one set of focus of the user's on one page,
that page has lots of [inaudible] on it [inaudible] links. Now, the computation
implement of clicking on a link means that the function corresponding to that
page is going to be executed with a particular argument? Is that how I should
think of it?
>>: Yes.
>>: Okay. Good.
>> Adam Chlipala: All right. And here's an example, a more interactive page.
This is a silly demo that just shows echoing back what the user enters into a
forum. And it's pretty issue to write this in a way where we're sure that the form
actually is matched with its handler typewise. So let's start with the main
function. It returns in HTML form that starts out looking pretty normal. There are
two differences from the usual way of writing HTML or from actual HTML. This is
sort of a stylized superset.
Each of the inputs like this text box here, instead of having an attribute name
equals whatever has a escaped piece of Ur syntax which says the name of this
widget is the field name A. And so on for the widgets. And there's a submit
button that has a attribute that says the action for this button is the handler
function. So when you click this button, run this function on the values of the
widgets. And we can look at the handler function see it takes a record R as in
argument and it can just project out the three widgets, the value of the three
widgets that we used, and each one of these has the appropriate type. In
particular, the two that came from text boxes are strings and the one that came
from a check box is boolean. And we're going to be sure that this doesn't -- this
code doesn't erroneously try to use a field that we didn't define or it doesn't try to
use one of those fields of a different type than the widget actually produces.
>>: [inaudible] doing any analysis on these strings that are [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: No. Any string is [inaudible].
>>: All right. Are you going to show us what it looks like not every string
>> Adam Chlipala: Well, if not every string is allowed then you just complain if
you don't like the string that comes back. There are -- or you can have client side
code that watches the strings and complains in realtime as you don't like them.
But the -- what HTML gives you doesn't really provide a more general way of
constraining strings.
>>: So [inaudible] if you had some [inaudible] constraining the strings.
>> Adam Chlipala: I can really only do what the browser lets me do and I don't
know another way to do it.
>>: So a question [inaudible]. If you went back to that forum [inaudible] field day
you supplied angle slash TD, now what you were saying before was that handler
will always return in XML, that XML will be well formed but I can break that
perform by inserting that [inaudible] basically.
>> Adam Chlipala: You could if the syntax here other than what it actually
means. But the disinsertion code is abstraction preserving -- your string is not
interpreted as HTML, it shows up as a string.
>>: I think that -- I think that's the answer to the previous question is that any
strings [inaudible] but it isn't escaped by your injection syntax.
>>: So what you're saying is that did the problem of taking care of making sure
that these strings are valid but they [inaudible] it's not [inaudible] problem,
somebody else has to take care of that problem with either [inaudible] some
other static checking on strings that come in and things like that.
>>: Yes.
>> Adam Chlipala: Although I think in practice what this means is your form
recedes the string and you just write a function that inspects the string and
decides if you like it or not. It's not really a very complicated procedure. And at
the same time it's hard to think of how to do better than that.
>>: So for example like I'm not -- I don't really work in this area but I keep
hearing about people arguing about all the [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: Yes.
>>: So how does that fit into this story?
>> Adam Chlipala: So the previous question sort of is suggesting that someone
was asking if the user appears a in one of these text boxes that has some HTML
and you've got to display what he entered, does that get entered as HTML and
maybe run some Javascript code? And the answer is that there's this quoting
and anti quoting syntax that always make sure that strings never get interpreted
as code.
>>: I see. So the solution of that you program in work and then you -- whenever
there's some interaction with the user in which he can provide strings you write
some chain code that makes sure that the [inaudible] implement that?
>> Adam Chlipala: And actually the type system enforces that you can never
forget to do that properly.
>>: So my understanding is if the user entered a closed slash TB in the text box
A, the runtime takes care of when it constructs the HTML page in response the
runtime takes care of escaping the [inaudible] tag with an ampersand LT and so
on, that it's not actually [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: Yes.
>>: [inaudible]. But maybe that gets a lot of [inaudible] for novice developers
that actually does some kind of [inaudible] where in MySpace put in actually they
tried to [inaudible] you go to web page [inaudible] virus and then you as you last
will try to [inaudible] somebody else, and then you inject the virus on to your own
web page. The next time somebody goes to your MySpace page they will get
the attack. It just keeps on getting through. So the problem there was actually
it's fine to put in on the server side this [inaudible] code itself [inaudible] where
MySpace put it in their coding, and the reality they forgot to filter some stuff out
and so that based on some fancy CSS encoding stuff they still found a way
So like partially the people try to do this, that's not actually addressing the
>> Adam Chlipala: I think that it doesn't address the problem if you want to allow
users to provide their own content using as much of HTML as possible. But if
you're willing to pretend it's 1995 in your validation, then it's pretty easy to rule
out that kind of attack. And some people will be disappointed but you at least
won't have any code injections. And you can gradually add more and more of
that as you convince yourself you wrote your parser correctly.
>>: [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: Okay. All right. And then let me just show you briefly what
looks like to interface to SQL database. Here's a interface for manipulating in
SQL table. You can add a row to our table and delete. That's all this demo has.
And I don't want to look -- whoops. Look in too much detail at the code, but I just
wanted to point out here's a piece of SQL syntax that's included inline in the
code, and that's type checked and verified to match the actual scheme of the
table which you actually define up here using a special declaration form just like
you were defining a function and you give a record type that maps each one of
the fields otherwise known as columns of your table into their types. And the --
and you can write SQL online for querying from the table. Here's some inline
SQL for inserting the table with some anti quotes for injecting Ur values into your
command. And here's some delete command just off the bottom there. And all
of this is type checked to match up with the schema. And when the application
starts, it reads the database's system catalog to check that the tables really have
the types you said they would have.
>>: [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: That's more work to separate out your queries in a way.
>>: [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: Yeah. It just makes it cleaner to -- you can write what you
really meant and not what was convenient for the implementer of the database
library. And writing a version with question marks in the parameters means less
direct than this.
>>: [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: I guess compared to anything with dynamic typing you can
be sure that you don't mismatch the types of the parameters to your prepared
statement statically.
>>: [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: Yes. That's this declaration. And you can declare module
local tables inside say a output and they have the same properties as an abstract
type inside an ML module.
>>: [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: The application is responsible for deciding what the database
looks like, and the compiler outputs is SQL script you can run to make sure the
database looks like that.
>>: [inaudible] modified the database [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: You'll get a startup time. The program starts, it queries the
system catalog and checks that everything is as it expects. It's kind of with the
way these usually implemented it's hard to do that in the compiler because you'd
have to somehow clamp down the database and prevent it from ever changing
which doesn't usually work.
>>: [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: Yeah. You can -- there can be an alternate version of the
compiler that has a database and controls everything about it inside its own
executable, and then there -- things will be more direct in some sense. But
probably harder to administer because you'd have to rewrite all these high
availability tools that the main database servers have.
>>: So are you otherwise saying that [inaudible] given a descriptor of the
database automatically generate a code that say provides you with access
>> Adam Chlipala: Yes. That's more or less the next thing. I guess I have
theoretically one minute or so to do that.
>>: [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: So here's my first example of the kind of metaprogramming
that I think is the most neglected thing in the other projects that try to use static
types in this setting. This is a really simple form echoing application.
The interesting thing about it is that it's using a generic component so that the full
implementation of this application is just this source file which says call this
component, I'd like you to build me a form echoing application that uses these
names. There's an underlying record field named A that should be printed with
the label tic and the same for B, C, and tac and toe. Yeah?
>>: So again I want to just understand what you just said. So you're saying that
this metaprogramming means that the program that is going to be executed is
actually constructed initially by performance of computation?
>> Adam Chlipala: Yes.
>>: And then that constructive program executes ->> Adam Chlipala: This metaform.make is sort of like a function that is going to
build your application for you by analyzing this structure.
>>: And can you show me the constructed application?
>> Adam Chlipala: Well, the code doesn't get output, it's all done internally
inside the compiler so it's not easy for me to show it to you.
>>: Okay.
>> Adam Chlipala: It looks a lot like the earlier manual echos, if you were to
expand it.
>>: So can you say in English what that thing will do?
>> Adam Chlipala: It's going to output an application that displays a form with
one line for each of these record mappings, uses these strings as the labels of
the widgets, and you click the submit button, it prints all the values you entered.
>>: I [inaudible] the output, what I meant is that how is this metaform.make
saying ->> Adam Chlipala: You want to know what algorithm it uses or ->>: Something like that, you know. How does it construct the program?
>> Adam Chlipala: I was going to flash up the source code at some point.
>>: Okay. Okay. All right.
>> Adam Chlipala: Question?
>>: Yes. You say that all of this is more than just [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: Yes. So here is the typed signature of that component. So
the first thing is this uses a richer type system than ML [inaudible]. And I guess
that answer is short, but it sort of is the whole answer. It just details [inaudible].
>>: [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: So here is -- let me explain what the arguments are. First,
the interesting thing, two of these arguments weren't actually written explicitly in
the application because they can be inferred from the others. So that's one
extension over -- functar arguments can be inferred in some cases, so that
makes it easier to write shorter programs. But if we want to be completely
explicit, what we're giving is a -- is a typed variable FS of kind record of unit. Unit
is like an ML. It's the kind that has just one value. So a record unit is essentially
a set of names. So this parameter to the -- to the functar tells us which field
name this application wants us to use.
There's another value of type folder, FS, folder is a type that basically stands for
permutations of the -- a set of field names. They fix an order of these names so
if we would like to step through them in order, we can follow this instruction. So
to implement this form that list all these fields in order, we need to use this folder
to step through them for each field printed out.
Finally, there's a record that gives a string name to each one of these fields. And
that's expressed in a kind of unusual way. We would like to say somehow this is
a record where it's a regular ML record type except every time has to use string.
We can't make any other choices. And the way that that's expressed is by
saying we start out with a record of unit values, in other words, a record with
information and free values for each of the fields, and we replace each of these
place holders with string by mapping over it. So we map over the record FS and
we replace each of the values of each of the fields with string. In this way we say
only string is allowed in our record.
And it seems kind of a weird way to do it, but I couldn't come up with a more
direct way that wasn't too specialized for this kind of example.
>>: Would it be correct to say that the generated program could happen directly
by the user at work?
>> Adam Chlipala: Yeah. It's just like C++ templates. This is a time saving
mechanism that doesn't increase expressivity in this instance.
>>: I see.
>> Adam Chlipala: And so this functar takes these things as input and it outputs
a main function for application which returns a page when called.
>>: [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: Looks like this. I don't want to explain all the details of this,
but let me just point out the main action here is generating the form and
generating its handler. In each case we call library functions with names that
begin with fold. These are different ways of stepping through all the fields in a
record and modifying a functional accumulator as we do so. And these need a
few type arguments to be specified explicitly. The details of doing that are a little
bit more intricate than ML and Haskell programmers are used to. But a final
code once you have a little practice reading it isn't all that dense and the total
length of the file is pretty short and in the end we get a pretty strong static
guarantee that this dynamic process never outputs a malformed application,
which is I think a good -- reasonable price to pay for the extra type complexity.
All right.
>>: [inaudible] metaprogramming is not related to [inaudible] applications. So
why doesn't everybody always do metaprogramming? Wouldn't it make sense?
>> Adam Chlipala: Maybe a kind of snarky answer is that most people don't use
metaprogramming because they don't believe in static types. Static types are so
useful for making sure you don't screw it up, that they're kind of handicapping
>>: [inaudible] generated programs, writing programs [inaudible]?
>> Adam Chlipala: Well, another answer.
>>: [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: Another answer is the metaprogramming is already really
popular in C++ templates and Grail's scaffolding and all sorts of other systems.
But these are relatively clunky unprincipled interfaces compared to ways of doing
it like this that are more inspired by type theory and coming up with a minimal set
of constructs to get the job done while still getting these strong guarantees. So
maybe the question is why don't more people use better programming systems
that are more principled and less [inaudible].
>>: So in your mind metaprogramming is very tightly coupled with static typing?
>> Adam Chlipala: No. I just think that static typing is so useful for
metaprogramming that more -- fewer people would give up on trying to right
metaprograms if they could -- were using static types to help them catch the bugs
in their code generators.
All right. So I guess I'm done describing this part. Here's an example of my
version of the most common rails code generation. The generate which is called
CRUD for create, read, update and delete. This is the standard admin interface
generator. Here's a table we want to add rows to it, see which rows are in there
now. Might want to be able to change the value of one of our existing rows or
delete a row. Nothing very interesting there from a functionality standpoint. The
interesting thing is that here's the file that implements this particular application.
Let's define our table with its columns and types. And we call a functar, we tell it
which table to build this application for. We give it a title to display in the title bar.
And we give it a record of meta data for each of our columns of the table that
express things like how should we format this -- values of this column when we
displayed them, how should we render the widgets that take inputs for this
column and so on. And in each of these cases, I use one of the substandards
functions form the library for the default handling for a particular type. Yeah?
>>: [inaudible] instead of just creating, filling out [inaudible] you can actually
create a [inaudible] where you can actually create new tables and create new
type of tables.
>> Adam Chlipala: So first there are no dependent types here in the sense that
there's a strict separation between runtime and compile time and compile time
thing never mentions a runtime thing. The feature that's here is an interesting
idea of type level computation. And there's no sport right now for creating tables
dynamically. Tables are only defined at the top levels of modules. It would be
possible to add a way of creating a local table, but I'm not sure how that interacts
with the use of type level computation. You could do that in ML just as easily.
You just wouldn't have as much information about the table type. Or am I
missing some property?
>>: I want to create a user interface for creating a table so I want to create an
administrator panel for creating tables.
>> Adam Chlipala: Yeah, I don't -- that would require actually using dependent
>>: [inaudible] previous systems.
>> Adam Chlipala: Right. Luckily that seems to be a relatively infrequent
problem with applications that may want to do that. So this is domain specific
[inaudible] I guess.
>>: [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: I'll just admit that that's outside the domain of this tool for
>>: Do you think inherently or not? I mean it sounds like you should be able to
do ->> Adam Chlipala: Well, it's easy to say well you can solve that problem if you
just add dependent types. But it turns out to be more complicated than that in
practice. Yeah?
>>: [inaudible] could those be [inaudible] arbitrarily complicated expressions?
>> Adam Chlipala: You mean this string constant?
>>: Yeah.
>> Adam Chlipala: This is just treated as a string. It's not interpreted. This is
only for a display purposes. You could -- you mean put an expression here that
calls an infinite looping function?
>>: Yes.
>> Adam Chlipala: That would work fine. It would be just like an ML. Your
program wouldn't hang when you started it.
>>: [inaudible] or runtime?
>> Adam Chlipala: [inaudible] runtime. So you would be able to visit other
pages that didn't need to use that code but when you [inaudible] it wouldn't run
forever. I guess.
>>: [inaudible] recursive type functions?
>> Adam Chlipala: No. The only kind of recursion is this very simple math
based recursion that isn't even explicitly recursive. It's important because when
you're type checking you have to run programs and you don't want it to go
>>: I just want to understand the comment that mentioned some application and
then he said okay [inaudible] and then he said oh, I don't have [inaudible] I can't
express it. So I mean you can probably express it, but you cannot guarantee
safety in the sense, right? You can write that down.
>> Adam Chlipala: I could add features that make it possible to do that kind of
thing but the system as it is now guarantees that every table access is done
properly. I could add another SQL interface that lets you access a table with
fewer guarantees, and then that will be more easily compatible with Leo asked
about. But --
>>: What I don't understand is that are you saving that your programs that I
[inaudible] crash?
>> Adam Chlipala: It's the usual well typed programs don't go wrong theorem
extended to work across whole client server interactions more or less.
>>: [inaudible] program? Can I say insert X and then Y?
>> Adam Chlipala: You can write an assertion. You can write code that fails if a
particular boolean expression turns out to be false.
>>: Right. But then I'm hoping your type system would be able to make sure
that that boolean never is ->> Adam Chlipala: Right. So this isn't about making sure your application
invariants are never ignored, this is about making sure that program doesn't
crash by failing to follow the rules of some generic abstraction like you shouldn't
be able to submit a form and have an input interpreted as an integer when it was
really a string.
>>: Okay. So now what I was wondering is that since you allow for that loophole
where you're thinking crash, if X is not less than Y, why can't that same loophole
be used to encode the application? Why do you need to [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: For I guess I could add a library function that creates a table
and does dynamic checking somehow in the way you seem to be suggesting.
>>: [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: It would have to be in the runtime system. It would have to
be implemented outside the language.
>>: I don't see your point though. I mean wouldn't you mean by program crash if
X is less than Y some -- it's not claiming that the program is correct. What I don't
understand is that -- I mean, unless -- so either his language is complete or it's
not. If it is, then what Leo is asking for is that you're incomputable function, right,
and he should be able to do that.
>> Adam Chlipala: But it's not quite that simple because this isn't just about
computing arithmetic functions, this is about interfacing with particular systems
like the database server. And there are strong guarantees about how that
interaction can be done.
>>: Oh, I see. It's not -- so there are some input outputs that would be for
[inaudible] okay.
>>: [inaudible] actually very particular use case where I want to [inaudible]
create tables like I want [inaudible] create like maybe add on fields to their form
or something. And that's actually because it's domain specific and in this case it
[inaudible]. I don't think actually [inaudible] that's why it's kind of excited about
the possibility of being [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: Let me just talk briefly about the interface of this component.
I don't want to go into the details of this too much. But the interesting thing is
here is where it's important to be able to write type level functions and map over
them. Because I define what metadata is needed for each column as a function
from a pair of types to a record type. The pair of types tells you the application's
representation of this column and the database's representation of this column.
One piece of metadata is a parse function that goes from the database's
representations of the application's representation, is a function for computing
changing the application wrap into a piece of HTML, there's a function for
building a forum widget and a few other pieces. And the type of the metadata
needed for the whole usage of the functar is expressed by taking a record of
pairs of types standing for your whole said of columns and mapping this
metadata function oar each of those pairs to form a record type with a dollar sign
operator. And there's the functar signature. We see at non ML supported thing
which is a constraint which is sort of like a precondition to using this functar,
which if called this functar you must be able to prove that the column ID is not
among the columns that you mentioned explicitly because we're going to use
special handling for ID.
And just one more thing. This has all been sort of web 1.0 kind of stuff. I could
also build web 2.0 style the same sort of thing. Here's a way of viewing and
updating a database where you can make changes that you batch locally before
you tell the server anything. And then execute them all in a bunch. At no point
during this is the page refreshing. This is all using the usual client sight AJAX
And we can actually execute a batch of changes, we can click this update button
to ask the server what the current table values are. And we can delete some of
those and update and check that it really happened and so forth.
And this application is built by a functar application just like in the previous case.
It's really the same thing from this level of detail.
>>: So you mentioned something at the beginning about this long polling kind of
strategy to get data pushed from the [inaudible]. Could you use something like
that here instead of having the [inaudible] update to get the changes to actually ->> Adam Chlipala: This is a good place to demonstrate that. I also have a -- the
last ML on this is a chat application that uses along that server to client flow to
notify of new messages.
>>: [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: Sure. Might not be able to explain it within the amount of
time available, but okay. [inaudible] value goes update on click equals call this
function to get the list of rows. That function is automatically RPCed to the
server. And then set this client side variable with that list and I'm sure you'll like
>>: [inaudible] you said RPC ->> Adam Chlipala: This is implemented using continuation passing style of
program where it doesn't need to think about that.
>>: So [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: And the disk setting influences what the page looks like
because it uses FRP to propagate things.
>>: So that's the [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: LSS is -- I'm always not sure what the usual standard
terminology for FRP is. Here I'm calling it a source and the page is a signal
which is a pure function source ->>: [inaudible].
>> Adam Chlipala: It's like half. All right. I guess this is the natural ending point.
I can -- I don't know. I can keep showing a couple of MLs as long as we're
allowed to keep the room and people have questions.
>> Nikhil Swamy: It's probably time to wrap up.
>> Adam Chlipala: I'm wrapped up.
>> Nikhil Swamy: So let's thank you our speaker.