Natural deduction: the KM* system

Natural deduction: the KM* system
In contrast to forward / backward reasoning systems, natural deduction systems use many
inference rules and at each step one of them must be selected for execution. However,
data need not be converted to Horn formulas. This is advantageous when reviewing a
proof in order to generate an understandable explanation of that proof.
Consider the language of PL expanded as follows:
<line number> <statement> <justification>,
where: <line number> is a number of the line in a proof where <statement> appears,
<statement> is a proposition, and <justification> provides an explanation of how the
statement was established.
Example: 453 (implies A B) asn
454 A
455 B
(CE 453 454)
Justification (CE 452 454) says that statement B is inferred by the conditional elimination
(CE) rule (this is called the informant of the justification), and statements on lines 453 and
454 of the proof (they are the antecedents of the justification.)
If a statement is not a theorem (as the one on line 455), then it is either a premise or an
assumption. Justification’s premise (line 454) and asn (line 453) are examples.
Proof in the KM* system
A proof in the KM* system is a set of of numbered lines.
To prove something, we use a special meta-linguistic predicate, show, which
explicitly states our intent to prove a statement. When the proof for that
statement is found, we say that the show predicate is cancelled.
There are 2 types of inference rules in the KM* system:
Elimination rules, which eliminate a logical connective. These are very
similar to the simplification rules in the Bundy’s system.
Introduction rules, which introduce a logical connective. These require
more control knowledge, and cannot be used randomly.
Inference rules in the KM* system
1. Rule of indirect proof: to prove P, assume (not P); if a contradiction is
derived, P must be true.
show P
(IP i j k)
(not P)
(not Q)
2. Elimination rules:
Not Elimination (NE)
i (not (not P))
(NE i)
Disregard all lines in this box, because they
depend on the assumption (not P).
Assumption (not P) is discharged when a
contradiction is found. For a proof to be valid
all assumptions must be discharged.
Lines within the box can not be used elsewhere,
they define the logical context of the assumption.
Elimination rules (contd.)
 And Elimination (AE)
i (and P Q)
(AE i)
(AE i)
 Or Elimination (OE)
i (or P Q)
j (implies P R)
k (implies Q R)
(OE i j k)
 Conditional Elimination / modus ponens (CE)
i (implies P Q)
j P
(CE i j)
 Bi-conditional Elimination / logical equivalence (BE)
i (iff P Q)
(implies P Q)
(BE i)
(implies Q P)
(BE i)
Introduction rules
 Not Introduction (NI)
show (not P)
(NI i j k)
(not Q)
 And Introduction (AI)
(and P Q)
(and Q P)
(AI i j)
(AI j i)
 Or Introduction (OI)
(or P Q)
(or Q P)
(OI i)
(OI i)
Introduction rules (contd.)
 Conditional Introduction (CI)
h show (implies P Q)
show Q
(CI i j)
 Bi-conditional Introduction
i (implies P Q)
j (implies Q P)
(iff P Q)
(BI i j)
Example: Assume that the following two premises are given
premise 1 There is no one in the office.
premise 2 If the light is ON, then there must be someone in the office.
The light is OFF.
Example (contd.)
Formal representation in KM* framework:
1 No-one-in-the-office
2 (implies Light-on (not No-one-in-the-office))
3 (show (not Light-on))
(NI 4 1 5)
The proof:
4 Light-on
5 (not No-one-in-the-office)
For another example, see textbook page 98.
(CE 2 4)
The Tiny Rule Engine (TRE): a partial
implementation of the KM* system
To build a PS that implements the KM* system, we must first address the knowledge
representation problem. Representation of declarative knowledge assumes the following:
Statements about the domain (assertions) are list structures, which have no meaning
to the system. We assume that all assertions stored in the KB are true (believed),
and everything that the system knows is in the KB.
New assertion are inserted in the KB by the assert! procedure.
Assertions are retrieved from the KB by the fetch! procedure.
We do not have a procedure for deleting assertions from the KB, because for now
we assume that no information about links between assertions exist (i.e. we do not
have an easy way to remove consequences of deleted assertions).
To search for an assertion in the KB, we need a pattern-matching procedure with
unification to match the pattern and the expression. We assume that both, the
pattern and the expression contain pattern variables, which start with ?
(caused-by ?agent event12)
(?relation ?robot ?event)
Given the following binding list
{?relation = caused-by, ?agent = ?robot, ?event = event12}
these patterns are the same.
Representation of procedural knowledge in TRE
Procedural knowledge is represented by rules of the form:
(rule <trigger> <body>)
where: the trigger is a pattern that is matched against the assertions in the KB and if a
match succeeds, a list of bindings is produced; the body is a lisp code which is evaluated
in the environment resulting from the unification of the trigger and the matching assertion.
Example: Consider the rule, "Everybody who eats ice-cream, likes ice-cream.“ Its
representation in the TRE framework is
(rule (eats (?x ice-cream))
(assert! `(likes ,?x ice-cream)))
If the KB contains assertion (eats (Mary ice-cream)), under the substitution (renaming)
?x = Mary, rule trigger and this assertion match; therefore the rule fires, and the body
is evaluated given the binding list (or environment) {?x = Mary}.
Representation of procedural knowledge in TRE
If rule trigger contains a combination of assertions, we view this rule as a frame for
several simpler rules, which are lexically scoped within that frame.
Example: Consider the following rule
(rule (transitive ?rel)
(rule (?rel ?x ?y)
(rule (rel ?y ?z)
(assert! `(?rel ?x ?z)))))
this is a rule in turn; it is added to the
existing set of rules if the trigger matches
an existing datum
This rule is equivalent to the following one:
If (transitive ?rel) and (?rel ?x ?y) and (rel ?y ?z) then (assert! `(?rel ?x ?z))
To evaluate the form, we use the environment accumulated so far. This is called an
alignment strategy.
Example: Consider the following domain
Let the KB contain the following assertions:
(on D table)
(on E D)
(on F E)
Then, the following rule will recognize the existance of such a tower of 3 blocks.
(rule (on ?x table)
; current environment {?x = D}
(rule (on ?y ?x)
; current environment {?x = D, ?y = E}
(rule (on ?z ?y)
; current environment {?x = D, ?y = E,
(assert! `(3-tower ,?x ,?y ,?z))))) ;
?z = F}
bodies of the outer, middle and innermost rules, respectively.
Example (contd.) While this rule is being evaluated, the KB changes as follows:
Step 1: For ?x = D, the outer rule fires, and its body
(rule (on ?y D)
(rule (on ?z ?y)
(assert! `(3-tower D ,?y ,?z))))
is entered in the KB.
Step 2: For ?y = E, the newly entered rule fires and its body
(rule (on ?z E)
(assert! `(3-tower D E ,?z)))
is entered in the KB.
Step 3: For ?z = F, the newly entered rule fires and its body
(assert! `(3-tower D E F))
inserts (3-tower D E F) in the KB.
Note: Once a rule is entered in the KB, it remains there forever. Once a new assertion is
entered in the KB, all rules matching that assertion fire. This makes the TRE model orderindependent, but it also makes it inefficient, because the whole KB must be searched. To
improve efficiency, the knowledge base (rules + assertions) is partitioned into dbclasses,
such that the elements of these classes (assertions and rules) are likely to match.
Each dbclass contains assertions and rules (trigger patterns), whose leftmost constant
symbol is the same.
dbclass ((implies A B)) = implies
dbclass (data123) = data123
dbclass (((a b) c)) = a
Rules and assertions from different dbclasses cannot match. Therefore, adding new
components in the KB requires testing them only against assertions/rules from the same
Note: It is required that the leftmost symbol in the pattern is a constant or a bounded
variable. This imposes restrictions on the way knowledge is represented. For example, to
represent a relationship between A and B, we must say (A <predicate> B) rather than
using a widely used representation (<predicate> A B). Given an assertion or a
trigger pattern, we can find the class this assertion / pattern belongs to by extracting the
first constant symbol (if this symbol is a pattern variable, it must be bound; otherwise
an error would occur).
The Tiny Rule Engine (TRE) architecture
New assertions
New rules
(added incrementally
by the user)
(added incrementally
by the user)
Assertion 1
Assertion 2
Assertion N
Rule 1
Rule 2
Rule K
Knowledge base
New assertions
derived by the IE
New rules
Instantiated by the IE
Inference engine
The Inference Engine must ensure that:
1. After a new assertion is entered, all rules must be tested for firing.
2. After a new rule is added, all assertions are screened to test if this rule can fire. If
yes, the body of that rule plus the binding list resulting from successful unifications
are stored on the Queue for execution.
The design of the unifier
an assertion
a pattern
current environment (a list of bindings,
implemented as an association list,
where keys are pattern variables
and their bindings are the values
of the pattern variables).
Possible outcomes
:FAIL ==> failure of a match
NIL ==> an assertion and a pattern match exactly,
and the initial environment is NIL
New environment
The design of the queue
rule body / environment pairs resulting from a successful match between
entities in the KB can be added anywhere on the queue, but we assume
a LIFO strategy here.
new assertions
new rules
The implementation of TRE
The following files are needed to run the TRE:
tinter.lsp Provides the organizing data structure and interface procedures
data.lsp Defines the class data structure and provides the data base
rules.lsp Defines rules and the queue
unify.lsp Defines variables and pattern matching
To test TRE, load treex1new.lsp This example utilizes a subset of KM* rules
(those that do not require assumptions). TRE assertions are used to code
sentences and TRE rules can used to code KM* inference rules. Some control
knowledge is wired into the TRE rules for more efficient execution as discussed
TRE coding of KM* rules (that do not require
1. Elimination rules that do not require assumptions, but may require some
control knowledge for more efficient execution:
Not Elimination
(rule (not (not ?p))
(assert! ?p))
And Elimination
(rule (and . ?conjuncts)
(dolist (con ?conjuncts)
(assert! con)))
Or Elimination
(rule (show ?r)
(rule (or ?p ?q)
(assert! ‘(show (implies ,?p ,?r)))
(assert! ‘(show (implies ,?q ,?r)))
(rule (implies ?p ?r)
(rule (implies ?q ?r)
(assert! ?r)))))
This “control” rule suggests that
OE rule may be useful. However,
there may be problems with
the execution of this rule.
The TRE coding of KM* rules (that do not
require assumptions)
Conditional Elimination
(rule (implies ?ante ?cons)
(rule ?ante (assert! ?cons)))
(rule (show ?q)
(unless (fetch ?q)
(rule (implies ?p ?q)
(assert! ‘(show ,?p)))
Bi-conditional Elimination
(rule (iff ?arg1 ?arg2)
(assert! ?arg1)
(assert! ?arg2))
This “control” rule suggests that
if the system wants to derive q, it should
check first that q is not in the DB; if this is
the case and it knows that p  q, it makes
makes sense to try to derive p. Note that this
is in fact a backward chaining control rule.
The TRE coding of KM* rules (that do not
require assumptions)
Introduction rules that do not require assumptions are the following:
And Introduction
(rule (show (and ?a ?b))
(assert! `(show ,?a))
(assert! `(show ,?b))
(rule ?a (rule ?b (assert! `(and ,?a ,?b)))))
Or Introduction.
(rule (show (or ?a ?b))
(assert! `(show ,?a))
(assert! `(show ,?b))
(rule ?a (assert! `(or ,?a ,?b)))
(rule ?b (assert! `(or ,?a ,?b))))
Bi-conditional Introduction
(rule (show (iff ?a ?b))
(assert! `(show (implies ,?a ,?b)))
(assert! `(show (implies ,?b ,?a)))
(rule (implies ?a ?b)
(rule (implies ?b ?a)
tinter.lsp defines the interface to the TRE
(defstruct (tre (:PRINT-FUNCTION tre-printer))
; String for printing
(dbclass-table nil)
; symbols --> classes
(debugging nil)
; prints extra info if non-nil
(queue nil)
(rule-counter 0)
; Unique id for rules
(rules-run 0))
; Statistics
(defun create-tre (title &key debugging)
"Create a new Tiny Rule Engine."
(make-tre :TITLE title
:DBCLASS-TABLE (make-hash-table :test #'eq)
:DEBUGGING debugging))
treex1new.lsp defines KM* example
(defun ex1 (&optional (debugging nil))
"Demonstration of negation elimination."
(in-tre (create-tre "Ex1" :DEBUGGING debugging))
(run-forms *TRE*
;; A simple version of Modus Ponens
(rule (implies ?ante ?conse)
(rule ?ante
(assert! ?conse)))
;; A simple version of negation elimination
(rule (not (not ?x)) (assert! ?x))
(assert! '(implies (human Turing) (mortal Turing)))
(assert! '(not (not (human Turing))))))
The assumption problem
Consider the following set of rules:
C & MA  D
Here M is a special meta-linguistic predicate that means “may
assume”, or “there is no reason to believe the opposite”.
Given B, we can infer C and D. That is, the set of beliefs, Bel, now becomes
Bel = {B, MA, C, D}.
Assume next that F and (not A) are added to Bel, i.e.
Bel = {B, MA, C, D, F, not A}
To resolve this contradiction we must be able to withdraw assumption MA, and
revise everything that follows from it.
Extending TRE to handle assumptions: the
FTRE system.
There are two reasons why we want to be able to introduce assumptions:
To use indirect proof (prove P, assuming not P);
The PS may not have all the information needed to solve a problem.
This requires the following two problems to be addressed:
How to introduce and handle assumptions?
How to retract assumptions if they later prove wrong?
An easy way to address the first question is to use a stack where a “local context” is
defined once an assumption is pushed on the stack (this is called “a stack-oriented
context mechanism”). When this context is no longer needed (the theorem that required
an assumption has been proved) it is popped and the stack now contain only true facts.
The stack-oriented context mechanism, however, does not provide a solution to the
second problem.
A more sophisticated way to handle assumptions is provided by the Truth Maintenance
Systems which will be discussed later.
Stack-oriented context mechanism
Recall that the DB contains everything believed to be true. That is, it can be
viewed as a “global environment” where all inferences take place. If an
assumption is to be introduced, a “context” (or local environment) is introduced,
which extends the current environment:
Data Base
Context 1 (temporary
environment 1)
Everything inferred after the first
assumption in entered in added here
Context 2 (temporary
environment 2)
Everything inferred after the second
assumption in entered in added here
Retracting an assumption means retracting the entire context defined by this
Stack-oriented context mechanism (cont.)
It is easy to see that such logical environments can be implemented as a stack.
Introducing an assumption in the DB pushes a new stack frame, which represents
a new context. When an assumption is retracted, the corresponding stack frame is
popped. This is called depth-first exploration of the assumption set.
If an assertion is derived in the presence of several active contexts, then this
assertion is stored in the most recently created context. One important
requirement (as we shall see next) is that each assertion must be derived in the
smallest possible context (i.e. under the minimum number of assumptions).
To implement this idea in FTRE, rules are divided into two groups:
– Rules that do not make assumptions. The triggered rules from this group
are placed on the normal-queue.
– Rules that make assumptions (called A-rules). The triggered rules from this
group are placed on the asn-queue.
Two procedures in finter.lsp that maintain contexts are seek-in-context and tryin-context (see finter.lsp)
Example (BPS, page 120)
Consider the following assertion set and assume that they are “pushed” as shown:
1. (show P)
2. (not Q)
3. (implies (not P) Q)
4. (implies (not Q) R)
(IP 2 5 6)
To prove P, we can use indirect proof, i.e.
assume (not P) and try to derive a contradiction.
5. (not P)
6. Q
(CE 3 5)
Once the contradiction is derived, the logical environment defined by
assumption (not P) is retracted.
Constrains on the assumption set
Assume that premise 4 was pushed before premise 3. Then, R would be
derived within the logical context defined by assumption (not P) and
retracted accordingly (although R does not depend on (not P)). To achieve
the maximum efficiency of the inference procedure, the following constraints on
the assumption set must be imposed:
To guarantee that everything derived in a given context is retracted after the
assumption(s) defining that context is/are retracted, every assertion must be
made in the latest context.
To minimize retractions, assertions must be derived in the simplest possible
context. To ensure this, all rules that do not make assumptions must be fired
first and then A-rules are fired.
Every operation that requires an assumption must push a new stack frame.
For examples utilizing assumptions, see textbook page 97 and 99.
Enhancing rule representation in FTRE
Rule representation used in TRE can be improved by creating a special
purpose rule representation language. Consider the following rule:
(rule (show ?Q)
(rule (implies ?P ?Q)
(assert! `(show ,?P))))
A more natural representation for this rule will be the following one:
(rule ((show ?Q) (implies ?P ?Q))
(assert! `(show ,?P)))
Note that in the body, (assert! `(show ,?P)), ?P is a pattern variable, but it is treated
as a Lisp variable. The difference between pattern variables and Lisp variables is that
pattern variables take their values via substitution, while Lisp variables take
their values via evaluation. To emphasize the fact that ?P is a pattern variable, we
can replace the form `(show ,?P) with (show ?P) assuming that all pattern variables
are evaluated. This assumption is reasonable, because whenever something is
asserted in the DB, pattern variables are substituted with their values.
Enhancing rule representation in FTRE (cont.)
To implement the proposed representation change, we use a different procedure, rassert!
This procedure ensures that all pattern variables are evaluated before the assert operation
takes place. Now the rule becomes:
(rule ((show ?Q) (implies ?P ?Q))
(rassert! (show ?P)))
The next change in the representation is the following. Assume that a pattern variable is
bound within an environment enveloping other rules. We can introduce a new construct rlet
to enforce the value of that pattern variable within each rule of that environment. rlet is a
macro, analogous to let.
Example: (rule ((project ?project) (needed (cost-estimate-for ?project)))
(rlet ((?cost (expensive-estim-method ?project)))
(rassert! (cost-of ?project ?cost :1st-cut))
(rule ((improve-on (cost-of ?project ?cost :1st-cut)))
(rlet ((?new-cost (even-more-expensive-method ?project)))
(rassert! (cost-of ?project ?new-cost :2nd-cut)))))))
Note that let will bound ?cost as a Lisp variable. If ?cost must be used somewhere else as
a pattern variable, the PS would not know that it has already been bound.
Enhancing rule representation in FTRE (cont.)
The next enhancement of the rule syntax allow rule triggers to contain the
following keywords:
: var gets as its value the entire preceding trigger pattern.This allows us to
use this trigger pattern inside the body of the rule without retyping it.
:test means that the next element of the trigger is a Lisp expression which
must be evaluated and if it returns NIL, the whole match fails. This
ensures that no effort will be wasted to try to prove something that is
already known. Although we can do this by using when or unless in the
body of the rule, doing it via :test expresses out intend more clearly,
because these tests are often part of the pattern-matching process.
(rule ((show ?q) :test (not (fetch! ?q))
(implies ?p ?q) :var ?imp)
(debug-nd "~% Looking for ~A to use ~A" ?p ?imp)
(rassert! (show ?p)))
Improving the efficiency of the rule retrieval
Recall that in TRE, all assertions and rules are divided into classes according to the
leftmost symbol in the assertion of rule trigger. Each rule and assertion is checked
only against the members of its class. We can further divide the "top-level" classes into
subclasses, where each subclass contains assertions and rule triggers with the same
second symbol; further divide the subclasses into sub-subclasses with the third symbol
being the same, etc. The following diagram illustrates this idea.
Level i
DB class A12
DB class A11: CADDR discr.
Level 3
Level 1 of
DB class A13
DB class A1: CADR discrimination
Level 2
DB class A12
DB class A13
DB class A: CAR discrimination
DB class B
Data Base
DB class C
DB class N
Discrimination trees: an outline
That is, the DB is viewed as a tree, known as a discrimination tree, whose leaves are
statements (assertions or rule triggers). The rest of the nodes represent some aspect of
the structure discriminating against a particular element. For example, the first node
discriminates against the first element of the statements (all children of that node have the
same CAR parts), the second node discriminates against the second element, etc. Adding a
new rule or assertion requires traversing the tree to find an appropriate leaf to put it and
it will be unified only against the leaves from the same branch. That is, by analyzing the
structure of the pattern we can reduce the set of candidates for unification. In the extreme
case, where all of the pattern elements are indexed, the DB becomes exactly a
discrimination tree:
DB class A
DB class B
DB class A1 DB class A2 … DB class An
DB class A11 DB class A12 … DB class A1k
DB class C
DB class j
Improving the efficiency of the rule retrieval in
FTRE: an alternative to discrimination trees
The FTRE DB is a one-level discrimination tree, just as the TRE DB. However, to
maintain the efficiency of very large dbclasses, they are reorganized by introducing
redundant classes. As an example, consider a spacial reasoning system which
wants to find information about Corner-base32.
Possible representations:
1. (left-of ?A ?B)
2. (?A left-of ?B)
(right-of ?B ?A)
(?B left-of ?A)
relation objects
Both representations can be useful, which is why we want to have them both in the
DB. The following rule asserts the alternative representation:
(rule ((left-of ?A ?B))
(rassert! (?A left-of ?B))
(rassert! (?B right-of ?A)))
Improving the efficiency of the pattern-matching
process: open-coding unification
Another change that allows FTRE to improve the efficiency of the patternmatching process is the so-called open-coding unification. It relies on the fact
that the structure of the rule trigger is known; therefore for each pattern a special
purpose match procedure can be created to perform only those tests that are
relevant for that particular pattern.
Example: Let (foo ?A ?B (bar ?B)) be the rule trigger. Then, the following tests
on the assertion, P, assure that it matches the trigger:
(consp P)
(equal 'foo (car P))
(consp (cdr P))
(equal ?A (cadr P)
(consp (cddr P))
(consp (cdddr P))
(consp (fourth P))
(equal 'bar (car (fourth P)))
(consp (cdr (fourth P)))
(null (cddr (fourth P)))
(null (cddddr P))
(equal (cadr (fourth P) (third P))
Special purpose pattern-matcher used in FTRE
Trigger patterns
Current environment
Test set generator
Set of tests
(different for
each trigger)
Match procedure
Special purpose Pattern Matcher
Flag indicating match
success or failure
New environment created
during the match process
Improving the efficiency of rule execution
Recall that the body of FTRE rules consists of rassert! statements or other rule
statements, which are Lisp forms. To execute such Lisp forms more efficiently,
we can define them as separate procedures. This has two advantages:
Such procedures can be called with the current values of pattern
variables as arguments.
They can be compiled, thus allowing for more efficient execution.
The KM* system: implementation of rules
requiring assumptions
The rules making assumptions in KM* system are Indirect Proof (IP), Not
Introduction (NI) and Conditional Introduction (CI). They are similar in that:
They make an assumption.
They look for a specific outcome (a contradiction, in IP and NI case), or
the consequent, in CI case).
The following rule allows us to state an intention to derive a contradiction and
signal when the indirect proof succeeds:
(rule ((show contradiction)
(not ?P)
(rassert! contradiction))
Notice that trying to prove (not ?P) first is better because there are much more
positive than negative statements in the DB, and it does not make sense to try to
find the negation of each positive assertion.
The FTRE control rule for IP is the following:
(A-rule ((show ?P))
(unless (or (fetch! ?P)
(eq ?P 'contradiction)
(not (simple-proposition? ?P)))
(when (seek-in-context `(not ,?P) 'contradiction)
(rassert! ?P))))
The FTRE control rule for NI is the following:
(A-rule ((show (not ?P)))
(unless (or (fetch! `(not ,?P)) (eq ?P 'contradiction))
(when (seek-in-context ?P 'contradiction)
(rassert! (not ?P)))))
The FTRE control rule for CI is the following:
(A-rule ((show (implies ?P ?Q)))
(unless (fetch! `(implies ,?P ,?Q))
(when (seek-in-context ?P `(or ,?Q contradiction))
(rassert! (implies ?P ?Q)))))
The N-Queens example (see book p.135)
The most important question that must be addressed with respect to this
problem is how to find consistent column placements for each queen. The
solution in the book is based on the idea of "choice sets". A choice set is a set
of alternative placements. Consider, for example, the following configuration for
N = 4:
choice set 1 = {(0,0), (1,0), (2,0), (3,0)}
choice set 2 = {(0,1), (1,1), (2,1), (3,1)}
choice set 1
choice set 2
choice set 3 = {(0,2), (1,2), (2,2), (3,2)}
choice set 4 = {(0,3), (1,3), (2,3), (3,3)}
choice set 4
choice set 3
Notice that in each choice set, choices
are mutually exclusive and exhaustive.
Each solution (legal placement of queens) is a consistent combination of
choices - one from each set. To find a solution, we must:
Identify choice sets.
Use search through the set of choice sets to find a consistent combination of
choices (one or all). A possible search strategy, utilizing chronological backtracking
is the following one (partial graph shown):
Choice set 1
Choice set 2
Choice set 3
Choice set 4
(inconsistent combinations of choices)
A generic procedure for searching through choice
sets utilizing chronological backtracking
The following is a generic procedure that searches through choice sets.
When an inconsistent choice is detected, it backtracks to the most recent
choice looking for an alternative continuation. This strategy is called
chronological backtracking.
(defun Chrono (choice-sets)
(if (null choice-sets) (record-solution)
(dolist (choice (first choice-sets))
(while-assuming choice
(if (consistent?)
(Chrono (rest choice-sets)))))))
Notice that when an inconsistent choice is encountered, the algorithm
backtracks to the previous choice it made. As the results on book pages 138
and 140 suggest, this algorithm is not efficient because (1) it is exponential,
and (2) it re-invents contradictions. As we shall see, dependency-directed
backtracking handles this type of search problems in a more efficient way.