Name:____________________________________ Economics Unit 2 Demand Study Guide Period:________ Mr. Tengowski Demand is the various ____________________ of a product a person is willing to buy at different prices at a particular time. ________________________ is the lower the price of a good, the greater the quantity demanded of that good. ________________________ is the aggregate (sum) of many individual decisions to buy. Monthly Demand for Donuts Brice Matt Cody Benner $1 6 11 8 6 $2 5 10 6 6 $3 4 10 4 4 $4 3 7 2 4 $5 2 4 0 2 $6 1 1 0 0 1. Show the market demand by filling in the blanks of the table… 2. Suppose the price of Donuts rises to from $2 to $4. a. What happens to the total numbers of donuts the four consumers want to buy? _________________________________________________________ b. Is this a change in demand? Explain__________________________________ Price per Donut 3. Use the table to plot the market demand for donuts on the following graph: Total 1. 2. 3. 4. If the price of CD’s is $15, how many will people buy?___________________ If the price of CD’s is $25, how many will people buy?___________________ If the quantity of CD’s sold is 250, what is the price?____________________ If the quantity of CD’s sold is 50, what is the price?____________________ The quantity of CD’s demanded depends upon the ______________________ of the CD’s. When the price of the CD’s changes, the ____________________ _______________________ changes. Why is the demand curve downward sloping? 1. The Wealth Effect – as prices decline, people’s money has more ______________ ________________, thus you feel richer and will buy more goods and services at the lower prices. Examples: 2. Substitutes – Most goods have substitutes, but our willingness to use them depends on ___________. If the price of good A increases, people will turn to substitutes and buy less of good A. Examples: 3. Diminishing Marginal Utility – is the point at which the next item consumed is less satisfying than before – i.e. you get less ___________ out of the 3rd slice of pizza you eat, than you do for the first two. Thus, lower prices are needed to increase the quantity demanded by an individual consumer. Examples: Diminishing Marginal Utility Marginal Utility of Baseball Caps and Ice Cream Sundaes # of Caps Total Utility Marginal Utility # of Sundaes 0 0 0 1 80 1 2 120 2 3 150 3 4 170 4 5 180 5 6 185 6 Total Utility 0 20 36 50 63 75 86 Number of Baseball Caps Number of Sundaes Number of Baseball Caps Number of Sundaes Marginal Utility Consumer Surplus The amount that ____________________ benefit by being able to purchase a product for a price that is less than they would be willing to pay. Number of Notebooks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total Utility Marginal Utility $20 $38 $54 $67 $76 $83 $87 1. What is the marginal utility associated with the purchase of the 4th notebook? _________________ 2. What is Alex’s consumer surplus if he purchases 4 notebooks at $10 a piece? __________________ 3. What would happen to Alex’s consumer surplus if he purchased an additional notebook at $10? ____________________ 4. How many notebooks should Alex buy when they cost $10 a piece? ___________________ 5. If notebooks go on sale and their price drops to $7, how many notebooks do you expect Alex to buy? ___________ Elasticity of Demand Elasticity of Demand- measures the _______________________ of quantity demanded to a change in price. Elastic - Very Responsive – The quantity demanded changes greatly with changes in price… Examples: Inelastic – Unresponsive – The quantity demanded changes very little with changes in price… Examples: Some of the factors that determine whether demand is elastic or inelastic: Elastic _____________________________ Inelastic • _____________________________ _____________________________ • _____________________________ _____________________________ • _____________________________ _____________________________ • _____________________________ Why does this matter? With inelastic demand there is always an ___________________ to raise prices. The 5 Qualities that affect the Elasticity of Demand A.________________________________________ B.________________________________________ C.________________________________________ D.________________________________________ E._________________________________________ Which of the following goods has a more elastic demand? Wendy’s Burger____ Diapers____ Heat in Pittsburgh in February_____ Levi’s Jeans _____ Milk _____ v. v. v. v. v. This graph is _____________________________. Gasoline____ Tickets to the Penguins Home Opener____ Half Gallon of Orange Juice _____ Baby Food _____ Starbucks Coffee _____ This graph is ___________________________. The steeper the graph, the more ________________________ the demand curve is. The flatter the curve, the more _____________________ the demand curve is. Total Revenue Test for Elasticity – P x Q = TR If P and TR move in the same direction → inelastic good If P and TR move in opposite directions → elastic good Reminder!! Check Page 25 in your packet to review Elasticity when it comes to policy problems!! Price rises from $10 to $12. Quantity Demanded decreases from 70 to 60. a. Old Price X Quantity Demanded = Old Total Revenue _______ ________________ _______________ b. New Price X Quantity Demanded = New Total Revenue _______ ________________ _______________ c. Price ↑ ↓ TR ↑ ↓ The Demand is __________________. Price falls from $6 to $5. Quantity Demanded increases from 300 to 400. a. Old Price X Quantity Demanded = Old Total Revenue _______ ________________ _______________ b. New Price X Quantity Demanded = New Total Revenue _______ ________________ _______________ c. Price ↑ ↓ TR ↑ ↓ The Demand is __________________. Price falls from $7.50 to $7.00. Quantity Demanded increases from 100 to 200. a. Old Price X Quantity Demanded = Old Total Revenue _______ ________________ _______________ b. New Price X Quantity Demanded = New Total Revenue _______ ________________ _______________ c. Price ↑ ↓ TR ↑ ↓ The Demand is __________________. Factors that Shift Demand Curves Real Life Example Factor Change in Expectations Change in the Number of Consumers Change in Consumers Income Change in the Price of Substitute Goods Change in the Price of Complimentary Goods Change in Consumers’ Tastes and Preferences -Make sure to identify the direction of the demand shift and one of the factors that could shift a demand curve. Event The price of chicken increases Gym Memberships grow in popularity Planes Crash in the Atlantic Ocean The price of chocolate rises People’s Incomes increase A New Energy source is created Pirates sign the #1 overall pick Product Steak Nike workout shoes Tickets to Disney World Peanut Butter Ipods Air Conditioners Pirate Tickets Demand Shift Rationale 1. Title your graph DEMAND FOR CHICKEN IN OCTOBER, and label each axis correctly. 2. Draw a demand curve and label it Curve D. This is the current demand for Chicken in October. 3. Read the following 6 Newspaper Headlines. In each case decide if the event will cause a change in the demand for chicken. If so, determine if it is an increase or a decrease and write the correct answer. 4. Draw a new curve representing the new demand for chicken caused by the headline and label it with the next consecutive letter in the alphabet. For example if you begin at curve D and there is a decrease in the demand for chicken, then draw a new curve to the left of curve D and label it curve C. If you begin at curve D and you believe that the event causes an increase in demand then draw a new curve to the right of curve D and label it curve E. 5. Begin at the last curve you drew and move only one curve at a time. Once you have drawn a curve you can use it again. Chicken prices rise; Consumers buy less Demand_____________________ Curve_____ Beef prices rise dramatically Demand_____________________ Curve_____ Everyone believes that eating chicken cures acne Demand_____________________ Curve_____ FDA warns that eating chicken can lower your chances of living past 70 Demand_____________________ Curve_____ Millions of Immigrants Increase the US Population Demand_____________________ Curve_____ Price of Chicken expected to fall in November Demand_____________________ Curve_____