Biology 241 – Lecture Practice Test #1 (Ch. 1 – Ch 5) NAME:_________________________________________________ I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: 2 points each = 30 points 1. In anatomical position, the subject A. is lying down. B. has upper extremities above the head. C. has upper extremities folded on the chest. D. is standing erect with back to the observer. E. is standing upright facing the observer with palms and toes facing forward. 2. The individual structural and functional units of elements are A. protons B. electrons C. atoms D. molecules E. elements 3. A cut along which one of the following planes would result in a structure being divided into superior and inferior portions? A. Coronal B. Parasagittal C. Oblique D. Transverse E. Midsagittal 4. If a structure is located away from the midline of the body, it is said to be A. medial B. distal C. superficial D. lateral E. ventral 5. If a neutral atom loses one or more electrons, it A. acquires an overall negative charge. B. forms an anion C. is an electron acceptor D. may ionically bond. E. All of these. 6. In comparing Solution X (pH of 8) with Solution Y (pH of 4), which of the following statements is true? A. X is twice as basic as Y. B. Y is four times more acid than X. C. X is four-hundred times more acidic than Y. D. Y is four-thousand times more alkaline than X. E. X is ten-thousand times more alkaline than Y. 7. Cells than need to expend great amounts of energy will have large numbers of A. cilia. B. microfilaments. C. microtubules. D. mitochondria. E. macromolecules. 8. The chemical formula H2O means A. an atom contains 2 hydrogen molecules and 1 oxygen molecule. B. an atom contains 1 hydrogen molecule and 2 oxygen molecules. C. a molecule contains 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom. D. a molecule contains 1 hydrogen atom and 2 oxygen atoms. E. a molecule contains 2 hydrogen ions and 1 oxygen ion. 9. Which of the following lists of elements comprise about 96% of the human body’s mass? A. C, H, O P B. C, H, O, Na C. Ca, H, O, N D. C, H, O, N E. Ca, H, Na, O, Cl 10. Which of the choices represents the correct distribution of electrons in an atom that contains 15 electrons? Electron shells: 1 2 3 A. 1 1 13 B. 5 5 5 C. 2 8 5 D. 8 5 2 E. 2 6 7 11. Which of the following best illustrates the idea of decreasing levels (decreasing complexity) of organization? A. Cells, tissues, organelles, molecules, systems. B. Tissues, cells, organs, organelles, systems.] C. Organs, organelles, systems, cells, tissues. D. Atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, organs, systems. E. Systems, tissues, organs, cells, organelles, molecules. 241 Practice Test #1 – Page Two 12. The Characteristic of Life (or Life Process) that explains how some cells become so highly specialized is: A. mitosis. B. metabolism. C. differentiation. D. movement. E. growth. 13. Body cavities (or their subdivisions) that are open to the outside are lined by ____(1)____ membranes; while body cavities (or their subdivisions) that are closed to the outsides are lined by ___(2)____ membranes. A. (1) synovial; (2) cartilage B. (1) serous; (2) mucous C. (1) cartilage; (2) synovial D. (1) mucous; (2) serous E. (1) synovial; (2) mucous 14. The term tarsal refers to the ____(1)____ region; while the term olecranal refers to the ____(2)____ region of the body. A. 1 = arm; 2 = leg C. 1 = ankle; 2 = posterior elbow C. 1 = wrist; 2 = neck D. 1 = foot; 2 = eye E. 1 = toes; 2 = posterior knee 15. A term which describes an active membrane transport mechanism that moves liquid substances from outside the cell to INSIDE the cell is called: A. pinocytosis. B. exocytosis. C. phagocytosis. D. filtration. E. lysis. II. TRUE/FALSE: 2 points each = 14 points (Remember: Mark A = True; B = False. Then, an appropriate correction of a FALSE statement by crossing out the incorrect word(s) and substituting the correct word(s), earns you one BONUS POINT. Write your changes directly on this sheet, using the spaces provided with each statement.) T F 16. If the mRNA transcript’s sequence of nucleotides is U A G A U C U A A, then the DNA’s coding-strand sequence Must be T U C U T G A T T. T F 17. A negative feedback system is one which always results in a decrease in some activity. T F 18. An ionic bond is formed when two atoms share one or more electrons in an attempt to complete their outmost (valence) energy shell. T F 19. The term “axillary region” refers to the ankle. T F 20. Distal is a term which means “farther away from the midline” of the body. T F 21. Homeostasis is a dynamic condition without deviation from preset points. T F 22. In the skin, the hypodermis lies between the epidermis and the dermis. III. MATCHING: 1 point each = 20 points 23._____Adipocytes 24._____Melanocytes 25._____Myofibers 26._____Arrector pili muscles 27._____Chondrocytes A. Contraction of these cause hairs to “stand up”; sometimes “goosebumps” result B. This term refers to the cells of skeletal, cardiac or smooth muscle tissue C. These are cartilage-producing cells D. These cells provide protection from UV light rays by producing a dark pigment E. Instead of making something, these cells STORE a particular substance 28._____Langerhans’ cells 29._____Fibroblasts 30._____Keratinocytes 31._____Neurons 32._____Merkel’s cells A. These cells are spindle-shaped and reside in all the LOOSE connective tissues B. These cells are associated with free nerve endings and provide much of the sensory reception in the skin C. These are the cells that specialize in conducting impulses D. These cells are “wanderers” and defend against foreign invaders E. These cells produce a waterproof protein protecting the skin and underlying tissues 241 Practice Test #1 – Page Three III. MATCHING – continued 33._____Rounded, dense bodies that are the actual sites of protein synthesis. These serve as “workbenches” for the fabrication of all the polypeptides produced in our cells. 34._____Vesicles containing powerful digestive enzymes capable of breaking down worn out cells, cell structures, and invading foreign particles. Referred to as “suicide bags”. 35._____Made of phospholipid molecules with proteins embedded in it. Serves to separate the cell’s contents from the surrounding environment in a selectively permeable fashion. 36._____These are small, finger-like projections resulting from an elaborate folding along the free-surfaces of some cells; especially in the small intestine for absorption of nutrients. 37._____These carry out reactions of cellular respiration (oxidation) in which O 2 is used to break down molecules releasing energy as ATP. Referred to as cellular “powerhouses”. 38._____This is very important in maintaining the proper intracellular relationship between all other organelles; it is a sort of “scaffolding” of the cytosol. 39._____A system of “corridors” or channels that twists through the cell in a maze-like fashion. It functions for intracellular transport, storage, and synthesis of many macromolecules. 40._____A series of four - six flattened “sacs” that collectively act as the cell’s “packaging plant” especially for proteins and substances manufactured for export from the cell. 41._____This structure contains two barrel-shaped cylinders whose function is to form the spindle apparatus during the mitosis or meiosis stages of animal cell division. 42._____This structure contains the RNA and DNA “building blocks” from which mRNAs, rRNAs, and tRNAs are assembled before migrating out into the cytoplasm. A. Cilia B. Lysosomes C. Mitochondria D. Plasmalemma (Cell membrane) E. Ribosomes A. Centrosome B. Cytoskeleton C. Endoplasmic Reticulum D. Golgi Complex E. Nucleolus IV. FILL-IN THE BLANKS: 1 point each = 20 points 43. The subatomic particles that lack any electrical charge are called ___________________________; and it is the variable number of these in the atoms of a given element that results in the existence of different _______________________ of that element. (Hint: these are often used in Nuclear Medicine for the treatment of diseases.) 44. Chemical compounds are categorized broadly into two categories: (a) those containing both C + H:__________________; and (b) those lacking C:__________________________________. 45. The five classes of biologic molecules most fundamental and important to LIFE are: ______________________________; ____________________; _______________________; _________________________________; and _______________. 46. The four basic tissue types are (1)__________________________________; (2) _________________________________; (3)__________________________________________; and (4)________________________________________. 47. The spreading of atoms, ions, molecules, or other substances from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration is called simple_____________________________________. When the substance spreading “down its concentration gradient” is H2O, then this process is called___________________________________. 48. The two steps involved in protein synthesis are: (1)__________________________________, which takes place in the ___________________; and (2) _____________________________, which takes place in the _____________________. 49. Regarding the pH scale: the higher the H+ concentration is in a solution, the __________________ its pH will measure. 241 Practice Test #1 – Page Four V. DIAGRAMS: 1 point each = 16 points Label the body cavities and/or their linings as indicated by the numbers. Put your answers in the blanks provided. Insert Body Cavities (frontal) and (lateral) views Diagrams here 50a) Name the cavities:________________________________________________________________ b) Name the lining associated with these cavities:_________________________________________ 51a) Name the cavity:_________________________________________________________________ b) Name the lining associated with this cavity:____________________________________________ 52) Name the cavity that contains the cavities named in 50a) and 51a):__________________________ 53a) Name the cavity:_________________________________________________________________ b) Name the lining:_________________________________________________________________ 54) Name the cavity:_________________________________________________________________ 55) Name the cavity:_________________________________________________________________ 56) Name the cavity:_________________________________________________________________ 57) Name the cavity:_________________________________________________________________ 58, 59, 60) Name the coverings associated with the structures inside of the cavities you named in #55 and #56: __________________________, ___________________________, and ________________________. (Hint: There are three of these coverings.) 61) Give the collective name for these three coverings: _______________________________; and the specific term for “an inflammation” of one (or more) of these coverings:____________________________________.