NORTH ALLEGHENY SCHOOL DISTRICT North Allegheny Senior High School 10375 Perry Highway Wexford, PA 15090-9210 Phone: (724)934-7200 Honors Advanced Accounting 1 & 2 (Second Full Year of Accounting) Mrs. Cynthia Yingling Email: Phone Number: 724-794-7265 Textbook Accounting 8e: Horngren, Harrison, Oliver Course Description Honors Advanced Accounting 1 & 2 is the second full year in accounting principles. It is designed to acquaint students with accounting concepts and principles and their underlying theories. The course begins with a quick review of the Accounting Cycle and the financial statements for a Sole Proprietorship. More emphasis is placed on analysis of the data to use in decision making. An in-depth coverage of the following topics completes the course: Merchandising Operations and the accounting for inventory; accounting for Plant Assets and Intangibles; current liabilities (with an emphasis on accruals) and long-term liabilities (Bonds); Corporations paid-in capital and the balance sheet; accounting for cash dividends; Corporations effects on retained earnings and the income statement; accounting for stock dividends and treasury stock; the statement of Cash Flows; and Partnerships. Course Prerequisites Principles of Accounting 1 & 2 with a grade of “C” or better. Course Learning Objectives Explore educational and career opportunities in accounting. Use the computer to analyze transactions and statements using generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Review accounting concepts learned in Principles of Accounting 1 and 2. Account for Merchandise Inventory. Account for Plant Assets, Intangible Assets, and Related Expenses. Account for current liabilities, accruals of current liabilities, long-term liabilities (notes and bonds). Account for Partnerships. Understand Corporate Organization, Paid-in Capital, Retained Earnings, the Balance Sheet and the income statement. Account for cash and stock dividends and treasury stock. Generate financial statements for all forms of business ownership including the statement of Cash Flows. Course Resources Class Website: Chapter Outlines Excel Spreadsheet Problems Chapter PowerPoint Presentations Chapter Study Guides Grading Scale A B C D E 90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 <60 Course Evaluation Method Classroom assignments, homework assignments, case studies, oral presentation, individual projects, quizzes, and test scores. Grades are determined by dividing the actual points received by the total cumulative points given. Full credit will be given if makeup work is submitted within one week of date of absence. After one week, each graded assignment will be reduced by one letter grade (Example: 10 becomes 9, 9 becomes 8) Any assignments turned in after the assignment has been graded and returned to the rest of the class, no more than ½ credit will be awarded. MAKE UP TESTS ARE TO BE TAKEN WITHIN ONE WEEK OF THE ABSENCE. A test taken after one week will be reduced by one letter grade (Example: 50 becomes 45, 44 becomes 39). NOTE: Not making up work on time can significantly impact your grade. Final Project/Presentation will be 100 Points or approx. ¼ of your 2nd semester grade and 1/8 of your Final Grade. The semester (FINAL) grade will be the average of ALL POINTS ACCUMULATED during BOTH Semesters. Classroom Procedures and Expectations Class begins when the bell rings. Please be in your assigned seat. If you are tardy to class, you must have a note from the person who detained you or you will receive a detention. When absent from school, you are expected to present an admission slip from your homeroom teacher the day you return. You will need a notebook for taking notes and a folder for handouts. Bring to class each day: Book, pen, notebook, and folder. You are expected to be respectful and courteous to the teacher and other students. Copying assignments or test answers from another student will not be tolerated. You will receive ZERO points for the assignment or test and 1 detention. Students who allow others to copy their work will also receive a ZERO and 1 detention. You are responsible for making up assignments when absent. Make arrangements with the teacher to make up tests. This can be during a study hall, before school, or after school. Keep track of your grade points. Each time a graded assignment or test is returned to you, mark down your score. Check your grades on-line! Make sure you have a current id and password for the TYLER grading system. This way you will always know how you are doing! Course Outline (See attached Unit Calendar and Curriculum Map)