Latin II

Latin II
 numina- spirits or divinities
who controlled all things in the
Roman world
 fire, weather, seasons
 Give gifts to ensure numina
use powers for good, not harm
 promises of gifts, offerings
or sacrifices made to
ensure the god would grant
a wish or favor
 How you communicated
wishes to gods
 Had to be tangible
I give so that you might
1. Public ceremony, sacrifice before
army went to war
2. Go to forum before business deal,
safe voyage, birth of child
3. In your home- make offerings to
Vesta or lares/penates
4. After the fact- make sacrifice to
thank gods for granting a wish
 attempts to discover the future
 how to tell what the gods were trying to say to you
 omen/omina- warnings or omens from the gods
 Many types of divination
 Myromancy- behavior of ants
 Cleromancy- rolling dice
 Myomancy- studying behavior of mice
 predicting future
events/outcome of
events by observing
animal sacrifices and
examining the liver
 predicting the future
from the flight
patterns of birds
Capitoline TriadJupiter, Juno,
-do ut des on a larger scale
-if father looks after his family
by praying to the gods,
government officials must
look out for the prosperity
of the empire
- Government officials were
also priests and had to
carry out sacrifices
-onlookers must be silent
-correct type of animal
-every word pronounced correctly
-no one can trip, stumble, forget a step
-animal must be willing!
-if rules broken- Gods
angry and the entire
ceremony done over!
-captured peoples allowed
to keep own gods if they
would also worship
Roman ones
-Romans were generally
tolerant (except Christians)
-locals encouraged to link
Roman and native gods
 Originates in East-
Syria, Egypt, Asia
 genius- protecting
spirit of the emperor
 WHY?
-the act of becoming a god
Væ, puto deus fio
 As long as you took
part in state religion,
free to worship any
other gods/participate
in any other religion
 People did not see a
contradiction, since
there was no personal
relationship with
Roman gods
 astrology- belief that
events in a person’s life
were controlled by the
 you can predict the
future by studying the
positions and
movements of the
 offered hope of life after death
 offered followers a one-on-one relationship with
the divinity