Honors Latin I-B Nomen _________________ Characters Quiz Dies ___________________ The quiz will contain 15 Latin sentences related to the stage 13 model sentences and the following stories: tres servi, coniuratio, and Bregans. You will have to read these sentences carefully and determine whether they are verum (true) aut falsum (false). Use the following organizer to help you prepare for the quiz. One has been done for you. Character/Group of People English description Latin characteristics (words to describe this person) old slave who counts money and is smart, wants to return to Italy and see the sun, complains about rain in Britain servus Graecus, callidus, numerare potest, solem videre vult, ad Italiam redire vult. Salvius Rufilla Varica Philus Volubilis Bregāns Loquax Anti-Loquax Cantiaciī Pompēius Optātus servus aeger Alātor rex Cogidubnus