Title I Parent Involvement – School Responsibilities

Title I Parent Involvement – School Responsibilities
Each school must develop, jointly with parents of participating Title I, Part A services, a
written school parental involvement policy that describes how the school will carry out the
parent involvement requirements, including the development of a school-parent compact.
Each school must notify parents of its written parental involvement policy in an
understandable and uniform format, and to the extent practicable, provide the policy in a
language that the parents can understand. Each school must also make its parent
involvement policy available in the local community.
Title I schools must involve parents in an organized, ongoing, and timely way in the
planning and review of Title I, Part A programs.
Each Title I school must convene an annual meeting, at a time convenient to parents to
inform them of their school’s participation in Title I, Part A programs, and to explain the
Title I, Part A requirements and the right of the parents to be involved in these programs.
Schools must also offer a number of additional parental involvement meetings, such as in
the morning or evening so that as many parents as possible may attend.
Title I schools should provide parents information to include- 1) A description and
explanation of the school’s curriculum; 2) Information on the forms of academic
assessment used to measure student progress; & 3) Information on the proficiency levels
students are expected to meet. In addition, upon the request of parents, schools must
provide opportunities for regular meetings for parents to contribute suggestions and to
participate, as appropriate, in decisions about the education of their children.
Each Title I, Part A schools must jointly develop, with parents of children served, a schoolparent compact as a component of its written parental involvement policy. The schoolparent compact must describe –
1. The school’s responsibility to provide a high-quality curriculum and instruction in
a supportive and effective learning environment that enables a student served in
Title I to meet the State’s student academic achievement standards.
2. Ways in which parents will be responsible for supporting their children’s learning.
3. The importance of communication between teachers and parents on an ongoing
basis through, at a minimum – parent-teacher conferences held annually in
elementary schools; during which the compact is discussed, frequent reports to
parents on their child’s progress; and reasonable access to staff, opportunities to
volunteer and participate in their child’s class & observation of classroom activities.
Title I, Part A schools must provide parents with an individual student report informing
them of their child’s level of achievement on the State’s assessments in at least
reading/language arts & math.
Parents must receive information each year on 1) the State’s academic content standards
and State student academic achievement standards; 2) State and local academic
assessments, including alternative assessments; 3) parental involvement requirements; & 4)
How to monitor their child’s progress and work with educators to improve the
achievement of their child.
What assistance do schools provide to help parents work with their children?
1. Literacy programs that bond families around reading and using the public library;
2. Providing information about the essential components of reading instruction that
enable parents to support the instructional practices used by the teachers;
3. Training parents in the use of the Internet to enable them to access their children’s
homework; communicate with teachers; and review information posted about
schools in improvement, supplemental educational services, public school choice
and other opportunities to promote student achievement.
Parental Notice Requirements:
1. Written parent involvement policy from school
2. Parent’s Right to Know – Student Achievement (may be covered by State’s
individual student assessment report)
3. Parents Right to Know – Non-Highly Qualified Teachers – Schools must provide
to individual parent timely notice that the parent’s child has been assigned, or
taught for 4 or more consecutive weeks, by, a teacher who is not highly qualified.
4. Title I, Part A Annual Meeting
5. Title I, Part Information – School program information and opportunities for
parents to request regular meetings.
October 05