2015-16 Team Information and Commitments What is Science Olympiad? Science Olympiad is a national non-profit organization that is dedicated to improving K-12 science education, increasing interest in science, and providing recognition for outstanding academic achievement. It is also designed to encourage and support new and creative ways for classroom teachers to explore science curriculum. Science Olympiad is a fun, hands-on way to make science exciting and foster a passion for the subject, while promoting teamwork, cooperation, and problem solving skills. This is our second year that DCES will have a team represented in the Elementary Division (Division A). The tournament includes 18 events that cover all disciplines of science and range from building events, content-based events, and lab-based events. Our training will begin in September, after the first month of school, and end with a regional competition and (hopefully!) the Elementary (Division A) State Tournament in the spring. For more information about Science Olympiad, please visit the National Science Olympiad website at http://soinc.org/ or the Georgia Science Olympiad website at http://www.spsu.edu/gaso/. Who Can Compete? Students in fourth and fifth grades are eligible to apply for the Science Olympiad team. The team will consist of up to 20 members who will compete in multiple events. Only eight fifth grade students will be selected for the team, per the official Division A Science Olympiad rules. What Are the Team Commitments? Team members must commit to meeting every Wednesday after school (starting on Wednesday, September 9, 2015) from dismissal until 4:45pm. Team members will also need to commit to be present at the regional and state tournaments (dates to be determined). Please note that tournaments are ALL DAY events on a Saturday. Transportation to and from the event is the responsibility of the member’s parent. Team members are expected to stay during the event to support each other. IF YOU CANNOT COMMIT TO THE SCHEDULE AND TOURNAMENT DATE, PLASE DO NOT APPLY. A fee to cover event registrations, club expenses, supplies, and team t-shirts will also be required ($150 due at time of enrollment if invited). How Can I Apply? All interested students must complete the attached application and have it turned into Mrs. Stroer no later than Friday, August 21, 2015. Please place completed applications in the basket located outside room the Science Lab (Room 451). NO late applications will be accepted. Team members will be announced on Friday, August 28. Can Parents Volunteer? Absolutely! If you have a parent who would like to assist with meetings, or who has a particular area of expertise, we would love to have them. A parent volunteer form will be sent out once team members are announced. Questions? Please email Christine Stroer at cstroer@forsyth.k12.ga.us or Amy Daise at Adaise@forsyth.k12.ga.us DCE 2015-16 Science Olympiad Application Note: Please do not apply if you are signed up for an intensive sport or another club. Name: ____________________________________ Today’s Date: _____________________ Birthday: ______________ Grade: ______________ Homeroom Teacher: ___________________ Home Phone #: _________________ Alternate Phone #: _________________ (I have read through the team commitments and I approve my child’s participation should he/she be selected the Science Olympiad Team.) Guardian’s Name (Printed): ____________________________________________________ Guardian’s Signature: _________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ON THE BACK OF THIS PAPER, write TWO PARAGRAPHS explaining to Mrs. Stroer and Mrs. Daise: 1 – Why are you interested in joining the Science Olympiad Team? What would make you a good member of the team? 2 – What kind of science experience do you have? Please write neatly and in complete sentences. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Check all that apply: ___ I have a strong interest in science, and love to learn about the world around me. ** I am interested in ___ Life Science ___ Physical Science ___ Earth Science ___ Engineering ___ I am quick thinker and a problem solver. ___ I love to think outside of the box! ___ I am creative and resourceful with materials, and enjoy building things. ___ I work hard to make good grades in all my classes at school. ___ I am reliable – I turn in homework/projects on time. ___ I participate appropriately in class discussions. ___ I work well with others in a group or team setting. Student Signature ____________________________________________________________________ Teacher Evaluation Sheet Students: Please write your name on the line below and give this form to your LAST year’s homeroom teacher to complete. DO NOT give this form to your teacher the day the application is due! Your teacher will need time to complete this and return it to Mrs. Stroer or Mrs. James. Thank you! ************************************************************************************ TEACHERS: Your last year’s student _______________________________________________ is applying for a position on the 2015-16 Daves Creek Science Olympiad Team. Science Olympiad is a competitive, science-based tournament where students will be working in teams. As a team of 2 or 3, the students will be solving problems and answering questions related to a specific field of science. Please take a few moments to let me know about your student’s science abilities, work ethic, and ability to work cooperatively. After you have completed the form, please drop this one of our mailboxes by the afternoon of August 21. Thank you so much for your time! – Christine Stroer and Amy Daise Please rate the students on the following items, with 1 being “Poor” and 4 being “Excellent.” The student is proficient in science. 1 2 3 4 The student has an interest in science. 1 2 3 4 The student works hard on assignments. 1 2 3 4 The student participates in classroom discussions. 1 2 3 4 The student works well with others in a group. 1 2 3 4 The student is responsible. 1 2 3 4 The student shows problem solving skills. 1 2 3 4 The student is creative and resourceful. 1 2 3 4 The student is respectful and follows directions appropriately. 1 2 3 4 Additional comments or concerns: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Your name: __________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________