Welcome to Science Olympiad! We will start meeting Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8:00 AM in room 2207 for now. We will change times as we get volunteers and learn schedules. Science Olympiad is a competition. During the course of the competition you will perform tasks or answer questions that relate to science. All disciplines of science (Earth, Life, Physical, Chemistry) will be explored. In order for our teams to do well, we need students from all three grades and high school – (we can take a few 9th grade students) We especially need parents to help out. If you are interested in participating in Science Olympiad, please fill out the form at the bottom of the page and bring it to me in room 2207. You can find more information on Science Olympiad at the following website: www.soinc.org Or – e-mail us at : Mrs. Grammens pgrammens@forsyth.k12.ga.us Ms. Boswell bboswell@forsyth.k12.ga.us Mrs. Turpin lturpin@forsyth.k12.ga.us I am interested in participating in Science Olympiad. ___________________________________________________________________________ (Name – please Print) (e-mail address) (grade) I understand that this will involve meetings in the morning or afternoon, or both, and that competitions are held on Saturdays. I understand that if I am chosen for the competition team, it is my responsibility to arrange transportation for myself and to be on-time. I also understand that there will be some expenses involved including a $10.00 registration fee, purchasing a team shirt, bringing food to competitions, possibly providing supplies for some of the events, or others. We may also have a fundraiser I will be required to help with. (Student Signature) (Parent Signature) We really need parent volunteers to help with practices (no prior experience necessary!), coordinate food for competitions, and help with organization of equipment, information, etc. If you are interested in helping, please provide your phone number and e-mail below. Name __________________________________ Phone(s) ______________________________ e-mail address__________________________________________________________________ I am interested in helping with:____________________________________________________