Significant Figures Calculations Worksheet

Calculations using Significant Figures
Rule #1: When adding and subtracting, limit and round your answer to the least number of decimal
places in any of the numbers in the operation.
Example: 123.25 mL + 46.0 mL + 86.257 mL = 255.507 mL
255.5 mL since 46.0 has only one decimal place
Rule #2: When multiplying and dividing, limit and round your answer to have as many total significant
figures as the factor with the least number of significant figures.
Example: 23.0 cm x 432 cm x 19 cm = 188,784 cm3 (in math class)
190,000 cm3 because 19 has only 2 sigfigs
Perform the following operations expressing the answer in the correct number of
significant figures.
1) 61235 g + 0.0001 g = ____________________
2) 1035 m2 x 42 m = ____________________
3) 12.01 mL + 35.2 mL = ____________________
4) 55.46 g – 28.9 g = ____________________
5) 0.021 cm x 3.2 cm x 100.1 cm = ____________________
6) 0.15 cm + 1.15 cm + 2.057 cm = ____________________
150.00 m
= ____________________
3.45 sec
8) 505 kg - 450.25 kg = ____________________
9) 1.35 m x 2.467 m = ____________________
10) 1.252 mm x 0.115 mm x 0.012 mm = ____________________
12.10 g
= ____________________
12.15 mL
12) 1.01 × 0.12 × 53.51 ÷ 96 = ____________________
13) (4.58 ÷ 1.239) – 0.578 = ____________________
14) 19.667 – (5.4 × 0.916) = ____________________