The Great Ball Game Study Guide – Lesson 8 Comprehension Skill:

The Great Ball Game
Study Guide – Lesson 8
Comprehension Skill: To identify and analyze a story’s plot.
Phonics Skill: r-Controlled Vowel /ar/; Syllable Pattern C-le
Fluency: Expression
Grammar: Proper Nouns:
To capitalize the first letters of proper nouns; To use basic rules of
punctuation / To revise a story
Writing Skills:
To use basic rules of punctuation
To revise a story
High-Frequency Vocabulary Words:
accept – to take something nicely from someone
fair – even for both sides
though – a reason; another idea
clear – not blurry
half – one of two equal parts
ago – a unit of time in the past
Robust Vocabulary Words:
clutched – to hold something tightly
clambered – to climb with both hands and feet
clumsy – when you trip and fall or when you cannot move easily
ached – you felt sore or were in pain
feud – having a big argument with someone
superior – to be the best
refuse – you don’t want something
insult – to say something mean