Activities to Build Partnerships
Open House
Curriculum Night
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Chestatee Title I Family Nights
Annual Meeting: Title I information
Technology Night: Sharing strategies for
using technology to support learning
Literacy Night: Ideas for supporting reading
at home
Math Night: Explanations and ideas for
supporting math concepts at home
Science Night: Hands on activities to engage
students and parents in science curriculum
May Planning Meeting
What is a School–Parent Compact?
A School-Parent Compact for Achievement is
an agreement that parents, students, and
teachers develop together. It explains how
parents and teachers will work together to
make sure all our students reach grade-level
Effective compacts:
 Link to goals of the school
improvement plan
 Focus on student learning skills
 Describe how teachers will help
students develop those skills using
high-quality instruction
 Share strategies parents can use at
 Explain how teachers and parents
will communicate about student
 Describe opportunities for parents to
volunteer, observe, and participate in
the classroom
Our Vision
Responsible, Respectful, Problem
Solvers Soaring to Success!
2015 – 2016
Parent Resource Room
Drop in Hours (room 302)
Revised 5-27-15
Monday - Friday
7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Chestatee is committed to frequent twoway communication with families about
student progress. You can expect to hear
from us by:
 Classroom emails
 Parent-Teacher Conferences
 Monthly School newsletters
 Monthly Academic Support
 Quarterly Grade Reports
 Remind 101 Texts
 Facebook and Twitter Posts
 School Messenger (email/text)
Chestatee Elementary
Title I Program
An award winning Georgia
Family Friendly School
Please feel free to contact us
at any time:
Meg Killingsworth
Parent Involvement Coordinator
770-887-2341 ext. 722302
Chestatee Elementary School
6945 Keith Bridge Road
Gainesville, GA 30506
Compact for Achievement
K, 1st, 2nd
Soaring to Success!
Our Goals for Student
District Parent Involvement Goals
In order to create a full partnership with each
child’s family, we will…
 Work to ensure open lines of
communication between the district,
school, and home
Strive to meet the changing needs of
families in supporting their child’s
academic success
Provide opportunities for parents to be
involved in decision making regarding
their child’s academic success
School Academic Goals
Student Responsibilities
Chestatee teachers will work with students
and their families to support academic
achievement. Teachers will…
Chestatee students will work with staff to
develop ideas about how they can succeed at
school both in and out of the classroom.
Students will…
Communicate and build relationships
with all families through email, phone
calls, handwritten notes, school website,
Itslearning, newsletters and parentteacher conferences
Review weekly work with their family and set
goals for themselves
Study and complete their class work and
homework; ask questions when they don’t
Communicate student progress weekly
by sending work samples home in gold
Follow directions, listen to their parents and
teachers, and have a positive attitude about
At Home
Chestatee families will work with staff to
support learning at home. Families will….
By 2016, all students will be on or
above grade level in reading based on
their F & P reading levels. Our focus
will be on academic support for
comprehension using non-fiction texts.
Look over and discuss weekly work
samples from the gold folder
Schedule a common place and time to
complete and check homework together
By 2016, all students will be on or
above grade level in math. We will
focus academic support on number
sense and computation.
Build a relationship with my child’s
teacher and participate in my child’s
School Parent Involvement Goals
In Our Classrooms
Provide ample opportunities for at
least thirty parents per month to utilize
the Parent Resource Room
Increase attendance for Title I Family
Nights by twenty families
Teachers, Families, and Students – Together
For Success
The families, students, and staff of Chestatee Elementary
School developed this School-Parent-Student Compact
for Achievement. Teachers suggested home learning
strategies, families added ideas to make them more
specific, and students told us what would help them
learn. Meetings are held each year to review the
Compact and make changes based on student needs.
Parents are welcome to contribute comments
at any time!
Personal Goals for Achievement
*Goals will be reviewed with parents during
Parent-Teacher conferences
My personal learning goal for
this year is:
My teachers can help me by:
My family can help me by: