HEARTSAVER Basic Life Support (BLS) Summary ADULT CHILD INFANT > 8 years old AGE COMPRESSIONS: 100 per minute 1 to 8 years old 100 per minute 30:2 1 ½ to 2 inches 30:2 1 to 1 ½ inches 0 – 1 year old At least 100 per minute 30:2 ½ to 1 inch 1 second breath, watch for chest rise and fall Mid nipple line or one finger width above the sternal notch 1 second breath, watch for chest rise and fall Mid nipple line or one finger width above the sternal notch Enough breath to make chest rise and fall Mid nipple line or one finger width below the nipple line RATIO DEPTH OF COMPRESSION TIME OF VENTILATIONS COMPRESSION LOCATION FOR AN ADULT: In a cardiac arrest situation where you, the rescuer, are by yourself and additional help is unlikely to show up, if there is a phone close by, you should call 911 first and then return to do CPR for the adult. FOR A CHILD OR INFANT: Perform CPR for 5 sets of 30:2, then call 911. TO LEGALLY STOP CPR: o You must be exhausted, o Someone with equal or greater training takes over, OR o Patient regains pulse and respirations