Welcome To Whitlow Elementary!

Welcome To Whitlow
School Hours
• 8:20 AM - 3:00 PM
• Students may be dropped off in the
rear of the building in the car rider line
no earlier than 7:50 A.M.
• After 8:20, parents must take students
to the front office to be signed in.
• No check outs after 2:45 P.M.
•School will begin
dismissing at 3:00 P.M.
• An absence must have a written excuse within 5
days to be excused.
• Students will have 5 school days to complete missed
• The attendance fax line is
• 678-965-5091 or e-mail
Breakfast and Lunch Money
Students may eat breakfast at school every day. Breakfast is $
Students will have six choices for lunch most days. Lunch is
$2.15 and $3.25 for guests.
Money in a student’s account can be spent in any way the
child chooses unless you put a block on the account.
Guests for Lunch
• According to the “Forsyth County Wellness Policy,” all snacks and food brought
to school for a class must be commercially prepared. We have many students
with allergies and need to be able to verify ingredients in food products.
• Parents should enter and exit from the door located next to the front office.
Please wait for us in the cafeteria. We will be there shortly.
• Our Lunch time is
• You may sit with your child at the parents’ table. Sorry…no friends allowed!
School and Class
1. Be Ready!
2. Be Respectful!
3. Be Responsible!
Hands and feet to yourself
4. Be Safe!
One behind the other
Walk silently
• Individually packaged treats
• Store bought
• Served at lunch
• No pictures
Bring Your Own Technology
Student use their own devices to access the district’s filtered
5th grade classes will begin the BYOT this quarter
We have permission slips and information
Please visit the school’s instructional technology website and
the district’s site for more information on BYOT.
• Main use will be with students for collaborating,
discussions, homework, etc.
• Parents do not have access to many features on
ITS learning currently
• Access will be granted to more features throughout
the school year
• If you are interested in creating an account, bring
your picture ID to the front office during school
hours to set it up.
5th Grade Math Units of Study
Order of operations
Whole Number Computation
Multiplying and dividing decimals
Adding and subtracting fractions
Multiplying and dividing fractions
Geometry and the coordinate plane
2D figures
Volume and Measurement
Standards for Mathematical Practice
1. Make sense of problems and
persevere in solving them.
2. Reason abstractly and
3. Construct viable arguments in
critique the reasoning of others.
4. Model with Mathematics
5. Use appropriate tools
6. Attend to precision.
7. Look for and make use of
8. Look for and express regularity
in repeated reasoning.
Additional Common Core
• www.georgiastandards.org
• www.pta.org/4446.htm
• www.corestandards.org
Physical Science Unit
• Introduction to conservation of matter
• Physical changes
• Chemical changes
• Electricity and magnetism
Earth Science Unit
• Landforms of Georgia
• Effects of constructive and destructive
Life Science Unit
•Classification of organisms
•Inheritance of traits
•Learned behaviors
•Cells and microorganisms
Social Studies
Throughout the year, students will learn information
processing and map skills. The students will be
identifying important people, places, events, movements,
and issues related to our study of United States history
from the Civil War to present day. These areas will
The Civil War and Reconstruction
The United States as an Emerging World Power
World War I
The Roaring Twenties
The Great Depression
World War II
The Cold War (The Space Race, the Korean War, and the
Vietnam War)
Civil Rights Movement
Issues from the 1970s to today
Also, we will focus on the U.S. Branches of Government,
the U.S. Legal System, and Court Procedures
The grade Language Arts curriculum includes standards and
goals in all four areas of language arts: Reading, Writing,
Listening and Speaking. In fifth grade, students will take a
journey through different forms of writing, as they tackle
narrative, informative, and persuasive, and develop their own
individual style within these genres. Students will learn to be
effective technical writers as well as learn how to express
themselves creatively through poetry and prose. Grammar and
Standard English skills are also reinforced throughout the year,
as students become proficient writers.
In Reading, fifth grade students experience a wide variety of
genres: from quality non-fiction writing, to fantasy, students
will be exposed to and involved in exciting literature this year.
Several novel studies will be integrated into Social Studies
Listening and speaking goals are met throughout the year
through book talks, presentations, and group work.
For More Information
 Visit the county web page (www.forsyth.k12.ga.us)
There you will find helpful information about Forsyth County’s
Grading and Reporting.
Before you leave tonight please
remember to….
Purchase a T-shirt for field trip!